文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

La Cina si sta comportando come se fosse un problema di qualcun altro.

2021年01月05日 17時10分59秒 | 全般
Quanto segue è tratto da un articolo della rivista mensile di questo mese, Seiron, intitolato "Scoop: One Year After the Wuhan Virus Outbreak", scritto dalla redazione di questa rivista.
È una lettura obbligata non solo per i giapponesi ma per le persone di tutto il mondo.
Il testo completo delle istruzioni di "distruzione" della Cina
Viene acquisita anche la minacciosa lettera di "Caixin".
È passato un anno dallo scoppio del nuovo coronavirus a Wuhan, in Cina.
Un totale di 70 milioni o più di persone sono state infettate in tutto il mondo e il numero di morti è salito a oltre 1,6 milioni, ed è ancora in corso.
Tuttavia, la Cina, il "preside" che ha fatto precipitare il mondo nella tragedia, rimane una finta ignoranza responsabile della diffusione del virus in tutto il mondo.
Questa volta la redazione di Seirons ha ottenuto documenti che dimostrano che le autorità cinesi hanno incaricato di "coprire" la diffusione iniziale dell'infezione e che hanno fatto pressioni sul media indipendente Caixin.
Ciò che emerge è un'immagine bizzarra della Cina come nazione controllata.
Il testo integrale del documento ottenuto dalla redazione di questa rivista è un avviso emesso da un'agenzia statale cinese all'inizio di gennaio 2020, che lo istruisce a coprire un focolaio significativo a Wuhan, anche se era consapevole che si stava verificando una situazione grave. .
Il titolo del documento è "Avviso sul rafforzamento della gestione delle risorse di campioni biologici e delle attività di ricerca scientifica correlate nel lavoro per prevenire e controllare le epidemie gravi" (Riferimento 1; tradotto dalla redazione; pagine 28-29).
È stato emesso il 3 gennaio 2020 dalla Commissione statale per la salute e l'igiene, che corrisponde al Ministero della salute, del lavoro e del welfare giapponese.
Come si può vedere dal titolo, le autorità statali cinesi hanno riconosciuto una "grave malattia infettiva" quando hanno emesso l'avviso.
Il fatto che abbia inviato l'avviso al "Laboratorio di sicurezza biologica di grado superiore per microrganismi infettivi umani" in ciascuna regione indica che le autorità erano consapevoli che poteva trasmettere questa "grave malattia infettiva" da persona a persona.
L'esistenza dell'avviso è stata sottolineata dal Segretario di Stato americano Pompeo in una conferenza stampa il 6 maggio.
La Cina avrebbe potuto prevenire la morte di centinaia di migliaia di persone in tutto il mondo. La Cina avrebbe potuto prevenire centinaia di migliaia di morti in tutto il mondo e salvare il mondo dalla caduta in una crisi economica globale. Avevano una scelta da fare. Invece, la Cina ha coperto l'epidemia di Wuhan.
Ha poi continuato ad affermare. La Commissione sanitaria nazionale aveva ordinato la distruzione dei campioni di virus il 3 gennaio.
L'istruzione di "distruzione" menzionata per la prima volta da Pompeo è specificata in "6" dell'avviso come segue.
L'istruzione "distruggere", menzionata per la prima volta da Pompeo, è chiaramente indicata in "6" del bando: "Quelle istituzioni e individui che, prima dell'emissione del presente avviso, hanno già ottenuto campioni biologici di casi di malattia rilevanti nelle pertinenti sedi mediche e le istituzioni sanitarie distruggeranno immediatamente tali campioni o li invieranno a un'istituzione designata dallo stato per la conservazione e la custodia e preserveranno adeguatamente le attività ei risultati sperimentali pertinenti.
La redazione ha tradotto la parola "distruggere" perché, in realtà, suggerisce che le cose che esistevano andrebbero cancellate senza lasciare traccia.
Allo stesso tempo, la direttiva include la "distruzione" dei campioni che erano già stati prelevati e la loro conservazione e conservazione in un'istituzione designata dallo stato.
L'intenzione è di consentire al governo di manipolare del tutto la divulgazione dei fatti.
Inoltre, "6" suggerisce di aver acquisito alcuni campioni biologici prima del 3 gennaio, quando è stato emesso il bando. Tuttavia, come indicato in "1", la definizione di campioni biologici include "tessuti morti, organi, ecc. Di pazienti deceduti".
La Cina in seguito ha ammesso che la prima persona infetta ha sviluppato la malattia nella città di Wuhan l'8 dicembre. Tuttavia, poiché c'erano 44 pazienti con diagnosi di polmonite virale di causa sconosciuta al 31 gennaio, è più naturale presumere che ci fossero già morti a partire dal 3 gennaio.
D'altra parte, poiché "3" afferma che "prima che le informazioni sul patogeno diventino più chiare, la gestione sarà effettuata provvisoriamente alla luce di microrganismi patogeni altamente letali [categoria 2]", sembra che la parte cinese non avesse un comprensione completa della natura del virus.
In risposta al riferimento di Pompeo alle "istruzioni per la distruzione" dell'avviso, Liu Dengfeng, un esperto dell'ispezione della Commissione sanitaria nazionale, ha riconosciuto l'esistenza delle informazioni ma non ha confermato se aveva ordinato la sua "distruzione.
Ha poi sostenuto che il contenuto dell'avviso era appropriato dal punto di vista della prevenzione delle malattie e che l'affermazione di Pompeo che faceva parte di un insabbiamento era "un mascheramento dei fatti, ignorando il contesto con l'obiettivo di fuorviare le persone.
Documento 1
Spetta alla Cina negare la "teoria dell'origine di Wuhan".
Diamo uno sguardo a ciò che stava accadendo prima e dopo l'avviso del 3 gennaio.
Intorno alla metà di novembre 2009, i sintomi della polmonite di origine sconosciuta hanno iniziato a essere confermati nella città di Wuhan, nella provincia di Hubei.
A dicembre, l'infezione si è diffusa nel mercato all'ingrosso di pesce della Cina meridionale a Wuhan. Il 31 dicembre, la Commissione sanitaria municipale di Wuhan ha annunciato un paziente con polmonite di origine sconosciuta e ha chiuso il mercato il 1 ° gennaio dell'anno successivo.
Il terzo giorno, le autorità cittadine hanno annunciato che non c'erano prove evidenti di trasmissione da uomo a uomo.
Il 30 dicembre, mentre le autorità municipali di Wuhan si affrettavano a calmare la situazione, il dottor Ai Fen, capo del pronto soccorso dell'ospedale centrale di Wuhan, ha condiviso informazioni su Internet su un paziente con sintomi simili a quelli della sindrome respiratoria acuta grave ( SARS) coronavirus.
Il dottor Li Wenliang, un oftalmologo, ha inviato le informazioni a una chat di gruppo su un servizio di social networking (SNS) a cui hanno aderito i suoi colleghi.
Il giorno successivo, il 31 gennaio, Li è stata perseguita dall'ispettorato dell'ospedale per come aveva ottenuto le informazioni.
Anche la polizia locale lo ha intervistato il 3 gennaio e successivamente lo ha punito per aver diffuso informazioni false.
Il signor Li è stato il primo a dare l'allarme, ma è stato infettato dal virus ed è morto a febbraio.
Si ritiene che "7" e "8" dell'avviso, come accennato in precedenza, abbiano istruito il governo a non rilasciare informazioni, test o risultati di esperimenti senza autorizzazione, tenendo presente che il signor Li aveva lanciato l'allarme.
Il 20 gennaio il governo cinese ha ammesso che il virus si era diffuso da uomo a uomo.
È ora ammesso che la polmonite di causa sconosciuta sia stata confermata nella città di Wuhan l'8 dicembre dell'anno precedente.
Tuttavia, un gran numero di cinesi sparsi in tutto il mondo per motivi di viaggio.
Anche nella città di Wuhan, che è stata improvvisamente chiusa il 23 gennaio, si dice che circa 5 milioni di cittadini di Wuhan abbiano lasciato la città poco prima del blocco.
I voli internazionali hanno iniziato ad operare a Wuhan nel 2000.
Collega Wuhan con più di 30 città in tutto il mondo.
Poiché il Giappone era una destinazione alla moda, si ritiene che un gran numero di cinesi sia venuto in Giappone.
In altre parole, le autorità cinesi erano a conoscenza della "grave infezione", ma hanno completamente soppresso le informazioni e non hanno fatto alcuno sforzo per contenere l'infezione in Cina, e inizialmente non hanno limitato i viaggi nazionali e internazionali durante le vacanze del capodanno cinese dal 24 gennaio al 30.
Non c'è da meravigliarsi che le azioni della Cina siano state condannate come un crimine contro l'umanità.
L'affermazione di Pompeo non era "fuorviante.
Una fonte diplomatica ha dichiarato: "C'è una possibilità troppo alta che il governo cinese fosse a conoscenza della trasmissione da uomo a uomo della malattia già dal 3 gennaio. Nonostante ciò, non hanno fermato la migrazione di massa durante il Festival di Primavera ma diffondere il virus in tutto il mondo.
L'Organizzazione mondiale della sanità (OMS) non ha dichiarato una pandemia fino all'11 marzo.
Supponiamo che informazioni accurate siano state trasmesse dalla Cina all'OMS in una fase precedente e che abbia emesso una "dichiarazione di pandemia" per fermare lo scambio con la Cina.
In tal caso, sembra che l'infezione non si sarebbe diffusa in questa misura.
Un anno dopo l'inizio della diffusione del virus Wuhan, e anche se si dice che il virus abbia avuto origine a Wuhan, la Cina continua a insistere sul fatto che il virus è stato portato dall'estero.
Ad esempio, la teoria è che gli americani abbiano portato il virus ai Military World Games, una competizione per i selezionatori di sport militari del mondo a Wuhan nell'ottobre 2019.
Ovviamente nessuno lo prenderebbe sul serio.
Il governo cinese ha recentemente diffuso la teoria secondo cui il virus è entrato a Wuhan attraverso cibo congelato importato.
La Cina è stata impegnata a evitare responsabilità, ma ha rifiutato di consentire alla comunità internazionale di indagare sulla città di Wuhan.
Anche quando il Segretario di Stato Pompeo e altri hanno espresso il sospetto che il nuovo virus si fosse diffuso dall'Istituto di virologia di Wuhan dell'Accademia delle scienze cinese, i media statali cinesi hanno criticato Pompeo solo per "mentire abitualmente" e non hanno accettato un'indagine su l'istituto o Wuhan.
Si prevede che il team di sondaggi internazionali dell'OMS entrerà in Cina all'inizio del 2021. Tuttavia, poiché l'OMS è stato notevolmente a favore della Cina, un team di sondaggi globale composto da Giappone, paesi di volontari occidentali e altri deve essere accettato.
Dato che la Cina è stata inizialmente "occultata" a fondo, la verità potrebbe non essere nota anche se fosse condotta un'indagine.
Sebbene sia passato troppo tempo, si può dire che l'accettazione della squadra investigativa è la responsabilità minima della Cina per la diffusione del contagio nel mondo.
Sebbene la Cina voglia disperatamente negare la "teoria dell'origine di Wuhan" del virus, dovrebbe notare che l'avviso del 3 gennaio afferma chiaramente "la polmonite di Wuhan.
La realtà di "Caixin
Un media cinese ha sottolineato l'esistenza del documento di notifica davanti al Segretario di Stato Pompeo.
È il sito di notizie cinese Caixin.net.
Ha distribuito parte dell'avviso in cinese il 26 febbraio e in inglese il 27 febbraio.
Nel numero di giugno 2020 di questa rivista, la signora He Qinglian, un'economista e giornalista di origine cinese che attualmente vive negli Stati Uniti, l'ha descritta come un mezzo di comunicazione "solitamente utilizzato dal governo per far trapelare deliberatamente informazioni privilegiate.
Infatti, la redazione di questa rivista ha ottenuto un documento (foto 2) che conferma il punto di vista della signora He. : il "Caixin Newspaper Propaganda and News Work Report for the First Half of the Year", compilato dalla redazione di Caixin il 28 agosto 2018.
Nella prima metà del 2018, Caixin Weekly, Caixin (China Reform) Monthly e Caixin Net, sotto l'interesse e la guida dei leader della National Political Consultative Conference, hanno colto con precisione l'andamento dell'opinione pubblica, aderendo alla direzione precisa della pubblicazione, hanno contribuito al grande quadro economico del paese, consapevoli dell'osservanza della disciplina propagandistica. I loro rapporti sono stati confermati ed elogiati dai leader dei dipartimenti centrali competenti e hanno avuto un impatto positivo sulla società.
La National People's Political Consultative Conference (PPCC) è un organo consultivo del governo con stretti legami con il Central United Front Work Department (UFPD) responsabile del lavoro di propaganda del PCC all'estero.
Il rapporto afferma chiaramente che Caixin è sotto la guida della Conferenza consultiva politica.
Il rapporto continua dicendo.
Allo stesso tempo, sotto la direzione della leadership centrale, Caixin sta compiendo ulteriori sforzi per esercitare un'influenza internazionale.
E i media internazionali e le persone in patria e all'estero che sono interessate alla Cina hanno costantemente considerato Caixin come una della stampa critica nella finanza e nell'economia cinese.
Aggiunge anche una ricca prospettiva cinese su questioni finanziarie ed economiche critiche.
Infatti, "molti rapporti e analisi" di Caixin "sono stati citati dai media internazionali.
Secondo il sito web di Toyo Keizai, che pubblica articoli sul nuovo coronavirus di Caixin dal 1 ° febbraio 2020, la signora Hu Shuli, presidente di Caixin Media, "Dopo aver lavorato come giornalista, ha fondato la rivista economica" Zaikei "nel 1998 .
Aveva lo scoop sull'occultamento delle informazioni delle autorità riguardo alla SARS.
Nel 2009 ha fondato Caixin Media.
In qualità di pioniera nella cronaca investigativa, è stata definita "la donna più pericolosa della Cina".
In Cina, che è sotto la dittatura del Partito comunista, il rapporto tra il partito e i media si chiama "gola e lingua".
La lingua significa "un portavoce del partito.
Poiché Caixin è sotto l'egida del Partito Comunista, svolge anche il ruolo della lingua.
Allo stesso tempo, tuttavia, il Caixin è stato davvero audace nelle sue critiche al regime, ad esempio, intervistando il dottor Li Wenliang, che per primo ha lanciato l'allarme sul nuovo coronavirus, mentre era in ospedale.
Forse la rabbia del pubblico per il fatto che la leadership non ha intrapreso azioni appropriate nelle prime fasi della malattia si è diffusa. Invece, ha nascosto le informazioni per proteggersi da coloro che avrebbero cercato di ritenerle responsabili, motivando i giornalisti.
Tuttavia, in Cina, sotto la dittatura monopartitica, dove non c'è libertà di stampa, la cronaca che persegue la responsabilità della leadership non è tollerata. Col tempo, una violenta reazione chiamata intimidazione sarà causata dai pesi massimi del Partito Comunista.
Intimidazione al presidente Caixin
La redazione di questa rivista ha anche ottenuto un documento (foto 3) in cui il signor Yu Zhengsheng, membro del comitato permanente del Politburo del Partito comunista e presidente della Conferenza consultiva politica nazionale fino a marzo 2018, ha rimproverato la signora Hu Shuli, presidente di Caixin, per il suo rapporto.
Il documento, firmato dal signor Yu e datato "15 febbraio", è stato inviato anche al signor Wang Yang, un membro del comitato permanente del Politburo. È succeduto al signor Yu come presidente della Conferenza consultiva politica.
Il documento, che inizia, "Alcuni dei contenuti del rapporto erano grossolanamente inappropriati", è graffiante.
Ciò che è importante ora è salvare le persone, non ritenerle responsabili. Dobbiamo perseguire la responsabilità, ma non dovremmo concentrare la nostra attenzione su di essa ora. Ciò che è importante è l'unità e tenersi saldi nella direzione che dovremmo guidare. Altrimenti, il morale e l'unità ne risentiranno. Come ha detto più volte il Segretario generale, dobbiamo guidare con precisione l'opinione pubblica.
Continua sottolineando: "Non dobbiamo trasformare il problema in una questione sistemica, perché coloro che hanno tendenze ostili stanno sfruttando questa opportunità per attaccare il nostro sistema.
Poi viene fuori il nome di Wang Qishan, Vice Presidente della Cina.
"La sua pubblicazione è stata affidata alla Conferenza politica consultiva dal compagno Qishan."
Si dice che il signor Wang Qishan sia il sostenitore della signora Hu Shuli.
'La pubblicazione ha ottenuto molto successo, ma ci sono stati alcuni problemi. Il problema principale è la questione della direzione. Come ho detto prima, non c'è modo di cambiare la tua ideologia liberale. Tuttavia, questa pubblicazione è utile per la riforma e l'apertura, quindi dobbiamo farlo bene. Dobbiamo parlare solo di economia e non lasciarci coinvolgere dalla società e dalla politica ”.
Ha anche scritto questa nota sarcastica sulla "direzione": "Sei paranoico riguardo agli Stati Uniti e non critichi le questioni statunitensi. Sei prevenuto nei confronti degli Stati Uniti e non incolpi le questioni degli Stati Uniti. L'ho sottolineato in passato, ma Non è cambiato, a quanto pare, conquistare l'ammirazione dell'élite statunitense occupa un posto importante nei vostri cuori.
L'argomento decisivo è l'ultimo paragrafo.
Il signor Yu, che si è ritirato dal palco ma si dice che abbia ancora una forte influenza, ha detto: "Non sono più in grado di gestire le vostre pubblicazioni in modo da dare la mia opinione come amico". Poi, "Spero che voi ragazzi non commettiate errori".
'Non voglio lasciare la mia posizione e pensare ad alcuni problemi seri, e non voglio che la mia vita tranquilla venga disturbata. È la mia ultima opinione su di te e dovresti evitare i solchi di alcune pubblicazioni ", ha concluso.
È una palese minaccia che suggerisce che interromperà la pubblicazione.
Guardando ai diritti territoriali delle Isole Senkaku (città di Ishigaki, Prefettura di Okinawa) e all '"incidente di Nanchino", il Partito comunista cinese comprende il valore dell'uso della propaganda per "trasformare le bugie in fatti".
Per questo motivo, i media che sono distinti dai media statali come il People's Daily e Xinhua News Agency, e che hanno guadagnato un certo livello di fiducia internazionale, sono estremamente preziosi e indispensabili per il PCC.
Quel media è Caixin.
La comunità internazionale, incluso il Giappone, deve ancora una volta mantenere le distanze e valutare con calma il contenuto del rapporto di Caixin.
La Cina si sta comportando come se fosse un problema di qualcun altro.
In un incontro con il ministro degli Esteri Toshimitsu Motegi, il ministro degli Esteri Wang Yi, che ha visitato il Giappone nel novembre 2020, ha dichiarato: "La nuova infezione da polmonite da coronavirus si è diffusa in tutto il mondo. Il quadro internazionale sta cambiando rapidamente il mondo ed è entrato in un periodo di turbolenze. e cambia. "
È come se fosse un problema di qualcun altro.
La Cina ha cercato di contenere il virus a livello nazionale come se lo stesse vomitando fuori dal paese, isolando le città e gestendo accuratamente le informazioni sui suoi cittadini.
Mentre l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti non sono stati in grado di fermare la diffusione della malattia, la Cina si è rapidamente mossa verso la ripresa economica e ha mostrato la "superiorità" della sua dittatura del Partito Comunista a partito unico.
A dicembre, il Regno Unito, gli Stati Uniti e altri paesi hanno iniziato la vaccinazione contro il nuovo coronavirus, sviluppato in una fase eccezionalmente precoce, facendo sperare che avrebbe ulteriormente fermato la diffusione dell'infezione.
Il nuovo coronavirus è il "virus Wuhan" e la Cina è responsabile della sua diffusione in tutto il mondo.
Dovrebbe mostrare alla comunità internazionale le informazioni su quanto accaduto a Wuhan e chiedere scusa.

الصين تتصرف كما لو كانت مشكلة شخص آخر.

