文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China lan Semenanjung Korea nggunakake sikap sing ditindakake Amerika Serikat sawise perang

2022年03月12日 10時41分02秒 | 全般

Sing abad kaping 20 minangka abad perang ...,
Contone, beda banget karo sing diarani wong budaya sing nyumbang ing kolom Koran Nikkei wingi ...,
Kabeh manungsa ing negara iki uga melu perang.
Para pujangga ingkang purun mangkat ing paprangan lan tiwas kathah sanget.
Kira-kira, lumrah amarga ora ana pujangga sing jujur ​​lan wong sing dudu patriot.
Nanging, sing diarani intelektual, budayawan, lan pengacara sing diwakili dening penulis wingi utawa staf NHK sing ngomong yen Jepang wis njajah Semenanjung Korea beda.
Oyod patriotisme alam minangka warga Jepang kleru lan bosok.
Perang sing salah lan liya-liyane yaiku pembantaian Yahudi Nazi lan ...,
Pembantaian marang wong-wong sing bola-bali teka saka China lan Semenanjung Korea ...,
Utawa ontran-ontran pedunung ing Amérika Kidul lan Amérika.
Miturut mata-mata Soviet lan koran Asahi, Jepang ngganggu Perang Sino-Jepang II ...,
Mata-mata Soviet sing wis mbujuk administrasi Roosevelt mbentuk opini publik babagan pro-China · anti-Jepang ing Amerika Serikat kanthi topik iki minangka tema.
Yen padha kasil ngirim 5% saka agen, padha bakal ngontrol organisasi tundhuk maneuvering.
Manuver propaganda minangka tugas proposisi sing paling dhuwur (amarga ora ana otak liyane); iku uga alam.
Uni Sovyèt uga nglilani mata-mata liwat menyang negara-negara sing mbentuk opini publik anti-Jepang, kayata Kanada.
Herbert Norman sing misuwur iku salah sijine.
Sawise kabeh, nalika Lenin sukses ing revolusi Rusia, para intelektual ing ndonya, wis nandhang akeh kejutan amarga kelemahane sing paling abot karo ide utawa informasi sing diduweni para intelektual.
Iku uga salah siji faktor sing Akutagawa Ryunosuke nglalu.
Contone, Deutscher nulis manawa para intelektual kaget amarga revolusi Rusia.
Kaya revolusi ideal dening para buruh, revolusi Rusia entuk kaunggulan ing sinau saben negara.
Dheweke ora ngerti apa komunisme, mula ora nggumunake.
Sawise perang, intelektual Jepang mbaleni kesalahane para pemikir ing wektu iki.
Sing wingi 'Oiso Koiso' dibeberke cetha.
Sapa sing nyebarake yen Jepang duwe perang sing salah?
Konsep sing digawe dening brainwashing dening sapa?
Umume panulis pasca perang ing Jepang ora ngerti bebener sing bisa dingerteni bocah-bocah TK.
Iku dhuwur saka kabodhoan kanggo menehi Bebungah Nobel kanggo Kenzaburo Oe, sing uga wedi nyebut awake minangka intelektual.
Sapa sing nyebarake yen Jepang duwe perang sing salah?
Iku Amerika Serikat.
Sapa sing nyebarake yen Jepang nggawe perang sing salah?
Iku Amerika Serikat.
Sapa sing gumantung ing brainwashing? The brainwashing dening Amerika Serikat.
Apa sebabe, kanggo ndhelikake jagad iki saka tumindak pembantaian paling luar biasa ing sejarah perang sing ditindakake dening manungsa menyang 127 kutha ing saindenging Jepang kanthi bom pembakar kanggo nyingkirake jagad iki.
Salajengipun, kanggo ndhelikake jagad iki saka kejahatan Hiroshima lan Nagasaki sing paling penting lan paling awon ing sejarah manungsa, Amerika Serikat nggawe Jepang dadi wong jahat kanggo ndhelikake.
Kanggo tujuan kasebut, Amerika Serikat, Takayama Masayuki, ujar manawa koran Amerika asline akeh sing palsu, NY Times nggawe tempa (kerjasama karo KMT Chiang Kai-shek?).
Pembantaian Nanjing, kediktatoran Partai Komunis China, Asahi Shimbun nulis artikel iki sawise dokumen China.
Iki kerja sama karo propaganda Tionghoa ing bagean gedhe babagan seri fitur khusus 'Journey of China' sing nyebar ing saindenging jagad.
Agen kasebut dhewe, Katsuichi Honda, sing tumindak ora kena ukuman minangka pengkhianat, dadi laris gedhe, entuk dhuwit gedhe, pasuryan kaya wartawan gedhe, ngetutake rombongan, dheweke kepenak.
Formulir Honda kompatibel karo Uemura Takashi, sing terus nglaporake wanita panglipur palsu.
Uemura Takashi snaps ing Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai, sing bandha Jepang, unreasonably, lan ing kasus sing luwih saka 100 pengacara muncul ing sakubenge ing sidhang digawe ing Sapporo District Pengadilan.
Ing klub koresponden Jepang, mbela Uemura Takashi lan Asahi Shimbun lan fitnah Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai, bandha Jepang, minangka wong Italia sing ora duwe isin.
China lan Semenanjung Korea nggunakake sikap sing ditindakake Amerika Serikat sawise perang lan terus berkembang.
Draf iki terus.


