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2025年02月20日 08時59分46秒 | 新聞記事から
トランプ氏の発言 米関税が「25%前後に」 薬・半導体も「大幅上げ」 これは米生産促すため 詳細は4月2日
U.S. President Donald Trump expressed his intention on February 18 around 25 % tariffs are levied on imported cars, and its details would be made clear on April 2. At present the U.S. is imposing 2.5 % tariffs to them, meaning such duties would become about 10 times the present level. They clearly aim to encourage the movement of the manufacturing production sites to the U.S. and also reduce the trade deficits which have lasted many years. Besides that, he recently made clear that duties to pharmacy and semi-conductors imported to the U.S. would come to be levied within a year, hinting the rate would be higher, probably more than 25%.
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