三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2024年09月10日 06時32分52秒 | Weblog



English version⬇

Summer of Climate Change, “Mayhem” in Hyogo Prefecture
The extreme heat and humidity shows no sign of abating. On the other hand, the governor of Hyogo Prefecture is now at the level of mayhem. The problems of the presidential-type power structure are highlighted. ...

 I am planning to go out to Tokyo for the weekend this week, but when I was preparing for the trip, I suddenly checked the weather conditions and found that it is still very hot. It's almost like it's still in the middle of summer.
 In Hokkaido, too, the obvious “summer clouds” like the one in the photo were not so common a few years ago, but they have started to color the whole land of Hokkaido like this. This is a panoramic view of the exterior of the Sumio Goto Museum of Art in Furano, which I visited on August 18.
 Although the daytime high temperature is still above 30°C (86°F), it is getting chilly unless you wear long sleeves and long pants when you go for an early morning walk. It is a relief, I guess. I used to feel sad when I was a boy that the “hot and humid” season was gone so quickly in Hokkaido, but nowadays I feel that it has become a “moderate summer.
 Since even the feeling of Hokkaido people is like this, I think it must be really tough to cope with summer heat in the areas south of Honshu. The schedule selected this time was mainly for interviews in the area of my personal life's work. Even so, I set my schedule for mid-September to avoid the extreme heat, but it seems that the summer heat and humidity will not allow me to do so.

 Now, the topic of the Hyogo Governor, who has been causing such a stir recently that he has been hijacking the media. It has brought to light the powerful existence of the governor, a “presidential” type power elected by direct election. In contrast to this, the parliamentary system of representation is the institutional structure of local government politics in Japan, but when it becomes such a big deal throughout the nation, it seems to me that the system itself needs to be reconsidered.
 The fact that 1/3 of prefectural residents' signatures are required for a direct recall request, which is an “objection” to this kind of presidential-type strong-arm power, has also been brought to light by the current clamor. The political system is designed in such a way that a recall campaign, which is a “free action” on a mass level, is virtually unthinkable in the context of people's individual lives. It is highly doubtful what is the meaning of forming such a powerful “power structure” in the local government.
 Well, every day, both in the existing media and on the Web, we are bombarded with information spreading in order to gain more viewership and more views. It is obvious that the public mind naturally seeks catharsis in such situations. It is no exaggeration to say that such a situation is “mayhem.
 Considering such a situation, as a person involved in politics, I believe that we must make a calm decision about whether or not to go out of office.
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2024年09月09日 05時50分48秒 | Weblog


English version⬇

Modern Frauds Attacking “IT Awareness”
As computers and smartphones become social infrastructure, they are becoming an important aspect of communication. Scammers are exploiting that common sense level gap. ...

 I have always been interested in Japanese language and social transition, and have always tried to look at history from a historical perspective, but it seems to me that Japanese society has undergone several major “periods of change” in the past.
 In light of the successive mass migrations from the continent, it is highly probable that a variety of different languages existed in the archipelago society.
 In terms of the reality of Japanese society, which was formed through the “arrival” of diverse populations over several generations, the process of “creation of the Japanese language” in ancient times and the period of change that led to the compilation of the Chronicles of Japan undoubtedly had an extremely large impact. In a society that traditionally had no written language, the need to create an “authentic history” of the formation of the nation, and to express the social flow of the archipelago's society up to that time using the imported tool of kanji, was a daunting task. It seems that the work was finally realized through the feat of specifying the use of specific kanji for proto-Japanese particles and auxiliary verbs in spoken Japanese.
 Eventually, hiragana and katakana were created as phonetic counterparts to the ideographs of kanji, and a unique Japanese lingua franca was formed.
 When we consider the impact of such a major change in the modern world, the “shift to information technology” is of course extremely significant. As well as spoken and written language, the “communication” sphere is expanding rapidly through websites on PCs and smartphones. With the simultaneous aging of society, declining birthrate, and nuclear families, social decision-making is increasingly limited to the individual, and opportunities for social confirmation and expression of intentions using IT are expanding rapidly.
 The figure below is an example of the countless “scam e-mails” that are sent to my computer e-mail every day.
 I am aware of it, but there have been reports of people being deceived by these kinds of things. Various fraudulent methods have been developed to attack “individuals” against their “IT cognition,” or common sense judgment in the IT world.
 Naturally, people have developed a “tolerance” to such attacks, but the degree of “IT cognition” disorder may vary among different age groups, depending on the level of social interaction, and among different members of society. Even if an individual is deceived, he or she may be able to defend himself or herself at least as long as close relatives are with him or her, but the elderly alone may be especially vulnerable to attacks.
 The issue of isolation and the disparity in “IT awareness” is a very contemporary one.

