首相、きょう内閣改造 初の自前内閣 町村官房長官留任へ 改革路線の行方焦点
Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda will resuffle the cabinet and the LDP executive members today,which is the first time since he took office last autumn.Regarding Chief Cabinet Secretary post,the key one of the cabinet,Nobutaka Machimura is believed to remain the post.Althoug Fukuda intends to promote structural reforms using the reshuffle this time as leverage,in the ruling parties,including the Komeito,the voices calling for policies' change have been spreading gradually. In that sense, the focal point in politics is whether the new Fukuda cabinet can continue the effort to go on towards the reform path from now on as before getting the support from the ruling block.
Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda will resuffle the cabinet and the LDP executive members today,which is the first time since he took office last autumn.Regarding Chief Cabinet Secretary post,the key one of the cabinet,Nobutaka Machimura is believed to remain the post.Althoug Fukuda intends to promote structural reforms using the reshuffle this time as leverage,in the ruling parties,including the Komeito,the voices calling for policies' change have been spreading gradually. In that sense, the focal point in politics is whether the new Fukuda cabinet can continue the effort to go on towards the reform path from now on as before getting the support from the ruling block.