文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Merkel becomes CDU party leader in 2000 and becomes a German prime minister in November, 2005.

2016年07月09日 13時07分21秒 | 日記

Merkel becomes CDU party leader in 2000 and becomes a German prime minister in November, 2005.
If replacing her with Liberal Democratic Party, it should know whether or not my article is the thing how much which is right instantly.
It is in 2012 that Prime Minister Abe led the present administration only 4 years before.
Merkel continues a prime minister in Germany from 2005.
In other words, as the party leader, it is 16 years and as the prime minister, it is 10 years.
Of course, as for the great part of the Japanese people, correctly, it doesn't know this fact.
Because the staying on one's duty was this extended period, she firms Germany actually to the position of the leader in the EU and doesn't have to say that it supposed that the influential voice in the international community, too, was big.
Shinzo Abe is only 4 years.
Taking the economic policy to make it avoid a continued deflation which exceeded 20 within these only 4 years and being letting out the result aren't exaggerated even if it says that taking and letting are marvelous.

Nevertheless, so-called men of culture who side with Asahi Shimbun who can learn Merkel or Germany from Germany by continuing to praise her and Germany or it in addition to the putting-on and set equal saying continue to deny completely to the completely right policy of Prime Minister Abe.

The newspaper in Germany which is represented by South Germany newspaper, it receives a convenience from Asahi Shimbun and it sides with this, from distant and far away Germany, (the German great part doesn't have to say that it doesn't know the actual state of Japan), it speaks ill of Japan which is a complete foreign country, even if it is the innocent to make a national about half have anti-Japanese feeling, it makes it stop a prime minister in its own country, speaking ill of him during the term of office, or, long-term administration and so on may not do only stupid things such as not making it maintain by all means.
Few of the Japanese has an anti- German feeling and so on at all.
Because, it is because no one knows a German.
This article continues.


2016年07月09日 12時45分38秒 | 日記













Even now, the countries have continued to use the US attitude at the time of the end of the war

2016年07月09日 10時46分59秒 | 日記

After the war 70 years, until now, in the international community, the countries that want to leave Japan in political prisoners, where be, it clears anymore.

It made Japan a political convict first, it was the U.S. which committed the maximum original sin of the human history which referred many times though, (Therefore, as for the U.S., Obama doesn't know the duty of the policeman in the world have to be forever assumed at all ), the U.S. noticed their own mistake soon.

Even now, the countries have continued to use the US attitude at the time of the end of the war, there is in South Korea, there is in China,

Approximately half of the Deutsches Reich people who are having a mean idea, saying wanting to reduce their own original sin, placing Japan in the same line with Nazis,

And it will be only the country of the small part in the Europe to think that wants to gouge money from Japan still.

This article continues

The following is a popular page on July 8th.

2016年07月09日 10時20分52秒 | 日記





The following is a popular page on July 7th.

10,443 PV



7,515 PV



3,997 PV



3,845 PV



3,123 PV



2,455 PV



1,446 PV



1,329 PV



1,145 PV



1,037 PV



994 PV



911 PV



599 PV



473 PV



457 PV


нестабильный мир

64 PV



63 PV


Par conséquent, le monde très instable maintenant a été faite.

51 PV


Prin urmare, lumea foarte instabilă în prezent a fost făcută.

48 PV


Pertanto, il mondo molto instabile a ora è stato fatto.

48 PV


Daher wurde die sehr instabilen Welt in jetzt gemacht.

47 PV


Por lo tanto, se hizo el mundo muy inestable en este momento.

47 PV



46 PV



43 PV



38 PV


Portanto, o mundo muito instável agora foi feito.

37 PV


Därför var den mycket instabil världen i nu gjort.

37 PV


Daarom is het zeer instabiele wereld nu gemaakt.

35 PV


Stoga je vrlo nestabilan svijet je sada napravio.

35 PV



35 PV


Z tohoto důvodu byla provedena velmi nestabilní svět teď.

35 PV



33 PV


the fact proved that it was shooting at the target.

32 PV


Oleh itu, dunia sangat tidak stabil masuk sekarang dibuat.

32 PV



32 PV


غير مستقر

32 PV


Siksi hyvin epävakaa maailma nyt tehtiin.

30 PV


Dá bhrí sin, ar fud an domhain an-éagobhsaí

30 PV


Z tohto dôvodu bola vykonaná veľmi nestabilná svet teraz.

30 PV


Seetõttu on väga ebastabiilne maailm nüüd tehti.

30 PV



29 PV


Samakatuwid, ang napaka hindi matatag mundo sa ngayon ay ginawa.

29 PV


Derfor blev meget ustabil verden i nu gjort.

28 PV


Todėl buvo padaryta labai nestabilus pasaulis dabar.

28 PV


Ezért a nagyon instabil világban most készült.

27 PV


много нестабилен

27 PV


Derfor ble veldig ustabil verden nå gjort.

