2007年8月17日(金) NHK-FM 23:00-25:00
01. The Beatles / I Want To Hold Your Hand
02. The Beatles / Please Please Me
03. The Beatles / Twist And Shout
04. The Beatles / A Hard Day's Night
05. The Beatles / If I Fell
06. The Beatles / No Reply
07. The Beatles / Mr.Moonlight
08. The Beatles / Help!
09. The Beatles / Yesterday
10. The Beatles / Drive My Car
11. The Beatles / Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
12. The Beatles / Eleanor Rigby
13. The Beatles / Yellow Submarine
14. The Beatles / Tomorrow Never Knows
15. The Beatles / Strawberry Fields Forever
16. The Beatles / Within You Without You
17. The Beatles / Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
18. The Beatles / Lady Madonna
19. The Beatles / Yer Blues
20. The Beatles / While My Guitar Gently Weeps
21. The Beatles / Across The Universe
22. The Beatles / Let It Be
23. The Beatles / Here Comes The Sun
24. The Beatles / I Want You (She's So Heavy)
25. The Beatles / Golden Slumbers
26. The Beatles / Carry That Weight
27. The Beatles / The End
仲井戸"CHABO"麗市をゲストに迎えての「WORLD ROCK NOW」2時間ワイドプログラム(特番)。今回のテーマは「ザ・ビートルズとは何か」。選曲は渋谷陽一が行った。