住宅ローン金利優遇継続 フラット35 投資を下支え 国交省検討 下げ幅1%は圧縮の方向
It is learned that the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry has decided to continue from the next fiscal year on its policy of giving good treatment in terms of interest rates to the people having getting long-term housing loans from the independent administrative insitution Japan Housing Finance Agency.It is because they intend to bolster people's investment in housing construction.Long-term,fixed rate housing loan provided by the agency is called Flat 35 with the margin of its good treatment set as 1%. But the current margin of 1% will likely be reduced.
It is learned that the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry has decided to continue from the next fiscal year on its policy of giving good treatment in terms of interest rates to the people having getting long-term housing loans from the independent administrative insitution Japan Housing Finance Agency.It is because they intend to bolster people's investment in housing construction.Long-term,fixed rate housing loan provided by the agency is called Flat 35 with the margin of its good treatment set as 1%. But the current margin of 1% will likely be reduced.