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2025年02月14日 10時29分32秒 | 新聞記事から
米露の両首脳 ウクライナ停戦交渉の開始で合意  ゼレンスキー氏に伝達 トランプ氏
It is leaned that US President Donald Trump had talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the phone on February 12, and they agreed to begin the talks on the ending the war between Russia and Ukraine. It is believed that from now on the conditions for the end of the war are being sought with the USA serving as a mediator. As this shows, the US policy toward Ukraine will change drastically, while it has been hesitant to be directly involved in the talks between these two countries, Russai and Ukraine. The outline of the talks between Washington and Moscow was likely to be already sent to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
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