from July 10 Nikkei

2011年07月17日 12時37分45秒 | 新聞記事から
住宅ローン金利優遇継続 フラット35 投資を下支え 国交省検討 下げ幅1%は圧縮の方向

It is learned that the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry has decided to continue from the next fiscal year on its policy of giving good treatment in terms of interest rates to the people having getting long-term housing loans from the independent administrative insitution Japan Housing Finance Agency.It is because they intend to bolster people's investment in housing construction.Long-term,fixed rate housing loan provided by the agency is called Flat 35 with the margin of its good treatment set as 1%. But the current margin of 1% will likely be reduced.
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from July 16 Nikkei

2011年07月17日 10時43分28秒 | 新聞記事から
次世代送電網 日本で展開 電力ピーク抑制見込む スイスABB・米IBM

Foreign funds like a major Swiss engineering company ABB and U.S. IBM, which have already had experience of building so-called smard grid, will likely advance to Japan. They will develop the equipment for Japan by which electricity generated by solar bateries or wind is transmitted in high-tension direct current. As demand response by the next-generation, power-transmitting network has been the norm in the U.S. and Europe,the foreign funds seem to start to make preparations for smart grid business in Japan.
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from today's Nikkei

2011年07月17日 09時19分50秒 | 新聞記事から
日本の稼ぎ頭「車・造船・電機」 韓国企業シェア奪う 円高・ウォン安背景に FTA・電力・・・差拡大も

Amid the difficulties Japanese manufactures are facing due to higher yen, South Korean rivals in the industries of automobile, shipbuilding and electric machinery have increased their shares in the global market.

Specifically,Hyundai Motor Company has increased its sales in the U.S. and Europe thanks to improved quality of its vehicles almost equal to that of Japanese makers' products. And in case of Samsung Heavy Industries, taking advantage of cheaper won, South Korean currency,it is overwhelming Japanaese rivals by taking orders from the world for ships like resources-carrying vessels. As in July the free trade agreement between South Korea and EU took effect, South Korean products will increase their competitiveness in terms of price due to cut of tariffs.

Under these circumstances, if electricity shortage continues long in Japan,Japanese manufactures will have to face more serious situation.
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