文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is the same as the fake campaign they did for comfort women.

2019年10月16日 17時01分14秒 | 全般

It is the same as the fake campaign they did for comfort women. Republish the chapter that sent on 2015-12-05.
The emphasis on the surplus other than the title and the texts from * to * is me
The Asahi Shimbun is waiting for the 'Fukushima dead.'
Nobuo Ikeda Economist
Born in Kyoto in 1953. After graduating from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Economics, joined NHK. After retiring in 1993, he became a professor at International University GLOCOMM. After working as a senior researcher at the Institute of Economy, Trade, and Industry, he became the director of the Agora Research Institute. His recent works include the 'nuclear power plant Collapse of 'Danger Myth' (PHP new book), 'The big false report of the century by Asahi newspaper' (Aspect), and 'End of postwar liberal' (PHP new book).
Asahi Shimbun that doesn't learn.
There was no radiation damage caused by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, and the victims are starting to return home.
Fortunately, the biggest earthquake in history has never been a catastrophe, but some people are not happy with the results.
Immediately after the accident, the mass media complained that 'tens of thousands will die' or '30 million people should evacuate.'
In particular, the Asahi Shimbun that launched the 'nuclear power plant zero' campaign following the accident repeated nonsensical reports such as' nosebleeds in the nuclear power plant accident ', and recently they are doing a piling shame on top of shame such as' thyroid cancer has increased 50 times 'and' became leukemia.
It is the same as the fake campaign they did for comfort women.
What have they learned from history?
The Asahi is doing a piling shame on top of shame.
The Japanese version of the Huffington Post, in partnership with Asahi Shimbun, reported a press conference by Toshihide Tsuda (Professor at Okayama University) at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan, in which 'the incidence of thyroid cancer in Fukushima children is 20-50 times' on October 8th.
His papers are so cunning that no other large letter reported.
In the accident, radioiodine that causes thyroid cancer flowed northwest on the wind, so the northwestern figure should be higher, but in Tsuda's paper, the incidence of thyroid cancer is about 20 times, it is over 40 times in the southern part where the concentration was lowest.
It indicates that the incidence of cancer is unrelated to the accident.
As written in this article, the Fukushima review committee has revealed that 104 people who were under the age of 18 at the time of the accident had confirmed thyroid cancer, but at the moment it is difficult to think of the effects of the nuclear accident ', reasons for improving the accuracy of screening tests and 'overdiagnosis' that diagnoses positive even when no treatment is required are cited.
Reporter Taichiro Yoshino, who wrote this article, is on secondment from the Asahi Shimbun.
The Asahi Shimbun seems to want to terrify with thyroid cancer next time the nosebleed becomes a burst of laughter, but as expected, it cannot be put on the main body, so this is reported in related media.
'Weekly Asahi' and 'AERA' have written more explicit anti-nuclear power plant articles.
In the evening edition of the Asahi Shimbun on October 20, the article 'Exposure after the nuclear power plant accident, first workmen's accident certification. A former male worker with leukemia.'
Yuri Oiwa reporter wrote, 'There is a certain causal relationship between exposure associated with nuclear power plant and worker's disease.'
* Last year, until August, I had subscribed to AERA for a long time, but here there was a female reporter who looked precisely like Yuri Oiwa, and she wrote that I was disgusted. Some readers may remember that I accused the cruelty of the In other words, I am convinced that this is Asahi's constitution. *
Readers who read only the lead will think that 'the accident finally caused the victims at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant', but if you read carefully, the workers said, 'From 2012 to 2013, as a worker of a partner company of TEPCO for installation and welding work of structures around Units 3 and 4. in January 2014, I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia.
In other words, it has only been a year since the work at the nuclear power plant.
Victim of Nuclear Power Plant accident?
According to the workmen's accident criteria, if leukemia develops more than one year after radiation work, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare recognize that this certification does not scientifically prove the relationship between exposure and health effects. Exposure over five mSv / year is not a boundary for leukemia'.
However, Oiwa reporter writes that there is a specific causal relationship.
If the exposure dose exceeds 100 mSv, the cancer rate is said to increase by 0.5% in life, but the average time to onset is 25 years. Chernobyl was also five years after the accident. No one in the world has developed leukemia after a year with only five mSv exposure.



