English version⬇
A search for an environment that makes you want to go for a walk to improve your health.
The basic principle of residential construction is to create a good environment, but when you think about the “way of living” beyond that, you realize that the attachment factor as a zone is a major factor. The “zone” is a place where people feel attached to.
The photo shows the walking path that I was taking with my wife early last Sunday morning. Our house is located near the Hassamu River, which flows through Nishi Ward, Sapporo City, so the riverside park along the river is one of our favorite places to walk. Recently, my wife has been on a diet, and she has started to accompany me on my early morning walks, although she used to mainly go to Curves and other fee-based services.
Well, I have been taking walks for several decades now, so I don't really notice the effect it has on my own health. I have had several illnesses and have been taking medication for a long time. I have been hospitalized from time to time, but I am not restricted in any way in my daily life. Walking is the most “cost-effective” thing I can do (laughs). It is not an activity that is driven by information that says it is good for the body.
When I started walking with my wife, I became more intentional in choosing a walking course for her. The walking paths here include “Nishino Ryokudo” (Nishino Greenway), which is a green space with a variety of planting and other creative features, and offers a pleasing sight to the eye. Although it would be better to leave nature as it is, in an urban area such as Sapporo, this kind of intentional “environmental improvement” is inevitably required.
As you can see in the photo, snow that fell last week is still on the dirt road surface, and in the distant mountains, you can see a light accumulation of snow between trees in the distance. The trees are showing us the changing colors of autumn. The leaves will fall and only the fruits will remain in red. This kind of seasonal information is conveyed to us by the environment in which we walk.
Well, depending on my mood on any given day, I have registered several courses in these background environments as my “favorites” (laughs). When I add the factor of walking with my wife, I think to myself, “I should take her this way today. I think that the visual element has been strengthened and the choice has been made at the same time as the general “number of steps” is calculated. Like, “I wish I could show him a view like that.” And if we can empathize with the moment when such a view expands, there is a certain sense of “sheer happiness”.
This kind of daily background environment seems to be a very important factor in the attachment to “living” in a house. Of course, preference for the house itself is the primary factor, but beyond that, this kind of “surrounding environment” is likely to play an important role.