文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If the Newsweek magazine didn't tell, we would not know forever.

2015年08月06日 21時25分08秒 | 日記

As long as Japan does not possess nuclear weapons, Japan and China, the military balance, Japan is a permanent disadvantage.

But Japan that have abandoned the choice to possess nuclear weapons, the US-Japan alliance = Japan-US Security Treaty, in other words, similar to the United States, choose to belong to freedom and democracy camp, it went to in the American nuclear umbrella, is that it has come to measure the own safety, it is a fact can be seen even in kindergarten.

It would not understand only Mr. Onaga Okinawa Prefecture governor, and it’s responsible for this, alternatively, of all things, the Asahi and the Mainichi you are pandering to this, and it came tuned to this, it would only so-called cultural people.

In addition to, they are the working also no more evil.

If the Newsweek magazine didn't tell, we would not know forever.

But for many years, both Japan-U.S. governments, and Okinawa Prefecture decided that it moved Futenma base in Henoko.

As for being the fact which proved the excellence of the human beings who are working in the government of Japan and Okinawa prefectural government, the construction site at this moving base was choosing the place which several kilometers left from the place where there is a living coral reef group.

In China, they destroy a coral reef group on a large scale using the dynamite and make an island, it which is constructing a military base, too, goes out about 10 elsewhere in the country, or on the worldwide voyage.

The first place, there is without such consideration entirely in China for the coral reef that had been clustered.

This means that China does not have notion of environmental protection absolutely.

When it intends to do the interests expansion of the country, such as that it talks about the environment, not even in a corner of the head in China.

On the contrary, the Asahi and the Mainichi and Onaga, and have been tuned to this, so-called cultural people, just a word also, do not protest as its severe environmental damage.

Sea Shepherd is also not to mention, such as in any kind of protest also... one theory, one of their sources of funds appears to be the Chinese government.

But, the exact opposite of such country, to the earth, in other words that it is a friendly country to other countries, but what we had to prove.

However, they are, and take a picture of the concrete blocks placed in the land of coral of the carcasses, It broadcasts extensively in news programs of television that it is environmental destruction, and the large publicity puts the Nazis to shame, the Asahi and the Mainichi, and so-called cultural people that came tuned to this, they did it.


2015年08月06日 21時13分25秒 | 日記















2015年08月06日 21時11分00秒 | 日記







2015年08月06日 21時07分36秒 | 日記










冨永記者はツィッターにナチスの旗などを掲げてデモをする人たちの写真を載せ、英語で「東京であった日本の国家主義者のデモ。 彼らは安倍首相と保守的な政権を支持している」と投稿し、フランス語でもほぼ同様の内容の投稿をしました。






The people all over the world in addition to the Japanese must know that I've pointed out

2015年08月06日 21時04分40秒 | 日記

Since I was reading diagonally the Asahi newspaper on August 5th, but I didn't notice at all, in the last night of the news station, I learned that there was an apology that was disgusted from the Asahi.

Today, a friend, who points to the page where the details are written.

The people all over the world in addition to the Japanese must know that I've pointed out was quite right, editorialists of the Asahi newspaper are in the last line which continued to grind on to becoming the lump of the egoism of the foolish false moralist really and removing the reputation of Japan and lowering the strength of a nation of Japan to say that wants to sanction their distorted ideology regardless, it was out of to the end.

The following is from the page 34 of Asahi newspaper on August 5th.

The twitter which is improper for the head office special editorial member of the committee

We apologize and aroused suspicion in coverage attitude

The Tominaga Tadashi special editorial member of Asahi newspaper reporter of the committee did and deleted the posting on the 2nd which is improper for the twitter.

Headquarters, it receives very seriously, It was the act of someone with a doubt to reports attitude, in claiming the company names, as well as removed from the "official reporters" that can take advantage of Twitter, it can take measures to remove from the author of the column "think on Sunday."

We will describe about the process this time.