2019年10月16日 15時45分52秒 | 全般






L'estetica giapponese che non chiarisce l'obiezione alle menzogne


Japanese aesthetics that do not clarify the objection to lies by 'words' are defeated by propaganda


La estética japonesa que no aclara la objeción a las mentiras por


You can see how Japan's diplomacy that apologizes to the powers that disparage Japan


Die japanische Ästhetik, die den Einwand der Lüge nicht durch







L'esthétique japonaise qui ne clarifie pas l'objection au mensonge

2019年10月16日 13時43分02秒 | 全般

Le Sankei Shimbun se débat avec ce que le ministère des Affaires étrangères devrait faire. Renvoyez le chapitre envoyé au 2015-08-18.
Ce qui suit est extrait du journal de lecture du journal Sankei du 16 août.
M. Henry S. Stokes (ancien directeur de la succursale du New York Times Tokyo) a fait une critique de livre pour protéger l'honneur du Japon.
L'accent dans la phrase est moi.
Guerres d'Histoire
Guerre historique: Pourquoi la fausse accusation du siècle a-t-elle eu lieu? Version de traduction anglais-japonais, Sankei Shimbun (Éditions Sankei Shimbun, 1200 yen plus taxes)
C'est la vraie guerre. Le principal ennemi est la Chine, et le champ est l'Amérique. 〈Contre le mouvement anti-japonais Japon-Corée-Etats-Unis et la lutte commune Chine-Corée du Nord, c'est dans la situation actuelle que le Japon attend l'occasion d'une contre-attaque tout en combattant la bataille défensive sur le continent américain dans le champ de bataille principal. > <Vous pouvez voir comment la diplomatie japonaise qui présente ses excuses aux puissances qui dénigrent le Japon de mauvaise foi et fait preuve de bonne foi a échoué>
Le fait que Sankei Shimbun ait publié une version bilingue de 'History Wars' signifie qu’elle impose une étape dans le monde, comme par exemple le fait qu’elle a amélioré le phare du combat.
Le premier message de MS. Yoshiko Sakurai, M. Hata Ikuhiko et M. Nishioka Tsutomu, étroitement liés au Club des correspondants étrangers du Japon, sont encourageants en tant que camarades.
La «guerre historique» en anglais bat actuellement son plein.
Ce livre est organisé en quatre chapitres et le chapitre 1 montre que la question des femmes de réconfort est une fausse accusation pour le Japon.
Le chapitre 2 est une activité de propagande anti-japonaise dans laquelle les fédérations anti-japonaise de Corée et de Chine collaborent aux États-Unis.
Le chapitre 3 met en lumière la question des femmes de réconfort qui peuvent être transmises au monde en déformant les faits.
Le chapitre 4 critique ce que le gouvernement japonais n’a pas réfuté, en donnant des exemples de faits qualifiés du «massacre de Nanjing».
J'ai relu plusieurs fois, mais j'ai vu l'information anglaise si détaillée pour la première fois.
Le Sankei Shimbun se débat avec ce que le ministère des Affaires étrangères devrait faire.
J'espère que de nombreux citoyens japonais seront encouragés en présentant et en présentant ce livre à des connaissances et à des amis à l'étranger.
J'ai réalisé qu'il n'y avait pas de "massacre de Nanjing" et que "les femmes de réconfort n'étaient pas des" esclaves sexuelles "car j'avais contacté ces informations en anglais.
D'autre part, la plupart des journalistes et historiens d'Europe et des États-Unis croient au "massacre de Nanjing" et à "Comfort Women = Sex Slaves", car il existe une quantité considérable d'informations en anglais.
Le «Musée outre-mer de la guerre de résistance du peuple chinois contre les Japonais» ouvrira ses portes dans un lieu proche de Chinatown à San Francisco.
Dans la guerre de l'information au sein de la communauté internationale, les esthétiques japonaises qui ne clarifient pas l'objection au mensonge par des «mots» sont défaites par la propagande en Chine et en Corée.
Soixante-dix ans après la guerre, le Japon doit gagner la «guerre de l'histoire» pour protéger son honneur.
J'espère que ce livre sera un pionnier.


2019年10月16日 13時38分38秒 | 全般

亨利·斯托克斯(Henry S. Stokes)先生(前《紐約時報》東京分公司董事)為保護日本的榮譽進行了書評。
〈這是真正的“戰爭”。主要敵人是中國,領域是美國。〉 〈針對日韓抗日運動和中朝聯合鬥爭,日本在當前形勢下等待反擊的機會同時在主戰場上與美國本土的防禦戰作鬥爭。 > <您會看到日本的外交如何道歉,這種外交貶低了日本,使他們以糟糕的信仰貶低並表現出誠意,卻失敗了>

