文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。2020/2/19, pm22:50

2020年02月19日 22時52分00秒 | 全般


辻元清美の両親の国籍は韓国なんでしょうか? 国籍が韓国である噂は多かったので、 帰化の噂の真相を調べてみますと、


è del tutto giusto che continuo a riferirmi alla loro essenza come un male abissale


es completamente correcto que sigo refiriéndome a su esencia como un mal abismal


Es ist völlig richtig, dass ich ihr Wesen immer wieder als ein abgründiges


é perfeitamente certo que eu continuo me referindo à sua essência como




it is entirely right that I keep referring to their essence as an abysmal evil and a plausible lie




совершенно верно, что я продолжаю называть их сущность ужасным


나는 그들의 본질을 심연의 악과 그럴듯한 거짓말로 계속 언급하는 것이 전적으로 옳다

There is no question of why there is no defense capability.

2020年02月19日 22時30分41秒 | 全般

The following is from a serialized column by Masayuki Takayama, which brought the Weekly Shincho released today to a successful conclusion.
This week again, he proves to be the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
Readers from all over the world, not just Japan, will be amazed by his splendor.
It is full of Guantanamo
JGSDF sometimes releases live ammunition exercises at the foot of Mt. Fuji to the public.
It is called a fire drill because it cannot be said to be a force due to the stupid constitution.
Each time 900,000 people apply, and 30,000 can see it.
A long time ago, Iokibe Makoto, the head of the Defense College, was there.
I am not ignorant of him at all.
I called out after the habit of a former newspaper reporter.
As soon as he saw this, he looked down with a disgusting face.
I thought it was rude, but the accompaniment replied, "You are writing that much to abuse him, so it's impossible to say good face."
Indeed, I covered in this section.
It is Pearl Harbor, where Roosevelt entrapped Japan.
He denied it "no evidence."
Which role player leaves the document "I deceived."
He believes that "justice has beaten bad Japan in the United States."
"Why such a man is the director of the National Defense Academy," I wrote.
It might have been nice just not to end in bloodshed.
In fact, I met another impressive naval officer in this fire drill.
The name was Stackpole.
Perhaps a while ago, when asked if he was a relative of Henry C. Stackpole, a commander of the Marine Corps of Okinawa, "I'm his nephew," and he was puffed up with pride.
Then, when I asked what his uncle said, 'cork in the bottle,' he was silent.
Major General's remarks appeared in the March 1990 Washington Post.
"If the U.S. forces withdraw, Japan will soon return to military power and have nuclear power immediately." "The U.S. forces in Japan are bottle caps to prevent Japan from doing so."
More flatly, it's the same as Cuba.
As soon as Cuba on the flank of the United States was able to take over, the Soviet Union was pulled in, and the Cuban crisis broke out.
To prevent this, the United States imposed a constitution in the late 19th century that occupied Cuba and abandoned diplomatic and military rights.
He also set up a robust U.S. military base in Guantanamo so that he could take over immediately after the anti-American uprising.
So the U.S. could hold it down before the Castro came out.
Japan, too, is the same.
The MacArthur Constitution deprived military power and belligerent rights.
"I have put Guantanamo throughout Japan under the name of Japan-US Security," Stackpole said.
It was laughable that Joseph Nai and Armitage, who had coaxed Japan by pretending to be pro-Japan, were surprised and ran around to deny his remarks.
But looking calmly, Hokkaido is the best place to prepare for the Soviet Union and China, but there is no one there.
Most are set to wrap up Tokyo.
The Okinawa Marine Corps Base is also strange.
There are no landing ships needed for the Marines to jut out.
Instead, high-speed transport aircraft will be deployed.
In case of need, they jump from there to Yokota and take over Tokyo.
It is because landing ships take time and cannot be made in time.
At that time, the 7th Fleet in Yokosuka also bombards the capital from Tokyo Bay, like Perry.
China knew it when they told the U.S. to split the Pacific Ocean with the United States 'we take on the lid of a bottle, too, if you like', it has been proposed.
He made Japan unarmed with a strange constitution and set a lot of Japanese monitoring base under the name of Japan-US Security.
Kishi Nobusuke said it would be strange.
'U.S. has the responsibility to unarmed Japan. Protect Japan at least when China or Korea attacks,' and he made Japan-U.S. Security treaty revise.
It has been just 60 years since Karoji and Nishibe, who knew nothing, rallied against Japan-U.S. Security treaty revise.
At that milestone, Iokibe wrote a comment in the Asahi Shimbun that nothing was known yet that 'Japan-U.S. Security has advantages in both Japan without defense forces and the United States who wants to have a free base in the Far East.'.
There is no question of why there is no defense capability.
Also for the runaway of China as 'Abe persuade Xi Jinping taking advantage now of good Japan-China relationship,' he says
Is it the companion who hears the persuasion?
Besides, he still scatters the lies of the Nanjing Massacre, restrains the Japanese as he likes, and makes cunning plans to the Senkaku.
Which side is 'good Japan-China relations'?


