日々 是 変化ナリ ~ DAYS OF STRUGGLE ~

Today is the 3,000 days since opening my blog. Best Score of the day is 5107IP, 6199PV, so far.

With this experience, Today I`d like to update "Why blogging is great ×10"

1.Blogs are an good tool to shape your ideas or interests. And so easy to pull out of the box.

2.Blogging is a good way of keeping yourself "positive."

3.Continuity is one of the most important points for blogging.

4.Blogs can be a great tool for grabbing a moment,changing,and evolving.

5.Blogs are good tool for "evolution."

6.Blogs are a tool to connect "past,""present," and "future."

7.Blogging is a good way to undertake a "trial & error" process.

8.Blogging can be a tool for polishing yourself, just like P.D.C.A. circle management.

9.And in that way, blogging can be a tool for improving your "self announcing power."

10.Therefore, your blog is going to be the PLATFORM for your "self announcing power."

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