三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2025年03月12日 05時55分58秒 | Weblog



English version⬇

Remnants of Tokiwasou's Madonna Shotaro Ishinomori's own sister.
The power of expression expressed in her impressive doll modelling. Although she was too sickly to go out, she may have kindled the flame of her talent as the greatest collaborator of her own brother. ...

 My NEXT life theme is ‘Writers and Living Spaces’, and I am aware that the emphasis is more or less 7:3 on ‘living spaces’. There is a lot of information and data on the artist himself, so while I take that into consideration, I consider it to be only a sub-themes. When I happened to think about Shotaro Ishinomori and look at his works, I had my own ‘experience’ of his works, which I was indulging in at the same time, and I didn't feel the need to touch them so deeply in terms of understanding the artist and his world of works. Honestly.
 But when I saw my own sister Yue's ‘doll works’ in this house, my heart was completely taken by them. Along with the dolls from yesterday, the dolls above were also on display. If the doll I uploaded yesterday is a ‘positive’ expression, this one is an expression of ‘strangeness’. The fact that such a difference can be produced by the same person is astonishing in the depth of his ‘talent’. For reference, the doll introduced yesterday is also reproduced below.

I became strongly interested in this ‘real sister, Yue’.
 The Wiki article on Shotaro Ishinomori shows that she was like ‘flesh and blood’ to the human Shotaro Ishinomori, although only in fragments. Ishinomori's father, a strict civil servant, was opposed to Ishinomori's career in manga, but his own sister persuaded him to move to Tokyo. It further states that she followed her brother to Tokyo and lived with Ishinomori at Tokiwa-so, the ‘Ryozanbaku’ of the then emerging manga culture, as he was recovering from an illness that made him sickly and unable to leave the house. Photographs of his early life are available in this ‘birth house’, and the management has given permission for me to ‘spread the word’ (laughs), but I don't want to make them public. However, I strongly believe that the expression ‘Madonna of Tokiwaso’ hits the nail on the head.
 She is three years older than Shotaro Ishinomori. When she lived together with her younger brother at Tokiwa-so, who moved to Tokyo immediately after graduating from high school, even the flowers must have been ashamed of themselves. Considering that Shotaro Ishinomori was the youngest manga artist at Tokiwaso after moving to Tokyo, but soon became a ‘successful’ manga artist, it is highly probable that his own sister, Yue, also cooperated with his brother Shotaro in the production of his works. It can also be imagined that the presence of such a madonna had a strong influence on the youth of the manga artists who gathered at Tokiwa-so. The sense of a melting pot for the creation of new culture is truly overwhelming.
 It seems that a glimpse of her talent is expressed in the deformed and impressive doll modelling.

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