'말'에 의한 거짓말에 대한 반대를 명확히하지 않는 일본의 미학은 선전에 의해 패배한다

2019年10月16日 13時37分23秒 | 全般

산케이 신문은 외무부가해야 할 일로 어려움을 겪고 있습니다. 2015-08-18로 보낸 장을 다시 보내십시오.
다음은 8 월 16 일 산케이 신문의 독서 섹션에서 가져온 것입니다.
헨리 S. 스토크 스 (구 뉴욕 타임즈 도쿄 지부장)는 일본의 명예를 지키기 위해 서평을했습니다.
문장에서 강조하는 것은 나입니다.
역사 전쟁
역사 전쟁 : 왜 세기의 거짓 비난이 일어 났습니까? 영어-일본어 번역판, 산케이 신문 (산케이 신문 출판, 1200 엔 세금 별도)
〈이것은 '전쟁'이다. 주된 적은 중국, 필드는 미국입니다.> <한일 미일 운동과 한중일 공동 투쟁에서 일본은 반격의 기회를 기다리고 있습니다 주 전장에서 미국 본토에서 방어전을 치르면서 > <거대한 믿음으로 일본을 엇갈리는 힘에 사과하고 선의를 보여준 일본의 외교가 어떻게 실패했는지 볼 수있다>
산케이 신문이 '역사 전쟁'의 이중 언어 버전을 출판했다는 사실은 전투의 비컨을 향상시키는 것과 같이 실제로 세계로 무대를 강요한다는 것입니다.
MS의 첫 번째 메시지. 요시코 사쿠라이, 하타 이쿠 히코 씨, 일본 외신 기자 클럽과 밀접한 관계가있는 츠토무 니시오 카 씨는 동지로서 격려하고 있습니다.
영어로 된 '역사적 전쟁'이 본격화되었습니다.
이 책은 4 개의 장으로 구성되어 있으며, 1 장에서는 위안부 문제가 일본에 대한 거짓 청구임을 보여줍니다.
제 2 장은 한일 반 중도 연합이 미국에서 협력하는 반일 선전 활동이다.
3 장에서는 사실을 왜곡시켜 세상에 전할 수있는 위안부 문제를 강조한다.
4 장은 일본 정부가 반박하지 않은 것을 비판하며, '난징 대학살'이 기성품 인 사례를 제시한다.
나는 여러 번 다시 읽었지만 처음으로 자세한 영어 정보를 보았습니다.
산케이 신문은 외무부가해야 할 일로 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.
이 책을 해외 지인이나 친구들에게 소개하고 발표함으로써 많은 일본 시민들이 격려되기를 바랍니다.
나는 그 정보를 영어로 접촉했기 때문에 '소위 난징 대학살은 없었고'위안부 여성은 '성 노예가 아니었다'는 것을 깨달았습니다.
반면, 유럽과 미국의 많은 언론인과 역사가들이 '난징 대학살'과 '위안부 여성 = 성 노예'를 믿는 가장 큰 이유는 영어로 된 정보가 상당히 많기 때문입니다.
샌프란시스코에있는 차이나 타운과 가까운 곳에 '중국인에 대한 일본인의 저항에 대한 해외 박물관'이 오픈한다.
국제 사회의 정보 전에서 중국과 한국의 선전은 '단어'에 의한 이의 제기를 명확하게하지 않는 일본 미학을 물리 친다.
전쟁 후 70 년이 지난 지금, 일본은 '역사 전쟁'에서 승리하여 명예를 보호해야합니다.
이 책이 개척자가되기를 바랍니다.

