山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)


last, but not leastの言い換え表現

2021-02-27 22:58:40 | 日記
先日、全豪オープンテニスで優勝した大坂なおみ選手の優勝スピーチで、”last, but not least”ではなく、”lastly, but not leastly”が使われていたと書きました。


大坂なおみ選手の全豪オープン優勝スピーチに学ぶ英語表現 "lastly, but not leastly" - 山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)


大坂なおみ選手の全豪オープン優勝スピーチに学ぶ英語表現 "lastly, but not leastly" - 山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)


実は、今日の日本ジョン・スタインベック協会オンラインミーティングでの会長挨拶で、いくつかのことを述べて行く際、最後のことを紹介する前には、あえてどちらでもなく、”last of all, but not least of all”を使わせていただきました。

スタインベックの誕生日に日本ジョン・スタインベック協会オンライン交流会開催(2021年2月27日) - 山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)


先ほどの記事で紹介したWilliam Souderさんが書いた新しいスタインベックの伝記を読んでいたら、あとがきの部分で、

Last but never least, thank you to my family. (p.371)という文を見つけました。


これで "last but not least"に代わるいくつかのバリエーションを身につけることができました。
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2021-02-27 22:38:15 | 日記



日本ジョン・スタインベック協会第44回全国大会および総会は中止させていただきます - 山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)




As President of the John Steinbeck Society of Japan, I would like to say a few words at the beginning of this online session.

First of all, thank you very much for attending today’s online meeting.

Last year we had to cancel our annual conference in Okinawa in May due to the new coronavirus pandemic.

So we haven’t seen each other for quite some time now.

In the mean time we have some good news and bad news to tell you today.

Bad news first, Professor Yasuo Hashiguchi passed away on July 30 last year. He was 95, just a day shy of the age of 96, I have heard. As you all know, he was the founding father of this society, the first president, and Honorary President. I now would like to have a moment of silence for Professor Yasuo Hashiguchi and I want you to join me please.

Thank you.

Next good news.
Happy Birthday, Mr. John Steinbeck! This would be his 119th birthday. If he had not been born, or if he had not become a writer, we are not gathering online today. So I think we need to thank him and praise his life and his writings.

Another good news is having this reunion meeting online today. As I told you, we were not able to meet last year, so we are very happy to meet you online alternatively. I would like to thank our Secretary General, Professor Kotaro Nakagaki, and the Editor in Chief of Steinbeck Studies, Professor Aya Kubota, for making this opportunity happen today. Thank you.

Next good news is the publication of a new Steinbeck Biography, Mad at the World: A Life of John Steinbeck by William Souder last year. Professor Scott Pugh has written a book review of this book for the next issue of Steinbeck Studies. So everybody, please look forward to reading his book review in a few months.

Last of all, but not least of all, Professor Yoshifumi Kato, the 8th President of this society published this book titled 『スタインベックのまなざし―我がアメリカ文学・文化研究の原点―』recently. Congratulations, Professor Kato on the publication of the book of his life work, John Steinbeck.

This is all I want to say as my greeting and I want you all to enjoy this Steinbeck birthday party and our reunion online. Thank you.

John Steinbeckの112回目の誕生日続報 - 山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)
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2021-02-27 22:34:00 | 日記


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