オサンポ walk - 謎の小さい通行止め (?)4 the closure (small)

2017年10月22日 | 日記

Never give up
Look forward the future
Do it again

前回は、今月の16日に載せたときは、段ボール製の壁もガムテープも石も何もかも撤去した状態だったので、もう、戦う(?)ことをあきらめたのだ…と思っていました。だがしかし! 見事に復活していました!! でも、同じやり方なんですね…違うやり方には、しないんですね? 石も同じものに思えるし…。はて?

I upped the same photo on the 16th October 2017. There were no the cardboard's wall, packing tapes and the stone. I thought that someone finally gave up to fight against something (one?). But! Someone did it again! With the same materials!! It's the same method. They don't try another one? The stone is the same as before... why?

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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オサンポ walk - 秋、神無月の朝顔 morning glories, October in autumn

2017年10月21日 | 日記

There is a morning glory
That still blooming
It's October though


It's too big? There were many big leaves, in that, I found one morning glory. I think that their season is summer? It's autumn? No? There were also buds more that a few. What's happening to them...??

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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美術館 art museum - 「沢田教一展」日本橋高島屋 Kyouichi Sawada, at Takashimaya in Nihonbashi

2017年10月20日 | 日記

They were photographed by
Mr. Sawada
In Vietnam


何か撮りたいー。それで百均のマクロレンズ? えー? やってること小さくない? レンズもちょー小さいし、「脳に刺激」の割には…やる事が小さ過ぎない? でもまあ…なんもナイよりかは、マシ? と思いたい…です。

This exhibition was already finished.
Thinking about camera, we call them, film-camera and digital-camera, as camera, but they are much different from each other, I believe. Most of film-cameras are heavy and films!! They annoy us when we take them to a trip. I saw his photographies with these facts, I felt a full of respects to his ones. Whenever I hear his name, I remember his documentary of "SAWADA".

When I go out, when I am inspired from something, I'd like to try to do something. This time, what I did was I bought a mini micro lens for my iPhone at Can Do shop(¥100 shop). I'd like to photograph something---. Then, I bought the lens. Just ¥108? Very small and cheap---? Inspired? I did just little thing? Well, here is a saying, "Better than nothing"...?

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - エサだけよ:only your foods

2017年10月19日 | 日記

I only need your
I don't need you


I saw them, tried to talk with them but they ran away. But not far, stayed in nearby. I tried to get close to them again, but ran away again. They were keeping a distance between us. They just checked out if I was a person who fed them. Sorry no foods to you. I wouldn't give you any foods when you seem to be in health.
If I see... a cat who seems that haven't eaten anything for a while. But nowadays, I haven't seen like this cat.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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エンタメ entertainment - 西城秀樹 Hideki Saijo

2017年10月18日 | 日記

The concert
I was enjoying myself
Keep up!


I went to see the concert of Hideki Saijo. He was fine! I've got a free ticket from the newspaper. Thank you! Kiitos!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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スズメ見なくね?30 we haven't seen many sparrows

2017年10月17日 | 日記

Many sparrows
Are on the electric wire
Look up at them


I think they were sparrow. I just saw their silhouettes, I couldn't clearly see them, I wasn't sure. But their songs were like sparrow. There were 20-30? sparrows that made one group. Actually, I photographed them around the end of Sep. Where are they now...and how do they survive such crazy weathers in these days...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 謎の小さい通行止め (?)3 the closure (small)

2017年10月16日 | 日記

The mystery is mystery
There is no answer
Let it be

今年の9月24日に載せた続きです。段ボールのカベと、丸い石がすっかりどかされスッキリしちゃってました。でもカベに開いた穴はそのままです。うーむ…。ガムテープを使って段ボールのカベの補修をあんなに頑張っていたのに、どうしたんでしょうか? やってもやっても穴開くじゃん、とあきらめてしまったんでしょうか? 謎が謎を呼んでる! (と思います??)