A estética japonesa que não esclarece a objeção às mentiras

2019年10月16日 13時36分11秒 | 全般

O Sankei Shimbun está lutando com o que o Ministério das Relações Exteriores deve fazer. Reenvie o capítulo enviado para 18/08/2015.
O seguinte é da seção de leitura do jornal Sankei em 16 de agosto.
Henry S. Stokes (ex-diretor da agência de Tóquio do New York Times) fez uma resenha do livro para proteger a honra do Japão.
A ênfase na frase sou eu.
Guerras da História
Guerra histórica: Por que a acusação falsa do século ocorreu? Versão em tradução inglês-japonês, Sankei Shimbun (Sankei Shimbun Publishing, 1200 ienes mais impostos)
〈Isso é verdade 'guerra'. O principal inimigo é a China, e um campo é a América. 〈〈Contra o movimento anti-japonês Japão-Coréia-EUA e a luta conjunta China-Coréia do Norte, é na situação atual que o Japão aguarda a oportunidade de um contra-ataque. enquanto travava a batalha defensiva no continente americano no campo de batalha principal. > <Você pode ver como a diplomacia japonesa que pede desculpas aos poderes que menosprezam o Japão em péssima fé e mostra boa fé falhou>
O fato de Sankei Shimbun ter publicado uma versão bilíngue de 'Guerras da História' é que ele realmente força uma etapa no mundo, como o fato de que melhorou o farol do combate.
A primeira mensagem do MS. Yoshiko Sakurai, Hata Ikuhiko e Nishioka Tsutomu, intimamente relacionados ao Clube de Correspondentes Estrangeiros do Japão, são encorajadores como camarada.
A 'guerra histórica' em inglês está agora em pleno andamento.
Este livro está organizado em quatro capítulos e o Capítulo 1 demonstra que o conforto que as mulheres causam é uma acusação falsa para o Japão.
O capítulo 2 é uma atividade de propaganda anti-japonesa na qual as federações anti-japonesas coreanas e chinesas colaboram nos Estados Unidos.
O capítulo 3 destaca a questão do conforto das mulheres que podem ser transmitidas ao mundo distorcendo os fatos.
O capítulo 4 critica o que o governo japonês não refutou, dando exemplos do 'Massacre de Nanjing' sendo fatos já feitos.
Reli muitas vezes, mas vi pela primeira vez informações tão detalhadas em inglês.
O Sankei Shimbun está lutando com o que o Ministério das Relações Exteriores deve fazer.
Espero que muitos cidadãos japoneses sejam encorajados ao apresentar e apresentar este livro a conhecidos e amigos estrangeiros.
Percebi que 'não havia o chamado Massacre de Nanjing' e 'mulheres de conforto não eram' escravas sexuais 'porque entrei em contato com essas informações em inglês.
Por outro lado, a maior razão pela qual muitos jornalistas e historiadores da Europa e dos Estados Unidos acreditam no 'Massacre de Nanjing' e 'Comfort Women = Sex Slaves' é porque há uma quantidade considerável de informações em inglês.
O 'Museu Ultramarino da Guerra da Resistência do Povo Chinês Contra Japonês' será aberto em um local próximo a Chinatown, em São Francisco.
Na guerra de informação na comunidade internacional, a estética japonesa que não esclarece a objeção às mentiras por "palavras" é derrotada pela propaganda na China e na Coréia.
Setenta anos após a guerra, o Japão deve vencer a "guerra histórica" para proteger sua honra.
Espero que este livro seja pioneiro.