Tominaga reporter to put a picture of the people who the demonstration under the banner with Nazi flag in twitter, in English "Was in Tokyo, nationalist demonstrations of Japan. They have supported the conservative government and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe”, and it did a post of almost the same content in French.

Tominaga reporter wasn't doing the evidence of the fact relevance about the posting and the photograph reprinted without obtaining the permission of the photographer.

For this post, in response to criticism from many people, Tominaga reporter did an apology and deleted the English, French posting.

Headquarters, note strictly to Tominaga reporters, Tominaga reporter did the posting of the apology once more.

Headquarters of Reporters Twitter has originated in the responsibility of reporters’ individual, but for that it has led to this situation, we apologize to everyone.

that wants to sanction their distorted ideology regardless, it was out of to the end

2015年08月06日 15時19分33秒 | 日記

Since I was reading diagonally the Asahi newspaper on August 5th, but I did not notice at all, in the last night of the news station, I learned that there was an apology that was disgusted from the Asahi.

Today, a friend, who points to the page where the details are written.

The people all over the world in addition to the Japanese must know that I've pointed out was quite right, editorialists of the Asahi newspaper are in the last line which continued to grind on to becoming the lump of the egoism of the foolish false moralist really and removing the reputation of Japan and lowering the strength of a nation of Japan to say that wants to sanction their distorted ideology regardless, it was out of to the end.

The following is from the page 34 of Asahi newspaper on August 5th.

The twitter which is improper for the head office special editorial member of the committee

We apologize and aroused suspicion in coverage attitude

The Tominaga Tadashi special editorial member of Asahi newspaper reporter of the committee did and deleted the posting on the 2nd which is improper for the twitter.

Headquarters, it receives very seriously, It was the act of someone with a doubt to reports attitude, in claiming the company names, as well as removed from the "official reporters" that can take advantage of Twitter, it can take measures to remove from the author of the column "think on Sunday."

We will describe about the process this time.

Tominaga reporter to put a picture of the people who the demonstration under the banner with Nazi flag in twitter, in English "Was in Tokyo, nationalist demonstrations of Japan. They have supported the conservative government and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe”, and it did a post of almost the same content in French.

Tominaga reporter wasn't doing the evidence of the fact relevance about the posting and the photograph reprinted without obtaining the permission of the photographer.

For this post, in response to criticism from many people, Tominaga reporter did an apology and deleted the English, French posting.

Headquarters, note strictly to Tominaga reporters, Tominaga reporter did the posting of the apology once more.

Headquarters of Reporters Twitter has originated in the responsibility of reporters’ individual, but for that it has led to this situation, we apologize to everyone.


2015年08月06日 14時36分26秒 | 日記










冨永記者はツィッターにナチスの旗などを掲げてデモをする人たちの写真を載せ、英語で「東京であった日本の国家主義者のデモ。 彼らは安倍首相と保守的な政権を支持している」と投稿し、フランス語でもほぼ同様の内容の投稿をしました。






il est inutile de dire que les qualités de la Trinité est essentielle.

2015年08月06日 14時03分06秒 | 日記

Mon ami proche dans la vie travaille dans la société de négoce grande qui représente le Japon. Leur entreprise est toujours classé comme le plus haut rang dans le classement de l'emploi populaire. Le niveau de l'emploi dans leur entreprise est l'être humain de la trinité. En d'autres termes, en matière de cours de l'excellence du cerveau, mais quand ne pas avoir courage et la force physique, l'adoption ne se fait pas.

Au fait

Sera la personne qui entre dans la voie de l'érudit, la personne qui dirige pour la route du professeur être les êtres humains de la trinité comme eux?

Il ne sera pas aller de pair.

Plutôt, les êtres humains qui manquent de quelque chose dans la Trinité, ou de rester au collège.

Dans le monde de la politique, en particulier dans le monde de la politique internationale, il est inutile de dire que les qualités de la Trinité est essentielle.

Il avait mieux d'arrêter la folie de faire dire à la politique à la personne insuffisant, étant déjà assez.

