from Tuesday's Nikkei

2010年03月25日 09時25分46秒 | 新聞記事から
米医療改革法成立へ 下院で可決 7票差 「国民階保険」へ前進 オバマ政権の最重要課題

On the 21st evening (the 22nd morning Japan Time) the US Representative House passed the health care insurance reform bil with a marging of 7 votes for approvalin its plenary session.

The legislation is aimed at realizing one of the most important policies
the Barack Obama administration commits itself to implement.

The passing the bill at the House means the realization of the whole nation-including national health care insurance system in the U.S., which the past succcessive presidents of the U.S. had wanted to realize but had failed to do.
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2010年03月25日 08時57分57秒 | 新聞記事から
景気「改善」6割超す 「10年度損益上向く」5割 地方景気も回復 二番底懸念なお41% 社長100人&地方500社アンケート

The Nihon Keizai Shimbun conducted the " questionnare to the 100 presidents across the country" on the economy the other day and comiled it on Tuesday.

According to that, those who replied the economy improved compared with that a half year ago accouned for 61.3 percent of the total, up 12 percentage points over the previous survey in December last year. And people was more than half who replied the income in fiscal 2010 will enhance over that in fiscal 2009. Their speculation was based on mainly expectation for the growth in overseas demad.

However, there were more than 40 percent(41%) who were wary about the so-called the second bottom of the economy.

According to the data from the "local economy 500 company survey" conducted at the same time with the 100 president survey,36.7 percent replied local economy improved.
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from today's Nikkei

2010年03月25日 07時59分50秒 | 新聞記事から
財政再建へ住民負担 破綻懸念の21市町村 入村税やゴミ収集有料化
There are now a total of 21 municipalities having concern about their finance bankruptcy,such as Izumi-sano City,Osaka Prefecture across the country.And it is learned that they all have worked out their finance reconstruction plans by wednesday.

Reading those we can find out that they stipulate lots of measures for increasing their finance revenues, such as raising the fixed property tax rates,establishing a new tax of "new-son-zei" or the tax for entering the village, and collecting charges for garbage from residnts, which will lead to the increased burden of residents.

Another efforts include the personnel pay cuts and the review of various kinds of subsidies.

These movements are based on the Local Governmets Finance Stabilization Law enacted in April 2009. Under the laws, efforts in making such risk-of-bankrup-having municipalities get returned to their finance health have started to get into a real earnest stage.

参考:造語はどんどんやればいいわけで、今回も無理に、やってみました。あまりセンスはよくありませんけれど。「そうした財政破綻の危険性のある自治体」は、such finanncilly risky municipalities, such finace-risky municipalities,such municipalities などでもいいと思われるのに、municipalities which have risk of bankrupt という言い方があるならということで、risk-of-bankrupt having という形容詞の造語を作ったわけであります。A-動詞の現在分詞は、「Aを動詞する」という形容詞になります。airplane-carring vessel だと飛行機を運ぶ船(航空母艦)になります。

「A-動詞の過去分詞」は「Aが動詞する」です。the municipality-operated body だと、その自治体が運営する組織です。
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