三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2025年02月08日 06時21分36秒 | Weblog

 道行く人びとも、なんとなく気になるようで注目を集めていたようでした。で、さらに時間が経過して見てみたら、写真のような光景に変貌していたではありませんか。いや、お見事! 素晴らしい。

English version⬇

The ‘Snoopy snow sculpture’ in our neighbourhood is a moving sight.
Residents of the north have a common love of snow, and there is something about the snowman that touches their heartstrings. An expression of love for the children growing up in the area. ...

 Well, I am really impressed.
 We had seen that the snow had been stored in a box on the road side in front of the approach to a neighbour's house, but yesterday during the day, we saw them trying to make a snow sculpture out of this snow mass (!).
 People on the road seemed to be somewhat curious about it, and it seemed to be attracting a lot of attention. And when I looked at it after some more time had passed, it had transformed into a scene like the one in the photo. No, it's brilliant! It's wonderful.
 The surrounding roads are used as a route for junior high school students to go to school, and nursery school children sometimes pass by, accompanied by their mothers. I remember that you seem to make snow sculptures as a hobby every year, and the children's delight in this activity made me feel a strong respect for you, which you are doing again this year.
 The other day, I wrote about the snow shoveling activities of Hokkaido and Sapporo citizens as a kind of ‘public service’ that goes beyond the mere ‘as long as it's good for me’, and that it may be more than the kind of ‘garden work’ that people in the south of Honshu do, This snow sculpture shows a kind of community spirit towards children. Could it be said to be a Santa Claus-like sentiment to bring smiles to the children? It is truly moving.
 Imagining how children who are exposed to this kind of ‘heart of the city’ would perceive it, as people who share the same urban space, I feel truly bowed down. I am filled with gratitude.

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