2021年01月05日 17時08分34秒 | 全般
ما يلي هو من مقال في مجلة شهرية شهرية ، Seiron ، بعنوان "Scoop: عام واحد بعد اندلاع فيروس ووهان" ، كتبه طاقم تحرير هذه المجلة.
إنه أمر لا بد منه ليس فقط للشعب الياباني ولكن للناس في جميع أنحاء العالم.
النص الكامل لتعليمات "التدمير" الصينية
كما تم الحصول على خطاب التهديد "Caixin".
مر عام على تفشي فيروس كورونا الجديد في مدينة ووهان الصينية.
لقد أصيب ما مجموعه 70 مليون شخص أو أكثر على مستوى العالم ، وارتفع عدد الوفيات إلى أكثر من 1.6 مليون ، ولا يزال مستشريًا.
ومع ذلك ، فإن الصين ، "الرئيسية" التي أغرقت العالم في مأساة ، لا تزال جهلًا مزيفًا مسؤولاً عن انتشار الفيروس في جميع أنحاء العالم.
هذه المرة ، حصلت هيئة تحرير Seirons على وثائق تظهر أن السلطات الصينية أصدرت تعليمات بـ "التستر" على الانتشار الأولي للعدوى وأنها ضغطت على المنفذ الإعلامي المستقل Caixin.
ما يظهر هو صورة غريبة للصين كدولة خاضعة للسيطرة.
النص الكامل للوثيقة التي حصلت عليها هيئة تحرير هذه المجلة هو إشعار صادر عن وكالة حكومية صينية في أوائل يناير 2020 ، يأمرها بالتغطية على تفشي كبير في ووهان ، على الرغم من أنها كانت تدرك حدوث موقف خطير. .
عنوان الوثيقة هو "إشعار حول تعزيز إدارة موارد العينات البيولوجية وأنشطة البحث العلمي ذات الصلة في العمل على منع الأوبئة الخطيرة ومكافحتها" (المرجع 1 ؛ مترجم من هيئة التحرير ؛ الصفحات 28-29).
تم إصداره في 3 يناير 2020 ، من قبل لجنة الدولة للصحة والصرف الصحي ، والتي تتوافق مع وزارة الصحة والعمل والرفاهية اليابانية.
كما يتضح من العنوان ، تعرفت سلطات الدولة الصينية على "مرض معدي خطير" عندما أصدرت الإشعار.
تشير حقيقة أنها أرسلت الإشعار إلى "مختبر السلامة البيولوجية عالي الجودة للكائنات الدقيقة المعدية للإنسان" في كل منطقة إلى أن السلطات كانت تدرك أنه يمكن أن ينقل هذا "المرض المعدي الخطير" من شخص لآخر.
وأشار وزير الخارجية الأمريكي بومبيو إلى وجود الإشعار في مؤتمر صحفي في 6 مايو / أيار.
كان بإمكان الصين أن تمنع وفاة مئات الآلاف من الأشخاص حول العالم. كان بإمكان الصين أن تمنع مئات الآلاف من الوفيات في جميع أنحاء العالم وأن تنقذ العالم من الوقوع في ركود اقتصادي عالمي. كان لديهم الاختيار. لكن بدلاً من ذلك ، التعت الصين على تفشي المرض في ووهان.
ثم ذهب إلى التأكيد. كانت لجنة الصحة الوطنية قد أمرت بإتلاف عينات الفيروس في 3 يناير.
تعليمات "التدمير" التي ذكرها بومبيو لأول مرة محددة في "6" من الإشعار على النحو التالي.
تعليمات "التدمير" ، التي ذكرها بومبيو لأول مرة ، مذكورة بوضوح في "6" من الإشعار: "تلك المؤسسات والأفراد الذين حصلوا بالفعل ، قبل إصدار هذا الإشعار ، على عينات بيولوجية من حالات المرض ذات الصلة في المجال الطبي و يجب على المؤسسات الصحية تدمير مثل هذه العينات على الفور أو إرسالها إلى مؤسسة محددة من قبل الدولة للتخزين والحفظ ، والحفاظ بشكل صحيح على الأنشطة والنتائج التجريبية ذات الصلة.
ترجمت هيئة التحرير كلمة "إتلاف" لأنها ، في الواقع ، تقترح أن الأشياء التي كانت موجودة يجب أن تمحى بدون أثر.
في الوقت نفسه ، يتضمن التوجيه "إتلاف" العينات التي تم أخذها بالفعل وحفظها وتخزينها في مؤسسة تعينها الدولة.
القصد من ذلك هو السماح للحكومة بالتلاعب في الكشف عن الحقائق برمتها.
إلى جانب ذلك ، تشير "6" إلى أنها حصلت على بعض العينات البيولوجية قبل 3 يناير ، عندما صدر الإشعار. ومع ذلك ، كما هو مذكور في "1" ، يشمل تعريف العينات البيولوجية "الأنسجة الميتة ، والأعضاء ، وما إلى ذلك من المرضى المتوفين".
اعترفت الصين لاحقًا أن أول شخص مصاب أصيب بالمرض في مدينة ووهان في 8 ديسمبر. ومع ذلك ، نظرًا لأنه تم تشخيص 44 مريضًا بالتهاب رئوي فيروسي مجهول السبب حتى 31 يناير ، فمن الطبيعي أن نفترض أنه كانت هناك وفيات بالفعل اعتبارًا من 3 يناير.
من ناحية أخرى ، بما أن الرقم "3" ينص على أنه "قبل أن تصبح المعلومات عن العامل الممرض أكثر وضوحًا ، سيتم تنفيذ الإدارة مؤقتًا في ضوء الكائنات الدقيقة الممرضة شديدة الفتاكة [الفئة 2]" ، يبدو أن الجانب الصيني لم يكن لديه فهم كامل لطبيعة الفيروس.
رداً على إشارة بومبيو إلى "تعليمات إتلاف" الإشعار ، أقر ليو دينغفنغ ، الخبير في تفتيش لجنة الصحة الوطنية ، بوجود المعلومات لكنه لم يؤكد ما إذا كان قد أمر "بإتلافها".
ثم قال إن محتوى الإشعار كان مناسبًا من منظور الوقاية من الأمراض وأن تصريح بومبيو بأنه جزء من التستر كان "تمويهًا للحقائق ، متجاهلاً السياق بهدف تضليل الناس.
المستند 1
كل شيء على الصين أن تنكر "نظرية أصل ووهان".
دعونا نلقي نظرة على ما كان يحدث قبل وبعد إشعار 3 يناير.
حوالي منتصف نوفمبر 2009 ، بدأت أعراض الالتهاب الرئوي مجهولة المصدر في الظهور في مدينة ووهان بمقاطعة هوبى.
في ديسمبر ، انتشرت العدوى إلى سوق بيع المأكولات البحرية بجنوب الصين في ووهان. في 31 ديسمبر ، أعلنت لجنة الصحة لبلدية ووهان عن إصابة مريض بالتهاب رئوي مجهول المنشأ وأغلقت السوق في 1 يناير من العام التالي.
في اليوم الثالث ، أعلنت سلطات المدينة أنه لا يوجد دليل واضح على انتقال العدوى من إنسان إلى آخر.
في 30 ديسمبر ، بينما كانت سلطات بلدية ووهان تكافح لتهدئة الوضع ، شارك الدكتور آي فين ، رئيس قسم الطوارئ في مستشفى ووهان المركزي ، معلومات على الإنترنت حول مريض يعاني من أعراض مشابهة لأعراض متلازمة الالتهاب التنفسي الحاد ( سارس) فيروس كورونا.
أرسل الدكتور لي وينليانغ ، طبيب عيون ، المعلومات إلى محادثة جماعية على خدمة شبكات اجتماعية (SNS) انضم إليها زملاؤه.
في اليوم التالي ، في 31 يناير ، تمت ملاحقة لي من قبل مفتشية المستشفى فيما يتعلق بكيفية حصولها على المعلومات.
كما قابلته الشرطة المحلية في 3 يناير / كانون الثاني وعاقبته فيما بعد على نشر معلومات كاذبة.
كان السيد لي أول من دق ناقوس الخطر ، لكنه أصيب بالفيروس وتوفي في فبراير.
يُعتقد أن الرقمين "7" و "8" من الإشعار ، كما ذُكر سابقًا ، وجهوا الحكومة بعدم نشر معلومات أو اختبارات أو نتائج تجارب دون إذن ، مع الأخذ في الاعتبار أن السيد لي قد دق ناقوس الخطر.
في 20 يناير ، اعترفت الحكومة الصينية بانتشار الفيروس من إنسان لآخر.
من المعترف به الآن أنه تم تأكيد الالتهاب الرئوي المجهول السبب في مدينة ووهان في 8 ديسمبر من العام السابق.
ومع ذلك ، فإن عددًا كبيرًا من الصينيين منتشرين حول العالم لأغراض السفر.
حتى في مدينة ووهان ، التي تم إغلاقها فجأة في 23 يناير ، قيل إن حوالي 5 ملايين مواطن من ووهان قد غادروا المدينة قبل الحصار مباشرة.
بدأت الرحلات الجوية الدولية في العمل في ووهان في عام 2000.
يربط ووهان بأكثر من 30 مدينة حول العالم.
نظرًا لأن اليابان كانت وجهة عصرية ، فمن المعتقد أن عددًا كبيرًا من الصينيين جاءوا إلى اليابان.
بعبارة أخرى ، كانت السلطات الصينية على دراية بـ "العدوى الخطيرة" لكنها حجبت المعلومات تمامًا ولم تبذل أي جهد لاحتواء العدوى داخل الصين ، ولم تقيد في البداية السفر المحلي والدولي خلال عطلة رأس السنة الصينية من 24 يناير إلى 30.
لا عجب أن أفعال الصين قد أدينت كجريمة ضد الإنسانية.
لم يكن تصريح بومبيو "مضللا.
قال مصدر دبلوماسي: "هناك احتمال كبير أن تكون الحكومة الصينية على علم بانتقال المرض من إنسان إلى آخر في 3 يناير. وعلى الرغم من ذلك ، لم توقف الهجرة الجماعية خلال عيد الربيع ولكن نشر الفيروس في جميع أنحاء العالم.
منظمة الصحة العالمية (WHO) لم تعلن عن جائحة حتى 11 مارس.
لنفترض أنه تم نقل معلومات دقيقة من الصين إلى منظمة الصحة العالمية في مرحلة مبكرة ، وأصدرت "إعلان جائحة" لوقف التبادل مع الصين.
في هذه الحالة ، يبدو أن العدوى لم تكن لتنتشر إلى هذا الحد.
بعد عام من بدء انتشار فيروس ووهان ، وعلى الرغم من أن الفيروس نشأ في ووهان ، إلا أن الصين تواصل إصرارها على أن الفيروس جاء من الخارج.
على سبيل المثال ، النظرية هي أن الأمريكيين أحضروا الفيروس في الألعاب العسكرية العالمية ، وهي مسابقة لاختيار الرياضات العسكرية في العالم في ووهان في أكتوبر 2019.
بالطبع ، لن يأخذها أحد على محمل الجد.
قامت الحكومة الصينية مؤخرًا بنشر نظرية أن الفيروس دخل ووهان من خلال استيراد الأغذية المجمدة.
كانت الصين منشغلة في تجنب المسؤولية لكنها رفضت السماح للمجتمع الدولي بالتحقيق في مدينة ووهان.
حتى عندما أعرب وزير الخارجية بومبيو وآخرون عن شكوكهم في أن الفيروس الجديد قد انتشر من معهد ووهان لعلم الفيروسات التابع لأكاديمية العلوم الصينية ، انتقدت وسائل الإعلام التي تديرها الدولة بومبيو بسبب "الكذب المعتاد" ولم تقبل إجراء تحقيق في المعهد أو ووهان.
من المتوقع أن يدخل فريق المسح الدولي التابع لمنظمة الصحة العالمية إلى الصين في بداية عام 2021. ومع ذلك ، نظرًا لأن منظمة الصحة العالمية كانت مؤيدة للصين بشكل واضح ، يجب قبول فريق مسح عالمي يتكون من اليابان والدول الغربية المتطوعة وغيرها.
نظرًا لأن الصين كانت "تستر" بشكل شامل في البداية ، فقد لا تُعرف الحقيقة حتى لو تم إجراء تحقيق.
على الرغم من مرور الكثير من الوقت ، يمكن القول إن قبول فريق التحقيق هو الحد الأدنى من مسؤولية الصين عن نشر العدوى إلى العالم.
على الرغم من أن الصين تريد بشدة إنكار "نظرية أصل ووهان" للفيروس ، إلا أنها يجب أن تلاحظ أن إشعار 3 يناير ينص بوضوح على "الالتهاب الرئوي في ووهان.
حقيقة "Caixin
وأشارت وسيلة إعلامية صينية إلى وجود وثيقة الإخطار أمام وزير الخارجية بومبيو.
إنه موقع الأخبار الصيني Caixin.net.
ووزعت جزءًا من الإشعار باللغة الصينية في 26 فبراير وباللغة الإنجليزية في 27 فبراير.
في عدد يونيو 2020 من هذه المجلة ، وصفتها السيدة هي كينجليان ، الخبيرة الاقتصادية والصحفية من أصل صيني والمقيمة حاليًا في الولايات المتحدة ، بأنها وسيلة إعلامية "تستخدمها الحكومة عادةً لتسريب المعلومات الداخلية عمداً.
في الواقع ، حصل قسم التحرير في هذه المجلة على وثيقة (الصورة 2) تؤكد وجهة نظر السيدة هي. : "دعاية جريدة Caixin وتقرير العمل الإخباري للنصف الأول من العام" ، الذي تم تجميعه بواسطة قسم التحرير في Caixin في 28 أغسطس 2018
في النصف الأول من عام 2018 ، أدركت Caixin Weekly و Caixin (إصلاح الصين) الشهرية و Caixin Net ، تحت رعاية وتوجيه قادة المؤتمر الاستشاري السياسي الوطني ، بدقة اتجاه الرأي العام ، والتزموا بالاتجاه الدقيق المنشور ، ساهم في الصورة الاقتصادية الكبيرة للبلاد ، على علم بمراعاة الانضباط الدعائي. وقد تم تأكيد تقاريرهم وأشاد بها من قبل قادة الإدارات المركزية ذات الصلة وكان لها تأثير إيجابي على المجتمع.
المؤتمر الاستشاري السياسي الشعبي الوطني (PPCC) هو هيئة استشارية حكومية لها علاقات وثيقة مع إدارة عمل الجبهة المتحدة المركزية (UFPD) المسؤولة عن أعمال الدعاية للحزب الشيوعي الصيني في الخارج.
يذكر التقرير بوضوح أن Caixin تحت قيادة المؤتمر الاستشاري السياسي.
يذهب التقرير إلى القول.
في الوقت نفسه ، تحت إشراف القيادة المركزية ، يبذل Caixin مزيدًا من الجهود لممارسة التأثير الدولي.
ووسائل الإعلام الدولية والأشخاص في الداخل والخارج المهتمون بالصين اعتبروا Caixin على الدوام كواحدة من الصحافة الحاسمة في المالية والاقتصاد الصيني.
كما أنه يضيف وجهة نظر صينية غنية حول القضايا المالية والاقتصادية الحرجة.
في الواقع ، تم الاستشهاد بـ "العديد من التقارير والتحليلات" حول Caixin "في وسائل الإعلام الدولية.
وفقًا لموقع Toyo Keizai ، الذي ينشر مقالات عن فيروس كورونا الجديد Caixin منذ 1 فبراير 2020 ، السيدة Hu Shuli ، رئيسة Caixin Media ، "بعد عملها كمراسلة صحفية ، أسست المجلة الاقتصادية" Zaikei "في عام 1998 .
كان لديه السبق الصحفي بشأن إخفاء المعلومات للسلطات فيما يتعلق بالسارس.
في عام 2009 ، أسست شركة Caixin Media.
وباعتبارها رائدة في إعداد التقارير الاستقصائية ، فقد أُطلق عليها لقب "أخطر امرأة في الصين.
في الصين ، التي تخضع لدكتاتورية الحزب الشيوعي ، تسمى العلاقة بين الحزب ووسائل الإعلام بـ "الحلق واللسان".
اللسان يعني "المتحدث باسم الحزب.
نظرًا لأن Caixin يقع تحت رعاية الحزب الشيوعي ، فإنه يلعب أيضًا دور اللسان.
في الوقت نفسه ، ومع ذلك ، كان Caixin جريئًا بالفعل في انتقاده للنظام ، على سبيل المثال ، من خلال مقابلة الدكتور Li Wenliang ، الذي أثار ناقوس الخطر لأول مرة بشأن فيروس كورونا الجديد ، أثناء وجوده في المستشفى.
ولعل غضب الجمهور من عدم اتخاذ القيادة الإجراء المناسب في المراحل الأولى من انتشار المرض. وبدلاً من ذلك ، قامت بالتستر على المعلومات لحماية نفسها من أولئك الذين يسعون إلى تحميلها المسؤولية ، وتحفيز الصحفيين.
ومع ذلك ، في الصين ، في ظل ديكتاتورية الحزب الواحد ، حيث لا توجد حرية للصحافة ، لا يتم التسامح مع التقارير التي تتبع مسؤولية القيادة. بمرور الوقت ، سيكون رد الفعل العنيف المسمى التخويف سببه الوزن الثقيل للحزب الشيوعي.
ترهيب الرئيس كايكسين
حصل فريق تحرير هذه المجلة أيضًا على وثيقة (صورة 3) قام فيها السيد Yu Zhengsheng ، عضو اللجنة الدائمة للمكتب السياسي للحزب الشيوعي ورئيس المؤتمر الاستشاري السياسي الوطني حتى مارس 2018 ، بتوبيخ السيدة Hu شولي ، رئيسة Caixin ، على تقاريرها.
الوثيقة ، التي وقعها السيد يو ومؤرخة "15 فبراير" ، تم إرسالها أيضًا إلى السيد وانغ يانغ ، عضو اللجنة الدائمة للمكتب السياسي. خلف السيد يو كرئيس للمؤتمر الاستشاري السياسي.
الوثيقة ، التي تبدأ ، "بعض محتويات التقرير كانت غير لائقة على الإطلاق" ، لاذعة.
المهم الآن هو إنقاذ الناس ، وليس تحميلهم المسؤولية. يجب أن نتابع المسؤولية ، لكن لا ينبغي لنا أن نركز اهتمامنا عليها الآن. المهم هو الوحدة والتمسك بالاتجاه الذي يجب أن نقوده. خلاف ذلك ، ستتأثر الروح المعنوية والوحدة. كما قال الأمين العام مرات عديدة ، يجب أن نقود الرأي العام بدقة.
ويواصل التأكيد ، "يجب ألا نحول المشكلة إلى قضية منهجية ، لأن أصحاب الميول العدائية يستخدمون هذه الفرصة لمهاجمة نظامنا.
ثم يظهر اسم وانغ كيشان ، نائب رئيس الصين.
"كلف الرفيق كيشان منشورك إلى المؤتمر الاستشاري السياسي".
ويقال أن السيد وانغ كيشان هو مؤيد للسيدة هو شولي.
لقد حقق النشر نجاحًا كبيرًا ، لكن كانت هناك بعض المشكلات. المشكلة الرئيسية هي مسألة الاتجاه. كما قلت من قبل ، لا توجد طريقة لتغيير أيديولوجيتك الليبرالية. لكن هذا المنشور مفيد للإصلاح والانفتاح ، لذا يجب أن نقوم به بشكل جيد. يجب أن نتحدث فقط عن الاقتصاد ولا ننخرط في المجتمع والسياسة.
كما كتب هذه الملاحظة الساخرة عن "الاتجاه": "أنت مصاب بجنون العظمة من الولايات المتحدة ولا تنتقد القضايا الأمريكية. أنت متحيز ضد الولايات المتحدة ولا تلوم القضايا الأمريكية. لقد أشرت إلى هذا في الماضي ، لكنه لم يتغير من نظراته كسب اعجاب النخبة الامريكية يحتل مكانة هامة في قلوبكم.
النقطة الفاصلة هي الفقرة الأخيرة.
قال السيد يو ، الذي تقاعد من المنصة الأمامية ولكن لا يزال لديه تأثير قوي ، "لم أعد في وضع يسمح لي بإدارة منشوراتك حتى أعطي رأيي كصديق". ثم ، "أتمنى ألا ترتكبوا أخطاء يا رفاق."
لا أريد أن أترك منصبي وأفكر في بعض القضايا الخطيرة ، ولا أريد أن تتعطل حياتي الهادئة. انه رأيي الاخير فيك وعليك ان تتجنب فساد بعض المطبوعات ".
إنه تهديد صارخ يشير إلى أنها ستتوقف عن النشر.
بالنظر إلى الحقوق الإقليمية لجزر سينكاكو (مدينة إيشيجاكي بمحافظة أوكيناوا) و "حادثة نانجينغ" ، يدرك الحزب الشيوعي الصيني قيمة استخدام الدعاية لـ "التغيير في الحقائق".
لهذا السبب ، تعتبر وسائل الإعلام التي تختلف عن وسائل الإعلام التي تديرها الدولة مثل صحيفة الشعب اليومية ووكالة أنباء شينخوا ، والتي اكتسبت مستوى معينًا من الثقة الدولية ، ذات قيمة عالية ولا غنى عنها للحزب الشيوعي الصيني.
هذا المنفذ الإعلامي هو Caixin.
يجب على المجتمع الدولي ، بما في ذلك اليابان ، مرة أخرى الحفاظ على مسافة وتقييم محتوى تقارير Caixin بهدوء.
الصين تتصرف كما لو كانت مشكلة شخص آخر.
في اجتماع مع وزير الخارجية توشيميتسو موتيجي ، قال وزير الخارجية وانغ يي ، الذي زار اليابان في نوفمبر 2020 ، "انتشرت عدوى الالتهاب الرئوي الفيروسي الجديد في جميع أنحاء العالم. الإطار الدولي يغير العالم بسرعة ، وقد دخل فترة من الاضطراب والتغيير."
يبدو الأمر كما لو كانت مشكلة شخص آخر.
تحاول الصين احتواء الفيروس محليًا كما لو كانت تقذفه خارج البلاد من خلال إغلاق المدن وإدارة المعلومات حول مواطنيها بشكل شامل.
في حين لم تتمكن أوروبا والولايات المتحدة من وقف انتشار المرض ، تحركت الصين بسرعة نحو التعافي الاقتصادي وأظهرت "تفوق" ديكتاتورية الحزب الشيوعي.
في ديسمبر ، بدأت المملكة المتحدة والولايات المتحدة ودول أخرى التطعيم ضد فيروس كورونا الجديد ، الذي تم تطويره في مرحلة مبكرة بشكل استثنائي ، مما زاد الآمال في أنه سيوقف انتشار العدوى.
فيروس كورونا المستجد هو "فيروس ووهان" والصين مسؤولة عن انتشاره في جميع أنحاء العالم.
يجب أن تظهر للمجتمع الدولي معلومات حول ما حدث في ووهان والاعتذار.