2020年02月19日 21時04分50秒 | 全般

で、叔父の語った「瓶の蓋(cork in the bottle)」の意味を訊ねたら黙ってしまった。 

Readers from all over the world, not just Japan, will be amazed by his splendor.

2020年02月19日 18時16分44秒 | 全般

The following is from a serialized column by Masayuki Takayama, which brought the Weekly Shincho released today to a successful conclusion.
This week again, he proves to be the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
Readers from all over the world, not just Japan, will be amazed by his splendor.
It is full of Guantanamo
JGSDF sometimes releases live ammunition exercises at the foot of Mt. Fuji to the public.
It is called a fire drill because it cannot be said to be a force due to the stupid constitution.
Each time 900,000 people apply, and 30,000 can see it.
A long time ago, Iokibe Makoto, the head of the Defense College, was there.
I am not ignorant of him at all.
I called out after the habit of a former newspaper reporter.
As soon as he saw this, he looked down with a disgusting face.
I thought it was rude, but the accompaniment replied, "You are writing that much to abuse him, so it's impossible to say good face."
Indeed, I covered in this section.
It is Pearl Harbor, where Roosevelt entrapped Japan.
He denied it "no evidence."
Which role player leaves the document "I deceived."
He believes that "justice has beaten bad Japan in the United States."
"Why such a man is the director of the National Defense Academy," I wrote.
It might have been nice just not to end in bloodshed.
In fact, I met another impressive naval officer in this fire drill.
The name was Stackpole.
Perhaps a while ago, when asked if he was a relative of Henry C. Stackpole, a commander of the Marine Corps of Okinawa, "I'm his nephew," and he was puffed up with pride.
Then, when I asked what his uncle said, 'cork in the bottle', he was silent.
Major General's remarks appeared in the March 1990 Washington Post.
"If the U.S. forces withdraw, Japan will soon return to military power and have nuclear power immediately." "The U.S. forces in Japan are bottle caps to prevent Japan from doing so."
More flatly, it's the same as Cuba.
As soon as Cuba on the flank of the United States was able to take over, the Soviet Union was pulled in, and the Cuban crisis broke out.
To prevent this, the United States imposed a constitution in the late 19th century that occupied Cuba and abandoned diplomatic and military rights.
He also set up a robust U.S. military base in Guantanamo so that he could take over immediately after the anti-American uprising.
So the U.S. could hold it down before the Castro came out.
Japan, too, is the same.
The MacArthur Constitution deprived military power and belligerent rights.
"I have put Guantanamo throughout Japan under the name of Japan-US Security," Stackpole said.
This draft continues.

il est tout à fait juste que je continue de parler de leur essence comme d'un mal abyssal