China dan Semenanjung Korea memanfaatkan sikap yang diambil Amerika Serikat ini setelah perang

2022年03月12日 10時39分43秒 | 全般

Bahwa abad ke-20 adalah abad perang...,
Misalnya, cukup berbeda dengan yang disebut budayawan yang berkontribusi pada kolom Koran Nikkei kemarin ...,
Semua manusia di negara itu entah bagaimana terlibat dalam perang.
Penyair yang secara sukarela pergi ke medan perang dan terbunuh terlalu banyak untuk dihitung.
Kira-kira wajar saja karena tidak ada penyair yang jujur ​​dan orang yang bukan patriot.
Namun, yang disebut intelektual, budayawan, dan pengacara yang diwakili oleh penulis kemarin atau staf NHK yang berbicara bahwa Jepang telah menjajah Semenanjung Korea berbeda.
Akar patriotisme alam sebagai warga negara Jepang terdistorsi dan busuk.
Sebuah perang yang salah dll adalah pembantaian Yahudi Nazi dan ...,
Pembantaian terhadap orang-orang yang berulang kali datang dari China dan Semenanjung Korea...,
Atau pembantaian penduduk di Amerika Selatan dan Amerika.
Oleh mata-mata Soviet dan surat kabar Asahi, Jepang menghambat Perang Tiongkok-Jepang Kedua ...,
Mata-mata Soviet yang telah membujuk pemerintahan Roosevelt membentuk opini publik pro-China · anti-Jepang sekaligus di Amerika Serikat dengan topik ini sebagai tema.
Jika mereka berhasil mengirim 5% dari agen, mereka akan mengendalikan organisasi yang tunduk pada manuver.
Manuver propaganda adalah tugas proposisi tertinggi (karena tidak ada otak lain); itu juga alami.
Soviet juga membiarkan mata-mata lewat ke negara-negara yang membentuk opini publik anti-Jepang, seperti Kanada.
Herbert Norman yang terkenal itu adalah salah satunya.
Lagi pula, ketika Lenin berhasil dalam revolusi Rusia, para intelektual di seluruh dunia, telah mengalami banyak kejutan karena titik lemahnya yang terlalu berat dengan ide atau informasi yang dimiliki oleh para intelektual.
Itu juga salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan Akutagawa Ryunosuke melakukan bunuh diri.
Misalnya, Deutscher menulis bahwa kaum intelektual dikejutkan oleh revolusi Rusia.
Seperti revolusi ideal oleh kaum buruh, revolusi Rusia menangkap keunggulan dalam studi masing-masing negara.
Mereka tidak tahu apa itu komunisme, jadi tidak heran.
Setelah perang, para intelektual Jepang mengulangi kesalahan para pemikir saat ini.
'Oiso Koiso' kemarin diungkapkan dengan jelas.
Siapa yang menyebarkan bahwa Jepang salah perang?
Konsep siapa dibuat dengan cuci otak oleh siapa?
Sebagian besar penulis pascaperang di Jepang tidak mengetahui kebenaran yang bahkan dapat dipahami oleh anak-anak taman kanak-kanak.
Sungguh kebodohan yang tinggi memberikan Hadiah Nobel kepada Kenzaburo Oe, yang juga takut menyebut dirinya seorang intelektual.
Siapa yang menyebarkan bahwa Jepang salah perang?
Ini adalah Amerika Serikat.
Siapa yang telah menyebarkan bahwa Jepang membuat perang yang salah?
Ini adalah Amerika Serikat.
Siapa yang bergantung pada cuci otak? Pencucian otak oleh Amerika Serikat.
Untuk alasan apa, untuk menyembunyikan dunia dari tindakan pembantaian paling luar biasa dalam sejarah perang bahwa manusia pergi ke 127 kota di seluruh Jepang dengan bom pembakar untuk membelokkan dunia.
Selanjutnya, untuk menyembunyikan dunia dari kejahatan paling signifikan dan terburuk di Hiroshima dan Nagasaki dalam sejarah manusia, Amerika Serikat menjadikan Jepang sebagai penjahat untuk menyembunyikannya.
Untuk itu, Amerika Serikat, Takayama Masayuki, mengatakan bahwa surat kabar Amerika awalnya banyak palsu, NY Times membuat tempa (kerja sama dengan KMT Chiang Kai-shek?).
Pembantaian Nanjing, kediktatoran Partai Komunis Tiongkok, Asahi Shimbun menulis artikel ini mengikuti dokumen Tiongkok.
Ini bekerja sama dengan propaganda Cina ini sebagian besar pada seri fitur khusus 'Perjalanan Cina' yang tersebar di seluruh dunia.
Agennya sendiri, Katsuichi Honda yang melakukan perbuatan itu tidak dihukum sebagai pengkhianat, menjadi best-seller besar, mendapat banyak uang, berwajah seperti reporter besar, mengikuti rombongan, dia dengan nyaman pergi.
Bentuk Honda kompatibel dengan Uemura Takashi, yang melanjutkan pelaporan palsu tentang wanita penghibur.
Uemura Takashi membentak Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai, yang merupakan harta karun Jepang, secara tidak masuk akal, dan dalam kasus yang melibatkan lebih dari 100 pengacara dalam persidangan yang dibuat di Pengadilan Distrik Sapporo.
Di klub koresponden Jepang, membela pria terendah Uemura Takashi dan Asahi Shimbun dan memfitnah Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai, harta karun Jepang, adalah pria tak tahu malu Italia.
China dan Semenanjung Korea memanfaatkan sikap yang diambil Amerika Serikat ini setelah perang dan terus berkembang biak.
Draf ini berlanjut.


