Oh it's
An black plastic glove
I've ever seen it before
近所を歩いていて見つけたんですが、前にも見たことのあるような、黒いビニール製の片手袋。場所は美容室の駐車場です。前の時も近所でそこにも美容室があったような。てっきり電気工事関係? って思ってたんですがってことは、これは美容室系の商売道具の一部分…でしたか。
I found it, a black plastic glove, when I walked around in my neighbourhood. It's at a car park for a hairdresser's salon. It was the second time to find the similar one, the previous one was also, I found in my neighbourhood, there was also a hairdresser nearby. I thought that the gloves would be used for a work, something like referring to electricity. I see. It must be one of tools for work at hairdressers?
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
Oh it's
An black plastic glove
I've ever seen it before
近所を歩いていて見つけたんですが、前にも見たことのあるような、黒いビニール製の片手袋。場所は美容室の駐車場です。前の時も近所でそこにも美容室があったような。てっきり電気工事関係? って思ってたんですがってことは、これは美容室系の商売道具の一部分…でしたか。
I found it, a black plastic glove, when I walked around in my neighbourhood. It's at a car park for a hairdresser's salon. It was the second time to find the similar one, the previous one was also, I found in my neighbourhood, there was also a hairdresser nearby. I thought that the gloves would be used for a work, something like referring to electricity. I see. It must be one of tools for work at hairdressers?
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.