2020年02月19日 17時41分14秒 | 全般

L'éditorial d'aujourd'hui prouve que le journal le plus décent est désormais le Sankei Shimbun.
* ~ * C'est moi.
Donnez votre avis au gouvernement coréen
Torchrunner dans des vêtements de protection
Un coureur de torche en tenue de protection s'exécute sur une piste au stade national. Il y a un emblème des Jeux olympiques de Tokyo sur la poitrine et un signe radioactif sur l'épaule, et la centrale nucléaire peut voir au-delà du stade.
La flamme verte de la torche a probablement imaginé la criticité.
La marque olympique est également utilisée.
Certains ont un arrière-plan du drapeau japonais.
Un coureur en tenue de protection courant au crépuscule imite une affiche des Jeux de 1964.
Il s'agit d'une affiche temporairement affichée sur le mur autour de l'ambassade du Japon à Séoul.
Il a été créé par l'organisation privée coréenne «VANK».
C'est injuste.
Il est clair de dégrader le Japon et les JO.
Le Comité international olympique (CIO), qui s'oppose à l'utilisation politique des Jeux olympiques et à l'utilisation non autorisée de marques, a demandé à VANK de `` condamner l'utilisation abusive de l'emblème olympique pour des messages politiques et de s'abstenir de le faire à l'avenir ''.
Cependant, la partie VANK a déclaré que `` cela a été fait comme une parodie non pas pour gâcher l'image du Japon mais pour l'intérêt public de protéger la santé et la sécurité des participants olympiques '', et a continué à publier sur Facebook.
* Facebook s'avère être un foyer de mal *
L'effet de la protestation n'est pas du tout apparent.
Le Secrétaire général Suga Yoshihide a déclaré: «C'est complètement différent de la réalité. Cela ne devrait pas l'être. Nous protestons fermement par tous les moyens », mais l'effet de la protestation n'est pas du tout apparent.
VANK a travaillé sur le nom de la mer du Japon, réconforte les femmes, le différend territorial sur Takeshima et a également cherché à interdire au drapeau du soleil levant de se rendre sur les sites olympiques.
Selon des rapports en Corée du Sud et d'autres sources, il a reçu un soutien financier par le biais d'instituts de recherche affiliés au gouvernement et a reçu des distinctions présidentielles dans le passé.
Ce n'est pas une organisation sans lien avec le gouvernement.
Le gouvernement japonais devrait donner au gouvernement coréen une opinion stricte sur les activités de VANK et l'affiche du coureur de la flamme en tenue de protection.
Est-ce une bonne idée de faire de la publicité anti-japonaise aux Jeux olympiques au festival de la paix et de disperser intentionnellement les dommages malveillants à la réputation?
Décidez-vous que vous ne savez pas en tant qu'activité d'une organisation privée?
Ne laissez pas le gouvernement coréen voir l'attitude.
Les membres du parti au pouvoir «Parti démocratique de Corée» ont publié une carte falsifiée des données de détection de matières radioactives autour des Jeux olympiques de l'année dernière.
Des représentants de la délégation coréenne se sont déclarés préoccupés par la sécurité des produits cultivés à Fukushima dans les installations olympiques.
* En faisant de tels actes répréhensibles, les variétés japonaises de fraises et de patates douces enregistrées sont illégalement transportées en Corée et cultivées et exportées en grande quantité à Singapour et à Hong Kong, où les fraises et les patates douces japonaises sont populaires.
Où sera le mal?
Tout le monde à travers le monde se rendra compte qu'il est tout à fait juste que je continue de parler de leur essence comme d'un mal abyssal et d'un mensonge plausible. *
Tout cela parce qu'il ne fait aucun doute que la partie coréenne est un mouvement anti-japonais uni.
Tout cela parce qu'il est difficile de ne pas soupçonner que la partie coréenne est un mouvement anti-japonais uni.


2020年02月19日 17時40分03秒 | 全般

它是由韓國私人組織“ VANK”創建的。
* Facebook被證明是邪惡的溫床*
全世界的每個人都會意識到,我一直將它們的本質稱為一種極度邪惡的謊言和一個似是而非的謊言,這是完全正確的。 *

나는 그들의 본질을 심연의 악과 그럴듯한 거짓말로 계속 언급하는 것이 전적으로 옳다

2020年02月19日 17時38分29秒 | 全般

오늘의 사설은 가장 괜찮은 신문이 이제 산케이 신문이라는 것을 증명합니다.
* ~ * 나야.
한국 정부에 의견을주십시오
보호 복의 토치 러너
보호 장비의 토치 러너는 국립 경기장의 트랙에서 실행됩니다. 가슴에는 도쿄 올림픽의 상징이 있고 어깨에는 방사능 표시가 있으며 원자력 발전소는 경기장 너머를 볼 수 있습니다.
횃불의 녹색 불꽃은 아마도 비판을 상상했을 것입니다.
올림픽 마크도 사용됩니다.
일부는 일본 국기의 배경을 가지고 있습니다.
황혼에서 달리는 보호 복을 입은 러너는 1964 년 게임의 포스터를 모방합니다.
서울 주재 일본 대사관 벽에 임시로 게시 된 포스터입니다.
한국 민간 단체 'VANK'가 창설했다.
일본과 올림픽을 타락시키는 것은 분명합니다.
올림픽을 정치적으로 사용하고 상표를 무단으로 사용하는 데 어려움이있는 국제 올림픽위원회 (IOC)는 VANK에 '정치적 메시지를 위해 올림픽 엠블럼의 오용을 비난하고 앞으로는 그렇게하지 말라'고 요청했다.
그러나 VANK 측은 '일본의 이미지를 망치기위한 것이 아니라 올림픽 참가자의 건강과 안전을 보호하려는 대중의 이익을위한 패러디로 만들어졌다'고 밝혔다.
* 페이스 북은 악의 온 상임이 입증되었습니다 *
항의의 효과는 전혀 분명하지 않습니다.
스가 요시히 데 사무 총장은 '실제와는 완전히 다르다. 해서는 안됩니다. 우리는 반드시 강력하게 항의하지만 항의의 효과는 전혀 분명하지 않습니다.
VANK는 일본해의 이름, 위안부, 다케시마에 대한 영토 분쟁에 대해 연구하고 있으며, 떠오르는 태양 깃발이 올림픽 경기장에 가지 못하도록 노력하고 있습니다.
한국 및 기타 출처의 보고서에 따르면 정부 관련 연구소를 통해 재정 지원을 받았으며 과거에 대통령 상을 받았다.
정부와 관련이없는 조직은 아닙니다.
일본 정부는 한국 정부에 VANK의 활동과 보호 복의 토치 러너 포스터에 대해 엄격한 의견을 제시해야합니다.
평화의 축제에서 올림픽에 반일 홍보를 가져오고 의도적으로 악의적 인 평판 손상을 분산시키는 것이 좋은 생각입니까?
개인 조직의 활동으로 알지 않기로 결정 했습니까?
한국 정부가 태도를 보지 못하게하십시오.
여당 "민주당"은 지난해 올림픽 주변에 방사성 물질 검출 데이터의 위조지도를 공개했다.
한국 대표단 대표들은 올림픽 시설에서 후쿠시마에서 생산 된 농산물의 안전성에 대한 우려를 표명했다.
* 이러한 잘못을 저지르는 동안 등록 된 딸기와 고구마의 일본 품종은 불법적으로 한국으로 운송되어 재배되며 일본 딸기와 고구마가 인기있는 싱가포르와 홍콩으로 대량 수출됩니다.
더 이상 악이 어디 있을까요?
전 세계의 모든 사람들이 그들의 본질을 심연의 악과 그럴듯한 거짓말이라고 계속 말하는 것이 전적으로 옳다는 것을 깨달을 것입니다. *
이 모든 것이 한국 측이 연합 된 반일 운동이라는 데는 의심의 여지가 없기 때문입니다.
이 모든 것이 한국 측이 연합 된 반일 운동이라고 의심하기 어렵 기 때문이다.

