街で数字にであったら!Train your tongue quickly!

2006年01月30日 11時44分09秒 | 発音・リスニング
The following is my recommendation based on my real experience:
If you meet some kinds of figures showing the number, such as a car's number, for example "愛媛○せ41-97”, immediately pick up the 41-97,and tranfer it to 4,197.And then, pronounce it like four thousand, one hundred and ninety-seven.You must respond fast and quickly. Pronouning the figure slowly or at your usual speed not so fast is no good, meaningless. It is desirable for you to pronounce it as the same as foreigners.This tarining will surely bring you a good results in somooth pronunciation of genaral English sentences as well as figures.
It seems to me there is a big difference in pronunciation of figures between vetran speakers and beginners among Japanese people. It means the figure pronunciation is rather difficult in a practical situation.
Try it once and get result!

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My confusion on listening ability

2006年01月29日 18時55分42秒 | 発音・リスニング
Last night, I fell into sleep listening to CNN. While in bed still awake, I was following the speakers saying their English.I really thought my ability had come to be in a good stage. But, This morning, last night's me diappeared.
In the midstlike this yet, my consolitation is that I was able to catch cleary the sentence "I swear to God " in A TV drame featuring policeperson's activities today.I heard the sentence two times in a relatively short time.
Well,I am a littel bit depressed, but I don't quit my fight.The war to the pour me .

By the way, I would like to change my theme.Just now, I deleted my article titled "where to put a pause" ,which was referring to how to read
English sentences. My explanation may not wrong, but I think that it may confuse people looking at the explanation.

I am wondering if there are some places such as drinking bars or something like that ,where I could speak English with someone including foreigners for inexpensive cost in Takamatsu,Shikoku.

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