English version⬇
[Space of grandmother's ‘maternal’ traces].
A theme of fantastic manga works that fascinated me as a boy. The generosity of female love, even symbolised by the dragon god. A cross-section of this is ‘transmitted’ through the traces of the shop keeper's activities. ...
This is a continuation of yesterday's series on what I felt at Shotaro Ishinomori's birthplace in Tome, Miyagi Prefecture.
The boy Shotaro Ishinomori continued to support his development in this birthplace while his grandmother ran a shop facing a busy traffic road. As an example of how this way of life as a shop keeper gave rise to a major personality development, we also experience the spatial case of Akiko Yosano's shop, where she was a shop keeper in a busy shopping street in Sakai, Osaka. In her case, I felt that it was a space where a ‘dreaming girl’ greatly cultivated her dream, but in this shopkeeping space, I had a slightly different impression.
This kitchen space was located in an extremely functional position in the spacious shop and served as a background for the adjacent sitting room/diner, which was like a ‘resting place’ for the shop keeper.
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about the kindness of grandmothers. For children, it seems to me that their grandmother's maternal kindness is a major character-building element, as it is a little different from their mother's maternal kindness. Ishinomori's grandmother herself is probably aware of her subject's economic activities that support the family economy with a sense of mission as the family's family business. On the other hand, if you look into the mind of a child who grew up with the shop and its functional space as a ‘home away from home’, which her grandmother had preserved so well, you will find that her musical rhythm of saying ‘welcome home’ must have been uniquely motherly.
To a child's mind, it is a customary refrain of infinite tenderness. My favourite Shotaro Ishinomori manga work is ‘Ryujin-numa’, which depicts a boy's psychological interaction and love affair with a woman he meets on his journey through a fantastical marshland forest, but the woman is in fact the Dragon God, and the moment of her incarnation is the climax of the drama.
I recognised myself in Shotaro Ishinomori when I subconsciously sought the thematic concept that produced this work. In doing so, I suddenly became aware of this kind of vast and boundless love of the grandmother.
At the climax of the drama, the incarnation and transformation from a girl to a dragon goddess was developed on facing pages. As a young boy, I was overwhelmingly moved by the fact that a scene was presented on a full double-page spread in the development of a story manga, just like a vision.
The grandmother of the shop keeper, her motherhood, as a small fragment of this concept. A small but irresistibly happy moment.