It is the same as the fake campaign they did for comfort women. Republish the chapter that sent on 2015-12-05.
The emphasis on the surplus other than the title and the texts from * to * is me
The Asahi Shimbun is waiting for the 'Fukushima dead.'
Nobuo Ikeda Economist
Born in Kyoto in 1953. After graduating from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Economics, joined NHK. After retiring in 1993, he became a professor at International University GLOCOMM. After working as a senior researcher at the Institute of Economy, Trade, and Industry, he became the director of the Agora Research Institute. His recent works include the 'nuclear power plant Collapse of 'Danger Myth' (PHP new book), 'The big false report of the century by Asahi newspaper' (Aspect), and 'End of postwar liberal' (PHP new book).
Asahi Shimbun that doesn't learn.
There was no radiation damage caused by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, and the victims are starting to return home.
Fortunately, the biggest earthquake in history has never been a catastrophe, but some people are not happy with the results.
Immediately after the accident, the mass media complained that 'tens of thousands will die' or '30 million people should evacuate.'
In particular, the Asahi Shimbun that launched the 'nuclear power plant zero' campaign following the accident repeated nonsensical reports such as' nosebleeds in the nuclear power plant accident ', and recently they are doing a piling shame on top of shame such as' thyroid cancer has increased 50 times 'and' became leukemia.
It is the same as the fake campaign they did for comfort women.
What have they learned from history?
The Asahi is doing a piling shame on top of shame.
The Japanese version of the Huffington Post, in partnership with Asahi Shimbun, reported a press conference by Toshihide Tsuda (Professor at Okayama University) at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan, in which 'the incidence of thyroid cancer in Fukushima children is 20-50 times' on October 8th.
His papers are so cunning that no other large letter reported.
In the accident, radioiodine that causes thyroid cancer flowed northwest on the wind, so the northwestern figure should be higher, but in Tsuda's paper, the incidence of thyroid cancer is about 20 times, it is over 40 times in the southern part where the concentration was lowest.
It indicates that the incidence of cancer is unrelated to the accident.
As written in this article, the Fukushima review committee has revealed that 104 people who were under the age of 18 at the time of the accident had confirmed thyroid cancer, but at the moment it is difficult to think of the effects of the nuclear accident ', reasons for improving the accuracy of screening tests and 'overdiagnosis' that diagnoses positive even when no treatment is required are cited.
Reporter Taichiro Yoshino, who wrote this article, is on secondment from the Asahi Shimbun.
The Asahi Shimbun seems to want to terrify with thyroid cancer next time the nosebleed becomes a burst of laughter, but as expected, it cannot be put on the main body, so this is reported in related media.
'Weekly Asahi' and 'AERA' have written more explicit anti-nuclear power plant articles.
In the evening edition of the Asahi Shimbun on October 20, the article 'Exposure after the nuclear power plant accident, first workmen's accident certification. A former male worker with leukemia.'
Yuri Oiwa reporter wrote, 'There is a certain causal relationship between exposure associated with nuclear power plant and worker's disease.'
* Last year, until August, I had subscribed to AERA for a long time, but here there was a female reporter who looked precisely like Yuri Oiwa, and she wrote that I was disgusted. Some readers may remember that I accused the cruelty of the In other words, I am convinced that this is Asahi's constitution. *
Readers who read only the lead will think that 'the accident finally caused the victims at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant', but if you read carefully, the workers said, 'From 2012 to 2013, as a worker of a partner company of TEPCO for installation and welding work of structures around Units 3 and 4. in January 2014, I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia.
In other words, it has only been a year since the work at the nuclear power plant.
Victim of Nuclear Power Plant accident?
According to the workmen's accident criteria, if leukemia develops more than one year after radiation work, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare recognize that this certification does not scientifically prove the relationship between exposure and health effects. Exposure over five mSv / year is not a boundary for leukemia'.
However, Oiwa reporter writes that there is a specific causal relationship.
If the exposure dose exceeds 100 mSv, the cancer rate is said to increase by 0.5% in life, but the average time to onset is 25 years. Chernobyl was also five years after the accident. No one in the world has developed leukemia after a year with only five mSv exposure.