
Standing alone
My friends are just the Autumn insects
They are singing
別にそんなサビシソウには見えませんでした。むしろここも案外いいかも? 的な。ビルの上からの眺めも良かったが、ここだと、"落ちない安心感" があるかも? 的な…。
This tenpin didn't seem to feel lonely. It would feel, here is better? than the top of a building. The views were good but it always felt if it would have fallen down from... Here is safe? no chance to fall down...

Standing alone
My friends are just the Autumn insects
They are singing
別にそんなサビシソウには見えませんでした。むしろここも案外いいかも? 的な。ビルの上からの眺めも良かったが、ここだと、"落ちない安心感" があるかも? 的な…。
This tenpin didn't seem to feel lonely. It would feel, here is better? than the top of a building. The views were good but it always felt if it would have fallen down from... Here is safe? no chance to fall down...