تستفيد الصين وشبه الجزيرة الكورية من الموقف الذي اتخذته هذه الولايات المتحدة بعد الحرب

2022年03月12日 10時36分28秒 | 全般

أن القرن العشرين كان قرن الحرب ... ،
على سبيل المثال ، يختلف تمامًا عما يسمى بالأشخاص الثقافيين الذين ساهموا في عمود جريدة نيكاي بالأمس ... ،
شارك جميع البشر في البلاد بطريقة ما في الحرب.
الشعراء الذين تطوعوا للذهاب إلى ساحة المعركة وقُتلوا كان عددهم لا يحصى.
تقريبًا ، هذا طبيعي لأنه لا يوجد شيء اسمه شاعر صادق وشخص غير وطني.
ومع ذلك ، فإن ما يسمى بالمثقفين والثقافيين والمحامين الذين يمثلهم مؤلف الأمس أو موظفو NHK الذي يتحدث عن استعمار اليابان لشبه الجزيرة الكورية مختلفون.
إن جذور حب الطبيعة كمواطن ياباني مشوهة وفاسدة.
حرب خاطئة وما إلى ذلك هي مذبحة اليهود النازيين و ... ،
مجزرة بحق الأشخاص الذين أتوا بشكل متكرر من الصين وشبه الجزيرة الكورية ... ،
أو مذبحة السكان في أمريكا الجنوبية والأمريكتين.
بقلم جواسيس سوفيتية وصحيفة أساهي اليابان تخوض الحرب الصينية اليابانية الثانية ... ،
الجواسيس السوفييت الذين أقنعوا إدارة روزفلت شكلوا الرأي العام المؤيد للصين والمناهضين لليابان على الفور في الولايات المتحدة مع هذا الموضوع كموضوع.
إذا نجحوا في إرسال 5٪ من الوكيل ، فسوف يتحكمون في المنظمة التي تخضع للمناورة.
المناورة الدعائية هي مهمة الافتراض الأسمى (حيث لا توجد عقول أخرى) ؛ إنه طبيعي أيضًا.
كما سمح السوفييت للجواسيس بالمرور إلى البلدان التي شكلت رأيًا عامًا مناهضًا لليابان ، مثل كندا.
هربرت نورمان الشهير واحد منهم.
بعد كل شيء ، عندما نجح لينين في الثورة الروسية ، عانى المثقفون في جميع أنحاء العالم من الكثير من الصدمات بسبب نقطة الضعف المتمثلة في كونهم مثقلين بالأفكار أو المعلومات لدى المثقفين.
إنه أيضًا أحد العوامل التي أدت إلى انتحار أكوتاغاوا ريونوسوكي.
على سبيل المثال ، كتب دويتشر أن المثقفين صدموا بالثورة الروسية.
مثل الثورة المثالية التي قام بها العمال ، حازت الثورة الروسية على التميز في دراسة كل بلد.
لم يكونوا يعرفون ما هي الشيوعية ، لذلك فلا عجب.
ومع ذلك،
بعد الحرب ، كرر المثقفون اليابانيون أخطاء المفكرين في ذلك الوقت.
تم الكشف بوضوح عن كلمة "Oiso Koiso" أمس.
من نشر أن اليابان خاضت حربًا خاطئة؟
من الذي صنع عن طريق غسل الدماغ من قبل من؟
لم يعرف معظم كتاب ما بعد الحرب في اليابان الحقيقة التي يمكن أن يفهمها حتى أطفال رياض الأطفال.
إن منح جائزة نوبل لـ Kenzaburo Oe هو قمة الغباء ، الذي يخشى أيضًا من تسمية نفسه بالمفكر.
من نشر أن اليابان خاضت حربًا خاطئة؟
إنها الولايات المتحدة.
من انتشر أن اليابان شنت حربًا خاطئة?
إنها الولايات المتحدة.
من الذي يعتمد على غسيل المخ؟ غسيل المخ من قبل الولايات المتحدة.
لأي سبب ، لإخفاء العالم من أكثر أعمال القتل غير العادية في تاريخ الحرب ، ذهب البشر إلى 127 مدينة في جميع أنحاء اليابان بقنبلة حارقة لتشتيت انتباه العالم.
علاوة على ذلك ، لإخفاء العالم من جريمة هيروشيما وناغازاكي الأكثر أهمية وأسوأ في تاريخ البشرية ، جعلت الولايات المتحدة اليابان رجلًا شريرًا لإخفائها.
تحقيقا لهذه الغاية ، قالت الولايات المتحدة ، تاكاياما ماسايوكي ، إن الصحيفة الأمريكية كان لديها في الأصل الكثير من المنتجات المقلدة ، قامت نيويورك تايمز بتزوير (بالتعاون مع KMT Chiang Kai-shek؟).
مذبحة نانجينغ ، ديكتاتورية الحزب الشيوعي الصيني ، كتبت صحيفة أساهي شيمبون هذا المقال بعد الوثائق الصينية.
إنها تتعاون مع هذه الدعاية الصينية في جزء كبير منها في سلسلة ميزات معينة من "رحلة الصين" المنتشرة في جميع أنحاء العالم.
الوكيل نفسه ، كاتسوتشي هوندا ، الذي ارتكب الفعل ولم يعاقب كخائن ، أصبح من أكثر الكتب مبيعًا ، وحصل على أموال طائلة ، وحصل على وجه مثل مراسل كبير ، واتبع الحاشية ، وهو في وضع مريح.
يتوافق شكل هوندا مع Uemura Takashi ، الذي استمر في الإبلاغ المزيف عن نساء المتعة.
يوشيكو ساكوراي يستجيب بشكل غير معقول للسيدة يوشيكو ساكوراي ، التي تعتبر كنز اليابان ، وفي القضية التي ظهر فيها أكثر من 100 محام كمحيط في المحاكمة التي جرت في محكمة مقاطعة سابورو.
في نادي المراسلين باليابان ، الدفاع عن أدنى رجل Uemura Takashi و Asahi Shimbun والافتراء على السيدة Yoshiko Sakurai ، كنز اليابان ، هو رجل إيطاليا الوقح.
تستخدم الصين وشبه الجزيرة الكورية الموقف الذي اتخذته هذه الولايات المتحدة بعد الحرب وتستمر في التكاثر.
تستمر هذه المسودة.


