It went in Syokuhouen garden under opening to the public whether it was better even a little because it had been understood that the person was full even if going to where.
I hear that the work garden was an eldest son of Ogawa Jihei.
Even if there are still a lot of people and the photograph is taken, the person enters though the garden where the canal was pulled was vast and was splendid as ..Higashiyama.. borrowed landscape.
However, I think that it is an amusement to enjoy the air of Kyoto indeed wonderfully of the autumn tint.
It did though it tried to go to Eikan-do Temple afterwards it was defeated at the wave and the admission fees 1000 yen of the person and toward the second-hand bookshop district.

In the second-hand bookshop, the pamphlet of the inn such as the hot springs of Yamanaka and the hot springs of Awatsu was able to be bought by 100 yen in the shop uniform corner's there just then. After the war, the one up to 30 year has air.