The following is from a feature article Bunshun was released yesterday.
It is an editorial of Mr. Kurogane Hiroshi of the caricaturist. The part about the comfort women, people from all over the world will be read. In particular, in fact, has emigrated to the United States away Korea is a country that hardly alive, is Korean-American people, human beings who grew up in fascism education Rhee began have waged relentlessly "Dropping the international value of the Japan " the action,
it probably because want one vote in constituencies, but the so-called intellectuals and House of Representatives lawmakers in the United States that receives truly the words and deeds of their, against Japan, has been engaged in a criticism that wrong should read in particular.
You guys are complicit in fascism nation, Japan is a country that has achieved freedom and intelligence of the best, along with country of you guys, against the Japan is a country that is around the Turntable of Civilization, you continues to make criticism wrong, it is that it has continued to underestimate Japan, you should know at the same time also be made unstable world situation now.
Sentence emphasis is mine.
Speaking with evident sarcasm, it is thought to the surprising degree Asahi that was it admitted misinformation. Until issues a validation article, would have been thought to skate on thin ice, and that part can be evaluated. However, even if it is vulgar, but just because returns things that thieves stole, it's no use to deserve praise.
The damage that the false report in Asahi this time gave only it to Japan is immeasurable.
The first place such thing as comfort women attached to the army, do not have anywhere in the world.
By the term "comfort women", that there has been an injunction from the military, it is likely to mistake indeed, but not forced, people like procurer is something that will come together around the army.
Even in the era of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, it was a trading group of procurer is care about military army moves. I think that like the military take a whore, that it has not been in Napoleon.
Asahi misinformation of this time, it is that you do not see the kind in the world history, it is a problem that comes also involved in pride of the Japanese.
Moreover, not only us, it is to affect the future of the Japanese.
I believe that it is good if it is possible to solve the misunderstanding Asahi Shimbun has given to the world in the elegance of the typical Japanese. However, currently, only in it, it is impossible absolutely.
If you alive if, Natsume Soseki was a former employee of the Asahi Shimbun, Yakumo Koizumi who introduced the beauty of Japan by the journalist, also, such as Ryotaro Shiba-san, it is the one which wants to attempt to hear an opinion and a solution about the problem of Asahi Shimbun this time.
At a press conference, Kimura Tadakazu president did not clarify the timing of the resignation as "in helping put a path to such drastic reform, including the editing department."
I, it thinks he should say "by issuing the apology ads in media around the world, and then resign in to watch something until it has finished it" the thing that much.
In like this, "To have a rough idea of what the situation is certain up to" this is the same as the former Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who postponed his resignation. I think that there is no high time to quit even if the president continues to remain this.
How now, does Asahi become? It is not a problem we like to guess, but what for example advantage of the fact, if you try to serialized validation article masochistically the problem this time. It serialize interviewed reporters who at that time, was involved, why begat misinformation. This is interesting as reading material. It will be the exclusive domain of the Asahi Shimbun that cannot be anywhere else. If you wrote an article, "at a time like this, it’s become misinformation" such like, it is a plus also for us, and it might be able Asahi also return the number of copies.
There are many reporters are capable to Asahi. However, Asahi of now, is a situation scoop in-house "strange Asahi cell" is worse, cancer, such as those in progress. Before an excellent reporter would quit, it must be removed such cells.
There is no intention to say "idiot Asahi" to me hysterical. But Now, you should take a firm responsible for misinformation to the world, it should be also for the Japanese, also for Asahi.
The Story of The Firsthand Knowledge Part1