三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2024年09月20日 07時01分42秒 | Weblog


English version⬇

[Went to the hospital with a sore throat. Diagnosis of Reflux Disease
Many people around me suffer from this gastric acid reflux disease. It is not a more serious disease and can be treated by improving lifestyle. I will do my best to rebuild my way of life. ・・・・.

 The photo has nothing to do with the text (laughs). It is a dragon, a common ceiling painting in Japanese religious paintings. My mental image of the dragon is that it is a sign of the end of illness.
 Yesterday morning, I could not sleep because of discomfort in my throat and had to get up early. The discomfort in my throat is always aggravated when I am in a sleeping position. However, I wanted to sleep, so I got up twice in the middle of the night, gargled, and went back to sleep => throat discomfort again, and so on.
 Well, in the end, the throat discomfort would subside if I stayed awake, so I decided to stay up early and headed to my desk to meditate in the morning before going to the hospital. I went to my “family doctor”, a diabetes specialist, in a building where several specialty hospitals are located, but I remembered that there was an ENT across the street and I had seen him several times.
 I had a sore throat, so I called once before entering the front door in response to the possibility/suspicion of corona, and was then allowed to enter the room.
 After I had been admitted, I entered the room and was finally able to see the doctor. After explaining the situation, a detailed diagnosis with a “camera” was made immediately. About 10 minutes after the anesthesia was given, I was able to see a detailed image of the affected area.
 The otolaryngologist gave me the name of “pharyngolaryngeal reflux disease. There is no suspicion of a more serious lesion, such as cancer of the larynx. In short, it is reflux of gastric acid, and it occurs in the sleeping position,” he explained. It is not a very serious lesion and is expected to improve with medication and other treatments.
 I have heard a lot about reflux disease, as many people in my age group have suffered from it. I was beginning to think that this disease might be the cause of my recent poor physical condition.
 I happened to eat a slightly spicy Chinese dish at dinner before the onset of the disease and had quite a runny nose during the meal, but I realized that it could have been the trigger. I also understood that I was more likely to develop the disease if I went to bed shortly after eating. Since the medication, Kesa's discomfort has been completely resolved. I was reminded once again that I must be more careful in managing my health condition as I enter my old age. So, please excuse me for today's blog, which is a personal reminder.
 On the other hand, there was a tragic incident in China yesterday, where a Japanese boy was murdered while on his way to school accompanied by his family. I am getting a nagging feeling that the postwar Japanese society itself is being questioned. ・・・・.
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