I upped this same topic on the 24th Sep 2017 on my blog. There are not the cardboard wall and the stone, nothing else. But the hole that seems a door has been still opening. Mmmmm... someone tried hard to fix the hole with the cardboard and packing tapes. What happened? He(or she) might have given up to do that because something(small animal??) interrupted many times. The mystery is bringing mysteries...?

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : 薬局にて2 at the chemist

2017年10月15日 | 日記

The day that has just come
Have to say goodbye

結構しっかりしたボディーをお持ちだったんでね。根元を見ると緑の茎でなく、なんて言うんですか? 細い木の幹みたいに見えるところから、しぶとく三枚の葉が出ていました。おお、あきらめてはいない。ここに、ニンゲンとスキマ草の新たな戦い(?)の、第二章(?)が既に始まっている…と思っていいのでしょか。

I upped this Sukima-soh on the 1st of October 2017 on my blog. (Actually, the photo was taken earlier than up. It happens to others anytime) I saw it a few times when I passed by, but no time to photograph, next time I would have photographed it... but it's gone.
I was a bit surprised when I saw the remains of it, the root, that seemed quite well-build? Not a green cane, like a brown thin trunk. It had small two leaves, it's like new burgeons. It never gives up.
Here would be the second chapter of a battle of humans and the Sukima-soh.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : マンホール2 a manhole

2017年10月14日 | 日記

Living at the manhole
It's quite comfortable
For Sukima-soh
(Sukima = gap)
(Soh = plant)



I upped this Sukima-soh in the 10th July 2017 on my blog. It wouldn't seem much different from the previous day, just could say, the Sukima-soh at the right hand side is slightly smaller than the 10th.
If I tell you one thing about Sukima-soh, I believe that it is kind of miracle to see the same one again after I find it.
Sukima-soh, if they live in where humans live, humans don't like them, they try to dig them out then throw away.(oh my god, but I can understand) I saw it yesterday, but it's gone away today, that might happen sometimes. I feel sad and miss them, but I know, they are not good to our lives. Well, that's why, I love them and enjoy myself seeing them, for a moment and a moment. (I'm seriously telling you...)

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct
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美術館 art museum - 「運慶展」東京国立博物館 The exhibition of UNKEI The Great Master of Buddhist Sculpture

2017年10月13日 | 日記

Unkei and
Many Buddha statues

同じ人物や仏様の像を、違う人が各々造るんですね。なので比較が容易です。そしてこのような企画展だと、その像たちが一同に会しているので色々なところを見比べるのも容易です。これはこういう企画展のグッドポイントの一つですね。普段仏像様たちがいらっしゃるお寺などは各々場所が離れているので、ここでこの像を見た後あそこに行って…としている間に比較ポイントがあっても半分くらい忘れてしまう…(ああ凡人) ので、そういう凡人系のニンゲンにとってはこういうチャンスを逃してはいけませんね。

この間来場者が10万人を超えたとかでセレモニっていたようですが、ラッキーなセレモニンの小学生男子のコメントの中に「爪の先まで見たい」とあったのを読んだときに、あ?っとしました。手の甲に浮いている筋は見てきましたが、爪…見てないかも…? うーむ。小学生男子恐るべし。将来はみうらじゅんさんでしょうか。

I went to see the exhibition of Unkei at Tokyo National Museum. Unkei is the most famous person who created Buddha sculptures. (You could visit at http://unkei2017.jp/en) Usually, those sculptures/statues are in each temples. Now it's special, they have gathered at the museum. It's easier for us to look at them in details, closely, their backsides, with bright spot lights(normally they are in dark...) and competitively. It's a wonderful chance to see them. If you are interested in them, don't miss it. I know his name and Unkei is very popular among many people, but I didn't understand. Now I knew it a little bit. He is a master of creating Buddha's ones.

The number of attendance is now over hundred thousand, it held a ceremony to honor its hundred thousand visitor, it was an elementary school 10 years student (with his grandmother). Wow. When I read his comments, he said, "I'd like to see their nails...", I was a bit surprised. Their nails... I looked at some muscles on their backhands, but not nails, oh my god. I'm wondering if he will become like Jun Miura (http://www.miurajun.net)(no English?) who loves Buddha's very much.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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