文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

You are not qualified to be involved in Japanese politics!

2023年06月09日 09時42分45秒 | 全般

The following is from an editorial in today's Sankei Shimbun.

The LDP's special-interest politicians have endorsed a new system of siphoning off public funds and parasitizing on the general taxpayers, orchestrated by left-wing activists.
The pitfall of legislation passed by lawmakers without deliberation!
It was organized by one German-born Swiss, Klaus Schwab! Davos International Conference.
One of the prominent members is Bill Gates, a man of greed, who destroyed TRON, invented by Ken Sakamura, one of the most outstanding men born in Japan, and conquered the world with Windows.
As a result of the destruction of TRON, which was supposed to be the heart of Japanese-made PCs in the coming PC age, Japan's world-class consumer electronics makers have all fallen on hard times.
Kishida, who hurriedly welcomed Bill Gates, who recently visited Japan, to the prime minister's residence, was not the right person to be the prime minister of Japan. 
In this country, the "turntable of civilization" is still turning.
It is obvious that the Japanese mass media, including the Nikkei Shimbun, are following the orders of the Davos Forum.
At one point, the Nikkei began to argue that the number of female Diet members was low and should be increased.
The Nikkei, however, was not the only one to take advantage of the pitfalls of legislation passed by Diet members without deliberation by submitting the LGBT bill, which is not only foolish but also aims to divide and dismantle Japan,
The bill was proposed by anti-Japanese Diet members such as Mizuho Fukushima and Kiyomi Tsujimoto and female Diet members recommended by the Nikkei newspaper from both the ruling and opposition parties.
We do not want to see more female Diet members like these!
Nikkei should concentrate only on analyzing the economy!
Never again talk about fiscal issues as per the Ministry of Finance or international politics as per the directives of the Davos Forum!

Komeito should leave Japanese politics and go to China! 
Kishida must step down immediately! 
You are not qualified to be involved in Japanese politics!