совершенно верно, что я продолжаю называть их сущность ужасным

2020年02月19日 17時37分51秒 | 全般

Сегодняшняя редакционная статья доказывает, что самой приличной газетой сейчас является Sankei Shimbun.
* ~ * Это я.
Дайте свое мнение корейскому правительству
Torchrunner в защитной одежде
Бегущий факел в защитном снаряжении бежит по дорожке на Национальном стадионе. На груди изображена эмблема Олимпийских игр в Токио, на плече - радиоактивный знак, и атомная электростанция может видеть за пределами стадиона.
Зеленое пламя факела, вероятно, представляло критичность.
Олимпийский знак также используется.
У некоторых есть фон японского флага.
Бегущий в защитной одежде, бегущий в сумерках, подражает плакату Игр 1964 года.
Это плакат, временно размещенный на стене вокруг японского посольства в Сеуле.
Он был создан корейской частной организацией «ВАНК».
Это не честно.
Понятно деградировать Японию и Олимпиаду.
Международный олимпийский комитет (МОК), который жестко относится к политическому использованию Олимпиады и несанкционированному использованию товарных знаков, попросил ВАНК «осудить неправомерное использование олимпийской эмблемы для политических сообщений и воздерживаться от этого в будущем».
Тем не менее, сторона VANK заявила, что «это было сделано как пародия не для того, чтобы испортить имидж Японии, а для общественных интересов по защите здоровья и безопасности олимпийских участников», и продолжила публиковать в Facebook.
* Facebook оказывается рассадником зла *
Эффект от протеста не очевиден вообще.
Генеральный секретарь Суга Йошихиде сказала: «Это полностью отличается от реальности. Этого не должно быть. Мы решительно протестуем всеми средствами », но эффект от протеста не очевиден вообще.
ВАНК работал над названием Японского моря, женщин для утех, территориального спора из-за Такэсимы, а также стремился запретить посещение Олимпийских объектов Флагом восходящего солнца.
Согласно сообщениям в Южной Корее и других источниках, он получил финансовую поддержку через правительственные исследовательские институты и в прошлом получал президентские награды.
Это не организация, не связанная с правительством.
Японское правительство должно дать корейскому правительству строгое мнение о деятельности VANK и плаката бегущего факела в защитной одежде.
Является ли хорошей идеей привлечь антияпонскую рекламу к Олимпиаде на фестивале мира и преднамеренно рассеять злонамеренный ущерб репутации?
Считаете ли вы, что вы не знаете, как деятельность частной организации?
Не позволяйте корейскому правительству видеть отношение.
Члены правящей партии "Демократическая партия Кореи" выпустили фальсифицированную карту данных обнаружения радиоактивных материалов вокруг Олимпиады в прошлом году.
Представители корейской делегации выразили обеспокоенность по поводу безопасности выращенной на Фукусиме продукции на олимпийских объектах.
* При совершении такого проступка японские сорта зарегистрированной клубники и сладкого картофеля незаконно перевозятся в Корею и культивируются, а также в больших количествах экспортируются в Сингапур и Гонконг, где популярны японская клубника и сладкий картофель.
Где еще будет зло?
Все в мире поймут, что совершенно правильно, что я продолжаю называть их сущность ужасным злом и правдоподобной ложью. *
Все это потому, что нет сомнений в том, что корейская сторона является единым антияпонским движением.
Все это потому, что трудно не подозревать, что корейская сторона является единым антияпонским движением.

