


ビルゲイツの考えていること。 : 知のコングロマリット#115

2010-03-24 00:04:09 | 知のコングロマリット
Great Lectures from The Teaching Company:
One of the real challenges in education is finding ways to give more people access to brilliant teachers who inspire and excite with their ability to bring material to life. Today there are some great examples of how technology can enable almost anyone to learn from the world’s greatest minds.

Welcome to the Gates Notes

Since leaving my fulltime job at Microsoft to dedicate more time to our foundation, a lot of people have asked me what I'm working on. It often feels like I'm back in school, as I spend a lot of my time learning about issues I'm passionate about.

I'm fortunate because the people I'm working with and learning from are true experts in their fields. I take a lot of notes, and often share them and my own thoughts on the subject with others through email, so I can learn from them and expand the conversation.

I thought it would be interesting to share these conversations more widely with a website, in the hope of getting more people thinking and learning about the issues I think are interesting and important. So, welcome to the Gates Notes.

THE GATES NOTESからの抜粋である。彼自身がTwitterでコメントを発しているということも驚きだが、そのコメントを簡単に一般の私も見れるということは、もっと驚きであると思う。
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