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2024年09月08日 15時35分07秒 | Weblog


・三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd
※旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究




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2024年09月08日 06時19分01秒 | Weblog


1 収穫した栃の実(とちのみ)を2、3日水に浸す。
2 カラカラになるまで1ヶ月程天日に干す。こうすると何年も保存が可能になる。
3 鍋に熱湯を沸かし、2.が完了した中から使用する必要な量だけを入れ蓋をして一晩置く。
4 翌日、ふやけて皮がはぎやすくなったところで、一番上の固い表皮をむく。
5 次にアクを取るために鍋に表皮をむいた栃の実を入れ、煮立ったお湯をかけて浸したまま自然に冷まします。これを、水がきれいになるまで何度も繰り返す。
6 水がきれいになったら火にかけて煮ます。すると、栃の実が一旦、固くなる。
7 煮立ったところに今度は木灰を入れる。すると薄皮が柔らかくなり、はがれ易くなる。
8 火を止め手が入れられるくらいに冷めたら更に灰を足しドロドロの粘土状にする。
9 そのままの状態で2、3日置く。
10 灰をきれいに洗い落とし薄皮をはがしてできあがり!きれいにはがさないと使用したときに料理が黒くなってしまう。(https://www.sansaiya.com/kinomi/tochi/akunuki.htmlより要旨)〜


English version⬇

I encountered a horse chestnut on an early morning walk.
It takes about two months to remove the strong acridity of the plant, so beginners can only appreciate it. Even plants give the impression of being cute. I am getting more and more deeply moved by things that have life. I am very happy to see it.

 When I was three years old, I moved from my birthplace in the village of Kurisawa-cho, adjacent to Iwamizawa City, Hokkaido, to Sapporo Chuo-ku, Sapporo City. Since I have only memories since then, I am almost a city child.
 I was not at all familiar with the nuts in the photo that I came across on my early morning walk yesterday. I observed it sullenly, thinking, “It looks like a chestnut, but it doesn't have any moths. They are much larger than chestnuts, and their rounded appearance is quite delightful. They looked more “mouthwatering” than chestnuts, and I couldn't resist picking them up.
 So I searched for information on the Web and found out that it is called “horse chestnut. I wondered how to eat it, and was told that it is inedible unless it is removed from its strong acridity.
 〜How to remove the starch from horse chestnuts
1 Soak the harvested horse chestnuts in water for a few days.
2 Dry them in the sun for about a month until they become dry. In this way, they can be preserved for years.
3. Boil boiling water in a pot, add only the necessary amount to be used from the amount completed in step 2, cover with a lid, and leave overnight.
4 The next day, when the skin is blistered and easy to peel, peel off the top hard outer skin.
5 Next, to remove the scum, put the peeled surface peeled horse chestnuts in a pot and pour boiling water over them and leave them to soak and cool naturally. This is repeated many times until the water is clear.
6 Once the water is clear, bring it to a simmer over a fire. Then the horse chestnuts will harden once they are done.
7 Once it has boiled, the wood ash is now added. This will soften the thin skin and make it easier to peel off.
8 When the fire is cool enough to put your hand in, add more ash to make a thick clay-like substance.
9 Leave it as it is for a few days.
10 Clean off the ash and peel off the thin skin! If not removed cleanly, the dish will turn black when used. (https://www.sansaiya.com/kinomi/tochi/akunuki.html)~~

 So, I decided to just appreciate them. But it is easy and nice to be a “pet” of such nuts.
 Yesterday, I was slumbering in a day spa in the suburbs, and while I was in the open-air bath, a dragonfly jumped into the hot water and almost drowned by itself. It was jittery, as if it was not particularly suicidal, so I rescued it from the water. After that, it seemed to be resting its wings, but when we went to check on it, it flapped its wings powerfully.
 I am gradually becoming more and more deeply moved by things that have life. I feel strange to myself that I am nearing the end of my life when I write like this. It's not good (laugh).
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2024年09月07日 06時12分40秒 | Weblog

