文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Because the editorialists should continue to write the ideology of doing the full to think of

2015年08月07日 22時59分13秒 | 日記

So I'm saying. Asahi should break up two, one is the newspaper of the editorial committee, and another is the newspaper of arts, sciences, and sports and so on.

The government considers the importance of the crime which they continued to brave to Japan, it should dismantle them.

It's not anything at all gag.

Because the editorialists should continue to write the ideology of doing the full to think of which as much as you like in their own newspaper, themselves.

Rather, even for them, should it is correct that.

Forced, together with the departments of liberal arts and sports, with no way, because the need is not to talk about the pseudo - Moralism.

It continues to write the opinion of doing the full to think of which, themselves.

It would be the journalism where it is true that it does.

This article continues

The government, as soon as possible and in that way, should make the Asahi assume a responsibility

2015年08月07日 19時04分58秒 | 日記

The government, as soon as possible and in that way, should make the Asahi assume a responsibility of former consequences.

If the Asahi says NO, at least, the government makes the Asahi dig the both sides of the newspaper all over the world to them and let it present advocacy advertising with the fact which continued to include that the military comfort woman problem was a complete false report with the 16 times and then issue a feedback advertisement, it is necessary to explanation.

First, that it has hurt significantly the honor and credit of the Japanese, and let apologized to Japan and the Japanese people, to the world, that it was told as if it were a fact a sheer lie, and it shall be forced to apologize.

It continues to write the opinion of doing the full to think of which, themselves.

2015年08月07日 18時46分30秒 | 日記

So I'm saying. Asahi should break up two, one is the newspaper of the editorial committee, and another is the newspaper of arts, sciences, and sports and so on.

The government considers the importance of the crime which they continued to brave to Japan, it should dismantle them.

It's not anything at all gag.

Because the editorialists should continue to write the ideology of doing the full to think of which as much as you like in their own newspaper, themselves.

Rather, even for them, should it is correct that.

Forced, together with the departments of liberal arts and sports, with no way, because the need is not to talk about the pseudo - Moralism.

It continues to write the opinion of doing the full to think of which, themselves.

It would be the journalism where it is true that it does.

This article continues

That it is that contrary to the providence of God, they will get their lumps, someday, it comes

2015年08月07日 18時29分20秒 | 日記

That it is that contrary to the providence of God, they will get their lumps, someday, it comes inevitably.

But, because Japan that should become hegemon in the correct sense, not the case, the world is now, it extremely unstable.

Japan, through the Asahi and Mainichi, it was manipulated to such is, for example, that it is a Kang Sang-jung, the fact there is no mistake.

From the time that I knew him for the first in the "live TV until morning," he came kept saying to "Japan must not become a superpower", or “learn to Germany." and so on.

Surprisingly, rather than, in the dreadful thing, the Japanese mass media, joined to NHK, incredible to, came in handy this man.

As a result, there is a "20 years lost", and Japan receives relentless attack from China and South Korea, due to their "bottomless evil" and "plausible lie".

It is no longer the matter that cannot be settled with a stupid.

The Asahi is not an exaggeration to say that it is the biggest criminal against Japan, fabricated articles that are handed out to the world.

... Yesterday, editorial committee, which disgusted that was introduced is not only tweeted but the real intention that has arisen from the constitution of the Asahi.

Him, where it was cut to as off the tail of a lizard, constitution of Asahi is not changed.

This article continues

as for them, sometime, the day, the time to be made to realize certainly comes.

2015年08月07日 18時02分30秒 | 日記
Such as a huge contribution to the ODA and the United Nations and UNESCO, only money Japan came to pay.
But for example, became the second largest economy in the world, to say that it has pulled out of Japan, China, which plan to have the world domination, even now, contributions to the United Nations, even though less than half of Japan, remarks right, it is not a double far from.
I am inevitable, in the world of the net, and when releasing "the turntable of civilization", I wrote "the turntable of civilization" doesn't turn to China and India.
It wrote that it doesn't turn only the economy.
It contemplates grasping a hegemony for the rulers in China which is a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party to want no one except them.
In that it is a thing contrary to the providence of God, as for them, sometime, the day, the time to be made to realize certainly comes.
This article continues

If I do not read the Newsweek magazine, the fact that I might not have known all my life

2015年08月07日 17時34分25秒 | 日記

If I do not read the Newsweek magazine, the fact that I might not have known all my life is, that there about this, I surprised that came to subscribe to the Asahi and Nikkei for a long time.

Also in the feature article of this week issue of Newsweek magazine, there are facts that most of the Japanese people do not know, and of course, the world does not know at all.

Japanese version, it is only about 100.000 copies in Japan subscription, but the sum of the Asahi and the Mainichi, for example, is said to be nominal, it is that they have a number of subscription households of about 10 million, is the fact having vague fears.

The real fact is not at all informed, in their distorted ideology, Japanese public opinion is formed.

So, despite the fact that "the turntable of civilization", is around to Japan, Japan comes without becoming a world leader on a par with the United States.

In other words, the country is turning "civilization of the turntable" as the providence of God, a role to play that should achieve, it comes to little fulfilled.

This article continues


2015年08月07日 16時45分13秒 | 日記













日本を、朝日や毎日を通して、そのように操ったのが、例えば、 尚中であることは、間違いがない事実だ。私が彼を最初に「朝まで生テレビ」で知った時から、彼は、「日本は大国になってはいけない」、だとか、「ドイツに学べ」だとかを言い続けて来たのである。
















De toutes les choses, Pour l'amour de l'auto-préservation

2015年08月07日 14時57分32秒 | 日記

Les savants, ou la confiance et Asahi fait aucune vérification et d'avoir été spécifié dans l'article faisant tout comme il est de l'Asahi du problème militaire de femme de confort au manuel d'histoire du Japon aux États-Unis par eux,

De toutes les choses,

Pour des raisons de conservation, pour le bien de l'auto-justification,

Aux États-Unis, elle a rassemblé 185 tribus inexactes similaires autour du papier New York Times en principalement Alexis Dudden et Carol Gluck, qui sont le joueur sélectionné d'entre eux qui sont inexactes, et avant Shinzo Abe en visite aux États-Unis, il a présenté la publicité d'opinion.