China tree op asof dit iemand anders se probleem is.

2021年01月05日 17時06分08秒 | 全般
Die volgende is uit 'n artikel in die maandblad Seiron, getiteld "Scoop: One Year After the Wuhan Virus Outbreak", geskryf deur die redaksie van hierdie tydskrif.
Dit is 'n moet-lees nie net vir die Japannese mense nie, maar ook vir mense regoor die wêreld.
Die volledige teks van China se "vernietigingsinstruksies"
Die dreigbrief van 'Caixin' word ook verkry.
Een jaar is verby sedert die uitbreek van die nuwe koronavirus in Wuhan, China.
Altesaam 70 miljoen mense of meer is wêreldwyd besmet en die aantal sterftes het gestyg tot meer as 1,6 miljoen, en dit woed steeds.
Desondanks bly China, die 'hoof' wat die wêreld in 'n tragedie gedompel het, 'n kragtige onkunde wat verantwoordelik is vir die verspreiding van die virus wêreldwyd.
Hierdie keer het die redaksie van Seirons dokumente bekom wat toon dat die Chinese owerhede opdrag gegee het om die aanvanklike verspreiding van die infeksie te "toesmeer" en dat hulle die onafhanklike media-kantoor Caixin onder druk geplaas het.
Wat na vore kom, is 'n bisarre prentjie van China as 'n beheerde nasie.
Die volledige teks van die dokument wat deur die redaksie van hierdie tydskrif verkry is, is 'n kennisgewing wat vroeg in Januarie 2020 deur 'n Chinese staatsagentskap uitgereik is, wat die opdrag gegee het om 'n beduidende uitbraak in Wuhan te verdoesel, alhoewel hy daarvan bewus was dat 'n ernstige situasie plaasgevind het. .
Die titel van die dokument is "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Biological Monster Resources and Related Scientific Research Activity in the Work to Prevent and Control Serious Epidemics" (Verwysing 1; vertaal deur die redaksie; bladsye 28-29).
Dit is op 3 Januarie 2020 uitgereik deur die staat se gesondheids- en sanitasiekommissie, wat ooreenstem met die Japanse ministerie van gesondheid, arbeid en welsyn.
Soos uit die titel blyk, het die Chinese staatsowerhede 'n 'ernstige aansteeklike siekte' erken toe hulle die kennisgewing uitgereik het.
Die feit dat dit die kennisgewing aan die "Hoërgraadslaboratorium vir biologiese veiligheid vir menslike aansteeklike mikro-organismes" in elke streek gestuur het, dui daarop dat die owerhede daarvan bewus was dat dit hierdie "ernstige aansteeklike siekte" van persoon tot persoon kon oordra.
Die Amerikaanse minister van buitelandse sake Pompeo het op 6 Mei op 'n perskonferensie op die bestaan van die kennisgewing gewys.
China kon die dood van honderdduisende mense regoor die wêreld voorkom het. China kon honderdduisende sterftes wêreldwyd voorkom en die wêreld red in 'n wêreldwye ekonomiese insinking. Hulle het 'n keuse gehad om te maak. Maar in plaas daarvan het China die uitbraak in Wuhan bedek.
Daarna gaan hy voort. Die Nasionale Gesondheidskommissie het op 3 Januarie gelas dat die virusmonsters vernietig moet word.
Die "vernietiging" -opdrag wat Pompeo die eerste keer genoem het, word soos volg in "6" van die kennisgewing gespesifiseer.
Die "vernietig" -instruksie, wat die eerste keer deur Pompeo genoem is, word duidelik in "6" van die kennisgewing vermeld: "Die instansies en individue wat, voor die uitreiking van hierdie kennisgewing, reeds biologiese monsters van relevante siektegevalle in die betrokke mediese en sanitêre instansies moet sulke monsters onmiddellik vernietig of dit na 'n staatsinstelling stuur vir bewaring en bewaring, en behou die toepaslike eksperimentele aktiwiteite en resultate behoorlik.
Die redaksie het die woord "vernietig" vertaal omdat dit in werklikheid voorstel dat die dinge wat bestaan, spoorloos moet uitgewis word.
Terselfdertyd bevat die richtlijn die vernietiging van die monsters wat reeds geneem is, en die bewaring en berging daarvan in 'n staatsinstelling.
Die bedoeling is om die regering toe te laat om die bekendmaking van die feite heeltemal te manipuleer.
Boonop stel "6" voor dat dit voor 3 Januarie, toe die kennisgewing uitgereik is, enkele biologiese monsters opgedoen het. Soos in "1" gesê, sluit die definisie van biologiese monsters "dooie weefsel, organe, ens. Van oorlede pasiënte" in.
Later het China toegegee dat die eerste besmette persoon die siekte op 8 Desember in Wuhan City ontwikkel het. Aangesien daar op 31 Januarie 44 pasiënte met 'n virale longontsteking van onbekende oorsaak gediagnoseer is, is dit natuurliker om aan te neem dat daar reeds sterftes was vanaf 3 Januarie.
Aan die ander kant, aangesien "3" sê dat "voordat die inligting oor die patogeen duideliker word, voorlopig sal plaasvind in die lig van hoogs dodelike patogene mikro-organismes [kategorie 2], blyk dit dat die Chinese kant nie 'n volledige begrip van die aard van die virus.
In reaksie op Pompeo se verwysing na 'instruksies vir die vernietiging' van die kennisgewing, het Liu Dengfeng, 'n kenner van die inspeksie van die nasionale gesondheidskommissie, die bestaan van die inligting erken, maar nie bevestig of hy die vernietiging daarvan beveel het nie.
Hy betoog dan dat die inhoud van die kennisgewing gepas is vanuit die perspektief van die voorkoming van siektes en dat Pompeo se stelling dat dit deel uitmaak van 'n toesmeerdery, 'n glans van die feite is, wat die konteks ignoreer met die doel om mense te mislei.
Dokument 1
Dit is alles vir China om die 'Wuhan-oorsprongsteorie' te ontken.
Kom ons kyk terug na wat voor en na die kennisgewing op 3 Januarie gebeur het.
Ongeveer middel November 2009 het longontstekingsimptome van onbekende oorsprong in Wuhan City, Hubei-provinsie, bevestig.
In Desember versprei die infeksie na die South China Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan. Op 31 Desember het die Wuhan Municipal Health Commission 'n pasiënt met longontsteking van onbekende oorsprong aangekondig en die mark op 1 Januarie die volgende jaar gesluit.
Op die derde dag het die stadsowerhede aangekondig dat daar geen duidelike bewyse van oordrag van mens tot mens is nie.
Terwyl die munisipale owerhede in Wuhan op 30 Desember geskarrel het om die situasie te kalmeer, het dr. Ai Fen, hoof van die noodafdeling in die Wuhan-sentrale hospitaal, inligting op die internet gedeel oor 'n pasiënt met simptome soortgelyk aan dié van ernstige akute respiratoriese sindroom ( SARS) koronavirus.
Dr. Li Wenliang, 'n oogarts, het die inligting gestuur na 'n groepgesprek op 'n sosiale netwerkdiens (SNS) waarby sy kollegas aangesluit het.
Die volgende dag, op 31 Januarie, is Li deur die hospitaal se inspeksie agtervolg oor hoe dit die inligting bekom het.
Die plaaslike polisie het hom ook op 3 Januarie ondervra en later gestraf omdat hy vals inligting versprei het.
Mnr. Li was die eerste wat alarm gemaak het, maar hy is deur die virus besmet en is in Februarie dood.
Daar word geglo dat "7" en "8" van die kennisgewing, soos vroeër genoem, die regering opdrag gegee het om nie inligting, toetse of resultate van eksperimente sonder toestemming bekend te maak nie, in gedagte dat mnr Li alarm gemaak het.
Op 20 Januarie het die Chinese regering erken dat die virus van mens tot mens versprei het.
Daar word nou erken dat longontsteking van onbekende oorsaak op 8 Desember van die vorige jaar in die stad Wuhan bevestig is.
Nietemin, 'n groot aantal Chinese versprei oor die hele wêreld vir reisdoeleindes.
Selfs in Wuhan City, wat skielik op 23 Januarie afgesluit is, word gesê dat ongeveer 5 miljoen Wuhan-burgers die stad net voor die blokkade verlaat het.
Internasionale vlugte het in 2000 in Wuhan begin funksioneer.
Dit verbind Wuhan met meer as 30 stede regoor die wêreld.
Aangesien Japan 'n nuwerwets bestemming was, word geglo dat 'n groot aantal Chinese na Japan gekom het.
Met ander woorde, die Chinese owerhede was bewus van die 'ernstige infeksie', maar het die inligting deeglik onderdruk en geen poging aangewend om die infeksie in China te beperk nie, en het nie aanvanklik binnelandse en internasionale reise gedurende die Chinese Nuwejaarsvakansie vanaf 24 Januarie beperk tot 30.
Dit is geen wonder dat China se optrede veroordeel is as 'n misdaad teen die mensdom nie.
Pompeo se stelling was nie 'misleidend' nie.
'N Diplomatieke bron het gesê:' Daar is 'n te groot moontlikheid dat die Chinese regering reeds op 3 Januarie van die mens-na-mens-oordrag van die siekte bewus was. versprei die virus wêreldwyd.
Die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie (WGO) het eers op 11 Maart 'n pandemie verklaar.
Gestel noukeurige inligting is in 'n vroeëre stadium van China aan die WGO oorgedra, en dit het 'n 'pandemieverklaring' uitgereik om die uitruil met China te stop.
In daardie geval blyk dit dat die infeksie nie in hierdie mate sou versprei het nie.
'N Jaar nadat die verspreiding van die Wuhan-virus begin het, en alhoewel die virus glo in Wuhan ontstaan het, bly China steeds daarop aandring dat die virus uit die buiteland gebring is.
Die teorie is byvoorbeeld dat Amerikaners die virus ingebring het by die Military World Games, 'n kompetisie vir die wêreld se militêre sportkeurders in Wuhan in Oktober 2019.
Niemand sal dit natuurlik ernstig opneem nie.
Die Chinese regering versprei onlangs die teorie dat die virus Wuhan binnegekom het deur ingevoerde bevrore kos.
China was besig om verantwoordelikheid te vermy, maar het geweier dat die internasionale gemeenskap Wuhan se stad ondersoek.
Selfs toe die minister van buitelandse sake Pompeo en ander die vermoede uitgespreek het dat die nuwe virus van die Wuhan Instituut vir Virologie van die Chinese Akademie vir Wetenskap versprei het, het die Chinese staatsbeheerde media Pompeo net gekritiseer omdat hy 'gewoon lieg' en aanvaar geen ondersoek na die instituut of Wuhan.
Na verwagting sal die WHO se internasionale opnamespan aan die begin van 2021 binnegaan. Aangesien die WGO opvallend pro-China was, moet 'n wêreldwye opnamespan bestaande uit Japan, Westerse vrywilligerslande en ander aanvaar word.
Aangesien China aanvanklik deeglik 'toegesmeer' is, sal die waarheid moontlik nie bekend wees nie, selfs al word 'n ondersoek gedoen.
Alhoewel daar te veel tyd verloop het, kan dit sê dat die aanvaarding van die ondersoekspan die minimum verantwoordelikheid van China is om die infeksie na die wêreld te versprei.
Alhoewel China die "Wuhan-oorsprongsteorie" van die virus bitter graag wil ontken, moet hy daarop let dat die Wuhan-longontsteking in die kennisgewing van 3 Januarie duidelik staan.
Die werklikheid van Caixin
'N Chinese media het gewys op die bestaan van die kennisgewingsdokument voor die minister van buitelandse sake Pompeo.
Dit is die Chinese nuuswebwerf Caixin.net.
Dit het 'n deel van die kennisgewing op 26 Februarie in Chinees versprei en op 27 Februarie in Engels.
In die uitgawe van Junie 2020 van hierdie tydskrif, het mevrou He Qinglian, 'n ekonoom en joernalis van Chinese oorsprong wat tans in die Verenigde State woon, dit beskryf as 'n mediawinkel wat 'gewoonlik deur die regering gebruik word om doelbewuste binne-inligting uit te lek.
Trouens, die redaksie-afdeling van hierdie tydskrif het 'n dokument (Foto 2) gekry wat bevestig dat mev. : die "Caixin Newspaper Propaganda and News Work Report for the First Half of the Year", saamgestel deur die redaksie-afdeling van Caixin op 28 Augustus 2018.
In die eerste helfte van 2018 het Caixin Weekly, Caixin (China Reform) Monthly en Caixin Net, onder die belang en leiding van die leiers van die Nasionale Politieke Konsultatiewe Konferensie, die neiging van die openbare mening akkuraat begryp en die akkurate rigting gevolg. van die publikasie, bygedra het tot die groot ekonomiese prentjie van die land, was bewus van die nakoming van propagandadissipline. Hulle verslae is bevestig en geprys deur die leiers van relevante sentrale departemente en het 'n positiewe uitwerking op die samelewing.
Die National People's Political Consultative Conference (PPCC) is 'n regeringsadviesraad met noue bande met die Central United Front Work Department (UFPD) wat verantwoordelik is vir die propaganda-werk van die CCP in die buiteland.
Die verslag lui duidelik dat Caixin onder die leiding van die Political Consultative Conference staan.
Die verslag sê verder.
Terselfdertyd, onder leiding van die sentrale leierskap, doen Caixin verdere pogings om internasionale invloed uit te oefen.
En die internasionale media en mense in die binneland en in die buiteland wat in China belangstel, het Caixin deurgaans beskou as een van die kritieke pers in China se finansies en ekonomie.
Dit voeg ook 'n ryk Chinese perspektief op kritieke finansiële en ekonomiese kwessies by.
In die internasionale media is inderdaad "baie berigte en ontledings" van Caixin aangehaal.
Volgens die Toyo Keizai-webwerf, wat sedert 1 Februarie 2020 artikels bevat oor Caixin se nuwe koronavirus, het Hu Shuli, president van Caixin Media, 'Nadat sy as koerantverslaggewer gewerk het, in 1998 die ekonomiese tydskrif' Zaikei 'gestig. .
Dit het die aandag gebring oor die verberging van inligting oor owerhede rakende die SAID.
In 2009 stig sy Caixin Media.
As 'n pionier in ondersoekverslaggewing is sy 'die gevaarlikste vrou in China' genoem.
In China, wat onder die diktatuur van die Kommunistiese Party staan, word die verhouding tussen die party en die media 'keel en tong' genoem.
Die tong beteken ''n woordvoerder van die party.
Aangesien Caixin onder die toesig van die Kommunistiese Party staan, speel dit ook die rol van die tong.
Terselfdertyd was die Caixin egter inderdaad vrymoedig in sy kritiek op die regime, byvoorbeeld deur onderhoude met dr Li Wenliang te voer, wat eers alarm gemaak het oor die nuwe koronavirus terwyl hy in die hospitaal was.
Miskien het die publiek se woede oor die feit dat die leierskap in die vroeë stadiums van die siekte nie gepas opgetree het nie, versprei. In plaas daarvan het dit die inligting toegesmeer om homself te beskerm teen diegene wat dit aanspreeklik wou hou en die joernaliste gemotiveer.
In China, onder die eenpartydiktatuur, waar daar geen persvryheid is nie, word die verslagdoening wat die leierskap se verantwoordelikheid nastreef, egter nie geduld nie. Mettertyd sal 'n hewige reaksie genaamd intimidasie veroorsaak word deur die swaargewig van die Kommunistiese Party.
Intimidasie aan president Caixin
Die redaksie van hierdie tydskrif het ook 'n dokument verkry (Foto 3) waarin mnr. Yu Zhengsheng, 'n lid van die Staande Komitee van die Politburo van die Kommunistiese Party en president van die Nasionale Politieke Konsultatiewe Konferensie tot Maart 2018, me. Shuli, president van Caixin, vir haar verslaggewing.
Die dokument, onderteken deur mnr. Yu en gedateer "15 Februarie", is ook aan mnr. Wang Yang, 'n lid van die Staande Komitee vir Politburo, gestuur. Hy volg mnr Yu op as president van die Politieke Konsultatiewe Konferensie.
Die dokument, wat begin, 'Sommige van die inhoud van die verslag was erg onvanpas', is skreiend.
Wat nou belangrik is, is om mense te red, en nie verantwoordelik te hou nie. Ons moet verantwoordelikheid nastreef, maar ons moet nie nou daarop fokus nie. Wat belangrik is, is eenheid en vashou aan die rigting wat ons moet lei. Andersins word die moraal en eenheid beïnvloed. Soos die Algemene Sekretaris al baie keer gesê het, moet ons die openbare mening akkuraat lei.
Hy beklemtoon verder: 'Ons moenie die probleem in 'n sistemiese kwessie verander nie, want diegene met vyandige neigings gebruik hierdie geleentheid om ons stelsel aan te val.
Dan kom die naam van Wang Qishan, vise-president van China, op.
'U publikasie is toevertrou aan die Politieke Konsultatiewe Konferensie deur kameraad Qishan.'
Daar word gesê dat mnr. Wang Qishan die steun van me. Hu Shuli is.
'Die publikasie het baie sukses behaal, maar daar was 'n paar probleme. Die grootste probleem is die rigtingvraag. Soos ek al voorheen gesê het, is daar geen manier om u liberale ideologie te verander nie. Hierdie publikasie is egter nuttig vir hervorming en opening, daarom moet ons dit goed doen. Ons moet net oor die ekonomie praat en nie betrokke raak by die samelewing en politiek nie. '
Hy het ook hierdie sarkastiese opmerking oor die "rigting" geskryf: "U is paranoïes oor die VSA en kritiseer nie Amerikaanse kwessies nie. U is bevooroordeeld teenoor die VSA en blameer nie die VSA se kwessies nie. Ek het dit al in die verlede opgemerk, maar dit is het nie verander nie. Uit die oog af speel dit die wen van die bewondering van die Amerikaanse elite 'n belangrike plek in u harte in.
Die klinker is die laaste paragraaf.
Mnr. Yu, wat van die eerste verhoog afgetree het, maar nog steeds 'n sterk invloed het, het gesê: 'Ek is nie meer in staat om u publikasies te bestuur sodat ek my mening as 'n vriend sal gee nie.' Dan, "Ek hoop dat julle nie foute maak nie."
'Ek wil nie my posisie verlaat en nadink oor ernstige kwessies nie, en ek wil nie hê dat my stille lewe versteur word nie. Dit is my laaste mening oor u, en u moet die ruts van sommige publikasies vermy, 'het hy afgesluit.
Dit is 'n blatante bedreiging wat daarop dui dat dit die publikasie sal staak.
As ons kyk na die territoriale regte van die Senkaku-eilande (Ishigaki-stad, Okinawa-prefektuur) en die 'Nanjing-voorval', begryp die Chinese Kommunistiese Party die waarde daarvan om propaganda te gebruik om 'feite te verander'.
Om hierdie rede is media wat anders is as die staatsbeheerde media soos die People's Daily en die Xinhua News Agency, en wat 'n sekere mate van internasionale vertroue verwerf het, vir die KKP baie waardevol en onontbeerlik.
Die media is Caixin.
Die internasionale gemeenskap, insluitend Japan, moet weer 'n afstand hou en die inhoud van Caixin se verslaggewing kalm beoordeel.
China tree op asof dit iemand anders se probleem is.
In 'n vergadering met Toshimitsu Motegi, minister van buitelandse sake, het Wang Yi, minister van buitelandse sake, wat Japan in November 2020 besoek het, gesê: "Die nuwe koronavirus-longontsteking het wêreldwyd versprei. Die internasionale raamwerk is besig om die wêreld vinnig te verander en dit het 'n periode van onrus binnegegaan en verander. '
Dit is asof dit iemand anders se probleem is.
China het probeer om die virus binnelands te bevat asof dit die land uitstoot deur stede af te sluit en inligting oor sy burgers deeglik te bestuur.
Terwyl Europa en die VSA nie die verspreiding van die siekte kon stuit nie, het China vinnig na ekonomiese herstel beweeg en die "meerderwaardigheid" van sy eenparty-diktatuur van die Kommunistiese Party getoon.
In Desember het die Verenigde Koninkryk, die Verenigde State en ander lande begin inent teen die nuwe koronavirus, wat in 'n buitengewone vroeë stadium ontwikkel is, wat die hoop laat ontstaan het dat dit die verspreiding van die infeksie verder sou stop.
Die nuwe koronavirus is die "Wuhan-virus", en China is verantwoordelik vir die verspreiding daarvan wêreldwyd.
Dit moet die internasionale gemeenskap inligting oor wat in Wuhan gebeur het, wys en om verskoning vra.