Die japanische Ästhetik, die den Einwand der Lüge nicht durch

2019年10月16日 13時34分58秒 | 全般

Der Sankei Shimbun kämpft mit dem, was das Außenministerium tun sollte. Senden Sie das Kapitel vom 18.08.2015 erneut.
Das Folgende ist aus der Lesesektion der Zeitung Sankei am 16. August.
Henry S. Stokes (ehemaliger Filialdirektor der New York Times in Tokio) hat eine Buchbesprechung zum Schutz der japanischen Ehre durchgeführt.
Der Schwerpunkt im Satz liegt bei mir.
Geschichte Kriege
Historischer Krieg: Warum kam es zu der falschen Anklage des Jahrhunderts? Englisch-japanische Übersetzung, Sankei Shimbun (Sankei Shimbun Publishing, 1200 Yen zzgl. Steuern)
〈Das ist wahrer 'Krieg'. Der Hauptfeind ist China und ein Feld ist Amerika.〉 〈Gegen die japanisch-koreanisch-amerikanische Anti-Japan-Bewegung und den gemeinsamen Kampf zwischen China und Nordkorea wartet Japan in der gegenwärtigen Situation auf die Gelegenheit eines Gegenangriffs während des Kampfes in der Defensive auf dem US-amerikanischen Festland auf dem Hauptschlachtfeld. Sie können sehen, wie Japans Diplomatie, die sich bei den Mächten entschuldigt, die Japan im miesen Glauben herabsetzen und guten Glauben zeigen, gescheitert ist
Die Tatsache, dass Sankei Shimbun eine zweisprachige Version von 'History Wars' veröffentlichte, ist, dass sie tatsächlich eine Bühne in die Welt drängt, etwa weil sie das Leuchtfeuer des Kampfes verbessert.
Die erste Nachricht von MS. Yoshiko Sakurai, Mr. Hata Ikuhiko und Mr. Nishioka Tsutomu, die eng mit dem Foreign Correspondents 'Club of Japan verbunden sind, ermutigen als Kamerad.
Der "historische Krieg" auf Englisch ist jetzt in vollem Gange.
Dieses Buch ist in vier Kapitel gegliedert, und Kapitel 1 zeigt, dass die Frage des Trostes für Frauen eine falsche Anschuldigung für Japan ist.
Kapitel 2 ist eine antijapanische Propagandamaßnahme, bei der die koreanische und die chinesische antijapanische Föderation in den Vereinigten Staaten zusammenarbeiten.
Kapitel 3 beleuchtet das Problem der Trostlosigkeit von Frauen, die durch Verdrehen der Fakten an die Welt weitergegeben werden können.
In Kapitel 4 wird kritisiert, was die japanische Regierung nicht widerlegt hat, und es werden Beispiele dafür angeführt, dass das "Nanjing-Massaker" vorgefertigte Tatsachen sind.
Ich habe viele Male nachgelesen, aber zum ersten Mal die so detaillierten englischen Informationen gesehen.
Der Sankei Shimbun kämpft mit dem, was das Außenministerium tun sollte.
Ich hoffe, dass viele japanische Bürger ermutigt werden, wenn sie dieses Buch ausländischen Bekannten und Freunden vorstellen und vorstellen.
Mir wurde klar, dass es kein sogenanntes Nanjing-Massaker gab und dass Trostfrauen keine Sexsklavinnen waren, weil ich diese Informationen auf Englisch kontaktierte.
Andererseits ist der Hauptgrund, warum viele Journalisten und Historiker in Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten an das "Nanjing Massaker" und "Comfort Women = Sex Slaves" glauben, dass es eine beträchtliche Menge an Informationen auf Englisch gibt.
In der Nähe von Chinatown in San Francisco wird das "Übersee-Museum des Krieges des chinesischen Volkes gegen Japaner" eröffnet.
In der Informationskriegsführung in der internationalen Gemeinschaft wird die japanische Ästhetik, die den Einwand gegen Lügen durch Worte nicht klarstellt, durch Propaganda in China und Korea besiegt.
70 Jahre nach dem Krieg muss Japan den "Geschichtskrieg" gewinnen, um seine Ehre zu schützen.
Ich hoffe, dieses Buch wird ein Pionier sein.

La estética japonesa que no aclara la objeción a las mentiras por

2019年10月16日 13時33分38秒 | 全般

El Sankei Shimbun está luchando con lo que debe hacer el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Reenvíe el capítulo enviado al 2015-08-18.
Lo siguiente es de la sección de lectura del periódico Sankei el 16 de agosto.
El Sr. Henry S. Stokes (ex Director de la Sucursal del New York Times en Tokio) realizó una reseña de un libro para proteger el honor de Japón.
El énfasis en la oración soy yo.
Guerras de historia
Guerra histórica: ¿Por qué ocurrió la acusación falsa del siglo? Versión de traducción inglés-japonés, Sankei Shimbun (Sankei Shimbun Publishing, 1200 yenes más impuestos)
〈Esta es la verdadera 'guerra'. El enemigo principal es China, y un campo es Estados Unidos. 〈〈Contra el Movimiento Anti-Japonés Japón-Corea-EE. UU. Y la lucha conjunta entre China y Corea del Norte, es en la situación actual que Japón está esperando la oportunidad de un contraataque mientras pelea la batalla defensiva en el territorio continental de EE. UU. en el campo de batalla principal. > <Puedes ver cómo la diplomacia de Japón que se disculpa con los poderes que menosprecian a Japón con mala fe y muestra buena fe ha fallado>
El hecho de que Sankei Shimbun haya publicado una versión bilingüe de 'History Wars' es que obliga a una etapa en el mundo, como el hecho de que mejoró el faro de combate.
El primer mensaje de MS. Yoshiko Sakurai, el Sr. Hata Ikuhiko y el Sr. Nishioka Tsutomu, estrechamente relacionados con el Club de corresponsales extranjeros de Japón, son alentadores como camaradas.
La "guerra histórica" en inglés ahora está en pleno apogeo.
Este libro está organizado en cuatro capítulos, y el Capítulo 1 demuestra que el problema de la comodidad de las mujeres es un cargo falso para Japón.
El Capítulo 2 es una actividad de propaganda antijaponesa en la que las federaciones antijaponesas coreanas y chinas colaboran en los Estados Unidos.
El Capítulo 3 destaca el tema de la comodidad de las mujeres que se puede transmitir al mundo al torcer los hechos.
El Capítulo 4 critica lo que el gobierno japonés no refutó, y da ejemplos de que la 'Masacre de Nanjing' es un hecho hecho.
Lo releí muchas veces, pero vi la información en inglés tan detallada por primera vez.
El Sankei Shimbun está luchando con lo que debe hacer el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.
Espero que muchos ciudadanos japoneses se animen al presentar y presentar este libro a conocidos y amigos en el extranjero.
Me di cuenta de que 'no hubo la llamada Masacre de Nanjing' y 'las mujeres de consuelo no eran' esclavas sexuales 'porque contacté esa información en inglés.
Por otro lado, la razón más importante por la que muchos periodistas e historiadores en Europa y los Estados Unidos creen en la 'Masacre de Nanjing' y 'Mujeres confortadas = esclavas sexuales' es porque hay una cantidad considerable de información en inglés.
El 'Museo de la guerra de la resistencia del pueblo chino contra los japoneses en el extranjero' se abrirá en un lugar cercano a Chinatown en San Francisco.
En la guerra de información en la comunidad internacional, la estética japonesa que no aclara la objeción a las mentiras mediante "palabras" es derrotada por la propaganda en China y Corea.
Setenta años después de la guerra, Japón debe ganar la "guerra de la historia" para proteger su honor.
Espero que este libro sea un pionero.