è inutile dire qualità della Trinità è essenziale.

2015年08月06日 14時02分35秒 | 日記

Il mio caro amico nella vita lavora in una grande società commerciale che rappresenta il Giappone. La loro azienda è sempre classificato come il più alto rango nella famosa classifica di occupazione. Il livello di occupazione in loro compagnia è l'essere umano della trinità. In altre parole, in materia di corso nell'eccellenza del cervello, ma quando non avere coraggio e la forza fisica, l'adozione non è fatto.

A proposito

Sarà la persona che entra nella via dello studioso, la persona che dirige per la strada del professore sia gli esseri umani della trinità come loro?

Non andrà avanti.

Piuttosto, gli esseri umani che non hanno qualcosa nella Trinità, o di rimanere in un college.

Nel mondo della politica, soprattutto nel mondo della politica internazionale, è inutile dire che le qualità della Trinità è essenziale.

Era meglio fermare la follia di fare raccontare la politica alla persona insufficienti, essendo già abbastanza.

es innecesario decir cualidades de la Trinidad es esencial.

2015年08月06日 14時02分02秒 | 日記

Mi amigo cercano en el tiempo de vida está trabajando en la empresa comercial grande que representa a Japón. Su empresa siempre está clasificado como el rango más alto en el ranking populares empleo. El nivel de empleo en su empresa es el ser humano de la trinidad. En otras palabras, en la cuestión de rutina en la excelencia del cerebro, pero al no tener el temple y la fuerza física, la adopción no se hace.

Por cierto

¿La persona que entra en el camino del sabio, la persona que se dirige a la carretera del profesor son los seres humanos de la trinidad como ellos?

No va a estar de acuerdo.

Más bien, los seres humanos que carecen de algo en la Trinidad, o para permanecer en la universidad.

En el mundo de la política, especialmente en el mundo de la política internacional, es innecesario decir cualidades de la Trinidad es esencial.

Había detener mejor la locura de hacer decir a la política a la persona insuficiente, siendo ya suficiente.

Es ist unnötig zu sagen, Qualitäten des Trinity ist unerlässlich.

2015年08月06日 14時01分24秒 | 日記

Mein guter Freund in der Lebenszeit wird in der großen Handelsunternehmen, die Japan darstellt arbeiten. Ihre Firma wird immer als die höheren Rang in beliebte Beschäftigungsrangliste rangiert. Das Niveau der Beschäftigung in ihrem Unternehmen ist der Mensch von der Dreieinigkeit. Mit anderen Worten, in der selbstverständlich in die Exzellenz des Gehirns, aber, wenn sie nicht mit Mut und körperliche Stärke, ist Annahme nicht gemacht.


Wird die Person, die den Weg des Gelehrten eintritt, die Person, die für die Straße der Professor leitet die Menschen von der Dreieinigkeit wie sie zu sein?

Es wird nicht gehen zusammen.

Vielmehr Menschen, die etwas in der Trinity fehlt, oder in der Schule bleiben.

In der Welt der Politik, vor allem in der Welt der internationalen Politik ist es unnötig zu sagen, Qualitäten des Trinity ist unerlässlich.

Es wäre besser, stoppen Sie die Dummheit zu machen, sagen, die Politik der unzureichenden Person, ist schon genug.

not only they have continued forgiveness, but continuing to help the growing impudent of them

2015年08月06日 13時57分37秒 | 日記

This time, by TV Asahi news stations and TBS News 23, a lot of Japanese knew that there are human beings who called constitutional scholar, many indeed, for the first time.

They are now, the Japanese government is doing, if a decent foreign governments and the public, everyone think of course, for the maintenance of security arrangements, even without noticing that it is misplaced, for the Constitution in the face, such as the strict keeper, they are bestowed with it is faithful to the Constitution.

But, I think.

If they are faithful to the Constitution, or, if they say that they came to live faithfully to the spirit, their contradiction reaches to the peak.