China en die Koreaanse Skiereiland gebruik die houding wat hierdie Verenigde State ná die oorlog

2022年03月12日 10時33分34秒 | 全般

Dat die 20ste eeu die eeu van oorlog was ...,
Byvoorbeeld, heel anders as die sogenaamde kulturele mense wat gister bygedra het tot die rubriek van Nikkei Newspaper ...,
Alle mense in die land was op een of ander manier by die oorlog betrokke.
Digters wat vrywillig na die slagveld gaan en vermoor is, was te veel om te tel.
Ongeveer is dit natuurlik, want daar bestaan ​​nie iets soos 'n opregte digter en 'n persoon wat nie 'n patriot is nie.
Sogenaamde intellektuele, kulturele mense en prokureurs verteenwoordig deur die skrywer van gister of NHK se personeel wat praat dat Japan die Koreaanse Skiereiland gekoloniseer het, is egter anders.
Die wortel van die natuur se patriotisme as 'n Japannese burger is verwronge en vrot.
'n Verkeerde oorlog ens. is die Nazi se Joodse slagting en ...,
Bloedbad teen die mense wat herhaaldelik van China en die Koreaanse Skiereiland gekom het ...,
Of die slagting van inwoners in Suid-Amerika en die Amerikas.
Deur Sowjet-spioene en die koerant Asahi is Japan besig om die Tweede Sino-Japannese oorlog vas te val ...,
Sowjet-spioene wat die Roosevelt-administrasie gelok het, het die publieke opinie van pro-China · anti-Japan dadelik in die Verenigde State gevorm met hierdie onderwerp as 'n tema.
As hulle 5% van die agent suksesvol stuur, sal hulle die organisasie beheer onderhewig aan maneuvering.
Propaganda-maneuvering is die taak van die hoogste stelling (aangesien daar geen ander breine is nie); dit is ook natuurlik.
Die Sowjets het ook die spioene laat deurgaan na lande wat die openbare mening anti-Japannese gevorm het, soos Kanada.
Daardie bekende Herbert Norman is een van hulle.
Toe Lenin in die Russiese rewolusie geslaag het, het intellektuele regoor die wêreld immers baie skokke gely as gevolg van die swak punt om topswaar te wees met idees of inligting wat intellektuele het.
Dit is ook een faktor dat Akutagawa Ryunosuke selfmoord gepleeg het.
Deutscher het byvoorbeeld geskryf dat intellektuele geskok is deur die Russiese rewolusie.
Soos die ideale revolusie deur die werkers, het die Russiese revolusie die uitnemendheid in die studie van elke land vasgevang.
Hulle het nie geweet wat kommunisme is nie, so dit is geen wonder nie.
Na die oorlog het Japannese intellektuele die foute van denkers in hierdie tyd herhaal.
Dit gister se 'Oiso Koiso' het duidelik onthul.
Wie het versprei dat Japan 'n verkeerde oorlog gehad het?
Wie se konsep is gemaak deur breinspoeling deur wie?
Die meeste naoorlogse skrywers in Japan het nie die waarheid geweet wat selfs kleuterskoolkinders kon verstaan ​​nie.
Dit is die hoogtepunt van onnoselheid om die Nobelprys aan Kenzaburo Oe te gee, wat ook bang is om homself 'n intellektueel te noem.
Wie het versprei dat Japan 'n verkeerde oorlog gehad het?
Dit is die Verenigde State.
Wie het versprei dat Japan 'n verkeerde oorlog gemaak het?
Dit is die Verenigde State.
Wie is afhanklik van breinspoeling? Die breinspoeling deur die Verenigde State.
Om watter rede, om die wêreld te verberg van die mees buitengewone slagtings van die oorlogsgeskiedenis dat mense deur 'n brandbom na 127 stede regoor Japan gegaan het om die wêreld te keer.
Verder, om die wêreld te verberg vir Hiroshima en Nagasaki se mees betekenisvolle en ergste misdaad in die menslike geskiedenis, het die Verenigde State van Japan 'n skurk man gemaak om dit te verberg.
Vir daardie doel het die Verenigde State, Takayama Masayuki, gesê die Amerikaanse koerant het oorspronklik baie namaaksels gehad, NY Times het 'n smee gemaak (samewerking met KMT Chiang Kai-shek?).
Die Nanjing-slagting, die Chinese Kommunistiese Party-diktatuur, die Asahi Shimbun het hierdie artikel geskryf na aanleiding van die Chinese dokumente.
Dit werk grootliks saam met hierdie Chinese propaganda oor die besondere reeks van 'Journey of China' wat oor die hele wêreld versprei is.
Die agent self, Katsuichi Honda, wat die daad gedoen het, is nie as 'n verraaier gestraf nie, het 'n groot topverkoper geword, massiewe kontant gekry, 'n gesig soos 'n groot verslaggewer gekry, die gevolg gevolg, hy is gemaklik weg.
Honda se vorm is versoenbaar met Uemura Takashi, wat voortgegaan het om vals verslag te doen oor troosvroue.
Uemura Takashi snap me. Yoshiko Sakurai, wat die Japannese skat is, onredelik, en in die saak dat meer as 100 prokureurs as omgewing verskyn het in die verhoor wat in die Sapporo-distrikshof gemaak is.
In Japan se korrespondentklub is die verdediging van die laagste ou Uemura Takashi en die Asahi Shimbun en die beswaddering van me. Yoshiko Sakurai, 'n skat van Japan, Italië se skaamtelose ou.
China en die Koreaanse Skiereiland gebruik die houding wat hierdie Verenigde State ná die oorlog ingeneem het en gaan voort om te vermeerder.
Hierdie konsep gaan voort.


It is a popular page yesterday on ameba 2022/3/12

2022年03月12日 10時29分34秒 | 全般






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Stand on the principle that Japan will protect J



























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उन्होंने दिखाया कि अपने देश से प्यार करने का मतल



niciunul dintre elevi nu știa despre asta



V Japonsku musí být Winston Churchill.














It is a popular page yesterday 2022/3/12

2022年03月12日 10時20分25秒 | 全般




Ministerpräsident Kishida sollte aus der Ukraine-Krise lernen


It is no time to say, The three non-nuclear principles are our national policy.