L'estetica giapponese che non chiarisce l'obiezione alle menzogne

2019年10月16日 13時32分30秒 | 全般

Il Sankei Shimbun è alle prese con ciò che dovrebbe fare il Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Invia nuovamente il capitolo inviato al 18-08-2015.
Quanto segue proviene dalla sezione di lettura del giornale Sankei del 16 agosto.
Henry S. Stokes (ex direttore del ramo di Tokyo del New York Times) ha pubblicato una recensione per proteggere l'onore del Giappone.
L'enfasi nella frase sono io.
History Wars
Guerra storica: perché si è verificata la falsa accusa del secolo? Versione di traduzione inglese-giapponese, Sankei Shimbun (Sankei Shimbun Publishing, 1200 yen più tasse)
〈Questa è vera "guerra". Il principale nemico è la Cina, e un campo è l'America. 〈〈Contro il movimento anti-giapponese Giappone-Corea-USA e la lotta congiunta Cina-Corea del Nord, è nella situazione attuale che il Giappone sta aspettando l'opportunità di un contrattacco combattendo la battaglia difensiva nel continente americano sul campo di battaglia principale. > <Puoi vedere come la diplomazia giapponese che si scusa con i poteri che denigrano il Giappone in cattiva fede e dimostra che la buona fede è fallita>
Il fatto che Sankei Shimbun abbia pubblicato una versione bilingue di "History Wars" è che costringe davvero un palcoscenico nel mondo, come nel fatto che ha migliorato il faro del combattimento.
Il primo messaggio di MS. Yoshiko Sakurai, il signor Hata Ikuhiko e il signor Nishioka Tsutomu, strettamente legati al Club dei corrispondenti stranieri del Giappone, sono incoraggianti come compagni.
La "guerra storica" in inglese è ora in pieno svolgimento.
Questo libro è organizzato in quattro capitoli e il capitolo 1 dimostra che la questione del benessere delle donne è una falsa accusa per il Giappone.
Il capitolo 2 è un'attività di propaganda anti-giapponese in cui le federazioni anti-giapponese coreana e cinese collaborano negli Stati Uniti.
Il capitolo 3 evidenzia la questione del benessere delle donne che può essere trasmesso al mondo distorcendo i fatti.
Il capitolo 4 critica ciò che il governo giapponese non ha confutato, fornendo esempi del fatto che il "massacro di Nanchino" sia un fatto pronto.
Ho riletto molte volte ma ho visto per la prima volta le informazioni inglesi così dettagliate.
Il Sankei Shimbun è alle prese con ciò che dovrebbe fare il Ministero degli Affari Esteri.
Spero che molti cittadini giapponesi saranno incoraggiati introducendo e presentando questo libro a conoscenti e amici stranieri.
Mi sono reso conto che "non c'era il cosiddetto massacro di Nanchino" e che "le donne di conforto non erano" schiave del sesso "perché avevo contattato tali informazioni in inglese.
D'altra parte, il motivo principale per cui molti giornalisti e storici in Europa e negli Stati Uniti credono nel "massacro di Nanchino" e "Comfort Women = Sex Slaves" è perché c'è una notevole quantità di informazioni in inglese.
Il 'Museo d'oltremare della guerra della resistenza popolare cinese contro i giapponesi' aprirà in una posizione vicino a Chinatown a San Francisco.
Nella guerra dell'informazione nella comunità internazionale, l'estetica giapponese che non chiarisce l'obiezione alle menzogne con "parole" viene sconfitta dalla propaganda in Cina e Corea.
A settant'anni dalla guerra, il Giappone deve vincere la "guerra della storia" per proteggere il suo onore.
Spero che questo libro sia un pioniere.