Non excuser pour la folie et de l'erreur de leur propre qui est certainement pas plus la bêtise, au contraire, contre le Premier ministre Shinzo Abe, qui est, pour le peuple japonais, ils ont demandé des excuses.

Di tutte le cose, per il bene di autoconservazione,

2015年08月07日 14時56分56秒 | 日記

Gli studiosi o, fiducia Asahi e ha fatto alcuna verifica e sono stati specificati nel fare l'articolo così come è del Asahi del problema donna comodità militare di manuale di storia del Giappone-Stati Uniti da loro,

Di tutte le cose,

Per motivi di autoconservazione, per il bene di autogiustificazione,

Negli Stati Uniti, ha raccolto 185 tribù imprecisi simili in tutto il giornale di New York Times in particolare Alexis Dudden e Carol Gluck, che sono il giocatore selezionato di loro che sono imprecisi, e prima di Shinzo Abe visita negli Stati Uniti, ha presentato advocacy advertising.

Non chiedere scusa per la stupidità e l'errore di loro che è sicuramente non è più la stupidità, al contrario, contro il primo ministro Shinzo Abe, che è, per il popolo giapponese, hanno chiesto delle scuse.

De todas las cosas

2015年08月07日 14時56分13秒 | 日記

Los estudiosos o, confiaban en el Asahi y no hicieron la verificación y que se han especificado en hacer el artículo de la misma manera que es del Asahi del problema Mujer comodidad militar en la historia de los libros de texto de Japón y Estados Unidos por ellos,

De todas las cosas,

Por el bien de la propia conservación, por el bien de la autojustificación,

En los EE.UU., se reunió a 185 tribus inexactas similares en todo el documento New York Times en todo Alexis Dudden y Carol Gluck, que son el jugador seleccionado de ellos que son inexactos, y antes de que Shinzo Abe visita los Estados Unidos, presentó la publicidad de promoción.

No disculpándose por la insensatez y el error de su voluntad que es, sin duda no más estupidez, por el contrario, contra el primer ministro, Shinzo Abe, es decir, al pueblo japonés, pidieron una disculpa.

Aller Dinge, Aus Gründen der Selbsterhaltung,

2015年08月07日 14時55分41秒 | 日記

Die Gelehrten oder, vertraute der Asahi und tat keine Verifikation und zu tun, in den Artikel, wie es ist der Asahi des Militärs Komfort Frau Problem bei der japanisch-amerikanische Geschichtsbuch von ihnen vorgeschrieben worden sind,

Aller Dinge,

Aus Gründen der Selbsterhaltung, aus Gründen der Selbstrechtfertigung,

In den USA sammelte 185 ähnlich ungenau Stämme rund um die New York Times Papier in erster Linie Alexis Dudden und Carol Gluck, die der ausgewählte Spieler von ihnen, die ungenau sind, und vor dem Shinzo Abe besucht die Vereinigten Staaten, präsentiert es Advocacy-Werbung.

Nicht entschuldigte sich für die Dummheit und die Fehler ihrer eigenen, die definitiv keine Dummheit mehr, im Gegenteil, gegen Ministerpräsident Shinzo Abe, das heißt, für das japanische Volk, eine Entschuldigung baten sie.

De todas as coisas, Por uma questão de auto-preservação,

2015年08月07日 14時55分03秒 | 日記

Os estudiosos ou, confiou no Asahi e fez nenhuma verificação e de ter sido especificado em fazer o artigo assim como é da Asahi da mulher problema conforto militar no livro de história do Japão-EUA por eles,

De todas as coisas,

Por uma questão de auto-preservação, por uma questão de auto-justificação,

Em os EUA, que reuniu 185 tribos imprecisos semelhantes em torno do papel do New York Times em principalmente Alexis Dudden e Carol Gluck, que são o jogador selecionado deles que são imprecisos, e antes de Shinzo Abe visita os Estados Unidos, apresentou publicidade advocacia.

Não desculpando-se pela insensatez e o erro de seu próprio que é definitivamente não mais estupidez, ao contrário, contra o primeiro-ministro Shinzo Abe, ou seja, o povo japonês, solicitaram um pedido de desculpas.


2015年08月07日 14時54分36秒 | 日記







2015年08月07日 14時54分08秒 | 日記






모든 사물의

2015年08月07日 14時53分34秒 | 日記

학자 또는, 아사히을 신뢰하고 더 확인하고 그들에 의해 일본 - 미국의 역사 교과서에서 군 위안부 문제의 아사히의 단지로 문서를 일에 지정되었다 할 않았다

모든 것을,

자기 보존을 위해서, 자기 정당화 위해,

미국의 경우는 주로 뉴욕 타임즈 종이 주위에 185 비슷한 부정확 한 지파를 수집 부정확 그들의 선택한 플레이어, 그리고 아베 신조 (安 倍 晋 三)이 미국을 방문하기 전에, 그것을 옹호 광고를 발표 알렉시스 Dudden과 캐롤 글루크.

, 어리 석음과 총리 아베 신조 (安 倍 晋 三)에 대한 반대로 확실히 더 이상 어리 석음없는 자신의 실수에 대해 사과하지 않음 즉, 일본 사람들에게, 그들은 사과를 요구했다.