English version⬇
NHK program “Where did the Japanese come from?” The Latest Genome Analysis
The latest research impact on my life's work of exploring the folklore of Japanese homes, and the results of DNA analysis are stimulating. The results of the DNA analysis are stimulating.
Hi, it's amazing to see what all the fuss is about Hyogo Prefecture. I haven't seen much in the general media, but the number of views on youtuve and other video media is outstanding. I can only find out about the details of the incident through news reports, but seeing the level of “information hijacking” that has gone on, it is on the level of a kind of social phenomenon. Since the natural tendency of mass society is to seek catharsis, it will be interesting to see how this situation will change society.
 Although I have little contact with the general media in terms of current events and news, I look forward to watching TV programs that interest me as background material, which my wife records for me during our dinner time together. The programs tend to be NHKBS programs, such as Shohei Hino's bicycle tour.
 Among them, there was one that aired the day before yesterday, called “What is a Japanese? The title of the program is from memory, so it may be inaccurate. I watched this program all the way to the end, appreciating the fact that the program was well aware of my interests in history and folklore, which are my major areas of interest.
 Thinking that since I pay my NHK subscription fee properly, I would have a certain amount of permission (lol), or rather more than that, my intellectual curiosity was strongly stimulated, I had to include a screen shot of this program.
 As the title suggests, “Where did the Japanese come from?” is an extreme factual exploration of the theme “Where did the Japanese come from? The latest findings, DNA analysis of the Jomon people, have been elucidated, he said. It proves that a part of the Great Journey of the Exo-African humans, which had reached straight to Southeast Asia, migrated northward along the coastline to the Japanese archipelago, which was almost land-locked, about 1,000 people strong, more than 30,000 years ago.
 He also introduced the inference that these Jomon people were very “active” and curiosity-driven. I was impressed by the latest progress in DNA analysis.
 It is understandable that the Jomon period continued and developed uniquely in the Japanese archipelago, largely due to the subsequent “Jomon Kaijin” (Jomon sea expansion), which separated the continent from the mainland on all four sides by the sea.
 However, beyond this separation, the DNA of the Yayoi agricultural culture was layered, and furthermore, in the Kofun period, a large number of immigrants from the continent layered their DNA in the Japanese archipelago as the “frontier of East Asia”. The Kofun period people have formed DNA that is almost the same as that of modern humans.
 This is a very interesting discovery, and I believe that the impact of such a fact at the cutting edge of the research field will bring about a tremendous “review” in the future. It is also a fundamental stimulus for my own exploration of housing folklore. Hmmm.

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2024年09月06日 06時13分15秒 | Weblog


English version⬇

After all the trouble is over, you can find peace of mind at a quiet shrine.
I visited a shrine in the pioneer area around Sapporo, which had a tranquil atmosphere that guided me to the shrine. I was led to the shrines in the pioneer area around Sapporo, where there was a sense of tranquility. The shrine is located in the pioneer area around Sapporo.

 This is a project that I have been involved in for the past three months. It has been quite difficult to make progress with consistency, but finally, yesterday, we were able to complete preparations and bring the situation to a successful conclusion.
 It was a case in which we had to identify the factors that were causing difficulties, and then we had to deal with them in advance as much as possible before we could start the actual work. So, I feel as if something that has been nagging at the back of my mind has finally been cleared up. Well, there will be some checking work to be done, and we will need to respond to that, but that is normal “work. But it will be a normal “work” based thing, and it will be something that can be handled with common sense and a clear view of where to drop it.
 So, this is a turning point where “normalcy” can be restored after a long time.
 I know that everyone has their own way of recovering from this kind of mood, but yesterday I decided to drive to the outskirts of Sapporo and let my mind wander by visually stimulating my brain with the scenery of Hokkaido in late summer and early autumn.
 After such a short time, a remote shrine suddenly caught my eye on the side of the road. Like a sleepwalker (laugh), I was led down the approach to the main shrine.
 Hokkaido has a history of 150 years of pioneering, and Shishinai Shrine in Tobetsu-cho was built 130 years ago in 1893 as a Shinto shrine for the people who settled in the area. It seems that the settlers came from the Kyoto area and enshrined a branch spirit of Heian Shrine.
 Suddenly I realized that I had not visited many shrines in Hokkaido. It is true that Hokkaido does not have a storied history as a Japanese society, but it does have a relationship with the local deity of its “place of origin,” so I realized that it reflects a very “diverse” folklore.
 In general, the shrine called “Heian Jingu” was built in 1895 to commemorate the 1,100th anniversary of the relocation of the capital to Tokyo, and was dedicated to Emperor Kanmu and Emperor Komei, so it is a bit of a vacuum. It seems that the shrine was built as a political consideration to appease the opposition of Kyoto society to the relocation of the capital to Tokyo at the beginning of the Meiji era. It is interesting to learn the sentiments of the people who considered the shrine to be an “ancestral spirit” and migrated to the far remote island of Hokkaido.
 Today, the shrine stands against the mountains on the Iwamizawa-Ishikari Line, which runs from Tobetsu City to Ishikari City. A magnificent monument stands in honor of the opening of the rice paddies. The area was recognized as one of the best areas in Hokkaido for rice cultivation. The name “Tobetsu Rice” is still remembered today.
 So, I prayed in front of the god in a somewhat quiet state of mind. I bowed my head in worship.
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2024年09月05日 06時20分39秒 | Weblog

