トランプ氏 施政方針演説 を行った 国益追求強調 対ウクライナ 欧州を批判 「ゼレンスキー氏から書簡」ありと明かす
US President Donald Trump delivered his government policy speech at the plenary session of the Congress on February 4, and made clear his stance of "the US the first" in which they will give top priority to getting the US profits through the tariffs raises and others. Regarding the war between Ukraine and Russia, he showed the intention of realizing a ceasefire of the war as quickly as possible. In this regard he criticized the European countries again for their being reluctant to begin the talks with Russia. He also revealed that he had already received a letter from Ukranian President Volodymir Zelenskyy asking for a rapprochement after the breakdown of their summit meeting on February 28.
US President Donald Trump delivered his government policy speech at the plenary session of the Congress on February 4, and made clear his stance of "the US the first" in which they will give top priority to getting the US profits through the tariffs raises and others. Regarding the war between Ukraine and Russia, he showed the intention of realizing a ceasefire of the war as quickly as possible. In this regard he criticized the European countries again for their being reluctant to begin the talks with Russia. He also revealed that he had already received a letter from Ukranian President Volodymir Zelenskyy asking for a rapprochement after the breakdown of their summit meeting on February 28.