三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2024年11月05日 06時10分37秒 | Weblog



English version⬇

The U.S. Presidential Election and Japanese Politics at the Crossroads of Our Times
Today, the U.S. presidential election, the biggest concern for Japan and the world, is being held. We pray for the stability of the world for the time being. The scenery of Onuma-komagatake is tranquil. Onuma Komagatake is tranquil.

 Today is the U.S. presidential election. It has been reported that the advance voting is already well underway. As the election will determine the fate of the most important country in the world today, people are watching the situation with bated breath. There are even some who argue that a civil war is inevitable no matter which way the election goes, but I hope that the election will firmly establish the legitimacy of the U.S. democracy. It is a cold fact that one of the major “stabilizing factors” in the modern world is the Japan-U.S. security alliance, and in this sense, the stability of the U.S. is also considered to be linked to the stability of Japan.
 On the other hand, the political situation in Japan is, or perhaps because of this, becoming unstable. If the will of the people was to be questioned, it should have been done after a thorough review of the results of the government choices of its greatest ally. It seems to me that a phase is coming, perhaps in the wake of the U.S. results, in which we will have to adjust our alignment with them. As for the common people, above all, they would like to see a direction in which economic progress is made while stability is secured. Now, let's look at the future.
 In the midst of all this, I spent my consecutive holidays touring the autumn foliage in southern Hokkaido. The photo shows Onuma and Komagatake. I looked around in various places, but in the end, the atmosphere of this area, which I walked around early in the morning after leaving the hotel, was deeply etched in my mind.

 Asahidake (Mt. Daisetsuzan), Ezo Fuji (Mt. Yotei), and Komagatake (Mt. Komagatake), which is located in southern Hokkaido. My wife and I love the scenery here so much that we have been going there as a matter of routine during the cherry blossom season in spring and the fall foliage season.
 We drive to and from the area by car. The round trip is over 600 km, and we often take “detours” to the Sea of Japan side and the Eruption Bay side on the way back, so it is a long drive of over 800 km. We sometimes take turns driving each other, and after returning home, we take 1-2 days to rest and recover from driving fatigue. The schedule is just right for the GW holidays in the spring and for the consecutive holidays in the fall.
 The couple high-fived each other for their success this year as well. We can also take an early morning stroll at an amusement park to get some exercise while relaxing. Strolling through the autumn foliage is truly relaxing psychologically. I hope that a peaceful environment can be maintained somehow.

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