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2025年02月21日 07時44分54秒 | 新聞記事から
能登地震・豪雨 輪島・珠洲 1月時点  推定居住人口3割減 携帯電話の位置情報分析からわかる 
県発表では1割   住民帰還進まず

There were great damages by earthquake and heavy rainfalls last year in Ishikawa Prefecture. The two cities of Wajima and Suzu among the places suffered from the disasters the most heavily, and their number of people living there now is estimated to be down by more than 30 % at the end of January compared to that before the earthquake according to the data analysis by using the mobile phone location information app. But the figure by the prefecture using the data on the residence register shows the decline is about 10%. Anyway, it has come to light the fact that the people's coming back to their hometown has not proceeded well.
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