China is behaving as if it were someone else's problem. 

2021年01月05日 16時52分23秒 | 全般
The following is from an article in this month's monthly magazine, Seiron, titled "Scoop: One Year After the Wuhan Virus Outbreak," written by this magazine's editorial staff.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
The full text of China's "destruction" instructions   
The threatening letter of "Caixin" is also acquired.

One year has passed since the outbreak of the new coronavirus in Wuhan, China.
A total of 70 million people or more have been infected globally, and the number of deaths has risen to over 1.6 million, and it is still raging.
Nevertheless, China, the "principal" who has plunged the world into tragedy, remains a feigning ignorance responsible for spreading the virus worldwide.
This time, the editorial board of Seirons has obtained documents that show that the Chinese authorities instructed to "cover-up" the initial spread of the infection and that they pressured the independent media outlet Caixin.
What emerges is a bizarre picture of China as a controlled nation.      
The full text of the document obtained by the editorial staff of this magazine is a notice issued by a Chinese state agency in early January 2020, instructing it to cover up a significant outbreak in Wuhan, even though it was aware that a serious situation was occurring. 
The document's title is "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Biological Sample Resources and Related Scientific Research Activities in the Work to Prevent and Control Serious Epidemics" (Reference 1; translated by the editorial staff; pages 28-29).
It was issued on January 3, 2020, by the State Health and Sanitation Commission, which corresponds to Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
As can be seen from the title, the Chinese state authorities recognized a "serious infectious disease" when they issued the notice. 
The fact that it sent the notice to the "Higher Grade Biological Safety Laboratory for Human Infectious Microorganisms" in each region indicates that the authorities were aware that it could transmit this "serious infectious disease" from person to person. 
The existence of the notice was pointed out by U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo at a press conference on May 6.
China could have prevented the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. China could have prevented hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide and saved the world from falling into a global economic slump. They had a choice to make. But instead, China covered up the outbreak in Wuhan.
He then went on to assert. The National Health Commission had ordered the destruction of the virus samples on January 3. 
The "destruction" instruction that Pompeo first mentioned is specified in "6" of the notice as follows.
The "destroy" instruction, first mentioned by Pompeo, is clearly stated in "6" of the notice: "Those institutions and individuals who, before the issuance of this notice, have already obtained biological samples of relevant disease cases in the relevant medical and sanitary institutions shall immediately destroy such samples or send them to a state-designated institution for storage and safekeeping, and properly preserve the relevant experimental activities and results. 
The editorial staff translated the word "destroy" because, in reality, it suggests that the things that existed should be erased without a trace.
Simultaneously, the directive includes "destroying" the samples that had already been taken and preserving and storing them in a state-appointed institution.
The intention is to allow the government to manipulate the release of the facts altogether. 
Besides, "6" suggests that it acquired some biological samples before January 3, when the notice was issued. Still, as stated in "1", biological samples' definition includes "dead tissue, organs, etc. of deceased patients."
China later admitted that the first infected person developed the disease in Wuhan City on December 8. Still, since there were 44 patients diagnosed with viral pneumonia of unknown cause as of January 31, it is more natural to assume that there were already deaths as of January 3. 
On the other hand, since "3" states that "before the information on the pathogen becomes clearer, management will be carried out tentatively in light of highly lethal pathogenic microorganisms [category 2]," it seems that the Chinese side did not have a complete grasp of the nature of the virus. 
In response to Pompeo's reference to "instructions for the destruction" of the notice, Liu Dengfeng, an expert on the National Health Commission's inspection, acknowledged the existence of the information but did not confirm whether he had ordered its "destruction.
He then argued that the notice's content was appropriate from the perspective of disease prevention and that Pompeo's statement that it was part of a cover-up was "a glossing over of the facts, ignoring the context with the aim of misleading people.
Document 1

It is all for China to deny the 'Wuhan origin theory.'
Let's take a look back at what was happening before and after the January 3 notice. 
Around mid-November 2009, pneumonia symptoms of unknown origin began to be confirmed in Wuhan City, Hubei Province.
In December, the infection spread to the South China Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan. On December 31, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission announced a patient with pneumonia of unknown origin and closed the market on January 1 of the following year.
On the third day, the city authorities announced that there was no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission. 
On December 30, while the Wuhan municipal authorities were scrambling to calm the situation, Dr. Ai Fen, head of the emergency department at Wuhan Central Hospital, shared information on the Internet about a patient with symptoms similar to those of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus.
Dr. Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist, sent the information to a group chat on a social networking service (SNS) that his colleagues joined.
The following day, on January 31, Li was pursued by the hospital's inspectorate regarding how it obtained the information.
The local police also interviewed him on January 3 and later punished him for spreading false information. 
Mr. Li was the first to sound the alarm, but he was infected by the virus and died in February.
It is believed that "7" and "8" of the notice, as mentioned earlier, instructed the government not to release information, tests, or results of experiments without permission, bearing in mind that Mr. Li had sounded the alarm. 
On January 20, the Chinese government admitted that the virus had spread from man to man.
It is now admitted that pneumonia of unknown cause was confirmed in Wuhan city on December 8 of the previous year.
Nevertheless, a large number of Chinese scattered around the world for travel purposes.
Even in Wuhan City, which was suddenly sealed off on January 23, about 5 million Wuhan citizens were said to have left the city just before the blockade. 
International flights began to operate in Wuhan in 2000.
It connects Wuhan with more than 30 cities around the world.
Since Japan was a trendy destination, it is believed that a large number of Chinese came to Japan. 
In other words, the Chinese authorities were aware of the "serious infection" but thoroughly suppressed the information and made no effort to contain the infection within China, and did not initially restrict domestic and international travel during the Chinese New Year vacation from January 24 to 30.
It is no wonder that China's actions have been condemned as a crime against humanity.
Pompeo's statement was not "misleading. 
A diplomatic source said, "There is a too high possibility that the Chinese government was aware of the human-to-human transmission of the disease as early as January 3. Despite this, they did not stop the mass migration during the Spring Festival but spread the virus worldwide. 
The World Health Organization (WHO) did not declare a pandemic until March 11.
Suppose accurate information was transmitted from China to WHO at an earlier stage, and it issued a "pandemic declaration" to stop the exchange with China.
In that case, it seems that the infection would not have spread to this extent.
A year after the spread of the Wuhan virus began, and even though the virus is said to have originated in Wuhan, China continues to insist that the virus was brought in from abroad.
For example, the theory is that Americans brought the virus in at the Military World Games, a competition for the world's military sports selectors in Wuhan in October 2019.
Of course, no one would take it seriously. 
The Chinese government has recently been propagating the theory that the virus entered Wuhan through imported frozen food.
China has been busy avoiding responsibility but has refused to allow the international community to investigate Wuhan's city.
Even when Secretary of State Pompeo and others expressed suspicion that the new virus had spread from the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese state-run media only criticized Pompeo for "habitually lying" and did not accept an investigation of the institute or Wuhan. 
The WHO's international survey team is expected to enter China at the beginning of 2021. Still, since the WHO has been conspicuously pro-China, a global survey team consisting of Japan, Western volunteer countries, and others must be accepted.
Since China has been thoroughly "covering up" initially, the truth may not be known even if an investigation is conducted.
Although too much time has passed, it can say that the acceptance of the investigation team is the minimum responsibility of China for spreading the infection to the world. 
Although China desperately wants to deny the "Wuhan origin theory" of the virus, it should note that the January 3 notice clearly states "Wuhan pneumonia. 
The Reality of "Caixin 
A Chinese media outlet pointed out the existence of the notification document ahead of Secretary of State Pompeo.
It is the Chinese news site Caixin.net.
It distributed part of the notice in Chinese on February 26 and in English on February 27. 
In the June 2020 issue of this magazine, Ms. He Qinglian, an economist and journalist of Chinese origin currently living in the United States, described it as a media outlet "usually used by the government to leak inside information deliberately.
In fact, this magazine's editorial department obtained a document (Photo 2) that confirms Ms. He's point. : the "Caixin Newspaper Propaganda and News Work Report for the First Half of the Year," compiled by the editorial department of Caixin on August 28, 2018. 
In the first half of 2018, Caixin Weekly, Caixin (China Reform) Monthly, and Caixin Net, under the interest and guidance of the leaders of the National Political Consultative Conference, have accurately grasped the trend of public opinion, adhered to the accurate direction of the publication, contributed to the big economic picture of the country, been aware of the observance of propaganda discipline. Their reports have been affirmed and praised by the leaders of relevant central departments and have positively impacted society.
The National People's Political Consultative Conference (PPCC) is a government advisory body with close ties to the Central United Front Work Department (UFPD) responsible for the CCP's propaganda work abroad.
The report clearly states that Caixin is under the leadership of the Political Consultative Conference.
The report goes on to say. 
Simultaneously, under the direction of the central leadership, Caixin is making further efforts to exert international influence.
And the international media and people at home and abroad who are interested in China have consistently regarded Caixin as one of the critical press in China's finance and economy.
It also adds a rich Chinese perspective on critical financial and economic issues. 
Indeed, "many reports and analyses" of Caixin "have been cited in the international media. 
According to the Toyo Keizai website, which has been running articles on Caixin's new coronavirus since February 1, 2020, Ms. Hu Shuli, president of Caixin Media, "After working as a newspaper reporter, she founded the economic magazine "Zaikei" in 1998.
It had the scoop on information hiding of authorities regarding SARS.
In 2009, she founded Caixin Media.
As a pioneer in investigative reporting, she has been called 'the most dangerous woman in China.
In China, which is under the dictatorship of the Communist Party, the relationship between the party and the media is called "throat and tongue."
The tongue means "a spokesperson for the party.
Since Caixin is under the aegis of the Communist Party, it also plays the tongue's role. 
Simultaneously, however, the Caixin has indeed been bold in its criticism of the regime, for example, by interviewing Dr. Li Wenliang, who first raised the alarm about the new coronavirus, while he was in the hospital.
Perhaps the public's anger at the fact that the leadership did not take appropriate action in the early stages of the disease spread. Instead, it covered up the information to protect itself from those who would seek to hold it accountable, motivating the journalists. 
However, in China, under the one-party dictatorship, where there is no freedom of the press, the reporting that pursues the leadership's responsibility is not tolerated. In time, a violent reaction called intimidation will be caused by the heavyweight of the Communist Party.
Intimidation to president Caixin 
The editorial staff of this journal also obtained a document (Photo 3) in which Mr. Yu Zhengsheng, a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party and President of the National Political Consultative Conference until March 2018, reprimanded Ms. Hu Shuli, President of Caixin, for her reporting.
The document, signed by Mr. Yu and dated "February 15," was also sent to Mr. Wang Yang, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee. He succeeded Mr. Yu as President of the Political Consultative Conference. 
The document, which begins, "Some of the report's content was grossly inappropriate," is scathing. 
What is important now is to save people, not to hold them accountable. We must pursue responsibility, but we should not focus our attention on it now. What is important is unity and holding fast to the direction we should lead. Otherwise, morale and unity will be affected. As General Secretary has said many times, we must lead public opinion accurately.  
He goes on to stress, "We must not turn the problem into a systemic issue, because those with hostile tendencies are using this opportunity to attack our system.  
Then the name of Wang Qishan, Vice President of China, comes up.
'Your publication was entrusted to the Political Consultative Conference by Comrade Qishan.'
Mr. Wang Qishan is said to be the backer of Ms. Hu Shuli. 
'The publication has achieved a lot of success, but there have been a few problems. The main problem is the question of direction. As I have said before, there is no way to change your liberal ideology. However, this publication is useful for reform and opening up, so we must do it well. We must talk only about the economy and not get involved in society and politics.' 
He also wrote this sarcastic note about the "direction": "You are paranoid about the U.S. and do not criticize U.S. issues. You are biased against the U.S. and do not blame U.S. issues. I have pointed this out in the past, but it has not changed. From the looks of it, winning the admiration of the U.S. elite occupies an important place in your hearts. 
The clincher is the last paragraph.
Mr. Yu, who has retired from the front stage but is still said to have a strong influence, said, "I am no longer in a position to manage your publications so that I will give my opinion as a friend." Then, "I hope you guys don't make mistakes."
'I don't want to leave my position and think about some serious issues, and I don't want my quiet life to be disturbed. It is my last opinion of you, and you should avoid the ruts of some publications," he concluded.
It is a blatant threat suggesting that it will discontinue the publication.
Looking at the territorial rights of the Senkaku Islands (Ishigaki City, Okinawa Prefecture) and the "Nanjing Incident," the Chinese Communist Party understands the value of using propaganda to "change lies into facts."
For this reason, media that are distinct from the state-run media such as the People's Daily and Xinhua News Agency, and that have gained a certain level of international trust, are highly valuable and indispensable to the CCP.
That media outlet is Caixin. 
The international community, including Japan, must once again keep a distance and calmly assess the content of Caixin's reporting.
China is behaving as if it were someone else's problem. 
In a meeting with Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who visited Japan in November 2020, said, "The new coronavirus pneumonia infection has spread worldwide. The international framework is rapidly changing the world, and it has entered a period of turmoil and change."
It is as if it is someone else's problem. 
China has been trying to contain the virus domestically as if it were spewing it out of the country by sealing off cities and thoroughly managing information on its citizens.
While Europe and the U.S. were unable to halt the spread of the disease, China quickly moved toward economic recovery and showed off the "superiority" of its one-party Communist Party dictatorship. 
In December, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other countries began vaccinating against the new coronavirus, which was developed at an exceptionally early stage, raising hopes that it would further stop the spread of the infection. 
The new coronavirus is the "Wuhan virus," and China is responsible for spreading it worldwide.
It should show the international community information on what happened in Wuhan and apologize.


Intimidation to president Caixin 

2021年01月05日 16時52分04秒 | 全般
The following is from an article in this month's monthly magazine, Seiron, titled "Scoop: One Year After the Wuhan Virus Outbreak," written by this magazine's editorial staff.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
The full text of China's "destruction" instructions   
The threatening letter of "Caixin" is also acquired.

One year has passed since the outbreak of the new coronavirus in Wuhan, China.
A total of 70 million people or more have been infected globally, and the number of deaths has risen to over 1.6 million, and it is still raging.
Nevertheless, China, the "principal" who has plunged the world into tragedy, remains a feigning ignorance responsible for spreading the virus worldwide.
This time, the editorial board of Seirons has obtained documents that show that the Chinese authorities instructed to "cover-up" the initial spread of the infection and that they pressured the independent media outlet Caixin.
What emerges is a bizarre picture of China as a controlled nation.      
The full text of the document obtained by the editorial staff of this magazine is a notice issued by a Chinese state agency in early January 2020, instructing it to cover up a significant outbreak in Wuhan, even though it was aware that a serious situation was occurring. 
The document's title is "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Biological Sample Resources and Related Scientific Research Activities in the Work to Prevent and Control Serious Epidemics" (Reference 1; translated by the editorial staff; pages 28-29).
It was issued on January 3, 2020, by the State Health and Sanitation Commission, which corresponds to Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
As can be seen from the title, the Chinese state authorities recognized a "serious infectious disease" when they issued the notice. 
The fact that it sent the notice to the "Higher Grade Biological Safety Laboratory for Human Infectious Microorganisms" in each region indicates that the authorities were aware that it could transmit this "serious infectious disease" from person to person. 
The existence of the notice was pointed out by U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo at a press conference on May 6.
China could have prevented the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. China could have prevented hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide and saved the world from falling into a global economic slump. They had a choice to make. But instead, China covered up the outbreak in Wuhan.
He then went on to assert. The National Health Commission had ordered the destruction of the virus samples on January 3. 
The "destruction" instruction that Pompeo first mentioned is specified in "6" of the notice as follows.
The "destroy" instruction, first mentioned by Pompeo, is clearly stated in "6" of the notice: "Those institutions and individuals who, before the issuance of this notice, have already obtained biological samples of relevant disease cases in the relevant medical and sanitary institutions shall immediately destroy such samples or send them to a state-designated institution for storage and safekeeping, and properly preserve the relevant experimental activities and results. 
The editorial staff translated the word "destroy" because, in reality, it suggests that the things that existed should be erased without a trace.
Simultaneously, the directive includes "destroying" the samples that had already been taken and preserving and storing them in a state-appointed institution.
The intention is to allow the government to manipulate the release of the facts altogether. 
Besides, "6" suggests that it acquired some biological samples before January 3, when the notice was issued. Still, as stated in "1", biological samples' definition includes "dead tissue, organs, etc. of deceased patients."
China later admitted that the first infected person developed the disease in Wuhan City on December 8. Still, since there were 44 patients diagnosed with viral pneumonia of unknown cause as of January 31, it is more natural to assume that there were already deaths as of January 3. 
On the other hand, since "3" states that "before the information on the pathogen becomes clearer, management will be carried out tentatively in light of highly lethal pathogenic microorganisms [category 2]," it seems that the Chinese side did not have a complete grasp of the nature of the virus. 
In response to Pompeo's reference to "instructions for the destruction" of the notice, Liu Dengfeng, an expert on the National Health Commission's inspection, acknowledged the existence of the information but did not confirm whether he had ordered its "destruction.
He then argued that the notice's content was appropriate from the perspective of disease prevention and that Pompeo's statement that it was part of a cover-up was "a glossing over of the facts, ignoring the context with the aim of misleading people.
Document 1