Le Premier ministre Kishida devrait tirer les leçons de la crise ukrainienne


Top 10 real-time searches, 2022/3/11, 8:42


Top 10 real-time searches, 2022/3/11, 7:09


प्रधानमंत्री किशिदा को यूक्रेन संकट से सीख लेनी चाहिए


Premierminister Kishida bør lære af Ukraine-krisen


Dapat Matuto si Punong Ministro Kishida mula sa Krisis sa Ukraine


none of the students knew about it


ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨ ਮੰਤਰੀ ਕਿਸ਼ਿਦਾ ਨੂੰ ਯੂਕਰੇਨ ਸੰਕਟ ਤੋਂ ਸਿੱਖਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ

يجب أن يتعلم رئيس الوزراء كيشيدا من أزمة أوكرانيا


Başbakan Kişida Ukrayna Krizinden Ders Çıkarmalı


kukaan oppilaista ei tiennyt siitä


Pääministeri Kishidan pitäisi ottaa oppia Ukrainan kriisistä




Premiér Kishida by sa mal poučiť z ukrajinskej krízy


Thủ tướng Kishida nên học hỏi từ cuộc khủng hoảng Ukraine


Il primo ministro Kishida dovrebbe imparare dalla crisi ucraina


ingen af eleverne vidste om det


никто из учеников не знал об этом


tiada seorang pun pelajar yang mengetahuinya


Prime Minister Kishida Should Learn from the Ukraine Crisis


Can China Let Go of the Axis of Evil?




Premiärminister Kishida borde lära sig av Ukrainakrisen


Prim-ministrul Kishida ar trebui să învețe din criza din Ucraina


Keiner der Schüler wusste davon


Perdana Menteri Kishida Harus Belajar daripada Krisis Ukraine


기시다 총리는 우크라이나 위기에서 배워야 한다


นายกรัฐมนตรี กิชิดะ ควรเรียนรู้จากวิกฤตในยูเครน


O primeiro-ministro Kishida deve aprender com a crise na Ucrânia


학생들 중 아무도 그것에 대해 알지 못했다


ninguno de los estudiantes lo sabía


El primer ministro Kishida debería aprender de la crisis de Ucrania


لم يعرف أي من الطلاب عنها


Eerste Minister Kishida behoort uit die Oekraïne-krisis te leer


niciunul dintre elevi nu știa despre asta


nenhum dos alunos sabia disso


Perdana Menteri Kishida Harus Belajar dari Krisis Ukraina


aucun des élèves n'était au courant


ਕਿਸੇ ਵੀ ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀ ਨੂੰ ਇਸ ਬਾਰੇ ਪਤਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਸੀ


nessuno degli studenti lo sapeva


ingen av eleverna visste om det


không ai trong số học sinh biết về nó


Премьер-министр Кисида должен извлечь уроки из украинского кризиса


Top 50 searches for the past week 2022/3/11




tidak ada siswa yang tahu tentang itu


ora ana siswa sing ngerti


Top 50 searches for the past week 2022/3/12

2022年03月12日 10時15分02秒 | 全般












When the person visits China, we will bring "a souvenir" to make the person happy






Gli esperti giapponesi sbattono le Olimpiadi... Silenzio sulle Olimpiadi di Pechino




The starving people of Korea were selling their young daughters to Chinese smugglers




it is rare to find a country with no nationality or racial discrimination as in Japan


There is no need for Japan and South Korea to discuss in advance...It's the Edo period








Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/5, 19:40


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/6, 19:31


アメーバでの公式ハッシュタグランクイン記事一覧 2022/3/5


Pseudo-Pacifism Endangering Japan.




Top 50 searches for the past week 2022/3/5






it begins to distance itself from Russia in fear of Putin's failure and sinking


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/7, 15:06






Top 50 searches for the past week 2022/3/9


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/6, 11:39



He showed that loving one's country means risking one's life to protect it.


Det må være en Winston Churchill i Japan.


Pseudo-pacifismul pune în pericol Japonia.


息子ハンターヘの利益供与が疑われるガス会社(ブリスマホールディングス)の調査を始めたウクライナ検察総長(Viktor Shokin)を、軍事支援を「人質」にして罷免させていた


Der må være en Winston Churchill i Japan.


Es ist selten, ein Land ohne Nationalität oder Rassendiskriminierung wie in Japan zu finden


Ukrainian citizens of Melitopol resolutely confront Russian soldiers without fear of menacing fire


文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2022/3/6




V Japonsku musí byť Winston Churchill.


Det måste finnas en Winston Churchill i Japan.


It is a popular page yesterday 2022/3/5



It has made Putin and Xi Jinping, who are nothing more than gangster bosses, grow presumptuous.


Deve haver um Winston Churchill no Japão.


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/7, 11:47


the administration itself is a liar, everything they say lies. A regime built on lies.


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/9, 14:16


Ministerpräsident Kishida sollte aus der Ukraine-Krise lernen


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/5, 23:50


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/12, 9:31

2022年03月12日 09時31分47秒 | 全般


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/12, 8:10


China and the Korean Peninsula utilize the attitude that this United States took after the war


文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2022/3/12




then possessing nuclear weapons is the time to be free from the danger of invasion.


If abandoning nuclear weapons is the time to be prepared for an invasion by another country,


Can China Let Go of the Axis of Evil?




Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/11, 21:44





2022年03月12日 09時26分16秒 | 全般

「水際対策緩和 入国も困窮の外国人留学生に10万円支給決定 政府」に国民の怒り爆発/

China and the Korean Peninsula utilize the attitude that this United States took after the war

2022年03月12日 09時21分28秒 | 全般

That the 20th century was the century of war ...,
For example, quite different from the so-called cultural people who contributed to the column of Nikkei Newspaper yesterday ...,
All humans in the country were somehow involved in the war.
Poets who volunteered to go to the battlefield and were killed were too many to count.
Approximately, it is natural because there is no such thing as a truthful poet and a person who is not a patriot.
However, so-called intellectuals, cultural people, and lawyers represented by the author of yesterday or NHK's staff who speaks that Japan has colonized the Korean Peninsula are different.
The root of nature's patriotism as a Japanese citizen is distorted and rotten.
A wrong war etc. is the Nazi's Jewish slaughter and ...,
Massacre against the people who repeatedly came from China and the Korean Peninsula ...,
Or the massacre of inhabitants in South America and the Americas.
By Soviet spies and Asahi newspaper Japan is bogging down Second Sino-Japanese War ...,
Soviet spies who had coaxed the Roosevelt administration formed the public opinion of pro-China · anti-Japan at once in the United States with this subject as a theme.
If they successfully send 5% of the agent, they will control the organization subject to maneuvering.  
Propaganda maneuvering is the task of the supreme proposition (since there are no other brains); it is also natural.
The Soviets also let the spies pass through to countries that formed public opinion anti-Japanese, such as Canada.
That famous Herbert Norman is one of them.
After all, when Lenin succeeded in the Russian revolution, intellectuals around the globe, have suffered a lot of shocks due to the weak point of being top-heavy with ideas or information intellectuals have.
It is also one factor that Akutagawa Ryunosuke committed suicide.
For example, Deutscher wrote that intellectuals were shocked by the Russian revolution.
Like the ideal revolution by the workers, the Russian revolution caught the excellence in the study of each country.
They didn't know what communism was, so it's no wonder.
After the war, Japanese intellectuals repeated the mistakes of thinkers at this time.
That yesterday's 'Oiso Koiso' disclosed distinctly.
Who disseminated that Japan had a wrong war?
Whose concept was made by brainwashing by whom?
Most postwar writers in Japan didn't know the truth that even kindergarten children could understand.
It is the height of stupidity to give the Nobel Prize to Kenzaburo Oe, who is also afraid to call himself an intellectual.
Who disseminated that Japan had a wrong war?
It is the United States.
Who has spread that Japan made a wrong war?
It is the United States.
Who depends on brainwashing? The brainwashing by the United States.
For what reason, to conceal the world from the most extraordinary slaughter acts of war history that human beings went to 127 cities throughout Japan by an incendiary bomb to deflect the world.
Furthermore, to hide the world from Hiroshima and Nagasaki's most significant and worst crime in human history, the United States made Japan a villain man to conceal it.
To that end, the United States, Takayama Masayuki, said the American newspaper originally had a lot of fakes, NY Times made a forge (cooperation with KMT Chiang Kai-shek?).
The Nanjing massacre, the Chinese Communist Party dictatorship, the Asahi Shimbun wrote this article following the Chinese documents.
It is cooperating with this Chinese propaganda in large part on the particular feature series of 'Journey of China' spread across the world.
The agent itself, Katsuichi Honda, who did the act did not get punished as a traitor, became a big best-seller, got massive cash, got a face like a big reporter, followed the entourage, he is comfortably off.
Honda's form is compatible with Uemura Takashi, who continued fake reporting of comfort women.
Uemura Takashi snaps at Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai, who is the Japanese treasure, unreasonably, and in the case that more than 100 attorneys appeared as surroundings in the trial made in Sapporo District Court.
In Japan correspondent club, defending the lowest guy Uemura Takashi and the Asahi Shimbun and slandering Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai, a treasure of Japan, is Italy's shameless guy.
China and the Korean Peninsula utilize the attitude that this United States took after the war and continue to multiply.
This draft continues.


文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2022/3/12

2022年03月12日 08時54分57秒 | 全般

文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事

  1. 日本軍があまりにも強すぎた…圧倒的な物量を誇った当時の世界最強の国である米国の軍隊は骨身にしみて思った事だろう。
  2. Ministerpräsident Kishida sollte aus der Ukraine-Krise lernen
  3. It is no time to say, The three non-nuclear principles are our national policy.
  4. Le Premier ministre Kishida devrait tirer les leçons de la crise ukrainienne
  5. Top 10 real-time searches, 2022/3/11, 8:42
  6. Top 10 real-time searches, 2022/3/11, 7:09
  7. प्रधानमंत्री किशिदा को यूक्रेन संकट से सीख लेनी चाहिए
  8. Premierminister Kishida bør lære af Ukraine-krisen
  9. Dapat Matuto si Punong Ministro Kishida mula sa Krisis sa Ukraine
  10. none of the students knew about it


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/12, 8:10

2022年03月12日 08時11分05秒 | 全般


then possessing nuclear weapons is the time to be free from the danger of invasion.


If abandoning nuclear weapons is the time to be prepared for an invasion by another country,






egyik diák sem tudott róla




Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/11, 21:44


يجب أن يتعلم رئيس الوزراء كيشيدا من أزمة أوكرانيا


Can China Let Go of the Axis of Evil?


Le Premier ministre Kishida devrait tirer les leçons de la crise ukrainienne


then possessing nuclear weapons is the time to be free from the danger of invasion.

2022年03月12日 02時03分40秒 | 全般

The following is from an article by Hiroshi Yuasa that appeared in today's Sankei Shimbun titled, Can China Let Go of the "Axis of Evil?
Hiroshi Yuasa is a real journalist.
This article is a must-read for the Japanese people and people worldwide.

