文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2012年02月06日 22時57分03秒 | 日記

These pictures are the life of Akutagawa.
These pictures are the answer of human life.
Akutagawa wish to send it to you all over the world.
To the world that always have20% people of population who have evil in sense and mind,
Akutagawa wish to send the importance for mankind to live with innocence and decency unto the world.
Kyoto is the essence of Japan.
The gardens in Kyoto which belongs to the temples and shrines are the present of the beauty that exist in the perspectives of Japanese districts.
It is the present of Japanese sea, and the mountains, and the rivers, and the lakes, and the forests, and the countries, and the houses.

Those are the reasons why more fifty million people come to visit in Kyoto.
Kyoto has about 1,500,000 populations.
Now France is the best country that have more seventy million people come to visit.
But if we think it from the ratio to the population, Kyoto is the best city that has most people come to visit.

Last year before Akutagawa and his company had stolen one and half million dollars by swindler. He was not a swindler but he has committed a crime.
The rage to this thing and the regret injured Akutagawa’s health.
The serious illness about fate was ill for Akutagawa.

Sometimes Akutagawa can`t to write in anger.
Last night Akutagawa saw those pictures.
He felt calmness, so he decided to publish those pictures.
He hopes those pictures would save you to recover yourself from the rage or the regret, especially heartbroken thoughts.

In the begining there are 34pictures of Arashiyama. These are very good.

Because Akutagawa has visited Arashiyama and the Sogenti Garden in Tenryuu temple twenty times more in a few years.

It costed about thirty thousad Yen more, so I decided the price of the book that have these pictures to
ten thousand Yen.

In the begining there are 34pictures of Arashiyama. Running pictures are the sougenti garden in TnryuuTemple.

Tatal pictures are 269.

経済気象台 民意と官意…朝日新聞2月3日16面より

2012年02月06日 21時28分25秒 | 日記









2012年02月06日 20時55分54秒 | 日記



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