é perfeitamente certo que eu continuo me referindo à sua essência como

2020年02月19日 17時36分37秒 | 全般

O editorial de hoje prova que o jornal mais decente é agora o Sankei Shimbun.
* ~ * Sou eu.
Dê sua opinião ao governo coreano
Torchrunner em roupas de proteção
Um corredor de tocha em equipamento de proteção é executado em uma pista no Estádio Nacional. Há um emblema das Olimpíadas de Tóquio no peito e um sinal radioativo no ombro, e a usina nuclear pode ver além do estádio.
A chama verde da tocha provavelmente imaginou a crítica.
A marca olímpica também é usada.
Alguns têm um fundo da bandeira japonesa.
Um corredor com roupas de proteção correndo ao entardecer imita um pôster dos Jogos de 1964.
É um cartaz temporariamente publicado na parede da embaixada do Japão em Seul.
Foi criado pela organização privada coreana 'VANK'.
Isso é injusto.
É claro degradar o Japão e as Olimpíadas.
O Comitê Olímpico Internacional (COI), que é duro com o uso político das Olimpíadas e com o uso não autorizado de marcas registradas, pediu à VANK que 'condene o uso indevido do emblema olímpico por mensagens políticas e evite fazê-lo no futuro'.
No entanto, o lado do VANK afirmou que 'foi feito como uma paródia não por estragar a imagem do Japão, mas pelo interesse público de proteger a saúde e a segurança dos participantes olímpicos', e continuou postando no Facebook.
* O Facebook prova ser um viveiro do mal *
O efeito do protesto não é aparente.
O secretário-geral Suga Yoshihide disse: 'É completamente diferente da realidade. Isso não deveria ser. Protestamos fortemente por todos os meios ', mas o efeito do protesto não é aparente.
A VANK vem trabalhando no nome do Mar do Japão, confortando as mulheres, a disputa territorial sobre Takeshima e também tentou proibir a Bandeira do Sol Nascente de ir aos locais olímpicos.
Segundo relatos da Coréia do Sul e de outras fontes, ele recebeu apoio financeiro de institutos de pesquisa afiliados ao governo e recebeu prêmios presidenciais no passado.
Não é uma organização não relacionada ao governo.
O governo japonês deve dar ao governo coreano uma opinião estrita sobre as atividades do VANK e o pôster do corredor da tocha em roupas de proteção.
É uma boa idéia trazer publicidade anti-japonesa para as Olimpíadas no festival da paz e dispersar intencionalmente danos maliciosos à reputação?
Você decide que não conhece a atividade de uma organização privada?
Não permita que o governo coreano veja atitude.
Membros do partido no poder "Partido Democrático da Coréia" divulgaram um mapa falsificado de dados de detecção de material radioativo nas Olimpíadas no ano passado.
Representantes da Delegação Coreana expressaram preocupação com a segurança dos produtos cultivados em Fukushima nas instalações olímpicas.
* Ao praticar tais irregularidades, as variedades japonesas de morango e batata-doce registradas são transportadas ilegalmente para a Coréia e cultivadas e exportadas em grandes quantidades para Cingapura e Hong Kong, onde são populares o morango e a batata-doce japoneses.
Onde mais algum mal estará?
Todo mundo ao redor do mundo perceberá que é inteiramente correto que eu continuo me referindo à sua essência como um mal abismal e uma mentira plausível. *
Tudo isso porque não há dúvida de que o lado coreano é um movimento anti-japonês unido.
Tudo isso é porque é difícil não suspeitar que o lado coreano seja um movimento anti-japonês unido.