It is all for China to deny the 'Wuhan origin theory.'
Let's take a look back at what was happening before and after the January 3 notice. 
Around mid-November 2009, pneumonia symptoms of unknown origin began to be confirmed in Wuhan City, Hubei Province.
In December, the infection spread to the South China Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan. On December 31, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission announced a patient with pneumonia of unknown origin and closed the market on January 1 of the following year.
On the third day, the city authorities announced that there was no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission. 
On December 30, while the Wuhan municipal authorities were scrambling to calm the situation, Dr. Ai Fen, head of the emergency department at Wuhan Central Hospital, shared information on the Internet about a patient with symptoms similar to those of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus.
Dr. Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist, sent the information to a group chat on a social networking service (SNS) that his colleagues joined.
The following day, on January 31, Li was pursued by the hospital's inspectorate regarding how it obtained the information.
The local police also interviewed him on January 3 and later punished him for spreading false information. 
Mr. Li was the first to sound the alarm, but he was infected by the virus and died in February.
It is believed that "7" and "8" of the notice, as mentioned earlier, instructed the government not to release information, tests, or results of experiments without permission, bearing in mind that Mr. Li had sounded the alarm. 
On January 20, the Chinese government admitted that the virus had spread from man to man.
It is now admitted that pneumonia of unknown cause was confirmed in Wuhan city on December 8 of the previous year.
Nevertheless, a large number of Chinese scattered around the world for travel purposes.
Even in Wuhan City, which was suddenly sealed off on January 23, about 5 million Wuhan citizens were said to have left the city just before the blockade. 
International flights began to operate in Wuhan in 2000.
It connects Wuhan with more than 30 cities around the world.
Since Japan was a trendy destination, it is believed that a large number of Chinese came to Japan. 
In other words, the Chinese authorities were aware of the "serious infection" but thoroughly suppressed the information and made no effort to contain the infection within China, and did not initially restrict domestic and international travel during the Chinese New Year vacation from January 24 to 30.
It is no wonder that China's actions have been condemned as a crime against humanity.
Pompeo's statement was not "misleading. 
A diplomatic source said, "There is a too high possibility that the Chinese government was aware of the human-to-human transmission of the disease as early as January 3. Despite this, they did not stop the mass migration during the Spring Festival but spread the virus worldwide. 
The World Health Organization (WHO) did not declare a pandemic until March 11.
Suppose accurate information was transmitted from China to WHO at an earlier stage, and it issued a "pandemic declaration" to stop the exchange with China.
In that case, it seems that the infection would not have spread to this extent.
A year after the spread of the Wuhan virus began, and even though the virus is said to have originated in Wuhan, China continues to insist that the virus was brought in from abroad.
For example, the theory is that Americans brought the virus in at the Military World Games, a competition for the world's military sports selectors in Wuhan in October 2019.
Of course, no one would take it seriously. 
The Chinese government has recently been propagating the theory that the virus entered Wuhan through imported frozen food.
China has been busy avoiding responsibility but has refused to allow the international community to investigate Wuhan's city.
Even when Secretary of State Pompeo and others expressed suspicion that the new virus had spread from the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese state-run media only criticized Pompeo for "habitually lying" and did not accept an investigation of the institute or Wuhan. 
The WHO's international survey team is expected to enter China at the beginning of 2021. Still, since the WHO has been conspicuously pro-China, a global survey team consisting of Japan, Western volunteer countries, and others must be accepted.
Since China has been thoroughly "covering up" initially, the truth may not be known even if an investigation is conducted.
Although too much time has passed, it can say that the acceptance of the investigation team is the minimum responsibility of China for spreading the infection to the world. 
Although China desperately wants to deny the "Wuhan origin theory" of the virus, it should note that the January 3 notice clearly states "Wuhan pneumonia. 
The Reality of "Caixin 
A Chinese media outlet pointed out the existence of the notification document ahead of Secretary of State Pompeo.
It is the Chinese news site Caixin.net.
It distributed part of the notice in Chinese on February 26 and in English on February 27. 
In the June 2020 issue of this magazine, Ms. He Qinglian, an economist and journalist of Chinese origin currently living in the United States, described it as a media outlet "usually used by the government to leak inside information deliberately.
In fact, this magazine's editorial department obtained a document (Photo 2) that confirms Ms. He's point. : the "Caixin Newspaper Propaganda and News Work Report for the First Half of the Year," compiled by the editorial department of Caixin on August 28, 2018. 
In the first half of 2018, Caixin Weekly, Caixin (China Reform) Monthly, and Caixin Net, under the interest and guidance of the leaders of the National Political Consultative Conference, have accurately grasped the trend of public opinion, adhered to the accurate direction of the publication, contributed to the big economic picture of the country, been aware of the observance of propaganda discipline. Their reports have been affirmed and praised by the leaders of relevant central departments and have positively impacted society.
The National People's Political Consultative Conference (PPCC) is a government advisory body with close ties to the Central United Front Work Department (UFPD) responsible for the CCP's propaganda work abroad.
The report clearly states that Caixin is under the leadership of the Political Consultative Conference.
The report goes on to say. 
Simultaneously, under the direction of the central leadership, Caixin is making further efforts to exert international influence.
And the international media and people at home and abroad who are interested in China have consistently regarded Caixin as one of the critical press in China's finance and economy.
It also adds a rich Chinese perspective on critical financial and economic issues. 
Indeed, "many reports and analyses" of Caixin "have been cited in the international media. 
According to the Toyo Keizai website, which has been running articles on Caixin's new coronavirus since February 1, 2020, Ms. Hu Shuli, president of Caixin Media, "After working as a newspaper reporter, she founded the economic magazine "Zaikei" in 1998.
It had the scoop on information hiding of authorities regarding SARS.
In 2009, she founded Caixin Media.
As a pioneer in investigative reporting, she has been called 'the most dangerous woman in China.
In China, which is under the dictatorship of the Communist Party, the relationship between the party and the media is called "throat and tongue."
The tongue means "a spokesperson for the party.
Since Caixin is under the aegis of the Communist Party, it also plays the tongue's role. 
Simultaneously, however, the Caixin has indeed been bold in its criticism of the regime, for example, by interviewing Dr. Li Wenliang, who first raised the alarm about the new coronavirus, while he was in the hospital.
Perhaps the public's anger at the fact that the leadership did not take appropriate action in the early stages of the disease spread. Instead, it covered up the information to protect itself from those who would seek to hold it accountable, motivating the journalists. 
However, in China, under the one-party dictatorship, where there is no freedom of the press, the reporting that pursues the leadership's responsibility is not tolerated. In time, a violent reaction called intimidation will be caused by the heavyweight of the Communist Party.
Intimidation to president Caixin 
The editorial staff of this journal also obtained a document (Photo 3) in which Mr. Yu Zhengsheng, a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party and President of the National Political Consultative Conference until March 2018, reprimanded Ms. Hu Shuli, President of Caixin, for her reporting.
The document, signed by Mr. Yu and dated "February 15," was also sent to Mr. Wang Yang, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee. He succeeded Mr. Yu as President of the Political Consultative Conference. 
The document, which begins, "Some of the report's content was grossly inappropriate," is scathing. 
What is important now is to save people, not to hold them accountable. We must pursue responsibility, but we should not focus our attention on it now. What is important is unity and holding fast to the direction we should lead. Otherwise, morale and unity will be affected. As General Secretary has said many times, we must lead public opinion accurately.  
He goes on to stress, "We must not turn the problem into a systemic issue, because those with hostile tendencies are using this opportunity to attack our system.  
Then the name of Wang Qishan, Vice President of China, comes up.
'Your publication was entrusted to the Political Consultative Conference by Comrade Qishan.'
Mr. Wang Qishan is said to be the backer of Ms. Hu Shuli. 
'The publication has achieved a lot of success, but there have been a few problems. The main problem is the question of direction. As I have said before, there is no way to change your liberal ideology. However, this publication is useful for reform and opening up, so we must do it well. We must talk only about the economy and not get involved in society and politics.' 
He also wrote this sarcastic note about the "direction": "You are paranoid about the U.S. and do not criticize U.S. issues. You are biased against the U.S. and do not blame U.S. issues. I have pointed this out in the past, but it has not changed. From the looks of it, winning the admiration of the U.S. elite occupies an important place in your hearts. 
The clincher is the last paragraph.
Mr. Yu, who has retired from the front stage but is still said to have a strong influence, said, "I am no longer in a position to manage your publications so that I will give my opinion as a friend." Then, "I hope you guys don't make mistakes."
'I don't want to leave my position and think about some serious issues, and I don't want my quiet life to be disturbed. It is my last opinion of you, and you should avoid the ruts of some publications," he concluded.
It is a blatant threat suggesting that it will discontinue the publication.
Looking at the territorial rights of the Senkaku Islands (Ishigaki City, Okinawa Prefecture) and the "Nanjing Incident," the Chinese Communist Party understands the value of using propaganda to "change lies into facts."
For this reason, media that are distinct from the state-run media such as the People's Daily and Xinhua News Agency, and that have gained a certain level of international trust, are highly valuable and indispensable to the CCP.
That media outlet is Caixin. 
The international community, including Japan, must once again keep a distance and calmly assess the content of Caixin's reporting.
China is behaving as if it were someone else's problem. 
In a meeting with Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who visited Japan in November 2020, said, "The new coronavirus pneumonia infection has spread worldwide. The international framework is rapidly changing the world, and it has entered a period of turmoil and change."
It is as if it is someone else's problem. 
China has been trying to contain the virus domestically as if it were spewing it out of the country by sealing off cities and thoroughly managing information on its citizens.
While Europe and the U.S. were unable to halt the spread of the disease, China quickly moved toward economic recovery and showed off the "superiority" of its one-party Communist Party dictatorship. 
In December, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other countries began vaccinating against the new coronavirus, which was developed at an exceptionally early stage, raising hopes that it would further stop the spread of the infection. 
The new coronavirus is the "Wuhan virus," and China is responsible for spreading it worldwide.
It should show the international community information on what happened in Wuhan and apologize.


The Reality of "Caixin 

2021年01月05日 16時51分34秒 | 全般
The following is from an article in this month's monthly magazine, Seiron, titled "Scoop: One Year After the Wuhan Virus Outbreak," written by this magazine's editorial staff.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
The full text of China's "destruction" instructions   
The threatening letter of "Caixin" is also acquired.

One year has passed since the outbreak of the new coronavirus in Wuhan, China.
A total of 70 million people or more have been infected globally, and the number of deaths has risen to over 1.6 million, and it is still raging.
Nevertheless, China, the "principal" who has plunged the world into tragedy, remains a feigning ignorance responsible for spreading the virus worldwide.
This time, the editorial board of Seirons has obtained documents that show that the Chinese authorities instructed to "cover-up" the initial spread of the infection and that they pressured the independent media outlet Caixin.
What emerges is a bizarre picture of China as a controlled nation.      
The full text of the document obtained by the editorial staff of this magazine is a notice issued by a Chinese state agency in early January 2020, instructing it to cover up a significant outbreak in Wuhan, even though it was aware that a serious situation was occurring. 
The document's title is "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Biological Sample Resources and Related Scientific Research Activities in the Work to Prevent and Control Serious Epidemics" (Reference 1; translated by the editorial staff; pages 28-29).
It was issued on January 3, 2020, by the State Health and Sanitation Commission, which corresponds to Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
As can be seen from the title, the Chinese state authorities recognized a "serious infectious disease" when they issued the notice. 
The fact that it sent the notice to the "Higher Grade Biological Safety Laboratory for Human Infectious Microorganisms" in each region indicates that the authorities were aware that it could transmit this "serious infectious disease" from person to person. 
The existence of the notice was pointed out by U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo at a press conference on May 6.
China could have prevented the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. China could have prevented hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide and saved the world from falling into a global economic slump. They had a choice to make. But instead, China covered up the outbreak in Wuhan.
He then went on to assert. The National Health Commission had ordered the destruction of the virus samples on January 3. 
The "destruction" instruction that Pompeo first mentioned is specified in "6" of the notice as follows.
The "destroy" instruction, first mentioned by Pompeo, is clearly stated in "6" of the notice: "Those institutions and individuals who, before the issuance of this notice, have already obtained biological samples of relevant disease cases in the relevant medical and sanitary institutions shall immediately destroy such samples or send them to a state-designated institution for storage and safekeeping, and properly preserve the relevant experimental activities and results. 
The editorial staff translated the word "destroy" because, in reality, it suggests that the things that existed should be erased without a trace.
Simultaneously, the directive includes "destroying" the samples that had already been taken and preserving and storing them in a state-appointed institution.
The intention is to allow the government to manipulate the release of the facts altogether. 
Besides, "6" suggests that it acquired some biological samples before January 3, when the notice was issued. Still, as stated in "1", biological samples' definition includes "dead tissue, organs, etc. of deceased patients."
China later admitted that the first infected person developed the disease in Wuhan City on December 8. Still, since there were 44 patients diagnosed with viral pneumonia of unknown cause as of January 31, it is more natural to assume that there were already deaths as of January 3. 
On the other hand, since "3" states that "before the information on the pathogen becomes clearer, management will be carried out tentatively in light of highly lethal pathogenic microorganisms [category 2]," it seems that the Chinese side did not have a complete grasp of the nature of the virus. 
In response to Pompeo's reference to "instructions for the destruction" of the notice, Liu Dengfeng, an expert on the National Health Commission's inspection, acknowledged the existence of the information but did not confirm whether he had ordered its "destruction.
He then argued that the notice's content was appropriate from the perspective of disease prevention and that Pompeo's statement that it was part of a cover-up was "a glossing over of the facts, ignoring the context with the aim of misleading people.
Document 1

It is all for China to deny the 'Wuhan origin theory.'
Let's take a look back at what was happening before and after the January 3 notice. 
Around mid-November 2009, pneumonia symptoms of unknown origin began to be confirmed in Wuhan City, Hubei Province.
In December, the infection spread to the South China Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan. On December 31, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission announced a patient with pneumonia of unknown origin and closed the market on January 1 of the following year.
On the third day, the city authorities announced that there was no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission. 
On December 30, while the Wuhan municipal authorities were scrambling to calm the situation, Dr. Ai Fen, head of the emergency department at Wuhan Central Hospital, shared information on the Internet about a patient with symptoms similar to those of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus.
Dr. Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist, sent the information to a group chat on a social networking service (SNS) that his colleagues joined.
The following day, on January 31, Li was pursued by the hospital's inspectorate regarding how it obtained the information.
The local police also interviewed him on January 3 and later punished him for spreading false information. 
Mr. Li was the first to sound the alarm, but he was infected by the virus and died in February.
It is believed that "7" and "8" of the notice, as mentioned earlier, instructed the government not to release information, tests, or results of experiments without permission, bearing in mind that Mr. Li had sounded the alarm. 
On January 20, the Chinese government admitted that the virus had spread from man to man.
It is now admitted that pneumonia of unknown cause was confirmed in Wuhan city on December 8 of the previous year.
Nevertheless, a large number of Chinese scattered around the world for travel purposes.
Even in Wuhan City, which was suddenly sealed off on January 23, about 5 million Wuhan citizens were said to have left the city just before the blockade. 
International flights began to operate in Wuhan in 2000.
It connects Wuhan with more than 30 cities around the world.
Since Japan was a trendy destination, it is believed that a large number of Chinese came to Japan. 
In other words, the Chinese authorities were aware of the "serious infection" but thoroughly suppressed the information and made no effort to contain the infection within China, and did not initially restrict domestic and international travel during the Chinese New Year vacation from January 24 to 30.
It is no wonder that China's actions have been condemned as a crime against humanity.
Pompeo's statement was not "misleading. 
A diplomatic source said, "There is a too high possibility that the Chinese government was aware of the human-to-human transmission of the disease as early as January 3. Despite this, they did not stop the mass migration during the Spring Festival but spread the virus worldwide. 
The World Health Organization (WHO) did not declare a pandemic until March 11.
Suppose accurate information was transmitted from China to WHO at an earlier stage, and it issued a "pandemic declaration" to stop the exchange with China.
In that case, it seems that the infection would not have spread to this extent.
A year after the spread of the Wuhan virus began, and even though the virus is said to have originated in Wuhan, China continues to insist that the virus was brought in from abroad.
For example, the theory is that Americans brought the virus in at the Military World Games, a competition for the world's military sports selectors in Wuhan in October 2019.
Of course, no one would take it seriously. 
The Chinese government has recently been propagating the theory that the virus entered Wuhan through imported frozen food.
China has been busy avoiding responsibility but has refused to allow the international community to investigate Wuhan's city.
Even when Secretary of State Pompeo and others expressed suspicion that the new virus had spread from the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese state-run media only criticized Pompeo for "habitually lying" and did not accept an investigation of the institute or Wuhan. 
The WHO's international survey team is expected to enter China at the beginning of 2021. Still, since the WHO has been conspicuously pro-China, a global survey team consisting of Japan, Western volunteer countries, and others must be accepted.
Since China has been thoroughly "covering up" initially, the truth may not be known even if an investigation is conducted.
Although too much time has passed, it can say that the acceptance of the investigation team is the minimum responsibility of China for spreading the infection to the world. 
Although China desperately wants to deny the "Wuhan origin theory" of the virus, it should note that the January 3 notice clearly states "Wuhan pneumonia. 
The Reality of "Caixin 
A Chinese media outlet pointed out the existence of the notification document ahead of Secretary of State Pompeo.
It is the Chinese news site Caixin.net.
It distributed part of the notice in Chinese on February 26 and in English on February 27. 
In the June 2020 issue of this magazine, Ms. He Qinglian, an economist and journalist of Chinese origin currently living in the United States, described it as a media outlet "usually used by the government to leak inside information deliberately.
In fact, this magazine's editorial department obtained a document (Photo 2) that confirms Ms. He's point. : the "Caixin Newspaper Propaganda and News Work Report for the First Half of the Year," compiled by the editorial department of Caixin on August 28, 2018. 
In the first half of 2018, Caixin Weekly, Caixin (China Reform) Monthly, and Caixin Net, under the interest and guidance of the leaders of the National Political Consultative Conference, have accurately grasped the trend of public opinion, adhered to the accurate direction of the publication, contributed to the big economic picture of the country, been aware of the observance of propaganda discipline. Their reports have been affirmed and praised by the leaders of relevant central departments and have positively impacted society.
The National People's Political Consultative Conference (PPCC) is a government advisory body with close ties to the Central United Front Work Department (UFPD) responsible for the CCP's propaganda work abroad.
The report clearly states that Caixin is under the leadership of the Political Consultative Conference.
The report goes on to say. 
Simultaneously, under the direction of the central leadership, Caixin is making further efforts to exert international influence.
And the international media and people at home and abroad who are interested in China have consistently regarded Caixin as one of the critical press in China's finance and economy.
It also adds a rich Chinese perspective on critical financial and economic issues. 
Indeed, "many reports and analyses" of Caixin "have been cited in the international media. 
According to the Toyo Keizai website, which has been running articles on Caixin's new coronavirus since February 1, 2020, Ms. Hu Shuli, president of Caixin Media, "After working as a newspaper reporter, she founded the economic magazine "Zaikei" in 1998.
It had the scoop on information hiding of authorities regarding SARS.
In 2009, she founded Caixin Media.
As a pioneer in investigative reporting, she has been called 'the most dangerous woman in China.
In China, which is under the dictatorship of the Communist Party, the relationship between the party and the media is called "throat and tongue."
The tongue means "a spokesperson for the party.
Since Caixin is under the aegis of the Communist Party, it also plays the tongue's role. 
Simultaneously, however, the Caixin has indeed been bold in its criticism of the regime, for example, by interviewing Dr. Li Wenliang, who first raised the alarm about the new coronavirus, while he was in the hospital.
Perhaps the public's anger at the fact that the leadership did not take appropriate action in the early stages of the disease spread. Instead, it covered up the information to protect itself from those who would seek to hold it accountable, motivating the journalists. 
However, in China, under the one-party dictatorship, where there is no freedom of the press, the reporting that pursues the leadership's responsibility is not tolerated. In time, a violent reaction called intimidation will be caused by the heavyweight of the Communist Party.
Intimidation to president Caixin 
The editorial staff of this journal also obtained a document (Photo 3) in which Mr. Yu Zhengsheng, a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party and President of the National Political Consultative Conference until March 2018, reprimanded Ms. Hu Shuli, President of Caixin, for her reporting.
The document, signed by Mr. Yu and dated "February 15," was also sent to Mr. Wang Yang, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee. He succeeded Mr. Yu as President of the Political Consultative Conference. 
The document, which begins, "Some of the report's content was grossly inappropriate," is scathing. 
What is important now is to save people, not to hold them accountable. We must pursue responsibility, but we should not focus our attention on it now. What is important is unity and holding fast to the direction we should lead. Otherwise, morale and unity will be affected. As General Secretary has said many times, we must lead public opinion accurately.  
He goes on to stress, "We must not turn the problem into a systemic issue, because those with hostile tendencies are using this opportunity to attack our system.  
Then the name of Wang Qishan, Vice President of China, comes up.
'Your publication was entrusted to the Political Consultative Conference by Comrade Qishan.'
Mr. Wang Qishan is said to be the backer of Ms. Hu Shuli. 
'The publication has achieved a lot of success, but there have been a few problems. The main problem is the question of direction. As I have said before, there is no way to change your liberal ideology. However, this publication is useful for reform and opening up, so we must do it well. We must talk only about the economy and not get involved in society and politics.' 
He also wrote this sarcastic note about the "direction": "You are paranoid about the U.S. and do not criticize U.S. issues. You are biased against the U.S. and do not blame U.S. issues. I have pointed this out in the past, but it has not changed. From the looks of it, winning the admiration of the U.S. elite occupies an important place in your hearts. 
The clincher is the last paragraph.
Mr. Yu, who has retired from the front stage but is still said to have a strong influence, said, "I am no longer in a position to manage your publications so that I will give my opinion as a friend." Then, "I hope you guys don't make mistakes."
'I don't want to leave my position and think about some serious issues, and I don't want my quiet life to be disturbed. It is my last opinion of you, and you should avoid the ruts of some publications," he concluded.
It is a blatant threat suggesting that it will discontinue the publication.
Looking at the territorial rights of the Senkaku Islands (Ishigaki City, Okinawa Prefecture) and the "Nanjing Incident," the Chinese Communist Party understands the value of using propaganda to "change lies into facts."
For this reason, media that are distinct from the state-run media such as the People's Daily and Xinhua News Agency, and that have gained a certain level of international trust, are highly valuable and indispensable to the CCP.
That media outlet is Caixin. 
The international community, including Japan, must once again keep a distance and calmly assess the content of Caixin's reporting.
China is behaving as if it were someone else's problem. 
In a meeting with Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who visited Japan in November 2020, said, "The new coronavirus pneumonia infection has spread worldwide. The international framework is rapidly changing the world, and it has entered a period of turmoil and change."
It is as if it is someone else's problem. 
China has been trying to contain the virus domestically as if it were spewing it out of the country by sealing off cities and thoroughly managing information on its citizens.
While Europe and the U.S. were unable to halt the spread of the disease, China quickly moved toward economic recovery and showed off the "superiority" of its one-party Communist Party dictatorship. 
In December, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other countries began vaccinating against the new coronavirus, which was developed at an exceptionally early stage, raising hopes that it would further stop the spread of the infection. 
The new coronavirus is the "Wuhan virus," and China is responsible for spreading it worldwide.
It should show the international community information on what happened in Wuhan and apologize.


It is all for China to deny the 'Wuhan origin theory.'

2021年01月05日 16時50分53秒 | 全般
The following is from an article in this month's monthly magazine, Seiron, titled "Scoop: One Year After the Wuhan Virus Outbreak," written by this magazine's editorial staff.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
The full text of China's "destruction" instructions   
The threatening letter of "Caixin" is also acquired.