27 PV


Dlatego bardzo niestabilny świat się teraz powstał.

26 PV



26 PV


Zaradi tega je bilo zelo nestabilen svet zdaj.

26 PV


Even if it supposes that he is a miserable man, it is operated by the

2016年07月09日 10時12分53秒 | 日記

By the way, in addition to being very much an economic superpower in 2nd of the world even now actually, Japan is the country that the turntable of civilization is turning around, but in international community, it is Asahi Shimbun that made the cause why it continued to remove a voice remarkably actually.

Merkel that Tominaga has been praised, the previous Kohl also, over a long period of time, was the prime minister of Germany.

On the other hand, it isn't necessary to say how Japan was.

Who did replace a prime minister being changeable as a weathercock in the extended period, Japan until where Prime Minister Abe appears?

There hardly was a prime minister as told that it does "it is ○○ prime minister if saying Japan" and so on, say, such as "Liberal Democratic Party is one strong, many weak," but, in the Liberal Democratic Party, Such as Kohl and Merkel lead long-term administration.

It just will be the one which Sato Eisaku occurs to.

In other words, while saying that it was Liberal Democratic Party is one strong, many weak, the actual state unrolled conflict in the glass, being always stirred by the editorialists in the Asahi.

The special report person, David Kaye of the board of directors of the United Nations human rights which visited Japan in April 2016 at the press conference, he said that the democracy in Japan was the worst.

Even if it supposes that he is a miserable man, it is operated by the Asahi Shimbun and the human beings who side with this, or, to the anti-Japanese propaganda in China and Korea, he knows that the knowledge of himself is the following of the schoolchild and must be ashamed of his ignorance.

Above all, be ashamed of getting salary by Japan which is the country as he says at the fund to continue to pay, immediately, he should return his salary.

This article continues


2016年07月09日 10時08分56秒 | 日記









Même maintenant, les pays ont continué à utiliser l'attitude des États-Unis

2016年07月09日 10時04分29秒 | 日記

Après la guerre de 70 ans, jusqu'à présent, dans la communauté internationale, les pays qui veulent quitter le Japon dans les prisonniers politiques, où être, il efface plus.

Il fait du Japon un forçat politique d'abord, il était aux États-Unis qui a commis le péché originel maximum de l'histoire humaine qui fait référence à plusieurs reprises cependant, (donc, comme pour les États-Unis, Obama ne connaît pas le devoir du policier dans le monde ont être toujours pris du tout), les États-Unis remarqué leur propre erreur bientôt.

Même maintenant, les pays ont continué à utiliser l'attitude des États-Unis au moment de la fin de la guerre, il est en Corée du Sud, il est en Chine,

Environ la moitié des personnes Deutsches Reich qui ont une idée moyenne, disant vouloir réduire leur propre péché originel, plaçant le Japon dans la même ligne avec les nazis,

Et ce sera seulement le pays de la petite partie dans l'Europe de penser que veut escroquer l'argent du Japon encore.

Cet article continue

Anche ora, i paesi hanno continuato ad usare l'atteggiamento degli Stati

2016年07月09日 10時03分59秒 | 日記

Dopo i 70 anni di guerra, fino ad oggi, nella comunità internazionale, i paesi che vogliono lasciare il Giappone a prigionieri politici, dove essere, cancella più.

Ha fatto Giappone un detenuto politico prima, è stato negli Stati Uniti che ha commesso il peccato originale massimo della storia umana che ha per oggetto molte volte, però, (quindi, come per gli Stati Uniti, Obama non conosce il dovere del poliziotto nel mondo hanno da assumere per sempre a tutti), gli Stati Uniti notato loro errore presto.

Anche ora, i paesi hanno continuato ad usare l'atteggiamento degli Stati Uniti al momento della fine della guerra, non vi è in Corea del Sud, non vi è in Cina,

Circa la metà delle persone Deutsches Reich che stanno avendo un idea media, dicendo che vogliono ridurre il loro peccato originale, ponendo il Giappone nella stessa linea con i nazisti,

E sarà solo il paese della piccola parte in Europa di pensare che vuole sgorbia denaro dal Giappone ancora.

Questo articolo continua

Incluso ahora, los países han seguido utilizando la actitud de Estados

2016年07月09日 10時03分06秒 | 日記

Después de los 70 años de guerra, hasta ahora, en la comunidad internacional, los países que quieren salir de Japón en los presos políticos, en los que sean, se aclara más.

Se hizo Japón un preso político en primer lugar, que era los EE.UU., que cometió el pecado máximo original de la historia humana que se hace referencia muchas veces, sin embargo, (Por lo tanto, como para los EE.UU., Obama no conoce el deber de la policía en el mundo han para ser asumido por siempre en todos), los EE.UU. dimos cuenta de su propio error pronto.

