三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2024年09月19日 07時06分09秒 | Weblog



English version⬇

Sericultural silkworm houses in mulberry trees, the power of life that springs from them.
Sericulture, the largest foreign currency earning industry that supported Japanese society from the Edo period and Meiji period to the prewar period. More than a house, it is an “industrial heritage”. The spirit of our ancestors, the heart and soul of Made in Japan. The spirit of our ancestors, the heart and soul of Made in Japan.

 Finally, I returned to my work desk and was checking the progress of various communications when I received a reply from one of the most recent correspondents. When I checked what kind of reply I received, I found a heartwarming acceptance with a very grateful impression. I was relieved and at the same time, the letter showed that they deeply understood the contents of the materials we had provided.
 We were truly grateful for their deep understanding. I am grateful for the cordiality that is gradually being conveyed to me.
 I was deeply impressed by the appreciation of human communication activities.
 In between the progress of these major tasks, I have started to organize the huge 6.43 GB of photo data from this project. I am organizing the photos in my own way, but this process naturally involves talking to the “real data.
 It is also a way to relive the atmosphere of the shoot and what I was thinking at the time. So I consider it a major point to clarify my “spatial memory” with as little time as possible.
 But the amount I finished working on in one day yesterday was probably about 2-3% of the total. This work alone will probably take about a week. However, as someone who has been covering housing for a long time, I feel a strong sense of the “hand tools” that are used in this project.
 The houses in the Fukushima City Minka-en were the first stop on this tour. The first house was this silkworm farmhouse. Before its relocation, it was the former Ono family residence in Date City, Fukushima Prefecture. From the Edo and Meiji periods to the prewar period, sericulture in Japan was a main industry that earned valuable foreign currency. When sericulture was in slump in Europe and the United States, especially in France, the Japanese sericulture industry made great progress. The northern part of Fukushima Prefecture was the most advanced region in the sericultural industry. I once visited an old sericultural farmhouse near Asahikawa in Hokkaido, and I believe that the family had migrated from the Fukushima area.
 The house had a half-gabled roof that was cut off to allow for uniform lighting inside the house, and the attic and mezzanine floor were used as a silkworm room. The house in Hokkaido was almost exactly the same configuration. The building was proudly and warmly welcoming visitors, surrounded by mulberry leaves.
 The building was constructed in 1873. Although Japanese society had just entered the global market economy, the quantity and quality of the raw silk produced was suddenly world-class. It is fascinating to think that an island nation on the edge of Far East Asia was able to compete with the world powers thanks above all to the silkworms produced in such a gentle atmosphere. As an architectural structure, it also has a profound folkloric appeal.The last photo is a symbol of the “prayer” of the sericultural people.

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