Es ist völlig richtig, dass ich ihr Wesen immer wieder als ein abgründiges

2020年02月19日 17時35分34秒 | 全般

Der heutige Leitartikel beweist, dass die anständigste Zeitung jetzt der Sankei Shimbun ist.
* ~ * Bin ich.
Geben Sie der koreanischen Regierung Ihre Meinung
Fackelläufer in Schutzkleidung
Ein Fackelläufer in Schutzausrüstung läuft auf einer Strecke im Nationalstadion. Auf der Brust befindet sich ein Emblem der Olympischen Spiele in Tokio und auf der Schulter ein radioaktives Schild. Das Kernkraftwerk kann über das Stadion hinaussehen.
Die grüne Flamme der Fackel stellte sich wahrscheinlich die Kritikalität vor.
Die olympische Marke wird ebenfalls verwendet.
Einige haben einen Hintergrund der japanischen Flagge.
Ein Läufer in Schutzkleidung, der in der Dämmerung läuft, ahmt ein Plakat der Spiele von 1964 nach.
Es ist ein Poster, das vorübergehend an der Wand rund um die japanische Botschaft in Seoul angebracht ist.
Es wurde von der koreanischen Privatorganisation 'VANK' gegründet.
Das ist unfair.
Es ist klar, Japan und die Olympischen Spiele zu degradieren.
Das Internationale Olympische Komitee (IOC), das die politische Nutzung der Olympischen Spiele und die unbefugte Verwendung von Marken hart umkämpft, hat die VANK aufgefordert, "den Missbrauch des olympischen Emblems für politische Botschaften zu verurteilen und dies in Zukunft zu unterlassen".
Die VANK-Seite erklärte jedoch, dass "es als Parodie gemacht wurde, um nicht das Image Japans zu zerstören, sondern um das öffentliche Interesse am Schutz der Gesundheit und Sicherheit der olympischen Teilnehmer zu wecken", und postete weiterhin auf Facebook.
* Facebook erweist sich als Brutstätte des Bösen *
Die Wirkung des Protestes ist überhaupt nicht ersichtlich.
Generalsekretär Suga Yoshihide sagte: „Es ist völlig anders als die Realität. Das sollte nicht sein. Wir protestieren auf jeden Fall stark ', aber die Wirkung des Protests ist überhaupt nicht ersichtlich.
VANK hat am Namen des Japanischen Meeres gearbeitet, Frauen getröstet, den Territorialstreit um Takeshima getröstet und versucht, der Flagge der aufgehenden Sonne zu verbieten, zu den olympischen Austragungsorten zu gehen.
Berichten in Südkorea und anderen Quellen zufolge hat es finanzielle Unterstützung durch staatliche Forschungsinstitute erhalten und in der Vergangenheit Präsidentenpreise erhalten.
Es ist keine Organisation, die nichts mit der Regierung zu tun hat.
Die japanische Regierung sollte der koreanischen Regierung eine strikte Stellungnahme zu den Aktivitäten von VANK und dem Plakat des Fackelläufers in Schutzkleidung geben.
Ist es eine gute Idee, auf dem Friedensfest antijapanische Werbung für die Olympischen Spiele zu machen und böswilligen Reputationsschaden absichtlich zu zerstreuen?
Entscheiden Sie, dass Sie nicht als Aktivität einer privaten Organisation wissen?
Lassen Sie die koreanische Regierung keine Haltung sehen.
Mitglieder der Regierungspartei "Demokratische Partei Koreas" haben im vergangenen Jahr eine gefälschte Karte mit Daten zur Erkennung radioaktiven Materials rund um die Olympischen Spiele veröffentlicht.
Vertreter der koreanischen Delegation äußerten sich besorgt über die Sicherheit von Produkten aus Fukushima in olympischen Einrichtungen.
* Während eines solchen Fehlverhaltens werden japanische Sorten registrierter Erdbeeren und Süßkartoffeln illegal nach Korea transportiert und angebaut und in großen Mengen nach Singapur und Hongkong exportiert, wo japanische Erdbeeren und Süßkartoffeln beliebt sind.
Wo soll noch mehr Böses sein?
Jeder auf der ganzen Welt wird erkennen, dass es völlig richtig ist, dass ich ihre Essenz immer wieder als abgründiges Übel und plausible Lüge bezeichne. * *
All dies liegt daran, dass es keinen Zweifel daran gibt, dass die koreanische Seite eine vereinte antijapanische Bewegung ist.
All dies liegt daran, dass es schwer zu ahnen ist, dass die koreanische Seite eine vereinte antijapanische Bewegung ist.