Because, the process where the Constitution of Japan was made, and, if faithful to the spirit,

That the one-party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, that is, system of fascism, or, the name called anti-Japanese education, for obvious Nazism, it came to educate the people, the system in Korea that the actual state is a corporate-state,

They forgive their existence, and still, it continued to permit the growing impudent of them, it is pointing clearly that they are not entirely faithful to the spirit of the Constitution.

On the contrary, what they came to eat the rice in the Constitution, they came to continue to ignore the Constitution of Japan.

They are the men who had made the Constitution of Japan relics in the past fully.

Because, above such fascism of the country, or the existence of a totalitarian country, not only they have continued forgiveness, but also continuing to help the growing impudent of them, it beggared the Constitution of Japan.

If there is a little bit of chance, invasion of the territory or territorial waters, or is the thinking that wrest, by the above two countries, the Constitution of Japan,  it is has become a useless and the world's laughingstock.

The persons who had made such a condition are they constitutional scholars.

But, they, exactly, so-called, in words as that learned fool, not at all noticed.

Then some person, for example, as the professor in the University of Tokyo and so on, it bites a meal at the tax of Japan, and it is possible to say that some person belongs to the private school, because the subsidy of the large amount which is supported by the tax continued to be dropped on this place, too, they also bit a meal at the tax after all.

The persons who had made such a condition are they constitutional scholars.

2015年08月06日 13時44分15秒 | 日記

This time, by TV Asahi news stations and TBS News 23, a lot of Japanese knew that there are human beings who called constitutional scholar, many indeed, for the first time.

They are now, the Japanese government is doing, if a decent foreign governments and the public, everyone think of course, for the maintenance of security arrangements, even without noticing that it is misplaced, for the Constitution in the face, such as the strict keeper, they are bestowed with it is faithful to the Constitution.

But, I think.

If they are faithful to the Constitution, or, if they say that they came to live faithfully to the spirit, their contradiction reaches to the peak.

Because, the process where the Constitution of Japan was made
or, if faithful to the spirit,

That the one-party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, that is, system of fascism, or, the name called anti-Japanese education, for obvious Nazism, it came to educate the people, the system in Korea that the actual state is a corporate-state,

They forgive their existence, and still, it continued to permit the growing impudent of them, it is pointing clearly that they are not entirely faithful to the spirit of the Constitution.

On the contrary, what they came to eat the rice in the Constitution, they came to continue to ignore the Constitution of Japan.

They are the men who had made the Constitution of Japan relics in the past fully.

Because, above such fascism of the country, or the existence of a totalitarian country, not only they have continued forgiveness, but also they are continuing to help the growing impudent of them, it beggared the Constitution of Japan.

If there is a little bit of chance, invasion of the territory or territorial waters, or is the thinking that wrest, by the above two countries, the Constitution of Japan, it is has become a useless and the world's laughingstock.

The persons who had made such a condition are they constitutional scholars.
But, they, exactly, so-called, in words as that learned fool, not at all noticed.

é escusado será dizer qualidades da Trindade é essencial.

2015年08月06日 13時41分58秒 | 日記

Meu amigo íntimo na vida está a trabalhar na grande empresa comercial que representa o Japão. Sua empresa está sempre classificado como o posto mais alto no ranking de emprego popular. O padrão de emprego em sua empresa é o ser humano da Trindade. Em outras palavras, em matéria de curso na excelência do cérebro, mas ao não ter coragem e força física, a adoção não é feito.


Será que a pessoa que entra na estrada do estudioso, a pessoa que dirige para a estrada de o professor ser os seres humanos da trindade como eles?

Não vai ir junto.

Em vez disso, os seres humanos que não têm algo na Trindade, ou a permanecer na faculdade.

No mundo da política, especialmente no mundo da política internacional, é preciso dizer qualidades da Trindade é essencial.

Ele tinha melhor parar a loucura de fazer política para dizer a pessoa insuficiente, sendo já o suficiente.