In the autumn evening
I met a mantis
At the bicycle park
おっと、と気が付いた時に、動きが鈍かったのでもしかして踏まれて…る? と思ったんですがそうではないようで良かったですが、でも何となく弱っている感じだったので、一緒に写っている葉っぱを使ってすぐに近くの植え込みまで運んでみました。カマキリにも外来の波が及んでいるようでお腹が赤いのはいわゆるそれとか。確かめたかったですが、ひっくり返すのをあきらめそこにそのままにして彼(彼女?)の運は天に任せました。
追記: この時に初めて、「そう言えば昆虫がケガした時って、どうしてる?」と思って、軽くネットで検索してみたところ、成虫になってからだと基本"治らない"らしいです。あらま。(幼虫の時であれば、脱皮するときに治る場合もあるとか) そうなのか…ホントにみんな、"一度きり"の人生(昆虫生)なんだと、急に秋になった気温も手伝ってかしみじみ…しましたですよ。
"Oh, is it a mantis?" When I found him(her?), it seemed to be stepped on by a human? It wouldn't have been not, but it looked it would have been sick. I picked him up with the leave that you looked in the photo. I took him onto the bush that was nearby. Nowadays, we've got the same kind of mantises from overseas, they are not good to our local mantises. I'd like to check it out but I gave up to turn him over. I left him on there, just prayed for his good life.
Addition: I've got an idea at that time, it was the first time in my life. "Well, when they, any insects have injured, how do they cure?" I quickly checked it on the internet, I've got some answers from that websites, they said, "Never cure when they are adult". Oh dear. (When they are child yet, then when they exuviate, it might be cured sometimes) Oh, I see... everyone and every creatures, has only on life. I deeply feel something in my mind. The temperature that became "like autumn's" suddenly from today might make me have that feelings.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
In the autumn evening
I met a mantis
At the bicycle park
おっと、と気が付いた時に、動きが鈍かったのでもしかして踏まれて…る? と思ったんですがそうではないようで良かったですが、でも何となく弱っている感じだったので、一緒に写っている葉っぱを使ってすぐに近くの植え込みまで運んでみました。カマキリにも外来の波が及んでいるようでお腹が赤いのはいわゆるそれとか。確かめたかったですが、ひっくり返すのをあきらめそこにそのままにして彼(彼女?)の運は天に任せました。
追記: この時に初めて、「そう言えば昆虫がケガした時って、どうしてる?」と思って、軽くネットで検索してみたところ、成虫になってからだと基本"治らない"らしいです。あらま。(幼虫の時であれば、脱皮するときに治る場合もあるとか) そうなのか…ホントにみんな、"一度きり"の人生(昆虫生)なんだと、急に秋になった気温も手伝ってかしみじみ…しましたですよ。
"Oh, is it a mantis?" When I found him(her?), it seemed to be stepped on by a human? It wouldn't have been not, but it looked it would have been sick. I picked him up with the leave that you looked in the photo. I took him onto the bush that was nearby. Nowadays, we've got the same kind of mantises from overseas, they are not good to our local mantises. I'd like to check it out but I gave up to turn him over. I left him on there, just prayed for his good life.
Addition: I've got an idea at that time, it was the first time in my life. "Well, when they, any insects have injured, how do they cure?" I quickly checked it on the internet, I've got some answers from that websites, they said, "Never cure when they are adult". Oh dear. (When they are child yet, then when they exuviate, it might be cured sometimes) Oh, I see... everyone and every creatures, has only on life. I deeply feel something in my mind. The temperature that became "like autumn's" suddenly from today might make me have that feelings.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.