2019年10月16日 12時29分18秒 | 全般




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it is a popular page yesterday















Japanese aesthetics that do not clarify the objection to lies by 'words' are defeated by propaganda

2019年10月16日 11時58分45秒 | 全般

The Sankei Shimbun is struggling with what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should do. Re-send the chapter sent to 2015-08-18.
The following is from the reading section of the Sankei newspaper on August 16th.
Mr. Henry S. Stokes (former New York Times Tokyo Branch Director) has made a book review to protect Japan's honor.
The emphasis in the sentence is me.
History Wars
Historical War: Why did the false charge of the century occur? English-Japanese translation version, Sankei Shimbun (Sankei Shimbun Publishing, 1200 yen plus tax)
〈This is true 'war.' The main enemy is China, and a field is America.〉〈Against the Japan-Korea-US Anti-Japanese Movement and the China-North Korea joint struggle, it is in the present situation that Japan is waiting for the opportunity of a counterattack while fighting the defensive battle in US mainland in the main battlefield. ><You can see how Japan's diplomacy that apologizes to the powers that disparage Japan in lousy faith and shows good faith has failed>
The fact that Sankei Shimbun published a bilingual version of 'History Wars' is that it forces a stage into the world indeed, such as to the fact that it improved the beacon of combat.
The first message by MS. Yoshiko Sakurai, Mr. Hata Ikuhiko, and Mr. Nishioka Tsutomu, closely related to the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan, is encouraging as a comrade.
The 'historic war' in English is now in full swing.
This book is organized into four chapters, and Chapter 1 demonstrates that the comfort women issue is a false charge for Japan.
Chapter 2 is an anti-Japanese propaganda activity in which the Korean and Chinese anti-Japanese federations collaborate in the United States.
Chapter 3 highlights the issue of comfort women that can be passed on to the world by twisting the facts.
Chapter 4 criticizes what the Japanese government did not refute, giving examples of the 'Nanjing Massacre' being ready-made facts.
I reread many times but saw the so detailed English information for the first time.
The Sankei Shimbun is struggling with what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should do.
I hope that many Japanese citizens will be encouraged by introducing and presenting this book to overseas acquaintances and friends.
I realized that 'there was no so-called Nanjing Massacre' and 'comfort women were not' sex slaves' because I contacted that information in English.
On the other hand, the biggest reason why many journalists and historians in Europe and the United States believe in the 'Nanjing Massacre' and 'Comfort Women = Sex Slaves' is because there is a considerable amount of information in English.
'Overseas Museum of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese' will open in a location close to Chinatown in San Francisco.
In information warfare in the international community, Japanese aesthetics that do not clarify the objection to lies by 'words' are defeated by propaganda in China and Korea.
Seventy years after the war, Japan must win the 'history war' to protect its honor.
I hope this book will be a pioneer.

You can see how Japan's diplomacy that apologizes to the powers that disparage Japan