One year has passed since the outbreak of the new coronavirus in Wuhan, China.
A total of 70 million people or more have been infected globally, and the number of deaths has risen to over 1.6 million, and it is still raging.
Nevertheless, China, the "principal" who has plunged the world into tragedy, remains a feigning ignorance responsible for spreading the virus worldwide.
This time, the editorial board of Seirons has obtained documents that show that the Chinese authorities instructed to "cover-up" the initial spread of the infection and that they pressured the independent media outlet Caixin.
What emerges is a bizarre picture of China as a controlled nation.      
The full text of the document obtained by the editorial staff of this magazine is a notice issued by a Chinese state agency in early January 2020, instructing it to cover up a significant outbreak in Wuhan, even though it was aware that a serious situation was occurring. 
The document's title is "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Biological Sample Resources and Related Scientific Research Activities in the Work to Prevent and Control Serious Epidemics" (Reference 1; translated by the editorial staff; pages 28-29).
It was issued on January 3, 2020, by the State Health and Sanitation Commission, which corresponds to Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
As can be seen from the title, the Chinese state authorities recognized a "serious infectious disease" when they issued the notice. 
The fact that it sent the notice to the "Higher Grade Biological Safety Laboratory for Human Infectious Microorganisms" in each region indicates that the authorities were aware that it could transmit this "serious infectious disease" from person to person. 
The existence of the notice was pointed out by U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo at a press conference on May 6.
China could have prevented the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. China could have prevented hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide and saved the world from falling into a global economic slump. They had a choice to make. But instead, China covered up the outbreak in Wuhan.
He then went on to assert. The National Health Commission had ordered the destruction of the virus samples on January 3. 
The "destruction" instruction that Pompeo first mentioned is specified in "6" of the notice as follows.
The "destroy" instruction, first mentioned by Pompeo, is clearly stated in "6" of the notice: "Those institutions and individuals who, before the issuance of this notice, have already obtained biological samples of relevant disease cases in the relevant medical and sanitary institutions shall immediately destroy such samples or send them to a state-designated institution for storage and safekeeping, and properly preserve the relevant experimental activities and results. 
The editorial staff translated the word "destroy" because, in reality, it suggests that the things that existed should be erased without a trace.
Simultaneously, the directive includes "destroying" the samples that had already been taken and preserving and storing them in a state-appointed institution.
The intention is to allow the government to manipulate the release of the facts altogether. 
Besides, "6" suggests that it acquired some biological samples before January 3, when the notice was issued. Still, as stated in "1", biological samples' definition includes "dead tissue, organs, etc. of deceased patients."
China later admitted that the first infected person developed the disease in Wuhan City on December 8. Still, since there were 44 patients diagnosed with viral pneumonia of unknown cause as of January 31, it is more natural to assume that there were already deaths as of January 3. 
On the other hand, since "3" states that "before the information on the pathogen becomes clearer, management will be carried out tentatively in light of highly lethal pathogenic microorganisms [category 2]," it seems that the Chinese side did not have a complete grasp of the nature of the virus. 
In response to Pompeo's reference to "instructions for the destruction" of the notice, Liu Dengfeng, an expert on the National Health Commission's inspection, acknowledged the existence of the information but did not confirm whether he had ordered its "destruction.
He then argued that the notice's content was appropriate from the perspective of disease prevention and that Pompeo's statement that it was part of a cover-up was "a glossing over of the facts, ignoring the context with the aim of misleading people.
Document 1

It is all for China to deny the 'Wuhan origin theory.'
Let's take a look back at what was happening before and after the January 3 notice. 
Around mid-November 2009, pneumonia symptoms of unknown origin began to be confirmed in Wuhan City, Hubei Province.
In December, the infection spread to the South China Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan. On December 31, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission announced a patient with pneumonia of unknown origin and closed the market on January 1 of the following year.
On the third day, the city authorities announced that there was no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission. 
On December 30, while the Wuhan municipal authorities were scrambling to calm the situation, Dr. Ai Fen, head of the emergency department at Wuhan Central Hospital, shared information on the Internet about a patient with symptoms similar to those of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus.
Dr. Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist, sent the information to a group chat on a social networking service (SNS) that his colleagues joined.
The following day, on January 31, Li was pursued by the hospital's inspectorate regarding how it obtained the information.
The local police also interviewed him on January 3 and later punished him for spreading false information. 
Mr. Li was the first to sound the alarm, but he was infected by the virus and died in February.
It is believed that "7" and "8" of the notice, as mentioned earlier, instructed the government not to release information, tests, or results of experiments without permission, bearing in mind that Mr. Li had sounded the alarm. 
On January 20, the Chinese government admitted that the virus had spread from man to man.
It is now admitted that pneumonia of unknown cause was confirmed in Wuhan city on December 8 of the previous year.
Nevertheless, a large number of Chinese scattered around the world for travel purposes.
Even in Wuhan City, which was suddenly sealed off on January 23, about 5 million Wuhan citizens were said to have left the city just before the blockade. 
International flights began to operate in Wuhan in 2000.
It connects Wuhan with more than 30 cities around the world.
Since Japan was a trendy destination, it is believed that a large number of Chinese came to Japan. 
In other words, the Chinese authorities were aware of the "serious infection" but thoroughly suppressed the information and made no effort to contain the infection within China, and did not initially restrict domestic and international travel during the Chinese New Year vacation from January 24 to 30.
It is no wonder that China's actions have been condemned as a crime against humanity.
Pompeo's statement was not "misleading. 
A diplomatic source said, "There is a too high possibility that the Chinese government was aware of the human-to-human transmission of the disease as early as January 3. Despite this, they did not stop the mass migration during the Spring Festival but spread the virus worldwide. 
The World Health Organization (WHO) did not declare a pandemic until March 11.
Suppose accurate information was transmitted from China to WHO at an earlier stage, and it issued a "pandemic declaration" to stop the exchange with China.
In that case, it seems that the infection would not have spread to this extent.
A year after the spread of the Wuhan virus began, and even though the virus is said to have originated in Wuhan, China continues to insist that the virus was brought in from abroad.
For example, the theory is that Americans brought the virus in at the Military World Games, a competition for the world's military sports selectors in Wuhan in October 2019.
Of course, no one would take it seriously. 
The Chinese government has recently been propagating the theory that the virus entered Wuhan through imported frozen food.
China has been busy avoiding responsibility but has refused to allow the international community to investigate Wuhan's city.
Even when Secretary of State Pompeo and others expressed suspicion that the new virus had spread from the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese state-run media only criticized Pompeo for "habitually lying" and did not accept an investigation of the institute or Wuhan. 
The WHO's international survey team is expected to enter China at the beginning of 2021. Still, since the WHO has been conspicuously pro-China, a global survey team consisting of Japan, Western volunteer countries, and others must be accepted.
Since China has been thoroughly "covering up" initially, the truth may not be known even if an investigation is conducted.
Although too much time has passed, it can say that the acceptance of the investigation team is the minimum responsibility of China for spreading the infection to the world. 
Although China desperately wants to deny the "Wuhan origin theory" of the virus, it should note that the January 3 notice clearly states "Wuhan pneumonia. 
The Reality of "Caixin 
A Chinese media outlet pointed out the existence of the notification document ahead of Secretary of State Pompeo.
It is the Chinese news site Caixin.net.
It distributed part of the notice in Chinese on February 26 and in English on February 27. 
In the June 2020 issue of this magazine, Ms. He Qinglian, an economist and journalist of Chinese origin currently living in the United States, described it as a media outlet "usually used by the government to leak inside information deliberately.
In fact, this magazine's editorial department obtained a document (Photo 2) that confirms Ms. He's point. : the "Caixin Newspaper Propaganda and News Work Report for the First Half of the Year," compiled by the editorial department of Caixin on August 28, 2018. 
In the first half of 2018, Caixin Weekly, Caixin (China Reform) Monthly, and Caixin Net, under the interest and guidance of the leaders of the National Political Consultative Conference, have accurately grasped the trend of public opinion, adhered to the accurate direction of the publication, contributed to the big economic picture of the country, been aware of the observance of propaganda discipline. Their reports have been affirmed and praised by the leaders of relevant central departments and have positively impacted society.
The National People's Political Consultative Conference (PPCC) is a government advisory body with close ties to the Central United Front Work Department (UFPD) responsible for the CCP's propaganda work abroad.
The report clearly states that Caixin is under the leadership of the Political Consultative Conference.
The report goes on to say. 
Simultaneously, under the direction of the central leadership, Caixin is making further efforts to exert international influence.
And the international media and people at home and abroad who are interested in China have consistently regarded Caixin as one of the critical press in China's finance and economy.
It also adds a rich Chinese perspective on critical financial and economic issues. 
Indeed, "many reports and analyses" of Caixin "have been cited in the international media. 
According to the Toyo Keizai website, which has been running articles on Caixin's new coronavirus since February 1, 2020, Ms. Hu Shuli, president of Caixin Media, "After working as a newspaper reporter, she founded the economic magazine "Zaikei" in 1998.
It had the scoop on information hiding of authorities regarding SARS.
In 2009, she founded Caixin Media.
As a pioneer in investigative reporting, she has been called 'the most dangerous woman in China.
In China, which is under the dictatorship of the Communist Party, the relationship between the party and the media is called "throat and tongue."
The tongue means "a spokesperson for the party.
Since Caixin is under the aegis of the Communist Party, it also plays the tongue's role. 
Simultaneously, however, the Caixin has indeed been bold in its criticism of the regime, for example, by interviewing Dr. Li Wenliang, who first raised the alarm about the new coronavirus, while he was in the hospital.
Perhaps the public's anger at the fact that the leadership did not take appropriate action in the early stages of the disease spread. Instead, it covered up the information to protect itself from those who would seek to hold it accountable, motivating the journalists. 
However, in China, under the one-party dictatorship, where there is no freedom of the press, the reporting that pursues the leadership's responsibility is not tolerated. In time, a violent reaction called intimidation will be caused by the heavyweight of the Communist Party.
Intimidation to president Caixin 
The editorial staff of this journal also obtained a document (Photo 3) in which Mr. Yu Zhengsheng, a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party and President of the National Political Consultative Conference until March 2018, reprimanded Ms. Hu Shuli, President of Caixin, for her reporting.
The document, signed by Mr. Yu and dated "February 15," was also sent to Mr. Wang Yang, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee. He succeeded Mr. Yu as President of the Political Consultative Conference. 
The document, which begins, "Some of the report's content was grossly inappropriate," is scathing. 
What is important now is to save people, not to hold them accountable. We must pursue responsibility, but we should not focus our attention on it now. What is important is unity and holding fast to the direction we should lead. Otherwise, morale and unity will be affected. As General Secretary has said many times, we must lead public opinion accurately.  
He goes on to stress, "We must not turn the problem into a systemic issue, because those with hostile tendencies are using this opportunity to attack our system.  
Then the name of Wang Qishan, Vice President of China, comes up.
'Your publication was entrusted to the Political Consultative Conference by Comrade Qishan.'
Mr. Wang Qishan is said to be the backer of Ms. Hu Shuli. 
'The publication has achieved a lot of success, but there have been a few problems. The main problem is the question of direction. As I have said before, there is no way to change your liberal ideology. However, this publication is useful for reform and opening up, so we must do it well. We must talk only about the economy and not get involved in society and politics.' 
He also wrote this sarcastic note about the "direction": "You are paranoid about the U.S. and do not criticize U.S. issues. You are biased against the U.S. and do not blame U.S. issues. I have pointed this out in the past, but it has not changed. From the looks of it, winning the admiration of the U.S. elite occupies an important place in your hearts. 
The clincher is the last paragraph.
Mr. Yu, who has retired from the front stage but is still said to have a strong influence, said, "I am no longer in a position to manage your publications so that I will give my opinion as a friend." Then, "I hope you guys don't make mistakes."
'I don't want to leave my position and think about some serious issues, and I don't want my quiet life to be disturbed. It is my last opinion of you, and you should avoid the ruts of some publications," he concluded.
It is a blatant threat suggesting that it will discontinue the publication.
Looking at the territorial rights of the Senkaku Islands (Ishigaki City, Okinawa Prefecture) and the "Nanjing Incident," the Chinese Communist Party understands the value of using propaganda to "change lies into facts."
For this reason, media that are distinct from the state-run media such as the People's Daily and Xinhua News Agency, and that have gained a certain level of international trust, are highly valuable and indispensable to the CCP.
That media outlet is Caixin. 
The international community, including Japan, must once again keep a distance and calmly assess the content of Caixin's reporting.
China is behaving as if it were someone else's problem. 
In a meeting with Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who visited Japan in November 2020, said, "The new coronavirus pneumonia infection has spread worldwide. The international framework is rapidly changing the world, and it has entered a period of turmoil and change."
It is as if it is someone else's problem. 
China has been trying to contain the virus domestically as if it were spewing it out of the country by sealing off cities and thoroughly managing information on its citizens.
While Europe and the U.S. were unable to halt the spread of the disease, China quickly moved toward economic recovery and showed off the "superiority" of its one-party Communist Party dictatorship. 
In December, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other countries began vaccinating against the new coronavirus, which was developed at an exceptionally early stage, raising hopes that it would further stop the spread of the infection. 
The new coronavirus is the "Wuhan virus," and China is responsible for spreading it worldwide.
It should show the international community information on what happened in Wuhan and apologize.


Jepun dan Amerika Syarikat kini sedang diuji.

2021年01月05日 15時17分17秒 | 全般
Berikut adalah dari artikel Cik Yoshiko Sakurai di halaman depan Sankei Shimbun pagi ini.
Artikel ini juga membuktikan bahawa dia adalah harta nasional seperti yang ditentukan oleh Saicho, dan harta nasional tertinggi.
Ia mesti dibaca bukan hanya untuk orang Jepun tetapi juga untuk semua orang di seluruh dunia.
Para intelektual yang disebut, para pengacara hak asasi manusia, para sarjana yang disebut, dan mereka yang menggelarkan diri mereka sebagai penganalisis jurnal di Asahi, NHK, dan media lain mesti minum sisa kuku.
China sedang menguji Perdana Menteri.
Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Negara dan Menteri Luar Negeri China Wang Yi melihat kembali pada tahun 2040 sebagai "tahun penting yang membawa era baru di jalan diplomasi China" (11 Disember 2020).
Dokumen rahsia dari Suruhanjaya Kesihatan Negeri China (Kementerian Kesihatan, Tenaga Kerja dan Kesejahteraan), yang dikeluarkan oleh majalah Seiron edisi Februari 2021, menunjukkan bahawa China telah mengenali coronavirus baru sebagai "wabak serius" yang dapat menjangkiti manusia pada 3 Januari tahun lalu.
Dokumen rahsia dengan jelas memerintahkan bahawa "sampel biologi" kes-kes tersebut harus "segera dimusnahkan atau dihantar ke mekanisme yang ditentukan oleh negara.
Pada hari yang sama dengan pemberitahuan di sebelah kanan, kota Wuhan mengumumkan tidak ada jangkitan manusia, dan tidak sampai 20 Januari, pemerintah China mengakui jangkitan manusia.
Kerajaan China terus mengizinkan 5 juta warga Wuhan menyebarkan "virus Wuhan" ke seluruh dunia.
Walaupun begitu, China memuji tahun lalu sebagai 'Ini adalah tahun yang bermakna untuk membuka era baru.'
Pada sidang media Tahun Baru pada 4 Januari, Perdana Menteri Yoshihide Suga berjanji untuk mempertimbangkan untuk mengeluarkan semula deklarasi darurat.
Tidak ada penyesalan pihak China kerana telah membawa Jepun dan dunia berhadapan dengan bencana skala yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, meragut nyawa banyak orang dan membuat mereka sedih.
Dari mana datangnya ideologi menentang mereka?
Ini dapat dijumpai dalam edisi Hari Tahun Baru 2021 Qiushi, jurnal rasmi Parti Komunis China.
Sumbernya mungkin adalah ucapan Presiden Xi Jinping, "Mari kita bina komuniti takdir manusia bersama-sama," alamat yang tidak ada yang dapat mengatakan apa-apa tentang masa kini.
Dunia sekarang tahu bahawa ideologi Xi Jinping adalah bahawa semua manusia harus bersatu dan mewujudkan komuniti di bawah kepimpinan Parti Komunis China.
Tetapi orang Jepun, yang telah terbiasa dengan keamanan yang dijamin oleh A.S. sehingga mereka lupa pentingnya mempertahankan diri, gagal melihat bahawa paksi yang menyokong semua nasib bersama umat manusia boleh menjadi tidak berperikemanusiaan dan ganas.
Perkara pertama yang dilakukan PKC untuk mewujudkan komuniti takdir manusia, yang tidak pernah disokong oleh siapa pun, adalah memperkuat kekuatan nasionalnya.
Paksi utama usaha ini adalah pengukuhan kekuatan ketenteraannya yang tumpul.
Anda harus tahu bahawa PKC bertekad untuk memperluas keuntungan kekuatan ketenteraan ke semua bidang politik, ekonomi, masyarakat, dan diplomasi.
Pada 11 Disember tahun lalu, Xi memberitahu sesi kajian kumpulan Politburo Parti bahawa PKC telah mengatasi kelemahannya sebagai sebuah negara.
Pada Kongres Parti ke-18 pada bulan November 2012, Xi memasukkan "idea berpegang teguh pada perspektif keselamatan nasional yang holistik" ke dalam dasar dasar "menegakkan dan mengembangkan sosialisme dengan ciri-ciri Cina" dan menyatukan pembangunan dan keselamatan ekonomi ke dalam Lima Tahun ke-14 Rancang, matlamat kewangan jangka sederhana untuk 2021-25.
Ideanya adalah untuk menekankan kepentingan keselamatan ke hadapan dalam semua aktiviti Parti dan negara.
Ini adalah pengakuan bahawa pembangunan China, tidak peduli seberapa indah pakaiannya, dikaitkan dengan kekuatan dan kekerasan ketenteraan yang besar untuk menghancurkan orang dan negara yang tidak taat.
Bagaimana negara kita memandang ancaman China?
Semua lima akhbar nasional menyebutkan betapa pentingnya pemulihan dari bencana Corona dalam editorial Tahun Baru mereka. Namun, tidak seorang pun dari mereka memperingatkan tentang ancaman kekuatan ketenteraan China yang semakin meningkat, yang menyokong strategi globalnya, dan meminta Jepun untuk memperkuat kemampuan pertahanannya.
Paling tidak, negara kita yang rapuh perlu memperkuat kemampuan ketenteraannya untuk melindungi tanah dan rakyatnya dengan lebih mendesak daripada negara lain.
Pada sidang media Tahun Baru pada 4 April, Perdana Menteri Yoshihide Suga mengatakan bahawa dia akan berusaha mewujudkan Indo-Pasifik yang bebas dan terbuka.
Tetapi ia tidak dapat meneruskan strategi besar ini dengan kekuatan ekonomi sahaja.
Pembaharuan perlembagaan dan pengukuhan kemampuan pertahanan Jepun sangat penting, tetapi Perdana Menteri Suga memintasnya.
China tidak akan membiarkan kecuaian Jepun di sektor awam dan swasta tidak disedari.
Ia juga tidak akan mengabaikan kenyataan bahawa A.S. membatasi tindakannya di tengah-tengah kekacauan.
Di tengah-tengah pelbagai krisis, Kepulauan Senkaku akan menjadi lubang bagi keamanan negara.
Yoshitaka Nakayama, walikota Kota Ishigaki di Prefektur Okinawa, yang mempunyai bidang kuasa atas Kepulauan Senkaku, mengatakan krisis telah meningkat lebih jauh. Keadaannya sama sekali berbeza dari masa lalu.
Pada malam hari pertama tahun baru, empat kapal Biro Polis Maritim China memasuki zon bersebelahan.
Selama 333 hari tahun lalu, kapal Biro Polis Maritim, yang merupakan tentera yang bersatu dengan Tentera Pembebasan Rakyat, mengancam perairan kita hampir sepanjang tahun.
Masahisa Sato, ketua Jawatankuasa Luar Negeri Parti Liberal Demokrat, sangat marah.
Pada 23 Disember tahun lalu, ketika Zuiho Maru dari Yonaguni dikesan oleh empat kapal Biro Polis Maritim, Biro Hal Ehwal Asia dan Lautan Kementerian Luar Negeri memanggil menteri China untuk memprotes. Tanggapan yang sama dibuat ketika kapal nelayan lain dikejar oleh kapal Biro Polis Maritim selama hampir 12 jam selama satu hari dari 26 hingga 27 bulan yang sama. Protes ini tidak ada gunanya.
China meningkatkan tindakannya di Senkakus pada 8 April, ketika Senator Sanders menarik diri dari pilihan raya presiden A.S. dan mantan Wakil Presiden Biden dipilih sebagai calon Demokrat.
Dengan calon tunggal, kemungkinan kemenangan bagi pro-China Biden telah muncul.
Dia tidak begitu menakutkan seperti Presiden Trump.
Dia juga enggan menggunakan kekuatan tentera.
Sebulan kemudian, pada 8 Mei, Zui Bao Maru dikesan oleh dua kapal Biro Polis Maritim di perairan wilayah Kepulauan Senkaku.
Ini adalah kali pertama.
Ini juga pertama kalinya China mengiklankan "penegak hukum" ke dunia.
Saya rasa China melihat bahawa A.S. sedang diuji dan tidak akan sampai sejauh ini.
Sejak itu, "penguatkuasaan undang-undang" China semakin kuat dalam enam bulan atau lebih.
Nakayama takut bahawa langkah seterusnya adalah menangkap kapal nelayan dan penahanan warga negara Jepun.
Jepun dan Amerika Syarikat kini sedang diuji.
Perdana Menteri Suga sedang diuji.
Sudah tiba masanya Perdana Menteri Suga mempersiapkan dirinya.
Adalah ide yang baik untuk merevisi Pasal 25 Akta Pengawal Pantai, yang menolak Pengawal Pantai kemampuan untuk berfungsi sebagai kekuatan militer untuk mencegah pencerobohan kapal Biro Polis Maritim China, yang secara efektif merupakan tentera.
Di atas segalanya, teruskan perbahasan mengenai semakan Perlembagaan.
Bangsa yang tidak menegaskan dirinya sendiri dan negara yang tidak melindungi dirinya hanya akan binasa.