Incluso ahora, los países han seguido utilizando la actitud de Estados Unidos en el momento del final de la guerra, existe en Corea del Sur, hay en China,

Aproximadamente la mitad de las personas Deutsches Reich que están teniendo una idea media, que dicen que quieren reducir su propio pecado original, la colocación de Japón en la misma línea con los nazis,

Y será sólo el país de la pequeña parte de la Europa a pensar que quiere gubia dinero de Japón aún.

Este artículo continúa

Schon jetzt haben die Länder weiterhin die US-Haltung zu dem

2016年07月09日 10時02分22秒 | 日記

Nach dem Krieg 70 Jahren bis heute in der internationalen Gemeinschaft, die Länder, die in der politischen Gefangenen zu verlassen Japan wollen, wo sein, löscht es mehr.

Es machte Japan ein politischer Sträfling Zuerst war es die USA, die die maximale Erbsünde der menschlichen Geschichte begangen wurden, die allerdings oft genannt, (daher wie für die USA, Obama die Pflicht des Polizisten in der Welt nicht wissen, haben werden immer überhaupt angenommen wird), fiel die US bald ihre eigenen Fehler.

Schon jetzt haben die Länder weiterhin die US-Haltung zu dem Zeitpunkt des Endes des Krieges verwenden, gibt es in Südkorea gibt es in China ist,

Etwa die Hälfte der Menschen Deutsches Reich, die eine mittlere Idee haben, zu sagen, die ihre eigene Erbsünde zu reduzieren, Japan in der gleichen Linie mit Nazis platzieren,

Und es wird nur das Land der kleinen Teil in Europa zu glauben, dass will immer noch Geld aus Japan ausstechen.

Dieser Artikel setzt

Mesmo agora, os países continuaram a utilizar a atitude dos EUA

2016年07月09日 10時01分52秒 | 日記

Depois da guerra de 70 anos, até agora, na comunidade internacional, os países que querem deixar o Japão em presos políticos, onde ser, ele limpa mais.

Ele fez do Japão um condenado política em primeiro lugar, foram os EUA, que cometeu o pecado máximo originais da história humana que se refere muitas vezes, porém, (Então, como para os EUA, Obama não sabe o dever do policial no mundo ser sempre assumida em todos), os EUA percebeu seu próprio erro em breve.

Mesmo agora, os países continuaram a utilizar a atitude dos EUA no momento do fim da guerra, há na Coreia do Sul, há na China,

Cerca de metade das pessoas Deutsches Reich que estão tendo uma idéia média, dizendo querer reduzir o seu próprio pecado original, colocando o Japão na mesma linha com os nazistas,

E será apenas o país de pequena parte na Europa a pensar que quer arrancar dinheiro do Japão ainda.

Este artigo continua


2016年07月09日 10時01分22秒 | 日記








2016年07月09日 10時00分51秒 | 日記







US 자세를

2016年07月09日 09時59分26秒 | 日記

전쟁 칠십년 후, 지금까지 국제 사회에서 원하는 국가, 그것은 더 이상 클리어 할 수 정치범, 일본을 떠날 수 있습니다.

그것은, 오바마 한 세계에서 경찰관의 의무를 모르는 미국에 관해서는, 따라서 (하지만 여러 번 언급 된 인류 역사의 최대 원죄를 저지른 미국이고, 정치적 죄수 처음으로 일본을 만든 영원히) 모두에서 가정에, 미국은 곧 자신의 실수를 알아 차렸다.

지금도 국가는 전쟁이 끝날 당시 미국의 태도를 계속 사용 한 중국이 한국에있다

약, 평균 아이디어를 가진 나치와 같은 줄에 일본을 배치, 자신의 원죄를 줄이고 싶은 말을하고있는 도이치 제국 사람들의 절반,

그리고는 여전히 일본에서 돈을 도려내 싶은 생각하는 유럽의 작은 부분 만 국가가 될 것입니다.

이 문서는 계속

отношение США

2016年07月09日 09時58分53秒 | 日記

После войны 70-х годов, до сих пор в международном сообществе, страны, которые хотят, чтобы покинуть Японию в политических заключенных, где быть, она очищает больше.

Это сделало Японию политический арестант во-первых, именно США, которые совершили максимальный первоначальный грех человеческой истории, которая упоминается много раз, хотя, (Поэтому, как и в США, Обама не знает, долг полицейского в мире чтобы навсегда считать вообще), США вскоре заметили свою собственную ошибку.

Даже сейчас, страны продолжают использовать отношение США в момент окончания войны, есть в Южной Корее, есть в Китае,

Примерно половина людей Deutsches Reich, которые со средним идею, говоря, желая уменьшить свой оригинальный грех, помещая Японию в той же линии с нацистами,

И это будет только одна страна небольшой части в Европе, чтобы думать, что хочет, чтобы выдавливать деньги из Японии до сих пор.

Эта статья продолжает