from June 14 Nikkei

2011年06月14日 13時58分22秒 | 新聞記事から
車復旧 販社支援に軸 トヨタ低利融資 

Domestic major automakers,whose management was devastated by the March 11 earthquake and its ensuing tsunami,are putting their restructuring emphasis not only on production but also on sales.AS to the production recovery, for example,Toyota Motar Corporation and others are expected to get back to the level eqaul to that before the disaster.
However,sales network recovery has got behid the schedule with many of sales egents in the areas affedted by the disaster facing difficulties in their management. Under such circumstances, Toyota has decied to give them a low-interest-rate loans.Nissan gives a financial support for their sales companies which provide low-interestloans for the people suffering damage from the disaster.
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from today's Nikkei

2011年06月12日 09時43分27秒 | 新聞記事から
日本企業アジアが稼ぎ頭 前期、国内利益上回る 日産 TDK 中国事業好調

Japanese companies's dependence on overseas markets has been increasing in their earnings.
According to data of domestic major companies' showing their regional profits they have acquired in the business term ended at the end of March this year,the combined operating profit they have secured in Asia exceeded that at home, and logged the highest ever figure. Among them, comanies of Nissan,Komatsu and TDK seem to be good in the area especially in China, making them going ahead with their overseas strategy from now on.
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