so とthat の組み合わせ

2009年10月21日 00時57分54秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
① so~that S+V
② so that S+V
①She is so pretty that I like her.
②We made that decision so that all people could get their satisfaction.

③ ,so that S+V

これの解釈は次の通り:S1+V1・・・,so that S2 +V2の形がでてきたら、これは重文であり、S1 はV1した、そして、S2はV2した、と訳す。要するにthatを消してみてもいいということである。これは、「技術英語構文辞典」(三省堂、富井篤編)のP432で確認したものである。

Its ruins, the campus of Kanazawa University until 1994, were opened to the public as a park for the first time in 450 years, so that citizens can walk around here,thinking of old days.(「英語で伝える日本」(三修社、伊藤通子著、澤井雅子訳)から引用)
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thing rarely seen today

2009年10月14日 21時05分14秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
The landscape like this photo was common in this season of autumn in old days, that is, when I was young. But today it has been rarely seen. I was born in a farmer's home, then I am familiar with this kind of issue. In old days, in the perido when the machine of combine was not introduced, farmers cut off the rice with stalk from the ground of paddy fields with sickles. And they hang them up on wooden bars temporarily constructed on the paddy fields for some time, usually for a month or so. Over the period the hung rice with stalks on the bars became dried by the sun. And then farmers were to get the grains of rice by cutting them off from the stalks using some kind of simple equipment.

Today using combine makes these processes a at-a-time one.

Harvesting the rice was not easy work in my memory. I experienced farmer's works so much that I will never think I try to do the work now. Only looking at it. I am now just a critic. I never want to be a practioner.

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2009年10月11日 13時05分51秒 | 自分の意見の陳述

けれども、英語では、その場所こそが重要である。I ask you といえば、Iが主語、youが目的語、ask が動詞と認識される。それは場所によって認識が可能である。かつ、教科書的にいえば、語順というものには、ほぼきまった型がある。



Good morning everybody! There is a good and big news to you. Although you already might be aware of it, it is decided that from the 2016 Rio de Janeiro summer Olympics rugby of seven person system is adopted as an official game.

この文章では、普通の教科書的ないい方では、 from the 2016 Rio de Janeiro summer Olympics はもっと後ろに配置されます。けれども、話者が早くそちらを口に出したければ、その本能的な感覚に任せるべきである。その本能的感覚を無視すると、余計なことを考え始める。構文はどうだったけな? adopt as だな。そのあとにリオデジャネイロを入れたらいいかな?などと、余計なことを考えます。from the 2016 Rio de Janeiro summer Olympics と言ってしまうと、後は、rugby of seven person system is adopted as an official game というしかないわけです。なにも考えなくてもそうなる。ここでのポイントは、話者の一次的な感覚、もっといえば、好き嫌い、を尊重すべきであるということです。要するに、自分の好きなやり方に従えです。



My name is ○○.I am very happy today. Although for a very short time, I played games with boys of Matsuyama and Lindfield. I want to have this kind of experience again. Thank you.










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2009年10月07日 20時25分15秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
This is taken at the stone steps leading to Isanami Shrine located in Dogo, which is nationally well-known for its time -honored hot springs named Dogo-onsen. People are carrying their portable shrine up the steps to the precincts of the shirine.Contrary,early in the morning they carried the mikoshi down the steps from the precincts,which is called "Miya-dashi." During the daytime, while raining all the time, the mikoshi has been carried through various areas and it must have received a welcome treatment,for the spirit of the deity of Isanami Shrine intentionally approached common people's daily life fronts.

Speaking of the mikoshi's receiving a treatment of welcome, I watched a kind of such scene. Just before the stone steps of the shirine a famous ryokan inn is located. At the front entarnce of the ryokan, a few of tables are set up with a lot of white paper cups and several bottles containing something....of course,it's sake.Mikoshi carriers and others seemd to be treated as a good fortune carrier there. I don't drink there because I came there by car.

参考:接続詞のfor には理由を後追いで説明する使い方がある。

そのすぐ前で、老舗旅館の従業員たちが、酒をふるまうのである。一つの神輿が坂を上がって、それでしまいではない。またほかの神輿が帰ってきて坂を登っていく。次の神輿の一団が来るのを、うきうきした様子で、彼らは待っているのである。 雨が1日中降っていて、深夜から翌朝にかけてさらに激しくなりそうである。だが、今日1日、神輿の運行に支障はなかったようである。
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2009年10月07日 20時14分41秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
This mikoshi represents a type of mikoshi we often see in Matsuyama. The first thing you probably notice is that the body of the mikoshi is wound by very thick ropes. This is because this type mikoshi is to clash with another mikoshi, which is locally called "hachiawase" here, and so for protecting the mikoshi's body.
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