一年前を振り返る…look back to a year ago---ヨーダ&消しゴム2 Yoda&erasers

2016年10月12日 | 日記
Well, this blog site has some services, one of them is, notifying me about the blog writing up by myself a year ago... it's sometimes good to know... but sometimes feeling shame. I'd like to improve myself even I'm already adult but mature yet? I've been doing nearly the same things as a year ago...?

ミニ三昧 : イワコー消しゴム ヨーダ&ハンバーガー/ I love miniature goods - IWAKO Yoda&hamburger
昼飯のファーストフードにご不満だYoda, is not satisfied withFast food forHis lunchヨーダ「日本じゃ連休!って言って、......

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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「大人も読みたい こども歳時記」it's a good book for children about the events of a year

2016年10月12日 | 日記

The Autumn insects
Are singing harmonically
Some red clouds in the sky


I borrowed this book at the library. I found many things about Haiku, the book tells us how to compose Haiku, we need to know some rules and the events of each season when we compose Haiku.
Ideally, I wish I had got this book on my bookshelf. So, sometime I could open the book, to check, be sure and reference. It's difficult for me to remember everything about them.....
It's only in Japanese.
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