from recent news in Japan

2024年11月03日 17時46分30秒 | 翻訳・通訳
昨年度の 小中学校での不登校 最多34万人 昨年度の いじめの認知件数が73万件 コロナ後増加が続く
It is learned that the number of nonattending students in the elementary and junior high schools came to 346,482 in fiscal 2023. This figure is 47,434 more than that in the previous fiscal year, or 15.9 % up, which has exceeded the 30,000 level for the first time, and has been the highest ever. These facts were made clear by the data of the survey by the Ministry of Education on October 31.
The recognized bullying cases in those schools amounted to 732,568, and the serious cases where life-threatening damages, physical and mental sufferings, and long-term nonattendances took place came to 1,306 in the last fiscal year. These figures also both were record high. This increasing trend has continued since the end of the corona virus pandemic.
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from recent news in the world

2024年11月03日 14時17分11秒 | 翻訳・通訳
米国大統領選挙で AI の脅威が懸念される   読売新聞の調査では、 情報規制は米国では20州のみである 
As the US presidential election date is approaching, the threat of the AI, or Automatic Intelligence, has been increasing. According to the results of the survey carried out by the Yomiuri Shimbun, the judicial regulations dealing with the election-related fake information made by AI are working only 20 states of the 50 states and the capital Washington D.C. And there's no federal such a regulation covering the whole country. Given such conditions, we have to continue paying attention to this issue from now on.

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from recent news in Japan

2024年11月03日 12時40分21秒 | 翻訳・通訳
中国、6月に 最大級海警船が 尖閣諸島の周辺をまわっていた 米国の巡視船の沖縄出港後の動きへの対応と考えられている  これらの中国の異例の動きを 日米が共有している

The US Navy sent a patrol ship to the areas of the East China Sea and the South China Sea to strengthen the coordinated activities with Japan and the Philippines. Responding this move, a largest size patrol ship belonging to the China Coast Guard showed in June extremely unusual movements of moving around the Senkaku Islands. And these China's movements started just after the US patrol ship left a port in Okinawa. These shows that the tensions about the issue of the Senkaku Islands have been intensifying in this region. But it is clear that these unusual activities by China are being watched out and shared between Japan and the US.
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