es completamente correcto que sigo refiriéndome a su esencia como un mal abismal

2020年02月19日 17時34分20秒 | 全般

El editorial de hoy demuestra que el periódico más decente es ahora el Sankei Shimbun.
* ~ * Soy yo.
Da tu opinión al gobierno coreano
Antorcha en ropa protectora
Un corredor de la antorcha con equipo de protección corre por una pista en el Estadio Nacional. Hay un emblema de los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio en el cofre y un letrero radiactivo en el hombro, y la planta de energía nuclear puede ver más allá del estadio.
La llama verde de la antorcha probablemente imaginó la criticidad.
También se usa la marca olímpica.
Algunos tienen un fondo de la bandera japonesa.
Un corredor con ropa protectora que corre en la oscuridad imita un póster de los Juegos de 1964.
Es un cartel publicado temporalmente en el muro alrededor de la embajada japonesa en Seúl.
Fue creado por la organización privada coreana 'VANK'.
Es injusto.
Está claro degradar a Japón y los Juegos Olímpicos.
El Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI), que es duro con el uso político de los Juegos Olímpicos y el uso no autorizado de marcas registradas, ha pedido a VANK que "condene el mal uso del emblema olímpico para mensajes políticos y se abstenga de hacerlo en el futuro".
Sin embargo, el lado de VANK declaró que "se hizo como una parodia no por estropear la imagen de Japón sino por el interés público de proteger la salud y la seguridad de los participantes olímpicos", y continuó publicando en Facebook.
* Facebook demuestra ser un semillero del mal *
El efecto de la protesta no es aparente en absoluto.
El secretario general Suga Yoshihide dijo: 'Es completamente diferente de la realidad. Eso no debería ser. Protestamos fuertemente por todos los medios ', pero el efecto de la protesta no es aparente en absoluto.
VANK ha estado trabajando en el nombre del Mar de Japón, consolar a las mujeres, la disputa territorial sobre Takeshima, y ​​también ha tratado de prohibir que la Bandera del Sol Naciente vaya a los lugares olímpicos.
Según informes en Corea del Sur y otras fuentes, ha recibido apoyo financiero a través de institutos de investigación afiliados al gobierno y ha recibido premios presidenciales en el pasado.
No es una organización no relacionada con el gobierno.
El gobierno japonés debe dar al gobierno coreano una opinión estricta sobre las actividades de VANK y el cartel del corredor de la antorcha con ropa protectora.
¿Es una buena idea llevar publicidad antijaponesa a los Juegos Olímpicos en el festival de la paz y dispersar intencionalmente daños maliciosos a la reputación?
¿Decides que no sabes como actividad de una organización privada?
No permita que el gobierno coreano vea actitud.
Los miembros del partido gobernante "Partido Democrático de Corea" publicaron un mapa falsificado de datos de detección de material radiactivo alrededor de los Juegos Olímpicos el año pasado.
Representantes de la delegación coreana expresaron preocupación por la seguridad de los productos cultivados en Fukushima en las instalaciones olímpicas.
* Al cometer tales errores, las variedades japonesas de fresa y batata registradas se transportan ilegalmente a Corea y se cultivan y se exportan en grandes cantidades a Singapur y Hong Kong, donde la fresa y la batata japonesas son populares.
¿Dónde estará más maldad?
Todos en todo el mundo se darán cuenta de que es completamente correcto que siga refiriéndome a su esencia como un mal abismal y una mentira plausible. * *
Todo esto se debe a que no hay duda de que el lado coreano es un movimiento unido antijaponés.
Todo esto se debe a que es difícil no sospechar que la parte coreana es un movimiento unido antijaponés.

è del tutto giusto che continuo a riferirmi alla loro essenza come un male abissale

2020年02月19日 17時32分57秒 | 全般

L'editoriale di oggi dimostra che il giornale più decente è ora il Sankei Shimbun.
* ~ * Sono io.
Dai la tua opinione al governo coreano
Torchrunner in indumenti protettivi
Un corridore di torcia in equipaggiamento protettivo corre su una pista allo Stadio Nazionale. C'è un emblema delle Olimpiadi di Tokyo sul petto e un segno radioattivo sulla spalla, e la centrale nucleare può vedere oltre lo stadio.
La fiamma verde della torcia probabilmente immaginava la criticità.
Viene utilizzato anche il marchio olimpico.
Alcuni hanno uno sfondo della bandiera giapponese.
Un corridore in indumenti protettivi che corre nel crepuscolo imita un poster dei Giochi del 1964.
È un poster temporaneamente pubblicato sul muro attorno all'ambasciata giapponese a Seoul.
È stato creato dall'organizzazione privata coreana "VANK".
Non è giusto.
È evidente il degrado del Giappone e delle Olimpiadi.
Il Comitato Olimpico Internazionale (CIO), che è severo sull'uso politico delle Olimpiadi e sull'uso non autorizzato dei marchi, ha chiesto a VANK di "condannare l'uso improprio dell'emblema olimpico per messaggi politici e di astenersi dal farlo in futuro".
Tuttavia, la parte VANK ha dichiarato che "è stata creata come una parodia non per rovinare l'immagine del Giappone ma per l'interesse pubblico di proteggere la salute e la sicurezza dei partecipanti olimpici", e ha continuato a pubblicare post su Facebook.
* Facebook si dimostra un focolaio di male *
L'effetto della protesta non è affatto evidente.
Il segretario generale Suga Yoshihide ha dichiarato: "È completamente diverso dalla realtà. Quello non dovrebbe essere. Protestiamo fortemente con tutti i mezzi ", ma l'effetto della protesta non è affatto evidente.
VANK ha lavorato sul nome del Mar del Giappone, conforta le donne, la disputa territoriale su Takeshima e ha anche cercato di vietare la bandiera del Sol Levante di recarsi nei luoghi olimpici.
Secondo quanto riferito dalla Corea del Sud e da altre fonti, ha ricevuto sostegno finanziario da istituti di ricerca affiliati al governo e ha ricevuto premi presidenziali in passato.
Non è un'organizzazione estranea al governo.
Il governo giapponese dovrebbe dare al governo coreano un'opinione rigorosa sulle attività di VANK e sul poster del corridore della torcia in indumenti protettivi.
È una buona idea portare pubblicità anti-giapponese alle Olimpiadi al festival della pace e disperdere intenzionalmente il danno reputazionale maligno?
Decidi di non conoscere un'attività di un'organizzazione privata?
Non permettere al governo coreano di vedere l'atteggiamento.
I membri del partito al potere "Partito Democratico di Corea" hanno rilasciato una mappa falsificata di dati di rilevamento di materiale radioattivo intorno alle Olimpiadi dello scorso anno.
I rappresentanti della delegazione coreana hanno espresso preoccupazione per la sicurezza dei prodotti coltivati ​​a Fukushima nelle strutture olimpiche.
* Durante tale illecito, le varietà giapponesi di fragole e patate dolci registrate vengono trasportate illegalmente in Corea e coltivate e vengono esportate in grandi quantità a Singapore e Hong Kong, dove la fragola e la patata dolce giapponesi sono popolari.
Dove dovrebbe esserci altro male?
Tutti in tutto il mondo si renderanno conto che è assolutamente giusto che continui a riferirmi alla loro essenza come un male abissale e una bugia plausibile. *
Tutto questo perché non vi è alcun dubbio che la parte coreana sia un movimento anti-giapponese unito.
Tutto questo perché è difficile non sospettare che la parte coreana sia un movimento anti-giapponese unito.