This past February, a giant tapestry reproduction of Picasso's "Guernica" was once again hung on the wall in front of the Security Council Chamber at U.N. Headquarters.
Guernica, Picasso's masterpiece, is based on the tragedy of the indiscriminate bombing by German troops of a town in the Basque Country in northern Spain during the civil war in April 1937.
The hellish scenes of a woman struggling in flames and a mother screaming as she holds her infant child in her arms seem to reflect the current devastation in Ukraine.
Russian President Vladimir Putin attacked Ukraine with tanks and missiles, saying he would not attack Ukraine, and bombed mid-to-high-rise housing and schools. He said he would only target military installations.
The tragedy of "Guernica II" and its supporters
The carnage involving civilians, which Picasso detested, occurred in the 21st century as the tragedy of "Guernica II.
Still, in the capital city of Kyiv, where the sound of bombs still echoed, she said, "I will defend my homeland. This land is all that matters," said a 26-year-old woman, and her words struck me.
It is the kind of love for one's the homeland and sense of mission that the Japanese people have lost since the end of World War II.
At an emergency special session on March 2, the U.N. General Assembly adopted a resolution condemning Russia for violating its territory and independence by force, deeming the attack on Ukraine an "aggression" in violation of the UN Charter.
One hundred and forty-one countries, including Japan, the United States, and Europe, favored the resolution. In comparison, five countries, including Russia, opposed it and 35 countries, including China and India, abstained.
China, in particular, refuses to describe the attack on Ukraine by Russia, with which it has entered into a "new axis" relationship, as "aggression.
China's foreign policy has been based on the "Five Principles of Peace," which then-Premier Zhou Enlai set forth after the country's founding. It has been based on the principle that it will never support infringements on the sovereignty of other countries or interference in their internal affairs.
It should have been this principle that led it not to recognize Russia's 2014 annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in southern Ukraine.
Under President Xi Jinping, however, territorial ambitions have prevailed over the principle of defending sovereignty.
He blatantly pursues this ambition in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, violates India's borders, and exerts pressure on democratically governed Taiwan from the air and sea.
Why not condemn Russian "aggression"?
According to Radiopress, at a February 24 press conference at the Chinese Foreign Ministry, a foreign reporter and spokesperson, Hua Chunying, exchanged sparks over this definition of "aggression."
A reporter from the AFP news agency asked, "Do you think it is acceptable to invade another country if you attack only military targets?
Hua Chunying expressed discomfort and confusion that "the definition of aggression should return to the starting point of handling the current situation in Ukraine." Ukraine "has a complicated historical background, and this aspect The change is not something everyone wants to see. "
Her remark was indecisive.
In terms of definitions under international law, "invasion" is an attack on the power or territory of an opponent without regard to its purpose, whereas "aggression" is the unilateral deprivation by force of sovereignty, region, or independence.
Thus, the attack on Ukraine by Russian forces is a clear act of aggression that violates sovereignty and independence.
A Reuters reporter further asked, "So, do you support the invasion?" to which Hua expressed frustration, saying, "I don't like that way of asking questions.
Hua stated that "the Chinese side is not a party to this and has consistently called for a settlement," but China has purchased large quantities of Russian energy and wheat behind the scenes.
The exclusion of major Russian financial institutions from the International Society for Interbank Financial China has also left room for a "loophole" by excluding major Russian financial institutions from SWIFT, an international payment network operated by Japan, the U.S., and Europe.
Strategic Interests in Opposing the U.S.
Later, when Vladimir Putin made his "nuclear threats," the world understood how dangerous a "wounded bear" could be.
With the specter of "the fall of Kyiv" looming, the Group of Seven (G7) industrialized powers united in a confrontation with Russia, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the world's largest international organization, was formed. NATO has been drawn back to its original strategy of Russian containment.
Only China has not yet relinquished its "new pivot" of Sino-Russian cooperation to counter the United States' strategic interest.
In the midst of all this, a shocking report in the March 3 edition of the New York Times (U.S.) claimed that Chinese officials had asked Russia in early February not to invade Ukraine until after the Beijing Winter Olympics.
The Western intelligence report on which it is based suggests that the Chinese authorities were aware of Russia's plans and intentions before Mouthshire attacked Ukraine.
Beijing immediately denied this.
The "early February" date coincides with Putin's visit to Beijing in the face of a Western diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Olympics.
He and Xi had put together an unusually lengthy joint statement, pivoting on "China and Russia defending each other's core interests."
China and Russia recognized that they had entered a new era, oozing the theory of the decline of the U.S., saying that "the world has become multipolar and there is a power shift.
With the U.S. in mind, they also wrote that they would "eliminate interference by outside powers" and oppose "further expansion of NATO.
They went further to say that "the friendship between our two countries has no limits, and there are no prohibited areas for cooperation.
From the perspective of Western society, this can only be seen as the establishment of an "axis of evil" aimed at the destruction of the liberal international order. 
A plan to avoid double suicide with Russia and to ride on the winning horse
Even if Ukraine is an economic partner for China, which has invested heavily in Ukraine, China believes that China-Russia relations should be prioritized to compete with the United States.
To counter the U.S. defense of Taiwan, they believe it is essential to disperse their power from the "Asian front" in the Western Pacific to the "European front" in Eastern Europe.
Nevertheless, they cannot afford to be complicit in the invasion of Ukraine and end up in a heart-to-heart with Russia.
While accusing the West of stirring up the Russian threat, he remains in the position of calling for the situation to be calmed down as soon as possible.
China will be able to determine the consequences of the war and ride a winning horse.
For Japan, a liberal nation adjacent to the pivots of China and Russia, the lesson of the Ukrainian war is that as long as the dictator thinks "power is justice," both the treaty and the memorandum can be scrapped.
The 1994 Budapest Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was a security guarantee pledged by the U.S., Britain, and Russia to Ukraine, which gained independence when the Soviet Union collapsed.
As a result, Ukraine returned all of its nuclear weapons to Russia by 1996.
Russia had rendered the memorandum dead with its annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014.
If abandoning nuclear weapons is the time to be prepared for an invasion by another country, then possessing nuclear weapons is the time to be free from the danger of invasion.


If abandoning nuclear weapons is the time to be prepared for an invasion by another country,

2022年03月12日 02時02分22秒 | 全般

The following is from an article by Hiroshi Yuasa that appeared in today's Sankei Shimbun titled, Can China Let Go of the "Axis of Evil?
Hiroshi Yuasa is a real journalist.
This article is a must-read for the Japanese people and people worldwide.

