The following is from Masayuki Takayama's latest book, Henken Jizai: Corona Taught Us About the Big Bad, published on 1/15/2021.
This book is also the best in the world, just like his previous books.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
Every Japanese citizen should go to the nearest bookstore and buy it right now.
I will make the rest of the world know as much as I can.
This essay also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
This year, Davos did not say a single word against Xi Jinping but had him appear as one of the world's significant figures in a teleconference.
When I saw this, I became more and more convinced that people like the Davos organizers created all the problems that exist in the world today.
A world where a small number of people, under the guise of "globalization," have amassed wealth bigger than the national budget of, say, South Korea.
I am proud to say that this column is the first collection of articles in the world that continues to tell the world about the horseshit of the United Nations and the international community, and Mr. Takayama has proven the correctness of this column.
Mr. Mori, President of the Tokyo Olympic Committee, who is also President of the Japan Rugby Union, gave a 40-minute talk at a meeting of the Japanese IOC.
He skipped over-explaining the board meeting's length in his talk because a woman, who was not a rugby amateur, had become a board member of the rugby association.
The press started to blame Mr. Mori for this as if he was a racist woman. The female board member immediately understood that they were talking about her. In an interview with a TV station, she said, "I was an amateur at rugby, so I had to ask everything from scratch. The moment she heard the news, she knew it was about her.
But then, politicians such as Kiyomi Tsujimoto began to make a big deal out of it, using it as an opportunity to make a political situation.
People who had registered as volunteers for the Tokyo Olympics, who are under their control, have started a campaign to withdraw from volunteering to get rid of Mori.
A Canadian woman, who seemed to be an IOC member, raised her voice to the TV cameras at a breakfast meeting that Mori will be attending, saying that she will hunt him down to the bitter end.
As I watched this, I thought to myself, "We have to be careful with Canadians."
Herbert Norman, who played an essential role in imposing the MacArthur Constitution on Japan, was a Canadian.
It is a fact that he was a spy for the Comintern, a communist, in other words, and that he committed suicide when it exposed his identity to the light of day.
This Canadian woman is probably a leftist pedophile, a pseudo-moralist, and a political correctness person.
It is also clear that she is an ignoramus who knows nothing about Japan.
She is probably one of those people who believe in the anti-Japanese propaganda of China and Korea.
In response to these people, a female TV announcer gleefully commented on this article's theme that the level of activity of women in Japan is 121st in the world.
It proves that most people who live from TV stations in Japan have a masochistic view of history.
I want to say to this female announcer that you would like to be born a woman if you were born again.
Of all the Japanese women I have seen and talked to in my life, not one has ever said that they want to be born a man.
There is no more excellent proof that Japan is the happiest country in the world for women than that.
The reason why there are so few female politicians in Japan
The World Economic Forum, which emerged at the end of the 20th century, has a specific aspect of being a gathering of globalism's fallen children.
Every year in January, the World Economic Forum is held in Davos, Switzerland, and in addition to Merkel, Bill Gates, and Xi Jinping, many wealthy NGOs also attend.
This year, there was a sideshow of a girl carrying a climate change banner, but the rest of the event seemed to be the usual "drinking champagne with the rich" (British Prime Minister Boris Johnson).
A long time ago, the case where US trade representative Mickey Kantor got drunk and fell off the second floor and took a break from the meeting symbolized that.
This forum also recognizes the next generation of leaders in each country.
From Japan, Daisuke Tsuda was selected and honored.
There were many Japanese who said they would have preferred Kazlaser
if he had the same blond hair.
There is also a hobby of making statistics on how inferior colored nations are compared to white nations, and the most recent study ranked the social status of women by country.
Japanese women ranked 121st out of 153 countries.
It is lower than Korean women (108th), who did not even have a name until Korea under Japanese rule.
The reason for the low ranking is said to be "the lack of female politicians.
But in Japan, every politician is to be no match for his wife.
I tilted my head at the ranking, which ignored the reality of the situation since Amaterasu, but only the Asahi Shimbun made a big deal of it.
"Men reject women who stand out. Our Asahi newspaper also destroyed a capable female reporter," editorial board member Shinji Fukushima wrote in his Sunday column to express his regret.
Why do men at Asahi continue to disparage women?
To answer this question, Fukushima cites Virginia Woolf's quote, "If a man is born feeling that half of the human race is inferior to him, it gives him great confidence.
She said that we have been discriminating against women with this intention.
But both Wolf and Fukushima have a big misunderstanding.
Men were not "born" to be better than women.
Human society, like animal society, was matriarchal.
Women sought men with strong genes who could hunt and defeat foreign enemies to leave good seeds.
A man who was average or less than average would not be taken seriously by women for the rest of his life.
But the desire was strong.
So the bad guys came up with religion.
Suitable proof of this is that all religions proclaim the husband's greatness and the fidelity of the wife.
They ended the matriarchal society where women chose men and replaced it with a male community where men chose women and women were chaste only to their husbands.
Religion stopped humanity's progress, but it also brought spring to lesser men.
Thus, Judaism veiled women to prevent them from looking away and guaranteed Abraham the right to have a concubine, Hagar, in addition to his wife, Sarah.
Islam condemned adultery by women to death, and Hindus commanded that wives serve their husbands as gods, even if their husbands were drunkards or played with women.
For the first time, men were able to gain "superiority over women.
It transformed the world into what Wolf called a male-dominated world.
The world of Shintoism, however, has remained female-dominated since Amaterasu.
The World Economic Forum and Asahi did not understand this.
So, why don't the dominant Japanese women want to become politicians?
The reason is that politicians nowadays have to endure the constant shouting of the opposition, which is full of hypocrisy and malice.
They leave such things to their husbands and live as they please.
The prime minister's wife is a good example.
But once she sets her mind to it, she can do as Yoko Kamikawa did.
She executed Shoko Asahara and other juvenile murderers without hesitation.
It is a strength that no ordinary man can match.
Kiyomi Tsujimoto also became a member of the Diet, but her aspirations were somewhat different.
She was not satisfied with the remuneration of over 40 million yen and was arrested for defrauding her 20 million yen secretary.
She was arrested for defrauding her secretary of 20 million yen, but she did not change her ambition and returned to the Diet.
Did her political activities involve anything other than lecturing on the rottenness of snapper?
Or Renho.
Even though he is familiar with the CCP, he did not warn the Japanese about the virus's danger.
She continued to discuss only her last year's cherry blossoms when considering measures against corona.
It would be better to remain in the 121st position for a long time than to have more people like them.
(May 7/14, 2020)