2019年10月16日 11時56分26秒 | 全般

The Sankei Shimbun is struggling with what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should do. Titled
Re-send the chapter sent to 2015-08-18.
The following is from the reading section of the Sankei newspaper on August 16th.
Mr. Henry S. Stokes (former New York Times Tokyo Branch Director) has made a book review to protect Japan's honor.
The emphasis in the sentence is me.
History Wars
Historical War: Why did the false charge of the century occur? English-Japanese translation version, Sankei Shimbun (Sankei Shimbun Publishing, 1200 yen plus tax)
<This is precise 'war.' The main enemy is China, and the battlefield is the United States.
〈Against the Japan-Korea-US Anti-Japanese Movement and the China-North Korea joint struggle, it is in the present situation that Japan is waiting for the opportunity of a counterattack while fighting the defensive battle in US mainland in the main battlefield. >
<You can see how Japan's diplomacy that apologizes to the powers that disparage Japan in lousy faith and shows good faith has failed>
The fact that Sankei Shimbun published a bilingual version of 'History Wars' is that it forces a stage into the world indeed, such as to the fact that it improved the beacon of combat.
The first message by MS. Yoshiko Sakurai, Mr. Hata Ikuhiko, and Mr. Nishioka Tsutomu, closely related to the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan, is encouraging as a comrade.
The 'historic war' in English is now in full swing.
This book is organized into four chapters, and Chapter 1 demonstrates that the comfort women issue is a false charge for Japan.
Chapter 2 is an anti-Japanese propaganda activity in the United States in collaboration between the Korean and Chinese Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia.
Chapter 3 highlights the issue of comfort women that can be passed on to the world by twisting the facts.
Chapter 4 criticizes what the Japanese government did not refute, giving examples of the 'Nanjing Massacre' being ready-made facts.
I read it over and over again, but I saw this detailed English information for the first time.
The Sankei Shimbun is struggling with what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should do.
I hope that many Japanese citizens will be encouraged by introducing and presenting this book to overseas acquaintances and friends.
I realized that 'there was no so-called Nanjing Massacre' and 'comfort women were not' sex slaves' because I contacted that information in English.
On the other hand, the biggest reason why many journalists and historians in Europe and the United States believe in the 'Nanjing Massacre' and 'Comfort Women = Sex Slaves' is because there is a considerable amount of information in English.
'Overseas Museum of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese' will open in a location close to Chinatown in San Francisco.
In information warfare in the international community, Japanese aesthetics that do not clarify the objection to lies by 'words' are defeated by propaganda in China and Korea.
Seventy years after the war, Japan must win the 'history war' to protect its honor.
I hope this book will be a pioneer.


2019年10月16日 10時24分06秒 | 全般




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it is a popular page yesterday















it is a popular page yesterday

2019年10月16日 08時38分24秒 | 全般








Rather it is ten times, twenty times as much and requests without limit.






「本当に悔しい。とにかく悔しい。返すがえすも悔しい…」 「あんな中国や韓国に人類史上最大の莫大な援助をしてしまった様な馬鹿な事をせずに、あの巨額を日本全土の防災




It is a popular page yesterday on ameba.


辻元清美の両親の国籍は韓国なんでしょうか? 国籍が韓国である噂は多かったので、 帰化の噂の真相を調べてみますと、


I think that it has led to trade friction with the United States currently in progress


The money should be used to improve the infrastructure of Japan.










Korea has long been the ancient brain, and we cannot deal with the 'ancient brain


To John Lennon.


Immediately after this appearance, I wrote that 'everything starts from one person'.


It can be said that there are places where HR has decided the academic theory


only in declaring 'won the controversy' due to extreme self-consciousness


Constitutional Scholars Invaded by the Galapagos Constitution


元々の〈姓〉に加え、内地人式の〈氏〉が持てるのは「悪い話でなかった」。 〈姓〉を〈氏〉に使って構わなかったから、数百万人がそうした。


Gran Bretagna e Corea del Sud sono spinti in un angolo


it is a popular page yesterday




It does not include the lack of the right to self-defense and collective security,




The Korean peninsula is an area where incorrigible people live.


The Chinese of the 'Ancient Brain' are trying to dominate the 'Modern Brain' Hong Kong!




The constitutional scholar who is addicted to ideology




Si ces subventions astronomiques à la Chine


China is the same as Korea, and it is still an 'ancient brain' (laughs).


Wenn diese astronomischen Zuschüsse für China und Korea verwendet wurden, um Japans








Si estas subvenciones astronómicas a China y Corea se usaran para fortalecer la tierra de Japón,




Au Royaume-Uni, l’industrie manufacturière s’est retirée et a été contrainte de gagner sa vie dans


Gran Bretaña y Corea del Sur son arrinconados




'The ancient brain' is the best way not to deal with it because there is no way to deal with it


宮澤俊義、長谷部恭男、石川健治、木村草太…なぜ、かくも東大法学部系教授は特殊なイデオロギーに染まるのか イデオロギーに酔う憲法学者


Ils n'ont rien qui soit la base de leurs ethnies, comme l'histoire et la culture


No tienen nada que sea la base de sus etnias, como la historia y la cultura.


No Reino Unido, a indústria de manufatura recuou


Großbritannien und Südkorea geraten in eine Ecke


it is a popular page yesterday on ameba

2019年10月16日 08時30分07秒 | 全般














it is a popular page yesterday





















私たちは、私たちの愛する日本の国土を世界最高の防災国家に作り上げるための資金を、 あろうことか



























that 'everything begins with one person'.
























Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You















Verdad que el alfarero coreano cerró el horno.






It is a popular page yesterday on goo



Economic sanctions in Hong Kong









If appropriate, the facts will follow.









It's like being dragged into an ancient casket


















'고대 뇌'의 중국인들이 '현대 뇌'홍콩을 지배하려고합니다!


