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2025年03月01日 09時29分21秒 | 新聞記事から
自公 修正予算案を提出 総額115.1兆円 高校無償化盛る  高額医療費を再検討 26年度以降分

The Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner Komeito sent the revised bills for the fiscal 2005 budget and the tax-related laws to the Diet yesterday on the last day of February. They include the revision of the so-called "1.03million-yen barrier" and the enhanced support for senior high school students in terms of education fee agreed on with the Japan Innovation Party. And the size of the revised budget bill has come to be 15.1978 trillion yen, down by 343.7 billion yen from the initial budget. This has been the first time in 29 years since 1966 that the initial budget bill sponsored by the government is revised during the Diet deliberation. What's more, the money-mount-reduction revision has been the first case in 70 years since 1955.
Regarding the system dealing with expensive costs for some medical treatments, ruling parties promised to review the matter, discussing how it should be from the August in 2026 on, later by the autumn this year.
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