Япония и США сейчас проходят испытания.

2021年01月05日 15時14分39秒 | 全般
Следующее - из статьи г-жи Ёсико Сакураи на первой полосе сегодняшнего утреннего «Санкей Симбун».
Эта статья также доказывает, что она является национальным достоянием по определению Сайчо и высшим национальным достоянием.
Его необходимо прочитать не только японцам, но и людям всего мира.
Так называемые интеллектуалы, так называемые юристы по правам человека, так называемые ученые и те, кто называет себя аналитиками журналов в Asahi, NHK и других средствах массовой информации, должны пить остатки ее ногтей.
Китай испытывает премьер-министра.
Государственный советник Китая и министр иностранных дел Ван И вспоминал 2040 год как «знаменательный год, открывший новую эру на пути китайской дипломатии» (11 декабря 2020 г.).
Секретный документ Государственной комиссии здравоохранения Китая (Министерство здравоохранения, труда и социального обеспечения), опубликованный в февральском номере журнала Seiron за 2021 год, показал, что Китай признал новый коронавирус «серьезной эпидемией», способной заразить людей. по состоянию на 3 января прошлого года.
Секретный документ четко предписывал, что «биологические образцы» случаев должны быть «немедленно уничтожены или отправлены в назначенный государством механизм.
В тот же день, что и объявление справа, город Ухань объявил об отсутствии заражения человека, и только 20 января китайское правительство признало заражение человека.
Китайское правительство продолжало разрешать 5 миллионам жителей Уханя распространять «Уханьский вирус» по всему миру.
Несмотря на это, Китай хвалит прошедший год как «знаменательный год для начала новой эры».
На своей новогодней пресс-конференции 4 января премьер-министр Ёсихидэ Суга пообещал рассмотреть возможность переиздания объявления о чрезвычайном положении.
Китайцы не испытывают угрызений совести за то, что столкнули Японию и весь мир лицом к лицу с катастрофой беспрецедентного масштаба, унесшей жизни многих людей и повергнув их в горе.
Откуда взяться их дерзкой идеологии?
Ответ на этот вопрос можно найти в новогоднем выпуске 2021 года официального журнала Коммунистической партии Китая Qiushi.
Источником, вероятно, является речь президента Си Цзиньпина «Давайте вместе построим сообщество судьбы человечества», обращение, о котором сегодня никто не может сказать ничего.
Теперь мир знает, что идеология Си Цзиньпина состоит в том, что в идеале все люди должны объединиться и создать сообщество под руководством Коммунистической партии Китая.
Но японцы, которые настолько привыкли к миру, гарантированному США, что забыли о важности самозащиты, не понимают, что ось, поддерживающая общую судьбу всего человечества, может быть бесчеловечной и жестокой.
Первое, что сделала КПК, чтобы осознать общность человеческой судьбы, которую никто никогда не защищал, - это укрепление своей национальной мощи.
Центральная ось этих усилий - укрепление его грубой военной мощи.
Вы должны знать, что КПК полна решимости распространить преимущества военной мощи на все области политики, экономики, общества и дипломатии.
11 декабря прошлого года Си сказал на групповом заседании Политбюро партии, что КПК преодолела свои слабости как нация.
На 18-м съезде партии в ноябре 2012 года Си включил «идею твердого соблюдения целостной перспективы национальной безопасности» в основную политику «отстаивания и развития социализма с китайскими особенностями» и интегрировал экономическое развитие и безопасность в 14-ю пятилетку. План, среднесрочные финансовые цели на 2021-25 гг.
Идея состоит в том, чтобы выдвинуть на первый план важность безопасности во всей деятельности партии и государства.
Это признание того, что развитие Китая, как бы красиво оно ни выглядело, связано со значительной военной мощью и насилием, направленным на подавление непокорных народов и стран.
Как наша страна рассматривает китайскую угрозу?
Все пять общенациональных газет упомянули важность восстановления после катастрофы в Короне в своих новогодних редакционных статьях. Тем не менее, ни один из них не предупредил об угрозе растущей военной мощи Китая, которая поддерживает его глобальную стратегию, и не призвал Японию укрепить свои оборонные возможности.
По крайней мере, наша хрупкая страна нуждается в усилении своего военного потенциала для защиты своей земли и людей срочнее, чем любая другая страна.
На своей новогодней пресс-конференции 4 апреля премьер-министр Ёсихидэ Суга сказал, что будет работать над созданием «свободного и открытого Индо-Тихоокеанского региона».
Но он не может проводить эту грандиозную стратегию только с экономической властью.
Конституционная реформа и укрепление обороноспособности Японии крайне важны, но премьер-министр Суга их обходит.
Китай не оставит без внимания беспечность Японии в государственном и частном секторах.
Он также не упустит из виду тот факт, что США ограничивают свои действия в условиях хаоса.
На фоне череды кризисов острова Сэнкаку вот-вот станут дырой в земле для национальной безопасности.
Ёситака Накаяма, мэр города Исигаки в префектуре Окинава, юрисдикция которого распространяется на острова Сэнкаку, сказал, что кризис усилился. Ситуация полностью отличается от прошлой.
В ночь на первый день нового года в прилегающую зону вошли четыре корабля Управления морской полиции Китая.
В течение 333 дней в прошлом году суда Управления морской полиции, которые представляют собой армию, объединенную с Народно-освободительной армией, угрожали нашим водам почти круглый год.
Масахиса Сато, председатель комитета по иностранным делам Либерально-демократической партии, возмущен.
23 декабря прошлого года, когда «Зуихо Мару» из Йонагуни было выслежено четырьмя кораблями Управления морской полиции, Управление по делам Азии и Океании Министерства иностранных дел призвало китайского министра выразить протест. Такой же ответ был получен, когда суда Управления морской полиции преследовали другую рыболовецкую лодку в общей сложности почти 12 часов в течение одного дня с 26 по 27 число того же месяца. Эти протесты бессмысленны.
Китай активизировал свои действия в сенкаку 8 апреля, когда сенатор Сандерс отказался от президентских выборов в США, а бывший вице-президент Байден был выбран в качестве кандидата от демократов.
С единым кандидатом появилась возможность победы прокитайского Байдена.
Он не так страшен, как президент Трамп.
Он также не хочет применять военную силу.
Месяц спустя, 8 мая, Zui Bao Maru было отслежено двумя кораблями Управления морской полиции в территориальных водах островов Сэнкаку.
Это было впервые.
Кроме того, это был первый раз, когда Китай объявил миру о «правоохранительных органах».
Я думаю, Китай видел, что США проходят испытания, и что до этого не дойдет.
С тех пор "правоохранительные органы" Китая в последние шесть месяцев становились все более и более действенными.
Г-н Накаяма опасается, что следующим шагом может стать захват рыболовных судов и задержание граждан Японии.
Япония и США сейчас проходят испытания.
Премьер-министр Шуга проходит испытания.
Пора премьер-министру Шуге подготовиться.
Было бы неплохо пересмотреть статью 25 Закона о береговой охране, которая лишает Береговую охрану возможности функционировать в качестве военной силы для предотвращения вторжения судов Управления морской полиции Китая, которое фактически является армией.
Прежде всего, продвигайте дебаты по пересмотру Конституции.
Нация, которая не самоутверждается, и страна, которая не защищает себя, только погибнет.


2021年01月05日 15時14分11秒 | 全般
沖繩縣石垣市市長中山喜孝(Yoshitaka Nakayama)稱,這場危機進一步加劇。沖繩縣石垣市市長對該島擁有管轄權。情況與過去完全不同。
去年12月23日,四艘海警局船隻追踪了Yonaguni的Zuiho Maru時,外交部亞洲及大洋洲事務局致電中國部長抗議。從同月26日至27日,海警警察局的船隻在一天之內追逐了另一艘漁船,總共進行了將近12個小時的航行,做出了同樣的反應。這些抗議毫無意義。


2021年01月05日 15時12分40秒 | 全般
冲绳县石垣市市长中山喜孝(Yoshitaka Nakayama)称,这场危机进一步加剧。冲绳县石垣市市长对该岛拥有管辖权。情况与过去完全不同。
去年12月23日,四艘海警局船只追踪了Yonaguni的Zuiho Maru时,外交部亚洲及大洋洲事务局致电中国部长抗议。从同月26日至27日,海警警察局的船只在一天之内追逐了另一艘渔船,总共进行了将近12个小时的航行,做出了同样的反应。这些抗议毫无意义。

The full text of China's "destruction" instructions

2021年01月05日 15時11分42秒 | 全般
The following is from an article in this month's monthly magazine, Seiron, titled "Scoop: One Year After the Wuhan Virus Outbreak," written by this magazine's editorial staff.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
The full text of China's "destruction" instructions   
The threatening letter of "Caixin" is also acquired.

One year has passed since the outbreak of the new coronavirus in Wuhan, China.
A total of 70 million people or more have been infected globally, and the number of deaths has risen to over 1.6 million, and it is still raging.
Nevertheless, China, the "principal" who has plunged the world into tragedy, remains a feigning ignorance responsible for spreading the virus worldwide.
This time, the editorial board of Seirons has obtained documents that show that the Chinese authorities instructed to "cover-up" the initial spread of the infection and that they pressured the independent media outlet Caixin.
What emerges is a bizarre picture of China as a controlled nation.      
The full text of the document obtained by the editorial staff of this magazine is a notice issued by a Chinese state agency in early January 2020, instructing it to cover up a significant outbreak in Wuhan, even though it was aware that a serious situation was occurring. 
The document's title is "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Biological Sample Resources and Related Scientific Research Activities in the Work to Prevent and Control Serious Epidemics" (Reference 1; translated by the editorial staff; pages 28-29).
It was issued on January 3, 2020, by the State Health and Sanitation Commission, which corresponds to Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
As can be seen from the title, the Chinese state authorities recognized a "serious infectious disease" when they issued the notice. 
The fact that it sent the notice to the "Higher Grade Biological Safety Laboratory for Human Infectious Microorganisms" in each region indicates that the authorities were aware that it could transmit this "serious infectious disease" from person to person. 
The existence of the notice was pointed out by US Secretary of State Pompeo at a press conference on May 6.
China could have prevented the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. China could have prevented hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide and saved the world from falling into a global economic slump. They had a choice to make. But instead, China covered up the outbreak in Wuhan.
He then went on to assert. The National Health Commission had ordered the destruction of the virus samples on January 3. 
The "destruction" instruction that Pompeo first mentioned is specified in "6" of the notice as follows.
The "destroy" instruction, first mentioned by Pompeo, is clearly stated in "6" of the notice: "Those institutions and individuals who, before the issuance of this notice, have already obtained biological samples of relevant disease cases in the relevant medical and sanitary institutions shall immediately destroy such samples or send them to a state-designated institution for storage and safekeeping, and properly preserve the relevant experimental activities and results. 
The editorial staff translated the word "destroy" because, in reality, it suggests that the things that existed should be erased without a trace.
Simultaneously, the directive includes "destroying" the samples that had already been taken and preserving and storing them in a state-appointed institution.
The intention is to allow the government to manipulate the release of the facts altogether. 
Besides, "6" suggests that it acquired some biological samples before January 3, when the notice was issued. Still, as stated in "1", biological samples' definition includes "dead tissue, organs, etc. of deceased patients."
China later admitted that the first infected person developed the disease in Wuhan City on December 8. Still, since there were 44 patients diagnosed with viral pneumonia of unknown cause as of January 31, it is more natural to assume that there were already deaths as of January 3. 
On the other hand, since "3" states that "before the information on the pathogen becomes clearer, management will be carried out tentatively in light of highly lethal pathogenic microorganisms [category 2]," it seems that the Chinese side did not have a complete grasp of the nature of the virus. 
In response to Pompeo's reference to "instructions for the destruction" of the notice, Liu Dengfeng, an expert on the National Health Commission's inspection, acknowledged the existence of the information but did not confirm whether he had ordered its "destruction.
He then argued that the notice's content was appropriate from the perspective of disease prevention and that Pompeo's statement that it was part of a cover-up was "a glossing over of the facts, ignoring the context with the aim of misleading people.
Document 1

This article continues.

일본과 미국이 현재 테스트 중입니다.

2021年01月05日 15時11分24秒 | 全般
다음은 오늘 아침 산케이 신문의 첫 페이지에 실린 사쿠라이 요시코 씨의 기사입니다.
이 기사는 또한 그녀가 사이 초가 정의한 국보이자 최고 국보임을 증명합니다.
일본인뿐만 아니라 전 세계인도 꼭 읽어야 할 책입니다.
소위 지식인, 소위 인권 변호사, 소위 학자, 아사히, NHK 및 기타 언론 매체에서 저널 분석 가라고 부르는 사람들은 그녀의 손톱 조각을 마셔야합니다.
중국은 총리를 시험하고 있습니다.
중국 국무원 겸 외무 장관 왕이는 2040 년을 "중국 외교의 새로운 시대를 여는 중요한 해"(2020 년 12 월 11 일)로 되돌아 보았습니다.
중국 국가 보건위원회 (후생 노동부)의 비밀 문서는 2021 년 2 월 세 이론 지에 실렸다. 중국이 신종 코로나 바이러스를 인간을 감염시킬 수있는 "심각한 전염병"으로 인식했다고 밝혔다. 작년 1 월 3 일 기준.
비밀 문서는 사례의 "생물학적 샘플"을 "즉시 폐기하거나 국가가 지정한 메커니즘으로 보내야 함"을 명확하게 지시했습니다.
오른쪽 고시와 같은 날, 우한시는 인간 감염을 발표하지 않았고, 중국 정부가 인간 감염을 인정한 것은 1 월 20 일이 되어서야합니다.
중국 정부는 계속해서 500 만 명의 우한 시민이 "우한 바이러스"를 전 세계에 전파하도록 허용했습니다.
그럼에도 불구하고 중국은 지난 한 해를 '새로운 시대를 여는 의미있는 한 해'라고 칭찬하고있다.
1 월 4 일 신년 기자 회견에서 슈가 요시히 데 총리는 비상 선언 재발행을 검토하겠다고 약속했다.
일본과 세계가 전례없는 규모의 재앙에 맞닥 뜨려 많은 사람들의 목숨을 앗아 가고 슬픔에 빠뜨린 것에 대해 중국인은 후회하지 않습니다.
도전적인 이데올로기가되는 곳은 어디입니까?
중국 공산당 공식 저널 인 치우시의 2021 년 설날 호에서 답을 찾을 수있다.
출처는 아마도 시진핑 주석의 "인간 운명의 공동체를 함께 만들어 가자"라는 연설 일 것입니다. 오늘날 아무도 말할 수없는 연설입니다.
이제 세계는 시진핑의 이념이 모든 인간이 중국 공산당의지도 아래 이상적으로 단결하고 공동체를 만들어야한다는 것을 알고 있습니다.
그러나 미국이 보장하는 평화에 너무 익숙해 져 스스로 방어의 중요성을 잊은 일본인은 인류의 공동 운명을 뒷받침하는 축이 비인간적이고 폭력적 일 수 있다는 사실을 깨닫지 못합니다.
아무도 옹호하지 않은 인간 운명 공동체를 실현하기 위해 중국 공산당이 한 첫 번째 일은 국력을 강화하는 것이었다.
이 노력의 중심 축은 무딘 군사력 강화입니다.
중국 공산당이 정치, 경제, 사회, 외교의 모든 영역에 군사력 혜택을 확대하기로 결정했다는 사실을 알아야합니다.
시진핑은 지난해 12 월 11 일 당 정치국 그룹 연구회에서 중국 공산당이 국가로서의 약점을 극복했다고 밝혔다.
시진핑은 2012 년 11 월 제 18 차 당대회에서 "중국적 특성을 지닌 사회주의를 옹호하고 발전시키는"기본 정책에 "전체 론적 국가 안보관을 고수하는 이념"을 통합하고, 14 차 5 년차에 경제 발전과 안보를 통합했다. 2021-25 년 중기 재정 목표를 계획하십시오.
이 아이디어는 모든 당과 국가 활동에서 안보의 중요성을 최전선으로 밀어 붙이는 것입니다.
아무리 아름다운 옷을 입어도 중국의 발전은 불순종 한 민족과 국가를 분쇄하는 실질적인 군사력과 폭력과 관련이 있음을 인정합니다.
우리나라는 중국의 위협을 어떻게 생각합니까?
5 개의 전국 신문은 모두 새해 사설에서 코로나 재난 복구의 중요성을 언급했습니다. 그러나 그들 중 어느 누구도 중국의 글로벌 전략을 지원하는 중국의 군사력 강화의 위협에 대해 경고하지 않았으며 일본에 방위력 강화를 촉구하지 않았습니다.
최소한 우리의 취약한 국가는 다른 어떤 나라보다 더 긴급하게 자신의 땅과 사람들을 보호하기 위해 군사력을 강화해야합니다.
4 월 4 일 신년 기자 회견에서 스가 요시히 데 총리는 "자유롭고 개방 된 인도-태평양을 실현하기 위해 노력할 것"이라고 말했다.
그러나 경제력만으로는이 거대한 전략을 추구 할 수 없습니다.
헌법 개혁과 일본의 국방력 강화가 필수적이지만 슈가 총리는이를 우회하고있다.
중국은 공공 및 민간 부문에서 일본의 부주의가 눈에 띄지 않게 놔두지 않을 것입니다.
미국이 혼란 속에서 행동을 제한하고 있다는 사실도 간과하지 않을 것입니다.
일련의 위기 속에서 센카쿠 열도는 국가 안보를위한 구멍이 될 것입니다.
센카쿠 열도를 관할하는 오키나와 현 이시가키시의 나카야마 요시타카 시장은 위기가 더욱 심해 졌다고 말했다. 상황은 과거와 완전히 다릅니다.
새해 첫날 밤, 중국 해상 경찰국의 배 4 척이 인접 지역에 진입했습니다.
작년 333 일 동안 인민 해방군과 연합 한 해상 경찰국 선박이 거의 일년 내내 우리 해역을 위협했습니다.
자유 민주당 외교위원회 위원장 인 사토 마사히 사는 분개합니다.
지난해 12 월 23 일 요나 구니의 마루 호 마루가 4 척의 해양 경찰국 선박에 의해 추적되었을 때 외무성 아시아 및 오세아니아 사무국은 중국 장관을 항의하기 위해 불렀다. 같은 달 26 일부터 27 일까지 하루 동안 거의 12 시간 동안 해상 경찰국 선박이 또 다른 어선을 쫓아 갔을 때도 같은 대응이 이루어졌다. 이 시위는 무의미합니다.
중국은 4 월 8 일 샌더스 상원 의원이 미국 대선에서 철수하고 바이든 전 부통령이 민주당 후보로 선출되면서 센카쿠 스에서 행동을 강화했다.
단 한 명의 후보로 친 중국 바이든의 승리 가능성이 드러났다.
그는 트럼프 대통령만큼 무섭지 않습니다.
그는 또한 군사력을 사용하는 것을 꺼린다.
한 달 후인 5 월 8 일, Zui Bao Maru는 Senkaku 섬의 영해에서 해양 경찰국의 두 배에 의해 추적되었습니다.
또한 중국이 세계에 "법 집행"을 광고 한 것은 이번이 처음이었습니다.
중국은 미국이 시험을 받고 있고 지금까지 나오지 않을 것이라고 생각합니다.
그 이후로 중국의 "법 집행"은 6 개월 동안 더욱 강력 해졌습니다.
나카야마 씨는 다음 단계가 어선을 포획하고 일본 국민을 구금 할 수 있다고 우려합니다.
일본과 미국이 현재 테스트 중입니다.
슈가 총리가 시험 중이다.
슈가 총리가 준비 할 때다.
사실상 군대 인 중국 해양 경찰국의 선박 침입을 막기위한 군사력의 기능을 해안 경비대가 거부하는 해안 경비대 법 제 25 조를 개정하는 것도 좋은 생각이다.
무엇보다 헌법 개정 논의를 진전시켜야한다.
스스로를 주장하지 않는 국가와 스스로를 보호하지 않는 국가는 멸망 할뿐입니다.