北海道は明治以降に日本民族が本格的に国土開発に取り組み、大量の国民の定住に努力してきた特徴的な地域。その過程ではつねに「寒冷積雪」という困難と継続的に悪戦苦闘し続けてきた歴史を背負っている。「北海道開拓使」という日本の政治制度上も極めて特殊な省庁が十数年間歴史に存続したことも奇跡的だけれど、戦後以降も「北海道開発庁」という組織が設立され、2001年6月まで存続した。さらに現代に至るも「国土交通省 北海道開発局」という組織が地方行政機関・北海道庁とはまた別に継続してきている。

English version⬇
Hokkaido's Housing Policy Advisory Council and its Trends
The development of the northern land as the deep and strong will of the Japanese people. The development of housing technology is the foundation of this development. The universalization of high-performance housing technology from Hokkaido may be a way to “return the favor. Hokkaido, Japan

Following my visit to the “Climate-Adaptive Housing” symposium promoted by the national government on 9/2, yesterday, 9/4, I participated in the Hokkaido Housing Policy Advisory Council of the Hokkaido Construction Department and Building Guidance Division.
Hokkaido is a unique region where the Japanese people have been engaged in full-scale land development since the Meiji era and have made efforts to settle a large number of people. In the process, it has always been burdened with a history of continuous struggle against the difficulties of “cold and snow”. It is a miracle that the “Hokkaido Kaitakushi (Hokkaido Development Office),” an extremely special ministry in the Japanese political system, survived for more than ten years in history. Even today, the “Hokkaido Development Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism” continues to exist separately from the local administrative agency, the Hokkaido Government.
 The will to develop the northern territories as a “national aspiration” has continued, and this has promoted the development of cold-weather housing technology as the most obvious aspect of such a will.
 I believe that such a great will has taken root in the mindset of Hokkaido even to this day. This led to the development of the “highly insulated and airtight construction method” as an adaptation of the traditional Japanese wooden frame construction method. I feel that Hokkaido's housing policies are rooted in the spirit that has existed since the Meiji period.
 I have participated in various discussions on such measures, which eventually led to their official release. Of course, this means that decisions are made on the administrative side based on the discussions at the meetings and become open on various occasions. The photo shows a poster for the September 28-29 housing event.
 I am not sure how it will be issued, but I believe that this year's event will bring about another interesting “movement” to the public. Until now, the basic issue has been “how to build new houses,” but now, with the declining population, the approach will be based on the basic theme of how we should approach the existing houses.
 I myself am very interested to see how this event will affect the users and how they will react to it. I am also looking forward to seeing the participation of those who are interested in housing in Hokkaido. However, due to a scheduling conflict, I will be in Tokyo on that day (tears).
 Well, I will pay attention to the “reaction results” after that.
 Today, I am finishing up a project that is completely different from this kind of activity. I will continue to do my best. 
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2024年09月04日 06時15分33秒 | Weblog


English version⬇

Isn't the goal “folk sensibility adaptation” rather than “climate adaptation?
I am uncomfortable with the naming of “climate adaptation” for traditional wooden houses. It is difficult to evaluate. Isn't “sensitivity area” a more appropriate expression for “specific”? ・・・・.

