from recent news in Japan

2024年11月30日 10時22分51秒 | 新聞記事から
「マイナ保険証」利用者の 電子カルテについて 病院間で共有する システムを 来年度から開始する との政府の方針  病歴・検査結果も共有できるが  患者の同意が条件に

The government has decided that electronic medical records of the patients using the health insurance card with my-number card should be shared between medical facilities and the new system for that will be started in the next fiscal year. Using this system makes the patients' history of illness and medicines and results of various kinds of medical tests. But the patient's consent is the precondition for that.
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from recent news in Japan

2024年11月30日 10時00分37秒 | 新聞記事から
サイバー攻撃の未然防御に関して  有識者会議が提言した  内容的には外国との通信の分析が柱になるとのこと

Yesterday on November 29 the central government's expert committee, chaired by the ex-ambassador to the US Kenichiro Sasae, compiled its proposal for adopting "the active defense system against cyber-attacks" in order to prevent a serious cyber attack. Its pillar is that the government should get the information of the communications between domestic and overseas places or between overseas places and analyze them under the control of the independent organization which is newly established.
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