it is entirely right that I keep referring to their essence as an abysmal evil and a plausible lie

2020年02月19日 17時29分18秒 | 全般

Today's editorial proves that the most decent newspaper is now the Sankei Shimbun.
* ~ * Is me.
Give your opinion to the Korean government
Torchrunner in protective clothing
A torch runner in protective gear runs on a track at the National Stadium. There is an emblem of the Tokyo Olympics on the chest and a radioactive sign on the shoulder, and the nuclear power plant can see beyond the stadium.
The torch's green flame probably imagined the criticality.
The Olympic mark is also used.
Some have a background of the Japanese flag.
A runner in protective clothing running in the dusk mimics a poster from the 1964 Games.
It is a poster temporarily posted on the wall around the Japanese Embassy in Seoul.
It was created by the Korean private organization 'VANK.'
It is unfair.
It is clear to degrade Japan and the Olympics.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC), which is tough on the political use of the Olympics and unauthorized use of trademarks, has asked VANK to 'condemn the misuse of the Olympic emblem for political messages and refrain from doing so in the future.'
However, the VANK side stated that 'it was made as a parody not for spoiling the image of Japan but for the public interest of protecting the health and safety of Olympic participants,' and continued posting on Facebook.
* Facebook proves to be a hotbed of evil *
The effect of the protest is not apparent at all.
Secretary-General Suga Yoshihide said, 'It is completely different from reality. That should not be. We protest strongly by all means', but the effect of the protest is not apparent at all.
VANK has been working on the name of the Sea of ​​Japan, comfort women, the territorial dispute over Takeshima, and has also sought to prohibit the Rising Sun Flag from going to the Olympic venues.
According to reports in South Korea and other sources, it has received financial support through government-affiliated research institutes and has received Presidential awards in the past.
It is not an organization unrelated to the government.
The Japanese government should give the Korean government strict opinion on the activities of VANK and the poster of the torch runner in protective clothing.
Is it a good idea to bring anti-Japanese publicity to the Olympics at the festival of peace and disperse malicious reputational damage intentionally?
Do you decide that you do not know as an activity of a private organization?
Do not allow the Korean government to see attitude.
Members of the ruling party "Democratic Party of Korea" released a falsified map of radioactive material detection data around the Olympics last year.
Representatives from the Korean Delegation expressed concern over the safety of Fukushima-grown produce at Olympic facilities.
* While doing such wrongdoing, Japanese varieties of registered strawberry and sweet potato are illegally transported to Korea and cultivated and are exported in large quantities to Singapore and Hong Kong, where Japanese strawberry and sweet potato are popular. 
Where shall any more evil be?
Everyone around the world will realize that it is entirely right that I keep referring to their essence as an abysmal evil and a plausible lie. *
All this is because there is no doubt that the Korean side is a united anti-Japanese movement.
All this is because it is hard not to suspect that the Korean side is a united anti-Japanese movement.


2020年02月19日 17時17分03秒 | 全般



2020年02月19日 17時16分18秒 | 全般