This is a continuation of yesterday's blog entry. Due to a major change in my own stance, I have been distant for some time from the various developments in the formulation of national energy conservation standards, but for the first time in a while, I have a real-time sense of information about these trends.
 As for myself, I have been experiencing a variety of changes in my mind about the name “climate-adaptive” housing, which seems to be a very appropriate name for this type of housing. Of course, since it is an expression of housing policy, it must reflect a bureaucratic perception of consistency. That is understandable. I also thought it was interesting to see the “tinge” of the global, today's basal element of climate change. As a policy goal, it is somewhat understandable.
 However, as an essential expression of traditional Japanese-style wooden houses, it is a bit disconcerting.
 The photo shows the former Mori Ogai and Natsume Soseki residence, which has been relocated and preserved in Meiji-Mura in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture. The house was built around 1887 as a new residence for Nakajima Jokichi, a medical doctor, but remained vacant until 1890, when Mori Ogai rented it and lived there for a little more than a year.
 The house can be characterized as a “luxury rental house” in the sense of Japanese sensibilities of the mid-Meiji period. Although it was a custom-built house, it more than fulfills the requirements of a rental house. The spatial specifications were mainly developed as a “general solution” in line with the lifestyle sensitivity of the times. The market principle of “if the house has this kind of specifications, it will be accepted by many Japanese people, especially those with high incomes” is assumed. In this sense, it expresses the universal values of life in this era. Even for someone like me, I can understand this “folk” sense of sharing.
 The room has a tokonoma (alcove), with a solid floor post, a view into the garden, and a veranda that serves as a boundary to the green space, as well as a “flexible” sunken space, the highest level of openness.
 Although I believe that today's Japanese residential sensibilities are undergoing a period of great change, I can understand this kind of “traditional value” space.
 I think that the traditional house has a strong meaning as a background device for this kind of lifestyle and folklore. In this kind of spatiality, the sense of value system is still alive, in which “the head of the family sits upright with his back to the tokonoma (alcove), and the family members stand and work according to their respective positions and roles.
 In fact, I think this kind of spatiality is at the core of Japanese folklore. I wonder if it is this kind of “uchiwa” (internal language) that causes the discomfort with naming in my mind.
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2024年09月03日 05時54分43秒 | Weblog


English version⬇

The “house” as a folk custom and the traditional construction method “house”
What is the explicit “link” between Kunio Yanagida's “house” consciousness as a folk custom and traditional method houses? And can Japanese “folk customs” be created from Hokkaido? ...

 Yesterday, I attended the “Climate-Adaptive Housing Symposium” chaired by Mr. Hirotaka Suzuki, Director of the Hokkaido Research Institute. When the national government and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism promote housing policies based on the existence of a certain “architectural culture” of traditional construction method houses, there is a reality that those who build houses with such values feel threatened by measures that place the highest priority on thermal insulation, and they raise their voices.
 I had the experience of participating in a national dialogue meeting with such traditional construction method advocates, and at that time, Mr. Hirotaka Suzuki of Hokkaido was in front of me as the “arrowhead” of the discussion. Although I could do nothing about it, I participated in the meeting out of a kind of supportive mentality. I had the experience of listening to the voices of those involved in traditional construction methods. I have not been aware of such national policies in real time for a while, but I happened to have an opportunity to attend the symposium.
 The name “climate-adaptive housing” is new to me, but it seems to be a Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT) concept for traditional construction method housing. I have been away from the housing system for a while because of the change in my own position regarding the government's move to mandate energy conservation standards. It has been a while since I recognized such “real-time” atmosphere.
 I am more interested in the direction of Yanagida Kunio's analysis, and I felt that the creators of “traditional construction method” as an architectural concept were not always clear about the “traditional construction method. I felt that the makers of these buildings were not always clear about the “traditional construction method” as an architectural conceptual classification.
 As a Hokkaido native, I believe that the absolute “climate” of snowy and cold weather prompted the evolution of housing performance as the Japanese people searched for new areas of existence. In such a situation, however, I wondered what would happen to the Japanese sense of home, the “folklore” represented by the recognition of “ancestors,” and the correlation between this sense and architectural space.
 The photo shows a “house-shaped sarcophagus” adjacent to Kunio Yanagida's “birth house” in Fukusaki Town, Hyogo Prefecture. I had been imprinted with this kind of concept of housing culture dating back to stone tools and the Jomon period, but there was no such development in yesterday's discussion, and instead, points such as “aesthetics of wooden structures” and “communication in the veranda space” were raised as symbols. I thought that the points of “aesthetics of wooden structure” and “communication in the porch space” were mentioned as symbolic points.
 In retrospect, I was reminded of my own interest in exploring the correlation between the concentration of population in cities, the evolution of housing performance, and Kunio Yanagida's “house and folk customs” as a NEXT area.
 This is the thematic area of how Japanese people living in the cold region of Hokkaido inherit a sense of home like the one in the photo. In this sense, I believe I have gained an opportunity for a great realization.
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2024年09月02日 06時36分39秒 | Weblog


