小樽は明治14(1881)年 明治天皇の北海道行幸の上陸地。8月30日明治天皇は当時の参議・大隈重信らとともに軍艦「扶桑」で青森から小樽に上陸、札幌・手宮間の幌内鉄道の「義経号」で札幌に入られた。北海道の歴史にとってもきわめて重要な土地。そういう故地であるのでわたしのような年代の人間には、どこか、小樽は遠雷のように北海道で「日本が始まった」地域というような記憶心象がある。
今朝のYahooニュースをチェックしたら、CNN発出の記事が見られていた。「映画「Love Letter」ロケ地の小樽市、観光客殺到でオーバーツーリズム深刻化CNN.co.jp」〜
English version⬇
Dangerous overtourism encounters in Otaru
The daily lives of citizens in Kyoto and other cities are becoming increasingly difficult, but Hokkaido, a scenic beauty with snow, is now also facing a growing danger of overtourism. ...
Yesterday, as a way of spending a holiday for an elderly couple, we headed to a hot spring facility in Otaru City, a suburb of Sapporo. The quality of the hot springs here is to Kami's liking, so we decided it would be the best place for her to recover from the physical fatigue of shoveling the snow recently.
Otaru was the landing place of the Meiji Emperor's Hokkaido excursion in 1881, when he and his councilor at the time, Shigenobu Okuma, landed in Otaru from Aomori on the warship Fuso on 30 August and entered Sapporo on the Horonai Railway's ‘Yoshitsune-go’ between Sapporo and Temiya. This is an extremely important land in the history of Hokkaido. As such a place of origin, people of my age have a memory of Otaru as the place where ‘Japan began’ in Hokkaido, as if it were a distant thunderbolt.
Our daily driving route of choice is to avoid the main Canal Street ‘Rinko Line’, which has become an international tourist attraction, and take the back road shown in the map above, the ‘Otaru Port Traverse Road’, which leads to the Temiya area. The view of Otaru city with large snow piles composted on the side of the road in winter also stimulates nostalgic brain recollections of life for people in their old age, as there are various memory afterimages since their youth. My Sukiyoko.
As I was driving through such a memory corridor, a man in a strange woollen hat suddenly jumped out from behind a snowy mountain on the side of the road, where there was neither an intersection nor a traffic light, eating an ice-cream on the roadway (!).
I had to slow down quickly, but I had a recollection in my brain that the speed of the car was moderate, so I was able to slow down quickly and save the day. It was a good thing that the road surface was already sunny and the sun was already high in the sky, so the deceleration worked without slipping. The person who had been driving the car was not offended by our desperation, but kept to himself and walked away without a care in the world.
Well, there was no way to be sure, but I could guess that he was a foreign tourist from his appearance, and from the whole situation, I could also guess that he was from a certain country. The fact that there were an unusually large number of people pointing their cameras at the old brick warehouse buildings in the canal district also attests to the situation.
I checked Yahoo News this morning and found an article from CNN. The city of Otaru, where the film Love Letter was shot, is facing serious overtourism problems due to the influx of tourists.CNN.co.jp」〜
As for what we can do, we urge everyone to take care in their daily lives.