こうした方向性は第1次政権時と基本的には志向性が同じだと思える。こういう志向性と日本の為政者であった安倍政権の打ち出した「アベノミクス」が呼応していた。大きな世界経済の方向性はこういった方向に向かっていくのではないか。ただ、いま現在の日本の政権には明確な「経済施策」の考え方が希薄。あるとすれば財務省による「増税路線」。この日本の増税路線とアメリカ・トランプ政権の減税・経済活性化路線とがはたして整合するだろうか? 大きく疑問。さてどうなるか?
English version⬇
[What about economic policy and the housing market under a Trump 2.0 administration?
Politics is paramount to the economic market outlook. From Biden's “environmental focus” that nearly stifled the shale gas revolution to the Trump administration of fossil fuel expansion => cost reductions. ...
Yesterday, it ended up snowing intermittently in the Yamanote area around our house in Sapporo's Nishi Ward, and by this morning, the front of our house was covered with a layer of soggy, multi-level snow. We are wondering if we need to “plow” the snow in earnest. I'm not sure if I'll be able to go for an early morning walk on this muddy road, so I'll have to shovel the first snow after writing this blog. The snow looks heavy (I cry). It can't be helped. The fate of a northern country.
As of yesterday, the decision to choose the U.S. administration has been made in favor of Trump. We need to make predictions on how the dynamics will affect the Japanese economy in the future. Although I too have retired from the founding company, I continue to work in the housing information business as a private firm, so I believe it is necessary to consider the economic trends after the approximately three-month transition period of the U.S. administration. In terms of the economy, it is generally believed that the U.S. economic policy often affects the Japanese economy and financial markets, and it is clear that the cornerstone of a strong Japan-U.S. relationship in reality is the “economic alliance” relationship that has existed since World War II.
The price of building materials has skyrocketed, reflecting inflation in the U.S. since the dawn of the Corona, and this has led to a global surge in housing prices, which has had a major impact on Japanese homebuyers, especially in the current quarter, when a decline in housing starts has become apparent. Politics is basically a reflection of the state of the economy, and I believe that the view of the economic market is of utmost importance to politicians. As per the Kamado lore of Emperor Nintoku's people.
The American people chose that administration again based on Trump's four-year track record of managing the economy in 2017-20. After that, they would have said NO to the Biden administration and Harris who tried to succeed him. It can be said that the people have made the choice to put the economy first against a sharp rise in the cost of living.
Although the election results have only just come in and not much information on such economic analysis is available, the Trump administration will provide a major directional indicator for the future of the housing market. The figure above is from the Jiji Press Foreign Affairs Department, November 5, 2011. In terms of the economy, U.S. economic policies generally affect the Japanese economy and financial markets, and it is easy to understand in a simplified form.
One of Trump's policies that we believe is important to note is his clear “methodology” for stimulating the economy by lowering costs through the expansion of fossil fuels. Trump has also proposed making permanent “major tax cuts” such as income taxes, as well as exempting overtime pay and social security benefits from taxes.
As is well known, the Biden administration has been pushing for a green environment and energy policy, and has been taking a hard hit against the “shale gas revolution” that had been underway up to that point.
This direction seems to be basically the same as that of the first administration. This orientation corresponded with the “Abenomics” of the Abe administration, which was in power in Japan. The direction of the global economy is likely to move in this direction. However, the current Japanese administration does not have a clear-cut “economic policy” in mind. If there is one, it is the Ministry of Finance's “tax hike policy. Will Japan's tax hike policy be consistent with the U.S. Trump administration's policy of cutting taxes and revitalizing the economy? It is highly doubtful. What will happen now?