 こうした日本の風神雷神画材テーマ化は、平安期 930年7月24日に起こった清涼殿落雷事件(平安京・内裏の清涼殿で起きた落雷災害)が起源とされる。『北野天神縁起絵巻』にこの事件は詳細に描かれた。藤原氏一族の陰謀で太宰府に左遷されて悲憤の内に世を去ってのち、雷神となった菅原道真が自身に無実の罪を着せた藤原氏に天誅を下そうとする場面。壮絶な場面なのに雷神と化した菅公の雷に打たれた殿上人たちが逃げ惑う姿が思わず笑ってしまうようなユーモラスな姿で描かれる。

English version⬇

The “God of Thunder” Expression, from the Differences between Sesshu and Sotatsu Tawaraya
Since the Seiryouden lightning incident, wind and thunder gods have been depicted in Japanese society, which coexists with natural disasters. The difference between Sesshu, who learned from Chinese ink painting, and Tawaraya Sotatsu, whose works were popularized by mass society. ...

 This is a comparison of yesterday's Wind and Thunder Gods, Sotatsu Tawaraya and Sesshu. Tawaraya Sotatsu was a merchant in Kyoto in the early Edo period (1603-1868), and is said to have been the owner of a store dealing in folding fans. After his death, Ogata Korin, the founder of the Rimpa school, was completely fascinated by his work and made almost exact copies of his paintings.
 During the Edo period, Korin Ogata's works were treated as if they were the originals of the Wind and Thunder Gods. One would naturally think that the act of making a near-perfect copy of an original work of art would not be considered at all creative, but rather, it has been handed down to the next generation as a result of respect for the artist.
 I wonder if Japanese society does not place much importance on punitive measures against this kind of behavior. It is possible that Korin, who founded the Rimpa school of art, did not dare to deny his artistic activities. Further down the road, Sakai Hoitsu is said to have copied Ogata Korin's works as well. However, while the two artists were based in Kyoto, Hoitsu Sakai was based in Edo (present-day Tokyo), so it is believed that he used a copy as a model for his work. In the opinion of later generations, Tawaraya Sotatsu was the “originator” of the wind god and thunder god theme.
 Sesshu (1420-1506), on the other hand, was an ink painter and Zen monk active in the Muromachi period. He was a great predecessor of Tawaraya Sotatsu, who lived nearly 100 years before Sesshu. Born in Bicchu Province, he trained at Shokokuji Temple in Kyoto before moving to Suo Province under the patronage of the Ouchi clan. Later, he traveled to China on a Ming Dynasty ship and learned Chinese painting techniques from a painter named Li Jae.
 Mushanokoji Saneatsu, a writer who has unearthed from the history of Japan the ink painting of the Wind God and Thunder God by Sesshu Sesshu, introduced his work in the August 1950 issue of the magazine “Kokoro” under the title of “Sesshu, Thunder.

 The origin of this Japanese wind god and thunder god thematization has been attributed to the July 24, 930 Seiryouden lightning strike incident (a lightning disaster that occurred at Seiryouden in the Inner Palace of Heian-kyo, Kyoto). The incident was described in detail in the “Kitano Tenjin Engi Emaki” (Kitano Tenjin Engi Picture Scroll). In this scene, Sugawara no Michizane, who became the god of thunder after being moved to Dazaifu due to a conspiracy by the Fujiwara clan and passing away in a fit of rage, attempts to bring down the death penalty on the Fujiwara clan that had falsely accused him of crimes. The scene is so humorous that one can't help but laugh at the sight of the fleeing palace guests who are struck by the lightning of Suga, who has turned into the god of thunder, despite the grandeur of the scene.
 Tawaraya Sotatsu was commissioned by Kozan-ji Temple to paint this scene, and he must have viewed such folk tales and picture scrolls to organize the subject matter for his paintings.
 I think that the traditional experience of the Japanese people, who are annually battered by typhoons, seems to have contributed to the purification of the Wind God and Thunder God theme. The sense of beauty and the humorous nature of the expression seem to me to represent the Japanese sensibility.
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