public officials and citizens are thoroughly committed to racial discrimination against the Japanese
3-3. Examples of anti-Japanese actions by citizens
3-3-1. Anti-Japanese civil organization VANK14
In Korea, there is a civil group that openly proclaims that “they will ‘exclude’ Japan from Asia.”
That is Voluntary Agency Network of Korea (a.k.a. VANK).
VANK was established in 1999 and has about two hundred thousand members.
Based on the concept that Koreans are superior, they disseminate a biased history that puts Korea in the most favorable light.
Above all, they are most passionate about their “Discount Japan [defile Japan] Campaign,” which has now become a national campaign.
In this campaign to degrade Japan, every possible means and measures are taken, day and night, including irresponsible dissemination of fabricated “facts” on the Net, slandering Japan and making wild claims such as, “The issue of comfort women and Dokdo (Takeshima Island) are threats against world peace.”
They are stoking the flames of a global diplomatic war between Japan and Korea.
VANK’s activities are heartily supported by the Korean Government and major Korean companies.
The Korean Government financially supported VANK for four years, beginning in 2005, using the 14 Voluntary Agency Network of Korea taxpayers’ money.
In February 2013, VANK President Pak Gi Tae was awarded the Korean Presidential Prize. (Above paragraphs based on the Yomiuri Newspaper, morning edition dated November 14, 2013.)
Presently, VANK engages in anti-Japanese activities in cooperation with the Korean Government.
For example, regarding the appellation “the Sea of Japan,” which has been an internationally recognized appellation among Europeans and Americans since the beginning of the 19th century, VANK supports the Korean Government’s scheme to forcibly change the appellation to the “East Sea”.
VANK has worked with maps and atlas publishers worldwide. (The Sankei Newspaper dated June 29, 2017.)15
Also, VANK has been conspicuously working to promote vile racism against Japanese people.
This is in violation of Article 2-1 of ICERD, which stipulates that “Each State party shall not sponsor, support nor vindicate racial discrimination committed by any individual or group.”
In Korea, the fact is that through anti-Japanese education conducted in Korea, both public officials and citizens are thoroughly committed to racial discrimination against the Japanese.