三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)

【天井高が低めのパターンメイド住宅〜 i-works参観5】

2025年01月29日 06時14分14秒 | Weblog


English version⬇

[Pattern-made house with low ceiling height - i-works visit 5].
Daily life is lived in the contrast between the low ceiling height and the vaulted ceiling. The musical effect, so to speak, of the production of a sense of rhythm of life is interesting. ...

 I received a letter of encouragement to ‘continue writing’ when I had interrupted my exploration of the ‘i-works’ series of houses built by Satoshi Irei in Hokkaido for the first time, due to various current themes that had jumped into my mind (sweat).
 It's absolutely right. It is only in the place of that ‘true desire’ that humans can be of use to others, isn't it?
 So, although it was a short time to explore the house, I returned to the points I had noticed. It was about the ‘ceiling height’. This was also the first point I noticed when I entered the house. ‘Oh, it's kind of low’. In fact, in our block-built houses, we have chosen a way of living in which the ceiling height is low, and on the other hand, the combination of the upper and lower floors is juxtaposed with a ‘stairwell’, so that the characteristics of each space can be enjoyed alternately in the living environment. In this i-works house, too, the low ceiling space and the openness of the atrium seemed to ‘resonate’ with each other like a symphony.
 This was not mentioned in the explanation of the house on site, but I was able to confirm this when I went up the stairs in the ‘living room’ in the photo, which had 12 fewer steps than usual. And from there, I went up to the second floor and was able to deduce that the ceiling height on the second floor was almost the same. No, it was naturally much lower at that end, in line with the shape of the triangular roof. This kind of housing specification was named by the person who sent us a letter of encouragement as the architect's proposed housing series - pattern-made housing, and this point will be a major feature. (I would like to see the term applied to this, defined as one of the intermediate solutions between custom-built and standardised housing)
 The second photo shows a ‘study’ space in one corner of the living room. There is a wood-burning stove on the left hand side, and I felt it was an attractive and comfortable space for reading and writing. I thought that it might be effective for human ‘concentration’ in the subconscious part of the mind, because of its size and the sense of the dimensions of heaven, earth, left and right. ... I like this.
 The low ceiling height made it possible to use it as a bookshelf, and even the topmost shelf was visible, so the space was perceived as enabling mental ‘one-step grasping’ concentration. Perhaps this is deeply related to human feelings of ‘space preference’.

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