जपान आणि अमेरिकेची आता चाचणी घेण्यात येत आहे.

2021年01月05日 15時09分48秒 | 全般
आज सकाळी सँकेई शिंबुनच्या पहिल्या पानावरील कु. योशिको साकुराईच्या लेखातून खाली दिलेली माहिती आहे.
हा लेख देखील हे सिद्ध करतो की सायको यांनी परिभाषित केल्यानुसार ती एक राष्ट्रीय खजिना आहे आणि एक सर्वोच्च राष्ट्रीय खजिना आहे.
हे केवळ जपानी लोकांसाठीच नाही तर जगभरातील लोकांसाठी देखील वाचनीय आहे.
तथाकथित विचारवंत, तथाकथित मानवाधिकार वकील, तथाकथित विद्वान आणि ज्यांना स्वत: असाही, एनएचके आणि अन्य माध्यमांचे जर्नल विश्लेषक म्हणवतात त्यांनी तिच्या नखेचे स्क्रॅप प्यावे.
चीन पंतप्रधानांची चाचणी घेत आहे.
चीनचे राज्य नगरसेवक आणि परराष्ट्रमंत्री वांग यी यांनी 2040 मध्ये "चीनी मुत्सद्देगिरीच्या मार्गावर नव्या युगाची स्थापना केलेली महत्त्वपूर्ण वर्ष" म्हणून (11 डिसेंबर 2020) मागे वळून पाहिले.
चीनच्या राज्य आरोग्य आयोगाच्या (आरोग्य, कामगार व कल्याण मंत्रालयाच्या) एका गुप्त दस्तऐवजामध्ये, फेब्रुवारी २०२१ च्या सेरोन या मासिकाच्या अंकात हे उघड झाले आहे की चीनने नवीन कोरोनाव्हायरसला "गंभीर साथी" म्हणून मान्यता दिली आहे ज्यामुळे मानवांना संसर्ग होऊ शकतो. गेल्या वर्षी 3 जानेवारी रोजी.
या गुन्ह्यामध्ये "जैविक नमुने" ताबडतोब नष्ट करावे किंवा राज्य नियुक्त केलेल्या यंत्रणेकडे पाठवावेत, अशी स्पष्ट सूचना गुप्त कागदपत्रात देण्यात आली आहे.
उजवीकडच्या सूचनेच्या त्याच दिवशी, वुहान शहराने कोणत्याही मानवी संसर्गाची घोषणा केली नाही आणि 20 जानेवारीपर्यंत चीनी सरकारने मानवी संसर्गाची कबुली दिली नाही.
चीन सरकारने 5 दशलक्ष वुहान नागरिकांना जगभरात "वुहान व्हायरस" पसरविण्यास परवानगी दिली.
असे असूनही, 'नवे पर्व उघडण्याचे अर्थपूर्ण वर्ष होते.' असे चीनने मागील वर्षाचे कौतुक केले.
January जानेवारी रोजी आपल्या नवीन वर्षाच्या पत्रकार परिषदेत पंतप्रधान योशीहाइड सुगा यांनी आपत्कालीन घोषणा परत देण्याचा विचार करण्याचे वचन दिले.
जपान आणि जगाला अभूतपूर्व प्रमाणात आणलेल्या आपत्तीला तोंड देऊन, अनेक लोकांचा जीव घेतला आणि त्यांना शोकात डुंबून टाकले याचा चिनी लोकांकडून पश्चाताप नाही.
त्यांची उन्मत्त विचारसरणी कोठे येते?
हे उत्तर चीनच्या अधिकृत कम्युनिस्ट पक्षाच्या कम्युनिस्ट पक्षाच्या किउशीच्या 2021 च्या नवीन वर्षाच्या दिवशीच्या अंकात मिळू शकेल.
हे अध्यक्ष बहुदा अध्यक्ष शी जिनपिंग यांचे भाषण आहे, "चला एकत्रितपणे मानवी नशिबाचा एक समुदाय तयार करूया," असे भाषण जे आजकाल कोणीही काही बोलू शकत नाही.
जगाला आता माहित आहे की शी जिनपिंग यांची विचारसरणी अशी आहे की सर्व मानवांनी आदर्शपणे एकत्रित होऊन चिनी कम्युनिस्ट पक्षाच्या नेतृत्वात एक समुदाय तयार केला पाहिजे.
परंतु जपानी, जे अमेरिकेने हमी दिलेल्या शांततेची इतकी सवय झालेली आहेत की ते स्वतःचा बचाव करण्याचे महत्त्व विसरले आहेत, हे लक्षात ठेवण्यात अपयशी ठरले की सर्व मानवजातीच्या सामान्य नशिबाचे समर्थन करणारा अक्ष अमानवीय आणि हिंसक असू शकतो.
सीसीपीने मानवी नियतीच्या समाजाची जाणीव करण्यासाठी सर्वप्रथम कार्य केले ज्याचा आजपर्यंत कोणीही सल्ला दिला नाही, ही त्याची राष्ट्रीय शक्ती बळकट करत होती.
या प्रयत्नाची मुख्य अक्ष म्हणजे त्याच्या बोथट लष्करी सामर्थ्याची बळकटीकरण.
आपणास हे माहित असले पाहिजे की राजकारण, अर्थशास्त्र, समाज आणि मुत्सद्दीपणा या सर्व क्षेत्रात लष्करी सामर्थ्याचा लाभ देण्यासाठी सीसीपी कटिबद्ध आहे.
गतवर्षी 11 डिसेंबर रोजी शी यांनी पक्षाच्या पॉलिटब्युरोच्या सामूहिक अभ्यास सत्राला सांगितले की सीसीपीने एक राष्ट्र म्हणून आपल्यातील कमतरता दूर केल्या आहेत.
नोव्हेंबर २०१२ मध्ये १ Party व्या पक्षाच्या कॉंग्रेसमध्ये शीने "समग्र राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षेच्या दृष्टीकोनातून दृढ होण्याची कल्पना" "चिनी वैशिष्ट्यांसह समाजवाद टिकवून ठेवणे आणि विकसित करणे" आणि 14 व्या पंचवार्षिक वर्षात समाकलित आर्थिक विकास आणि सुरक्षेच्या मूलभूत धोरणामध्ये समाविष्ट केली. 2021-25 साठीची योजना, मध्यम-मुदतीची आर्थिक उद्दिष्ट्ये.
सर्व पक्ष आणि राज्य कार्यात सुरक्षेचे महत्त्व सर्वात पुढे आणण्याची कल्पना आहे.
हे कबूल आहे की चीनचा विकास, कितीही सुंदर कपडे घातलेला असला तरी, आज्ञाधारक लोकांना आणि देशांना चिरडून टाकण्यासाठी भरीव लष्करी सामर्थ्य आणि हिंसाचाराशी संबंधित आहे.
आपला देश चीनचा धोका कसा पाहतो?
पाचही राष्ट्रीय वृत्तपत्रांनी कोरोना आपत्तीतून पुनर्प्राप्तीचे महत्त्व त्यांच्या नवीन वर्षाच्या संपादकीयात नमूद केले आहे. तरीही, त्यांच्यातील एकानेही चीनच्या वाढत्या लष्करी सामर्थ्याच्या धोक्याविषयी इशारा दिला नाही, जो त्याच्या जागतिक रणनीतीला पाठिंबा देत आहे, आणि जपानला आपली संरक्षण क्षमता बळकट करण्यास सांगितले.
कमीतकमी, आपल्या नाजूक देशाला इतर कोणत्याही देशापेक्षा आपल्या भूमीचे आणि लोकांचे त्वरित संरक्षण करण्यासाठी सैनिकी क्षमता बळकट करण्याची आवश्यकता आहे.
April एप्रिल रोजी आपल्या नवीन वर्षाच्या पत्रकार परिषदेत पंतप्रधान योशीहिडे सुगा म्हणाले की आपण "मुक्त आणि मुक्त इंडो-पॅसिफिक" साकार करण्यासाठी काम करू.
परंतु ती एकट्या आर्थिक सामर्थ्याने ही भव्य रणनीती साधू शकत नाही.
घटनात्मक सुधारणा आणि जपानची संरक्षण क्षमता बळकट करणे आवश्यक आहे, परंतु पंतप्रधान सुगा त्यांना मागे टाकत आहेत.
सार्वजनिक आणि खासगी क्षेत्रात चीन जपानच्या निष्काळजीपणाकडे दुर्लक्ष करू देणार नाही.
तसेच गोंधळाच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर यू.एस. आपल्या कृती मर्यादित करीत आहे याकडेही दुर्लक्ष होणार नाही.
संकटाच्या मालिकेत सेनकाकू बेटे राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षेसाठी मैदानात भोक ठरणार आहेत.
सेनकाकू बेटांवर कार्यक्षेत्र असलेल्या ओकिनावा प्रांतातील इशिगाकी सिटीचे नगराध्यक्ष योशिताका नाकायमा म्हणाले की, संकट आणखी वाढले आहे. परिस्थिती भूतकाळापेक्षा पूर्णपणे भिन्न आहे.
नवीन वर्षाच्या पहिल्या दिवसाच्या रात्री, चीनी मेरीटाईम पोलिस ब्युरोची चार जहाजे संमिश्र झोनमध्ये दाखल झाली.
गेल्या वर्षी 3 333 दिवस, पीपल्स लिबरेशन आर्मीबरोबर एकत्रित सैन्य म्हणून काम करणारे मेरीटाईम पोलिस ब्यूरोच्या जहाजांनी जवळजवळ वर्षभर आमच्या पाण्याचा धोका दर्शविला.
लिबरल डेमोक्रॅटिक पक्षाच्या परराष्ट्र व्यवहार समितीचे अध्यक्ष मासाहिसा सातो रागावले आहेत.
गेल्या वर्षी 23 डिसेंबर रोजी, जेव्हा योनागुनीच्या झुईहो मारूला चार मेरीटाइम पोलिस ब्युरो जहाजांचा मागोवा घेण्यात आला, तेव्हा परराष्ट्र मंत्रालयाच्या आशियाई आणि ओशियन अफेयर्स ब्युरोने चिनी मंत्र्याला निषेध करण्यास बोलावले. त्याचप्रकारे प्रतिक्रिया देण्यात आली जेव्हा मेरीटिम पोलिस ब्युरोच्या जहाजांनी 26 ते 27 ते त्याच महिन्याच्या 27 व्या दिवसातील सुमारे 12 तास एका मासेमारी बोटीचा पाठलाग केला. हे निषेध निरर्थक आहेत.
सेनेटर सँडर्सने अमेरिकेच्या अध्यक्षीय निवडणुकीतून माघार घेतली आणि माजी उपराष्ट्रपती बिडेन यांना डेमोक्रॅटिक उमेदवार म्हणून निवडले गेले तेव्हा 8 एप्रिल रोजी चीनने सेनककसमध्ये आपल्या कृतीस वेग वाढविला.
एकट्या उमेदवारासह चीन समर्थक बिडेन यांच्या विजयाची शक्यता निर्माण झाली आहे.
अध्यक्ष ट्रम्प यांच्यासारखा तो भीतीदायक नाही.
लष्करी शक्ती वापरण्यासही तो टाळाटाळ करतो.
एका महिन्यानंतर, 8 मे रोजी, झुई बाओ मारूला मेरीटाईम पोलिस ब्युरोच्या दोन जहाजांनी सेनकाकू बेटांच्या प्रदेशात पाण्यात नेले.
ही पहिलीच वेळ होती.
चीनने जगात पहिल्यांदाच “कायद्याची अंमलबजावणी” करण्याची जाहिरात केली होती.
मला वाटते की चीनने पाहिले की अमेरिकेची चाचणी केली जात आहे आणि आतापर्यंत ती बाहेर पडणार नाही.
तेव्हापासून सहा महिन्यांत चीनची ‘कायद्याची अंमलबजावणी’ अधिकाधिक जोरदार झाली आहे.
श्री नाकायमाला भीती आहे की पुढची पायरी फिशिंग बोट्स पकडणे आणि जपानी नागरिकांना ताब्यात घेण्याची शक्यता आहे.
जपान आणि अमेरिकेची आता चाचणी घेण्यात येत आहे.
पंतप्रधान सुगा यांची चाचणी घेण्यात येत आहे.
पंतप्रधान सुगा यांनी स्वत: ला तयार करण्याची वेळ आली आहे.
कोस्ट गार्ड कायद्याच्या कलम 25 मध्ये सुधारणा करणे योग्य ठरेल, ज्यात प्रभावीपणे सैन्य असणा China्या चायना मेरीटाईम पोलिस ब्युरोच्या जहाजांची घुसखोरी रोखण्यासाठी कोस्ट गार्डला लष्करी दल म्हणून काम करण्याची क्षमता नाकारली गेली आहे.
सर्वात महत्त्वाचे म्हणजे घटना दुरुस्तीवरील चर्चेला अग्रसर करा.
स्वत: वर ठाम न ठेवणारी अशी राष्ट्र आणि स्वतःचे रक्षण न करणारा देश केवळ नाश पावेल.

Japão e Estados Unidos agora estão sendo testados.

2021年01月05日 15時06分05秒 | 全般
O que se segue é de um artigo da Sra. Yoshiko Sakurai na primeira página do Sankei Shimbun desta manhã.
Este artigo também prova que ela é um tesouro nacional conforme definido por Saicho, e um tesouro nacional supremo.
É uma leitura obrigatória não apenas para os japoneses, mas também para pessoas de todo o mundo.
Os chamados intelectuais, os chamados advogados de direitos humanos, os chamados estudiosos e aqueles que se autodenominam analistas de jornal em Asahi, NHK e outros meios de comunicação devem beber até as sobras de suas unhas.
A China está testando o primeiro-ministro.
O conselheiro de Estado e ministro das Relações Exteriores da China, Wang Yi, lembrou 2040 como "um ano significativo que inaugurou uma nova era no caminho da diplomacia chinesa" (11 de dezembro de 2020).
Um documento secreto da Comissão de Saúde do Estado da China (Ministério da Saúde, Trabalho e Bem-Estar), que foi coletado na edição de fevereiro de 2021 da revista Seiron, revelou que a China havia reconhecido o novo coronavírus como uma "epidemia grave" que poderia infectar humanos em 3 de janeiro do ano passado.
O documento secreto instruía claramente que "amostras biológicas" dos casos deveriam ser "imediatamente destruídas ou enviadas a um mecanismo designado pelo estado.
No mesmo dia do aviso à direita, a cidade de Wuhan não anunciou nenhuma infecção humana, e só em 20 de janeiro o governo chinês reconheceu a infecção humana.
O governo chinês continuou a permitir que 5 milhões de cidadãos de Wuhan espalhem o "vírus de Wuhan" em todo o mundo.
Apesar disso, a China elogia o ano passado como 'Foi um ano significativo para abrir uma nova era.'
Em sua coletiva de imprensa de Ano Novo em 4 de janeiro, o primeiro-ministro Yoshihide Suga prometeu considerar a reedição da declaração de emergência.
Não há remorso da parte dos chineses por terem colocado o Japão e o mundo cara a cara com um desastre de escala sem precedentes, tirando a vida de muitas pessoas e mergulhando-as no luto.
De onde vem sua ideologia desafiadora?
Ele pode encontrar a resposta na edição de 2021 do Dia de Ano Novo do Qiushi, o jornal oficial do Partido Comunista da China.
A fonte provavelmente é o discurso do presidente Xi Jinping, "Vamos construir uma comunidade do destino humano juntos", um discurso sobre o qual ninguém pode dizer nada hoje em dia.
O mundo agora sabe que a ideologia de Xi Jinping é que todos os seres humanos deveriam se unir e criar uma comunidade sob a liderança do Partido Comunista Chinês.
Mas os japoneses, que se acostumaram tanto com a paz garantida pelos EUA que se esqueceram da importância de se defenderem, não percebem que o eixo que sustenta o destino comum de toda a humanidade pode ser desumano e violento.
A primeira coisa que o PCCh fez para realizar a comunidade do destino humano, que ninguém jamais defendeu, foi fortalecer seu poder nacional.
O eixo central desse esforço é o fortalecimento de seu contundente poder militar.
Você deve saber que o PCCh está determinado a estender os benefícios do poder militar a todas as áreas da política, economia, sociedade e diplomacia.
Em 11 de dezembro do ano passado, Xi disse em uma sessão de grupo de estudos do Politburo do Partido que o PCC havia superado suas fraquezas como nação.
No 18º Congresso do Partido em novembro de 2012, Xi incorporou a "ideia de se apegar à perspectiva holística de segurança nacional" na política básica de "defender e desenvolver o socialismo com características chinesas" e integrou o desenvolvimento econômico e a segurança no 14º Quinquênio Plano, as metas financeiras de médio prazo para 2021-25.
A ideia é colocar a importância da segurança em primeiro plano em todas as atividades do Partido e do Estado.
É uma admissão de que o desenvolvimento da China, não importa quão bem vestida, está associado a um poderio militar substancial e à violência para esmagar povos e países desobedientes.
Como nosso país vê a ameaça chinesa?
Todos os cinco jornais nacionais mencionaram a importância da recuperação do desastre de Corona em seus editoriais de Ano Novo. Ainda assim, nenhum deles alertou sobre a ameaça do crescente poder militar da China, que apóia sua estratégia global, e pediu ao Japão que fortaleça suas capacidades de defesa.
No mínimo, nossa frágil nação precisa fortalecer suas capacidades militares para proteger sua terra e seu povo com mais urgência do que qualquer outro país.
Em sua entrevista coletiva de ano novo em 4 de abril, o primeiro-ministro Yoshihide Suga disse que trabalharia para realizar um "Indo-Pacífico livre e aberto.
Mas não pode perseguir essa grande estratégia apenas com poder econômico.
A reforma constitucional e o fortalecimento das capacidades de defesa do Japão são essenciais, mas o primeiro-ministro Suga está contornando-os.
A China não permitirá que o descuido do Japão nos setores público e privado passe despercebido.
Nem vai ignorar o fato de que os EUA estão limitando suas ações em meio ao caos.
Em meio a uma série de crises, as Ilhas Senkaku estão prestes a se tornar um buraco no chão para a segurança nacional.
Yoshitaka Nakayama, prefeito da cidade de Ishigaki na prefeitura de Okinawa, que tem jurisdição sobre as ilhas Senkaku, disse que a crise aumentou ainda mais. A situação é totalmente diferente do passado.
Na noite do primeiro dia do ano novo, quatro navios do Departamento de Polícia Marítima da China entraram na zona contígua.
Durante 333 dias no ano passado, as embarcações da Polícia Marítima, que é um exército unido ao Exército de Libertação do Povo, ameaçaram nossas águas quase o ano todo.
Masahisa Sato, presidente do Comitê de Relações Exteriores do Partido Liberal Democrata, está indignado.
Em 23 de dezembro do ano passado, quando o Zuiho Maru de Yonaguni foi rastreado por quatro navios do Departamento de Polícia Marítima, o Escritório de Assuntos da Ásia e Oceânia do Ministério das Relações Exteriores chamou o ministro chinês para protestar. A mesma resposta foi dada quando outro barco de pesca foi perseguido pelas embarcações da Polícia Marítima durante um total de quase 12 horas durante um dia, de 26 a 27 do mesmo mês. Esses protestos são inúteis.
A China intensificou suas ações no Senkakus em 8 de abril, quando o senador Sanders retirou-se da eleição presidencial dos EUA e o ex-vice-presidente Biden foi escolhido como candidato democrata.
Com um único candidato, surgiu a possibilidade de vitória do pró-China Biden.
Ele não é tão assustador quanto o presidente Trump.
Ele também reluta em usar a força militar.
Um mês depois, em 8 de maio, o Zui Bao Maru foi rastreado por dois navios do Departamento de Polícia Marítima nas águas territoriais das ilhas Senkaku.
Foi a primeira vez.
Foi também a primeira vez que a China anunciou "aplicação da lei" para o mundo.
Acho que a China viu que os EUA estavam sendo testados e que não chegaria tão longe.
Desde então, a "aplicação da lei" da China tornou-se cada vez mais enérgica em cerca de seis meses.
Nakayama teme que o próximo passo seja a captura de barcos de pesca e a detenção de japoneses.
Japão e Estados Unidos agora estão sendo testados.
O primeiro-ministro Suga está sendo testado.
É hora do primeiro-ministro Suga se preparar.
Seria uma boa ideia revisar o Artigo 25 da Lei da Guarda Costeira, que nega à Guarda Costeira a capacidade de funcionar como uma força militar para evitar a intrusão de navios do Departamento de Polícia Marítima da China, que é efetivamente um exército.
Acima de tudo, avance o debate sobre a revisão da Constituição.
Uma nação que não se afirma e um país que não se protege apenas perecerá.