米医療改革法成立へ 下院で可決 7票差 「国民階保険」へ前進 オバマ政権の最重要課題
On the 21st evening (the 22nd morning Japan Time) the US Representative House passed the health care insurance reform bil with a marging of 7 votes for approvalin its plenary session.
The legislation is aimed at realizing one of the most important policies
the Barack Obama administration commits itself to implement.
The passing the bill at the House means the realization of the whole nation-including national health care insurance system in the U.S., which the past succcessive presidents of the U.S. had wanted to realize but had failed to do.
On the 21st evening (the 22nd morning Japan Time) the US Representative House passed the health care insurance reform bil with a marging of 7 votes for approvalin its plenary session.
The legislation is aimed at realizing one of the most important policies
the Barack Obama administration commits itself to implement.
The passing the bill at the House means the realization of the whole nation-including national health care insurance system in the U.S., which the past succcessive presidents of the U.S. had wanted to realize but had failed to do.