This past February, a giant tapestry reproduction of Picasso's "Guernica" was once again hung on the wall in front of the Security Council Chamber at U.N. Headquarters.
Guernica, Picasso's masterpiece, is based on the tragedy of the indiscriminate bombing by German troops of a town in the Basque Country in northern Spain during the civil war in April 1937.
The hellish scenes of a woman struggling in flames and a mother screaming as she holds her infant child in her arms seem to reflect the current devastation in Ukraine.
Russian President Vladimir Putin attacked Ukraine with tanks and missiles, saying he would not attack Ukraine, and bombed mid-to-high-rise housing and schools. He said he would only target military installations.
The tragedy of "Guernica II" and its supporters
The carnage involving civilians, which Picasso detested, occurred in the 21st century as the tragedy of "Guernica II.
Still, in the capital city of Kyiv, where the sound of bombs still echoed, she said, "I will defend my homeland. This land is all that matters," said a 26-year-old woman, and her words struck me.
It is the kind of love for one's the homeland and sense of mission that the Japanese people have lost since the end of World War II.
At an emergency special session on March 2, the U.N. General Assembly adopted a resolution condemning Russia for violating its territory and independence by force, deeming the attack on Ukraine an "aggression" in violation of the UN Charter.
One hundred and forty-one countries, including Japan, the United States, and Europe, favored the resolution. In comparison, five countries, including Russia, opposed it and 35 countries, including China and India, abstained.
China, in particular, refuses to describe the attack on Ukraine by Russia, with which it has entered into a "new axis" relationship, as "aggression.
China's foreign policy has been based on the "Five Principles of Peace," which then-Premier Zhou Enlai set forth after the country's founding. It has been based on the principle that it will never support infringements on the sovereignty of other countries or interference in their internal affairs.
It should have been this principle that led it not to recognize Russia's 2014 annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in southern Ukraine.
Under President Xi Jinping, however, territorial ambitions have prevailed over the principle of defending sovereignty.
He blatantly pursues this ambition in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, violates India's borders, and exerts pressure on democratically governed Taiwan from the air and sea.
Why not condemn Russian "aggression"?
According to Radiopress, at a February 24 press conference at the Chinese Foreign Ministry, a foreign reporter and spokesperson, Hua Chunying, exchanged sparks over this definition of "aggression."
A reporter from the AFP news agency asked, "Do you think it is acceptable to invade another country if you attack only military targets?
Hua Chunying expressed discomfort and confusion that "the definition of aggression should return to the starting point of handling the current situation in Ukraine." Ukraine "has a complicated historical background, and this aspect The change is not something everyone wants to see. "
Her remark was indecisive.
In terms of definitions under international law, "invasion" is an attack on the power or territory of an opponent without regard to its purpose, whereas "aggression" is the unilateral deprivation by force of sovereignty, region, or independence.
Thus, the attack on Ukraine by Russian forces is a clear act of aggression that violates sovereignty and independence.
A Reuters reporter further asked, "So, do you support the invasion?" to which Hua expressed frustration, saying, "I don't like that way of asking questions.
Hua stated that "the Chinese side is not a party to this and has consistently called for a settlement," but China has purchased large quantities of Russian energy and wheat behind the scenes.
The exclusion of major Russian financial institutions from the International Society for Interbank Financial China has also left room for a "loophole" by excluding major Russian financial institutions from SWIFT, an international payment network operated by Japan, the U.S., and Europe.
Strategic Interests in Opposing the U.S.
Later, when Vladimir Putin made his "nuclear threats," the world understood how dangerous a "wounded bear" could be.
With the specter of "the fall of Kyiv" looming, the Group of Seven (G7) industrialized powers united in a confrontation with Russia, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the world's largest international organization, was formed. NATO has been drawn back to its original strategy of Russian containment.
Only China has not yet relinquished its "new pivot" of Sino-Russian cooperation to counter the United States' strategic interest.
In the midst of all this, a shocking report in the March 3 edition of the New York Times (U.S.) claimed that Chinese officials had asked Russia in early February not to invade Ukraine until after the Beijing Winter Olympics.
The Western intelligence report on which it is based suggests that the Chinese authorities were aware of Russia's plans and intentions before Mouthshire attacked Ukraine.
Beijing immediately denied this.
The "early February" date coincides with Putin's visit to Beijing in the face of a Western diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Olympics.
He and Xi had put together an unusually lengthy joint statement, pivoting on "China and Russia defending each other's core interests."
China and Russia recognized that they had entered a new era, oozing the theory of the decline of the U.S., saying that "the world has become multipolar and there is a power shift.
With the U.S. in mind, they also wrote that they would "eliminate interference by outside powers" and oppose "further expansion of NATO.
They went further to say that "the friendship between our two countries has no limits, and there are no prohibited areas for cooperation.
From the perspective of Western society, this can only be seen as the establishment of an "axis of evil" aimed at the destruction of the liberal international order. 
A plan to avoid double suicide with Russia and to ride on the winning horse
Even if Ukraine is an economic partner for China, which has invested heavily in Ukraine, China believes that China-Russia relations should be prioritized to compete with the United States.
To counter the U.S. defense of Taiwan, they believe it is essential to disperse their power from the "Asian front" in the Western Pacific to the "European front" in Eastern Europe.
Nevertheless, they cannot afford to be complicit in the invasion of Ukraine and end up in a heart-to-heart with Russia.
While accusing the West of stirring up the Russian threat, he remains in the position of calling for the situation to be calmed down as soon as possible.
China will be able to determine the consequences of the war and ride a winning horse.
For Japan, a liberal nation adjacent to the pivots of China and Russia, the lesson of the Ukrainian war is that as long as the dictator thinks "power is justice," both the treaty and the memorandum can be scrapped.
The 1994 Budapest Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was a security guarantee pledged by the U.S., Britain, and Russia to Ukraine, which gained independence when the Soviet Union collapsed.
As a result, Ukraine returned all of its nuclear weapons to Russia by 1996.
Russia had rendered the memorandum dead with its annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014.
If abandoning nuclear weapons is the time to be prepared for an invasion by another country, then possessing nuclear weapons is the time to be free from the danger of invasion.