Resend! It is a treasonist and it is a traitor and the lowest foolish people in the history of Japan
Various problems that can not be compared with Japan ... the country where class discrimination is still left, the country where the gap between rich and poor is intense, the country where security is bad, etc. etc...About UN is an aggregate of problematic countries is there. .
Capturing that a man died of her daughter in Noda City in Chiba Prefecture, it seems that Japan is such a country ... that UN promptly issues a human rights recommendation to Japan ... why ... Instead of immediately imposing, there is a United Nations saying nothing to the vast abuses of human rights against Chinese Uighurs and Tibetans.
It is one of the reasons why television stations concentrating on Tokyo are the biggest incidents in the world, as well as a major report at all stations.
But one of the truths ... the brainwashing policy of the Chinese Communist Party that even affected GHQ ... splitting against Japan maneuvering...the country is bad, the people are right...
The people were born as a result of the brainwashing and the division maneuvering, insulting and slandering our Japan, letting the UN issue human rights recommendations.
The way that the people who are planning the division of Japan make an organization called IMADR etc., so to speak, they are resident in the UN.
It is a treasonist and it is a traitor and the lowest foolish people in the history of Japan ... disloyal retainer human beings themselves and agents of China and the Korean Peninsula.
IMADR Officers
Nimalka Fernando Lawyer
Kinhide Mushakoji International politics scholar
Mario Jorge Yutzis Former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
Bernadette Hétier Co-President, The Movement Against Racism and for Friendship
between Peoples (MRAP)
Shigeyuki Kumisaka President, Buraku Liberation League
Managing Director / Secretary-General
Fujihiko Nishijima Secretary-General, Buraku Liberation League
Romani Rose Chairman, Central Council of German Sinti and Roma
Theo van Boven Professor, University of Maastricht
Burnad Fatima Natesan Advisor, Society for Rural Education and Development (SRED)
Durga Sob Founder President, Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO)
Michael O. Sharpe Associate Professor of Political Science, York College of the City University of New York
Nanako Inaba Professor, Sophia University, Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan
Hitoshi Okuda Director, The Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Tadashi Kato Executive Director, Ainu Association of Hokkaido
Suil Kim Secretary-General, Kanagawa Mintouren
Shin Hae Bong Professor, Faculty of Law, Aoyama Gakuin University
Iwane Takahisa Industrial Federation for Human Rights, Tokyo
Masaki Okajima President, Japan Teachers Union
Ryuko Kusano Chairperson, Joint Conference of Religious Sects on Dowa Issues
Atsuko Miwa Director, Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center
Advisory Panel
Yoko Hayashi Lawyer, former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Kenzo Tomonaga Honorary Director, Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Helene Sackstein Child, Gender, Information and Press Freedom Specialist
Penda Mbow Professor, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar
Takashi Akai Finance President, Buraku Liberation League
Makoto Kubo Professor, Osaka Sangyo University
Megumi Komori Acting Secretary-General
Catherine Cadou Under-Secretary-General
Masahiro Terada Secretary-General, Solidarity Conference of Religious Community on Dowa Issues
Koichi Nakahigashi National Industrial Federation on Dowa and Human Rights Issues
Kenichi Wada Central Council Member, Buraku Liberation League
Martin Kaneko Under-Secretary-General, Japan Women's University professor
Taisuke Komatsu Under-Secretary-General
Tokyo Office
Megumi Komori
Ai Abe
Ayako Kannari
Geneva Office
Taisuke Komatsu