関電管内 10%節電要請 制限令は政府見送り 供給余力低下で 西日本全体1.2%不足 他地域も呼びかけ
It was learned Tuesday how the government is asking companies and households in the western part of the nation to save the consumption of electricity. In the service area of Kansai Electric Power Co. the government will ask people to cut the use of electricity by more than 10 percent from the peal level of power consumption in the previous summer. Other areas in the western part of the nation also will be asked to save energy, without specific targets.
These asking will be done because of so-called leeway of electricity supply has declined due to unexpectedly halted operations of a nuclear power reactor and other power plant in the KEPCO service region in recent days.
But these requests would not be a legal requirement such as those now imposed in the service areas of Tokyo Electyric Power Co. and Tohoku Electric Power Co.
The leeway of the utilities in the western region including KEPCO would fall to minus 1.2 percent.
It was learned Tuesday how the government is asking companies and households in the western part of the nation to save the consumption of electricity. In the service area of Kansai Electric Power Co. the government will ask people to cut the use of electricity by more than 10 percent from the peal level of power consumption in the previous summer. Other areas in the western part of the nation also will be asked to save energy, without specific targets.
These asking will be done because of so-called leeway of electricity supply has declined due to unexpectedly halted operations of a nuclear power reactor and other power plant in the KEPCO service region in recent days.
But these requests would not be a legal requirement such as those now imposed in the service areas of Tokyo Electyric Power Co. and Tohoku Electric Power Co.
The leeway of the utilities in the western region including KEPCO would fall to minus 1.2 percent.