from yesterday's Nikkei

2011年02月02日 12時08分30秒 | 新聞記事から
小沢元代表を強制起訴 「陸山会」の規正法違反罪 議員で初

Former Democratic Party of Japan President Ichiro Ozawa was indicted on Monday by three court-appointed lawyers on suspicion of violating the Political Funds Control Law over false reporting by his political funds management body, Rikuzan-kai, of funds in connection with a land deal in Tokyo. This is the first case that a incumbent Diet menber was indicted by court-appointed lawyers.
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from today's Nikkei

2011年02月02日 11時20分08秒 | 新聞記事から
極なき時代 新秩序求め米離れ マネー漂流 不均衡な世界 第1部成長と停滞 変調の兆し既に

Looking at the countries in the world,we can see a picute that there is a group pf advanced countries facing economic depression while a group of emerging countries enjoying an economic growth. In other words,there are two contrastive groups of countries:one is economies steadily accumulating surplus and the other is economies tumbling about in increasing deficit. So, the world is now standing at a very much unbalanced position in terms of the economy.

This is the first instalment of a series of articles looking into the world economy at present.The topic today is growth and stagnation.

Today we are approaching the time when there is no pole for which everything can come, leading to the situation that money in the world is circulating one place to another place without having a secured place. Until just a few years ago the U.S. had been playing such a role as a secured haven as the countries in the world had been exporting a lot of goods to the U.S. for its citizens having a tendency of spending much money. But this global economic scheme is now changed. However, there is no knwoing what a new scheme should be. Given such situations the world is now struggling to form a new order of the economy.

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