オサンポ walk - 秋、神無月の植木パンダ like panda topiary October in autumn

2017年10月07日 | 日記

They're like
Panda topiary
A bicycle accident might have happened


Like panda topiaries, were at around the edge of Ueno Park, could say, the entrance of the Park. Actually, it's not topiary, the big pods that were shaped panda were empty inside. There were put some plants in them.
Anyway, I was a bit surprised, now we've had a good news, the panda parents in Ueno Zoo have a lovely baby, so I'm interested in them I photographed. After that, I would have been going to get a bicycle accident by a high school girl, we could avoid that by a hair. I felt quite threatened...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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